» Agnia Ditkovskite: “I thought Lesha and I would never be able to forgive each other. Agnia Ditkovskite: “I have a man with whom I feel absolutely protected. What are you talking about?! Congratulations

Agnia Ditkovskite: “I thought Lesha and I would never be able to forgive each other. Agnia Ditkovskite: “I have a man with whom I feel absolutely protected. What are you talking about?! Congratulations

In this regard, the actors told OK! about their relationships, divorce, fear of losing a child and about spending time together after breaking up.

The actors got married in 2012. Then Agnia was 23 years old, and Alexey was 30 years old.

“I was so young. Time flies very quickly, you don’t even have time to realize it. In your heart, it’s like you’re still the same child, only different events happen, something happens to you, but you just can’t accept the fact that you’re growing up.”, - admitted Ditkovskite.

Chadov, on the contrary, stated that he began to behave like an adult in his marriage, especially with the birth of his son Fyodor.

“I now have a responsibility on a global scale - this is a son, a boy, a man, my heir, who needs to be raised, to whom a lot needs to be explained and told. I'm talking mainly about spiritual things, about family values. Raising a good person is important to me.".

After the divorce, Alexey became a dad who comes and goes. But the actor tries to do everything so as not to deprive the child of attention.

“Firstly, my son spends a lot of time with me, and if I am free, I devote all my time to him. And secondly, it is important to understand that at his age, his mother is still more necessary and important. And this is felt, and I am completely calm about this. If you want to see your mother, please. As a boy, I understand him. Even at the age of thirteen, I asked: “Mom, lie with me, give me a massage.” This cannot be contradicted here under any circumstances. And we build our relationship in such a way that the boy feels comfortable. We, of course, are adults, we will figure out what and how. We go on vacation together, but some people find it very strange.”, - said Chadov.

Agnia admitted that she and Alexey went through a thorny path in their relationship.

“We, like all young couples, separated several times to think about how to continue living. We separated after three years of marriage for about a year, then got back together, then broke up, got back together and immediately got married.”.

About the difficulties that the actors faced when breaking up.

“We had a small child. I myself grew up without a father, and for me the integrity of the family is the most important factor. Therefore, in order to come to this easy and seemingly cheerful feast, like now at your home, Agnia and I went through a lot. I’ll tell you about myself: this situation has battered me, of course. But, of course, there are more serious stories when children really suffer, when parents categorically do not accept each other and their relatives are constantly fighting among themselves. There are a lot of such examples", - said Chadov.

“On the other hand, when is separation simple? When does it not bother you, when does it not touch you? Especially when you understand that there really was love, and, probably, it was so strong and real that, apparently, you will never experience anything like it again. I’m talking about myself now, about the emotions that I experienced with Lyosha. You know, when you meet a person and you don’t have questions like “who is he?”, “what is he?”, “how much does he earn?” You just met him, fell in love and walk hand in hand with him. This is a problem, probably, because now I’m looking for no less emotions.”, - admitted Ditkovskite.

About relationships after divorce.

“Our relationship is good, wonderful, human. I am proud of Fyodor’s mother, she is a good mother, and she is growing in this title, so to speak. So we have an excellent relationship, the only thing is that we are such an American model of a family.”, - noted Alexey.

Chadov also told how his new woman feels about the fact that he goes on vacation with his ex-wife and child.

“With understanding. I'm not doing this for myself. I have no interest in resting for myself at all. But for my son, for my family... I see how happy my son and mother are together, and I get great pleasure from it.”.

The former spouses were unable to formulate the reason for their separation, but emphasize that there was too much outside attention in their relationship.

About how we got into the “Allies” project at STS.

“Fatima, one of the producers of the show, said that on some website she saw a photo of us together with the headline “The couple united for the sake of the child” (we vacationed together in Italy), and this was the slogan of the future program”, - said Ditkovskite.

About the project.

“The idea is that divorced couples are fighting among themselves to earn ten million rubles for their children, which they can spend when the children turn eighteen. This is something like “The Last Hero,” that is, there are quite tough physical tests that ex-husbands and wives must go through together. Filming took place in Sri Lanka for three months. Many arrived simply on terrible terms, literally hating each other; at first they couldn’t even see each other, let alone talk.”, - said Agnia.

