» Pregnant Alla Dovlatova came to Boris Korchevnikov’s show to support Maria Maksakova. Childhood, studies

Pregnant Alla Dovlatova came to Boris Korchevnikov’s show to support Maria Maksakova. Childhood, studies
March 24, 2017

On the air of the show “Live” they discussed the death of Maria Maksakova’s husband.

Today's episode of Boris Korchevnikov's program was dedicated to The studio gathered people who knew the wife of the deceased. They came to support Maria and express their condolences. Maksakova herself did not contact the studio. She is now in Kyiv.

One of the guests of the program was Alla Dovlatova. The 42-year-old TV presenter came to the program in a red dress just above her knees, which emphasized her rounded belly. Boris Korchevnikov paid a compliment to the expectant mother.

Dovlatova gave a fiery speech in defense of Maria. “She (Maksakova - editor’s note) went to Kyiv because she is a loving woman. A woman who knows how to love will follow her chosen one anywhere,” said the pregnant Dovlatova. However, her opponent interrupted her every now and then. At some point, the TV presenter even decided to leave the studio, but stopped in time. For the most part, the guests supported the TV presenter.

After the program on her microblog page, Alla Dovlatova addressed her subscribers. “Vladimir [Vladimir Berezin] and I called on people to be kinder and not to judge, not to gloat, not to slander Maria Maksakova. Have pity and sympathize. Be kinder and more humane. But alas! Not everyone heard us. Someone, apparently, has a piece of stone instead of a heart...” the TV presenter wrote.

In the comments to the post, subscribers left words of support for Dovlatova. “I also sympathize with Maria. Let her return home... It’s very unfortunate that this happened to her..”, “We sympathize, of course. No matter what happens, but as a woman, as a human being, Maria can only sympathize now. Hold on,” “Alla, I agree with you. I sympathize with Maria Maksakova...my soul hurts. Let her return and recover... strength to her,” the users wrote.

On Thursday, March 23, former Russian State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, the wife of opera singer Maria Maksakova, was shot dead in the center of Kyiv. The man died on the spot; his security guard, who managed to wound the killer, was hospitalized and underwent a four-hour operation. Voronenkov’s killer was also taken to the hospital in extremely serious condition, and he died some time later.

Maria Maksakova is shocked by the recent tragic events. She collapsed at the scene and refrained from commenting to the press. Many public figures and celebrities offer condolences to the performer, who, according to unconfirmed reports, is four months pregnant. Thus, the artist was supported by human rights activist Katya Gordon. In her opinion, only inhuman people could feel anything other than sympathy for a widowed woman preparing to become a mother.

Presenter Alla Dovlatova, who previously stood up for her on a TV show, also spoke out in defense of Maria Maksakova.

“Mary is expecting her fourth child and, like any pregnant woman, she is under the protection of God! But, judging by the opinions I sometimes see, I conclude that not everyone knows what happens to those who assault pregnant women. I just want to warn ignorant people and warn them against serious troubles in life, because I feel sorry for them! After all, ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility,” she said.

We also note that they offered their condolences to the singer in the “Live Broadcast” program, aired the night before. “Bury your husband and return to your homeland, where your audience is waiting for you,” said presenter Boris Korchevnikov. Earlier, in one of the previous episodes of the program, Maksakova, for the first time since leaving, tried to answer public questions on the air of a television show. The artist said that she misses her close people who remained in Russia. By the way, according to some reports, the singer could have arrived in Moscow a couple of weeks ago. A waitress in a restaurant located in Maksakova’s house told reporters about this. The girl claims that the star allegedly recently had breakfast at the establishment.

// Photo: Shot from the “Live Broadcast” program

The performer was also supported by political scientist Konstantin Kalachev, who wrote a post dedicated to the star on his page on the social network Facebook.

“Condolences to Maksakova. The son will grow up without a father. There will be a lot of speculation about Voronenkov’s death. Decent people should simply remain silent in such a situation, and experts should remember that they are people too,” the man noted.

In addition, journalist Bozena Rynska made a publication in support of the singer.