“In my opinion, this is a very original reality show. First of all, it is associated with real emotions; it cannot be played or imitated. It's interesting to watch. There were couples who lived together for more than ten years, then divorced, and now they meet again, in the name of the child, in these Spartan conditions to undergo tests that only close people can withstand. Moreover, their children remained in Russia and they could only communicate by phone according to a schedule. All the heroes are not actors, they do not know how to play to an audience. I've seen forty-year-old men cry. This, of course, is worth a lot.", - said Chadov.

According to the actors, after the divorce, both were afraid of losing the child. Alexei thought that Agnia would not allow him to see Fedya, and she suspected that Chadov wanted to take her son away from her. Having survived this crisis, the actors sorted out their relationship and even worked together.

“My friend, producer Albert Moginov, and I conceived the idea of ​​a performance. The problem was the actress. Everyone who wanted to be invited was busy at that time, and the play had to be released in any case. And so we sat down one day - we were thinking, and suddenly Albert said: what if I propose to your ex-wife? I then thought it was a good idea. Firstly, Agnia is suitable for this role, and secondly, it is a story about a young couple on the verge of divorce. In general, everything worked out. Agnia just had some free time, and she agreed.”, - said Alexey.

“We had already been through a lot by this time. And it has always been easy for us to work together. And I won’t lie, I understood that Fedya would be able to go on tour with us and see mom and dad together. So in this sense I am a selfish person.".

Agnia Olegovna Ditkovskite is one of the most spectacular actresses in Russian cinema. Is of Lithuanian origin. Over her ten-year career, Agnia Ditkovskite has starred in more than thirty films. She amazes the audience not only with her talent, but also with her stunning beauty.

Agnia Ditkovskite has incredible charisma. Her performance can hook and hold the viewer until the very end. The charm of Agnia Ditkovskite is off the charts. People want to watch her, and fans are looking forward to films with her participation. All of Agnia Ditkovskite’s works receive fairly high marks from viewers and film critics.

Agnia Ditkovskite is one of the hottest actresses in Russian cinema. According to ratings from men's magazines, she is one of the ten sexiest film actresses. This contributes to the fact that some men's print publications invite her to appear for magazines in, so to speak, candid form.

Agnia Ditkovskite is a fairly young actress, but she has already earned the recognition and love of the audience. Many people want to know information about her biography and personal life.

Actress Agnia Ditkovskite has incredible beauty. She has a huge army of fans who want to know almost everything about their idol. The request “Agniya Ditkovskite – photos in her youth and now” often appears on the Internet. Also, fans are interested in physical data, including height, weight, age. How old is Agnia Ditkovskite? This is a fairly common question. The answer to this is very easy to find on the Internet.

Agnia Ditkovskite is 174 centimeters tall and weighs only 54 kilograms. Now the young actress is 29 years old. It can be seen that Agnia Ditkovskite has model data. Although she does not have to go on long, exhausting diets. Agnia Ditkovskite tries to eat right. It is also known that the actress does not play sports, but prefers to do home exercises in her free time.

According to the zodiac sign of Agnia Ditkovskite - Taurus, according to the eastern calendar - dragon. Perhaps this is why the character shows stubbornness, perseverance and determination.

Biography and personal life of Agnia Ditkovskite

The biography and personal life of Agnia Ditkovskite is of interest to every admirer of her work.

The future actress was born on a sunny May 11, 1988 in the capital of the Lithuanian SSR - Vilnius. Her father is Olgas Ditkovis, a famous Lithuanian director. Mother - Tatyana Lyutaeva, an actress with a long list of film and theater works. The young actress is not the only child in the family. Agnia Ditkovskite has a younger brother, Dominik Ramanauskas.

The actress spent her childhood in Lithuania. She lived there until she was 15 years old. Later, when the actress’s parents divorced, in 2004 Agniya Ditkovskite, along with her brother Dominik Ramanauskos and mother Tatyana Lyutaeva, moved to live in Moscow. After graduating from school, the young actress decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents, mostly her mother. In 2006, she entered the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography in the acting department. However, in my first year I decided to quit studying.

Agnia Ditkovskite has not yet received higher education. However, she successfully acts in films. The film “Heat” is the debut film of the actress, where she received the main role of Nastya. Agnia Ditkovskite played very well, so they began to invite her to other film projects. So, after the film “Heat”, actress Agniya Ditkovskite starred in three more films this year. To date, her filmography consists of more than 30 films: “Signs of Love”, “Death by Will”, “Alpinist” - these are just some of the films with the participation of Agnia Ditkovskite.

The actress also starred in the Ukrainian film “Rejection.” To date, this film has become the most successful in Agnia Ditkovskite’s career.

In addition to filming films, Agniya Ditkovskite starred in singer Alexey Chumakov’s video for the song “Here and There”. She also sang the song “Planes” in a duet with Roma Kenga, after which they began to be credited with having an affair. A little later she starred in an advertisement for Danissimo yogurt and took part in various television shows. For example, in 2010 she participated in the “Ice and Fire” project. Her partner was the famous figure skater Povilas Vanagas. And in 2015 she took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars” together with Evgeniy Raev.

During her successful career, Agniya Ditkovskite received such prestigious awards as the MTV Russia Music Award in 2008 and the MUZ-TV Award in 2012.

Little is known about Agnia Ditkovskite’s personal life. The actress practically does not communicate on this topic. But, thanks to her external beauty, it is unlikely that Agnia Ditkovskite experienced a lack of male attention. Despite this, the actress’s personal life cannot be called stormy. It is known that she was married once.

Family and children of Agnia Ditkovskite

As mentioned earlier, Agnia Ditkovskite’s father is a talented Lithuanian director, Olegas Ditkoivs. The actress's parents met during their student years, fell in love and got married. Their marriage lasted about 15 years, after which they decided to finally divorce.

And here Agnia Ditkovskite repeats the fate of her parents. The actress met and separated twice with her first and only husband Alexei Chadov. In their marriage they had a son, Fedor.

Now Agnia Ditkovskite’s family and children are the most significant in the actress’s life. The actress’s children and husband currently live in Moscow.

Son of Agnia Ditkovskite - Fyodor Chadov

The son of Agnia Ditkovskite is Fyodor Chadov, the first and only child in the actress’s marriage to Alexei Chadov. The boy was born in June 2014. Fedor is growing up as a strong and healthy child. Despite his parents' divorce, the boy grows up in love.

Alexey Chadov takes an active part in Fedor’s upbringing. He sees his son quite often. She buys him expensive gifts, often goes for walks with the child, etc. It is very important for a boy to have a father's upbringing.

Now it is very early to talk about Fedor’s future, but since he was born into an acting family, it is possible to assume that he will choose a profession related to the film industry.

Agnia Ditkovskite's ex-husband - Alexey Chadov

Agnia Ditkovskite’s ex-husband is Alexey Chadov, a famous actor in Russian cinema. The couple met on the set of the film “Heat”. At that time, Agnia Ditkovskite was 17 years old, and Alexey Chadov was 24 years old. As the actress herself states, it was not love at first time; she had to get used to her chosen one for a very long time.

The couple lived in a civil marriage for 3 years, and already in 2009 they broke up due to Agnia Ditkovskite’s jealousy. But as it turns out, they can no longer live without each other. And already in 2012, it became known in the media that Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov got married. The wedding was a secret; it was celebrated at an elite country club in the Moscow region. Due to the busy schedule of the actors, the couple did not go on their honeymoon right away. They did this a year after the wedding. They went to the shores of the Indian Ocean.

After a year and a half of official relations, Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexei Chalov had a son, Fedor. A year later, the couple decided not to continue the relationship and they divorced. From media sources it became known that the reason for the divorce was Agnia Ditkovskite’s betrayal.

Today, Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov maintain friendly and warm relations. The latest news today does not contain any scandals in the relationships of the actors. The actress herself admits that the example of her mother, who continued to communicate with her ex-husband (father of Agnia Ditkovskite) after the divorce, helped her overcome her grievances.

Agnia Ditkovskite gave birth to her second child. Who is the father?

A few months ago, information appeared in the media that in 2017 Agniya Ditkovskite gave birth to her second child. It is not yet known who the baby's father is. The actress herself very carefully hides information about her second child, his gender and the real name of the father. It is also noteworthy that she managed to keep her pregnancy a secret.

There is information, albeit unreliable, that Agnia Ditkovskite’s second child is also a boy. The name is still unknown. The possible biological father of the child is considered to be the beloved Amir from Tashkent. So far the young and talented actress has not commented on this in any way. She tries to pay as much attention to her children as possible. Agnia Ditkovskite considers children the most important thing in her life. As the actress herself says, she will do absolutely everything to make her kids happy.