“Maria Maksakova seems to be pregnant. Huge condolences to her. I really feel sorry for her,” she said.

Producer Maxim Fadeev also approached the opera singer. In his opinion, the artist should return to Russia.

“I listened to an interview with Maria Maksakova, and it really touched me. I wrote a post about her flight from Russia. But today I want to support this woman. The grief that overtook her is, of course, terrible. I can't bear to see the footage of her collapsing and screaming at the realization of losing a loved one. I have a lump in my throat. God forbid anyone to find themselves in such a situation: being in another country, with a small child in their arms and a murdered husband. I feel sorry for this girl. Maria, come to your homeland, we are waiting for you, no matter what,” the man shared.

A number of colleagues were joined by astrologer and presenter Vasilisa Volodina. “Murder is always disgusting. Regardless of the reasons and motives, the inevitability or randomness of what is happening. I’m talking about yesterday’s murder of Denis Voronenkov,” she wrote on the microblog.

In turn, writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya, having analyzed public opinions on social networks, asked Internet users to stop lynching. In her column in one of the online publications, the woman called on people to be more tolerant, because death, like life, deserves respect.

Earlier, a phrase from Maria Maksakova’s mother, Lyudmila, sparked heated discussions. “Well, thank God, what else can we do with him? Thank God that in the end the person who was so mean was killed,” journalists quoted the woman as saying. The actress’s friend Stanislav Sadalsky stood up for his friend on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

“This is the first nervous reaction. Because how long can you torture Lyudmila? This is a protective reaction of the body,” he said.

By the way, according to some sources, the children of Maria Maksakova from a previous relationship with Vladimir Tyurin are with their father. Actress Natalya Selezneva told reporters about this. The woman also refused to comment on information about the offenses of the artist’s former common-law husband. At the same time, other sources informed correspondents that the singer, on the contrary, deprived her former lover of communication with the heirs.

Let us add that a day after the death of Denis Voronenkov, new details of the resonant incident appeared in the media. So, the name of the alleged killer and his photograph were published in the press. According to law enforcement officials, the killer Voronenkov had an accomplice who fled the crime scene in a Daewoo car. A number of publications claimed that the politician was shot by Pavel Parshov, who was wanted. They were also joined by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Despite this data, the suspect’s lawyer denied such information. According to the woman, everything is fine with her client and he is not involved in the shooting of a political figure.

“I don’t know about the recruited one. I don’t know anything about the killer either. And the one who was put on the Dnieper wanted list in 2012 under Articles 205, 209 (articles - Ed.), called yesterday and said that for some reason about eight journalists were attacking him through VKontakte. Including from Russia. He doesn't understand what's happening. While he was driving, I found out in our media that he was a killer and that he had already died. When I arrived, I was surprised,” noted lawyer Elena Krechetnikova on social networks.

Later it became known that the lawyer’s ward was not Pavel Parshov at all, but a completely different person. It turned out that his name is Andrey Mandryka. As it turned out, an error occurred.

“What nonsense. I never claimed that my client is Pavel Parshov. It was about a man named Andrey Mandryka. During this period, he was also wanted on the same charges. And he was attacked by journalists yesterday,” the lawyer emphasized.

More detailed information about the real killer was provided by Anton Gerashchenko, a member of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He confirmed information that had previously appeared in the press. According to the man, the crime was committed by Ukrainian citizen Pavel Aleksandrovich Parshov. According to Gerashchenko, he was born in Sevastopol in 1988.

Voronenkov’s security guard, who underwent a major operation, is not yet able to help the investigation due to medical contraindications. It is reported that at the time of the crime, another bodyguard of the deceased was next to Maria Maksakova, who, as Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said, miraculously remained alive.

According to the 112 TV channel, eyewitnesses reconstructed the picture of past events. According to them, the killer was waiting for Voronenkov near the exit from the hotel. As soon as the deputy and his security guard appeared around the corner of Shevchenko Boulevard, the attacker opened fire in their direction. At the same time, the bodyguard of the deceased allegedly acted quickly: after the return shot, he immediately began calling for help.

It is also known that Denis Voronenkov’s funeral will take place in Kyiv. This was reported to correspondents by ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ilya Ponomarev, to a meeting with whom the deceased was heading.

Alla Aleksandrovna Dovlatova (real name - Marina Aleksandrovna Evstrakhina). Born on August 16, 1974 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian radio and television presenter, actress.

Marina Evstrakhina, who became widely known as Alla Dovlatova, was born on August 16, 1974 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Evstrakhin, president of the St. Petersburg Hockey Federation.

Mother - Irina Evstrakhina, engineer.

From an early age she was drawn to journalism. Already at the age of 15 she began to take her first steps in the profession. The first star who gave her an interview was the popularly beloved actor. She said: “When I was just starting my career at Leningrad Radio, my parents got me a ticket to Yalta, to the House of Actors’ Creativity. They gave me a huge voice recorder for a month. I decided to record an interview with all the actors. Svetin, Vitorgan, Boyarsky, Shakurov were relaxing on the beach, Pugovkin, Durov... First I went to Shakurov, he sent me. I came to the room, crying. Dad told me: “Go to Pugovkin, he’s a people’s artist, he definitely won’t refuse!” And he was right. Mikhail Ivanovich and I came to the room And the parents have already set the table: caviar, fruit, cognac..."

Since 1992, she worked at radio “New Petersburg” - she was a live broadcast presenter. Also in the early 1990s, she was the author and presenter of the show programs “W-E-studio”, “Cowperwood Club”, and the presenter of the television festival “Musical Exam” (RTR).

In 1993 she entered the Theater Institute, the workshop. It was then that she acquired a creative pseudonym, taken in honor of the writer. According to her, this was a forced step.

In one of the interviews: “We staged the final performance in the theater based on Dovlatov’s story “The Reserve.” I was given a tiny role, just like a fool – to play Dovlatov’s wife. I went to see my artistic director Igor Vladimirov and even cried. And he calmed me down: “Fool, anyone can play a role with words, but without words, that’s talent!” And so that I could more accurately convey the image of the heroine, he said that I need to re-read all of Dovlatov.” At that time she was studying journalism at the university and working on Leningrad television. But the time came for a session at the theater and the girl was saddened to learn that she might not be allowed to take the exams - the artist cannot act on television. “And here I am lying, reading Dovlatov, grieving that I am unemployed, that the role is small. Then my friends call me and invite me to the radio. I refuse, explaining that they will kick me out of the institute. And they advised me to take a pseudonym. That’s how I became Dovlatova,” said she.

In 1994 - presenter of a live broadcast at the Modern radio station.

In 1995 - host of the TV show “Full Modern”.

In 1996, she became the host of the television program “Guessing Things from Allochka” (LOT).

In 1996 she graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Journalism.

Since 2002, she became a presenter on Russian Radio - in the morning show “Sunflowers” ​​with Andrei Chizhov.

In 2006-2007, she was the presenter of television projects on TNT and Channel One.

Since 2008 she has worked at Radio Mayak, since 2012 at Radio Romantika.

Since 1998, she has acted in films, making her debut in the series “Streets of Broken Lanterns-2” as a journalist.

Alla Dovlatova in the series "Streets of Broken Lanterns-2"

The role of Albina Krutitskaya, the friend of the main character, in the first three and seventh seasons of the crime detective “Secrets of the Investigation” became noticeable. She appeared in the projects “National Security Agent-2” (Alice), “Mongoose” (Anna), “Who’s the Boss” (Dantes), “My Fair Nanny” (Probkina), “Solo for Pistol and Orchestra” (Milena Chevalier ), “Unequal Marriage” (Larissa).