Agnia Ditkovskite in Maxim magazine

Agnia Ditkovskite has a beautiful appearance and a model figure. It is not surprising that many men's publications recognized her as one of the sexiest actresses. Of course, Agnia Ditkovskite is a hot actress.

After giving birth to her first child in 2014, the actress quickly got into shape and starred in one of the issues of Playboy magazine. In the photographs, Agnia Ditkovskite appeared before readers almost naked, naked, and there is also a photo in a lace bodysuit and swimsuit.

Also, many fans of the actress want Agnia Ditkovskite’s photos in Maxim magazine to appear in one of the issues.

Instagram and Wikipedia Agnia Ditkovskite

Instagram and Wikpedia of Agnia Ditskovskite contain a lot of interesting information about the life and work of the actress. For example, on Wikpedia you can read her biography, personal life, and filmography. The information presented is reliable, written concisely, in understandable language and is accessible to every Internet user.

Agnia Ditkovskite actively maintains her page on Instagram. Thousands of admirers of her work have subscribed to her. Here you can see photos from the actress’s public life, her film stills, videos of her participation in talk shows and much more. She comments on each photo. There are very few photographs from family life, since the actress’s personal life is prohibited.

Not holding a grudge against the man who left you is not an easy task.

It took Agnia Ditkovskite more than a year to recover from the divorce. Now her tears no longer choke her: she was able to understand, forgive and let go of her ex-husband Alexei Chadov...

Like any divorced mother, Agnia completely dissolved in her child. Although she has a lot of work, her son comes first. Fedya is only two years old, and it’s such a joy to be with him every minute, just kiss his curly crown and inhale the incomparable smell of your baby. A baby who looks so much like his famous dad.

When people break up, there is not just one culprit, everyone has their own truth: a man will say one thing, a woman another, says Agnia. - Now we have adjusted the situation in such a way that everyone is comfortable. Fedya lives either with me or with Lesha, and this, of course, is not very good for the child’s psyche. But Fedechka is not deprived of love!


Chadov and Ditkovskite divorced last summer. And today, Agnia with her child, her mother Tatyana Lyutaeva and brother played a housewarming party in a luxurious 300-meter cottage on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. Of course, it is impossible to buy a mansion worth tens of millions of rubles with acting fees. Rumors immediately spread that the actress received the property as a gift from a fan - an oligarch from Ukraine, with whom she had an affair while still being Chadov’s wife.

“It’s not my house, it’s my mother’s,” Agnia justifies herself. - Yes, and the oligarch is good who “donates” a house, but does not give money for repairs...

These explanations look unconvincing - after all, Tatyana Lyutaeva doesn’t have mountains of money either, she doesn’t act much and mostly in ordinary films. I wouldn't go through with such a purchase. This means that someone gave Agnia a roof over her head. But, unlike other stars, she categorically does not want to brag about it. He says: “Now I want to hide my personal life under 56 locks!”

This is understandable: in the history of the divorce from Alexei Chadov, a dark spot remained - no one fully understood why this couple broke up...


They fell in love at first sight. Just like in the movie they were starring in back then. Alexey and Agnia met on the set of the film “Heat” in 2005. She is 17, he is 24. And they immediately moved in together, not yet understanding their seething feelings. They emotionally told in the interview how good and interesting they were together, how they matched perfectly and how lucky they were. “Chemistry is a thing that defies any explanation at all. When an outbreak occurs, you understand for sure: this is my man!” - Agnia was delighted.

Three years of pure molasses. And suddenly - an unexpected break. Such that, even when meeting somewhere, they turned away from each other. The separation was so painful.

“We are too different people,” Ditkovskite changed her mind then. - I love family comfort, at the age of 20 I was ready for marriage - I would have given birth to a baby without hesitation. And Lesha needs company - restaurants, parties. Mutual reproaches tend to accumulate... When we parted, there was no question that the feelings had gone away. Love alone is simply not enough for a family.

Years have passed, everyone has already forgotten that there once was such a beautiful acting couple. And suddenly it turned out that they were together again. In 2012, Alexey and Agnia played a secret wedding, and soon they had a son...

But the fairy tale did not work out. It’s not for nothing that they say: you can’t step into the same river twice...


The final decision was made by Alexey.

When Lesha packed his things and left, I was in a state of prostration. I didn’t expect everything to happen like this,” Agnia said in confusion. - I think everyday life ruined us. In addition, our relationship has lasted for 10 years. The passion that usually happens at first is left far behind...

There were rumors about the real reasons: they said that Ditkovskite cheated on her husband with her partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project, Denis Tagintsev, and even kept the same Ukrainian businessman as a “reserve player.” They rumored that Agnia’s mother, Tatyana Lyutaeva, who herself was married three times, played a significant role in the separation. She allegedly constantly nagged her son-in-law that he was not a breadwinner, and complained that her daughter had chosen the wrong man for her husband, otherwise she would have been rolling around like cheese in butter.

Maybe Lesha and I should have lived not with our mother, but separately,” Agnia sighs, indirectly confirming this version. - But what can we talk about this now...

And the second time they separated painfully - for several months they silently passed their son to each other, without raising their eyes, so as not to lose their temper and say nasty things. Both understood: they had an obligation, if not to become friends, then at least not to turn into enemies.

We have Fedya. He united us forever. “He must have both a mother and a father,” Agnia says firmly. - This is the starting point. Therefore, we need to find the strength to forget the grievances. Although, when Lesha left, it seemed to me that we would never be able to find a common language. Mutual accusations, speculation and suspicion, jealousy... Now Lesha is doing well. He has a lot of work, but he is a wonderful father. As for my life... If something changes on a personal level, I’m unlikely to want to talk about it. It’s better if they come up with different oligarchs who give me houses...

Alexey Chadov and Agniya Ditkovskite gave a joint interview in which they talked about their relationship.

Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite are raising their son Fedor. Even after the divorce, the couple was able to maintain friendly relations for the sake of the heir - the former spouses fly together on vacation.

Last summer, Agnia Ditkovskite officially divorced Alexey Chadov. Let us remind you that the couple began dating after they met on the set of the film “Heat”. At first they just lived together, but then they got married and had a son, Fyodor. Two years after the wedding, the couple decided to separate.

Now Agnia and Alexey maintain warm relations. The couple admits that their separation was very painful, so it was not easy for them to start communicating normally after the divorce, but for the sake of their son they were able to improve their relationship. “When is breaking up easy? When does it not bother you, when does it not touch you? Especially when you understand that there really was love, and, probably, it was so strong and real that, apparently, you will never experience anything like it again,” shares Agnia.

It is known that ex-spouses even spend vacations together. Chadov believes that this is completely normal in their situation. Agnia and Alexey do not want their son to suffer because of his parents’ divorce.

“Why is this actually strange? If I’m on vacation with my son, and he needs his mother, what should I do now – don’t go on vacation with my son or something,” the artist told OK magazine.

Before the hype around the second birth of actress Agnia Ditkovskite had died down, the press again made her the main character. Journalists learned who Agnia’s new passion is and the father of her child.

After her divorce from her colleague Alexei Chadov two years ago, Agniya Ditkovskite hid her personal life from prying eyes. And about a year ago, the actress completely disappeared from the radar of publications about the lives of celebrities. Then an explosion followed - the press reported about Agnia’s second birth. The celebrity herself not only did not want to comment on rumors about the second child, but also completely refused to contact journalists.

Agnia with her ex-husband Alexei Chadov // Photo: Social networks

Some time ago, the editors of several secular tabloids received a file with photographs and correspondence between Agnia Ditkovskite and her new lover. There was no explanatory note for the file, but the pictures and screenshot of the correspondence speak for themselves.

Agnia and her alleged lover Amir // Photo: Instagram

“Eight weeks. And the future will be happy. Joint. I felt you for a long time. Take the heart. Definitely" - Agnia writes to her lover.

Alleged father of Agnia Ditkovskite’s second child // Photo: Instagram

According to some reports, a young man named Amir became the actress’s new passion. He comes from Tashkent and the press does not yet know what he is doing. According to sources, Agnia and Amir live in perfect harmony and periodically visit the young man’s homeland.

“After the thirty-first week, I revised my idea of ​​the future. Now it is only possible in happiness with you" - Amir answers his beloved.

Agnia Ditkovskite with her new boyfriend // Photo: Instagram

As before, Agnia does not want to comment on her personal life. Agnia Ditkovskite repeated that she was not going to discuss anything with anyone. Note that Agnia’s Instagram page, where the photos with her new lover were taken from, is closed.