In 2013, she played one of the main roles in Olga Land’s comedy “Three in Komi.” Her heroine is Larisa Krutova, a stylist at Ostankino. The comedy describes the story of three Muscovite women whose personal lives are collapsing: the actress Victoria was no longer filmed, the writer Maria has a creative crisis, and the stylist Lara (Dovlatova’s character) has left her star client. The same crash occurs with their trip to Thailand; the flight makes an emergency landing in Syktyvkar, radically changing the lives of their friends. Ladies “just over 40” suddenly get a chance to feel young and in demand again, far from the capital.

Alla Dovlatova in the series "Three in Komi"

Since 2014, together with Pavel Rakov and Oleg Roy, she became the host of the show “Women’s Happiness”.

In 2015 she returned to Russian Radio.

Repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels.

He is involved in charity work. In 2017, she took part in a charity event for McDonald's restaurants - McHappyDay. The stars stood at the McDonald's counter, visitors could receive an order from the hands of their idols, and also take a photo with them. Proceeds from sales within the framework of the campaign were directed to projects of the Ronald McDonald House Charitable Foundation, including the needs of the family hotel at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital "Ronald McDonald House" in Kazan.

Alla Dovlatova in the program "My Hero"

Alla Dovlatova's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Dovlatova:

She was married twice.

First husband - Dmitry Lyuty. We met on St. Petersburg television, then Alla worked in advertising, and Dmitry worked in the directorate. They were married from 1995 to 2007.

The marriage produced a daughter, Daria, and a son, Pavel.

Family life with Dmitry Lyuty began to collapse when Alla moved to work in Moscow. There were many rumors in the media about the TV presenter’s novels. In particular, she was credited with a relationship with, although there was no reliable evidence of this.

Second husband - Alexey Genrikhovich Beard, policeman. It is known that he introduced them. In 2007 they got married in St. Petersburg.

In 2008, Alla Dovlatova and Alexey Boroda had a daughter, Alexandra.

In February 2017 it became known that. On April 13, 2017, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, who was named Maria.

He is close friends with Philip Gerhold.

Filmography of Alla Dovlatova:

1998 - Streets of Broken Lanterns-2 - Alla, journalist
2000 - National Security Agent-2 - Alice, club owner
2001 - Secrets of the investigation-1 - Albina Mikhailovna Krutitskaya, friend of Shvetsova
2002 - Secrets of the investigation-2 - Albina Mikhailovna Krutitskaya, Shvetsova’s friend
2003 - Secrets of the investigation-3 - Albina Mikhailovna Krutitskaya, friend of Shvetsova
2003 - Mongoose - Anna
2006 - My Fair Nanny - Probkina
2006 - Who's the boss? - Dantes
2007 - Secrets of investigation-7 - Albina Krutitskaya, friend of Maria Shvetsova
2008 - Solo for pistol and orchestra - Milena Chevalier
2009 - Mama-Moscow (was not completed)
2012-2013 - Unequal marriage - Larisa, Fedor’s wife
2013 - Three in Komi - Larisa Krutova, makeup artist at Ostankino

Voiced by Alla Dovlatova:

2003 - Starfish Cavaliers - radio DJ
2007 - Noah's Ark (animated)

New episode of the Russia 1 channel program “Andrey Malakhov. Live" was dedicated to the results of the investigation into the death of Denis Voronenkov, which were published by the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. According to investigators, the actual person who ordered the murder of the political figure was the former common-law husband of Maria Maksakova, Vladimir Tyurin.

At the beginning of the program, the results of the investigation were discussed in the studio. Earlier, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine suggested that Vladimir Tyurin’s son Dmitry was probably looking for the perpetrators of the murder of Denis Voronenkov. Political scientist Maxim Yali does not rule out that such a version took place.

“Of course, this is a great success, because such murders are extremely difficult to solve. The evidence that was presented is, of course, very significant, but the court must decide this. I don’t know how much Vladimir Tyurin’s son is involved. Perhaps this was done on purpose to show that this is a personal motive, and the real customers remained on the sidelines,” the expert believes.

Producer Valery Sergeev was one of the first to voice the theory that Maria Maksakova’s ex-husband could have been involved in the crime. “But he couldn’t have taken the bait and wouldn’t have set his son up. However I have a question. How could it happen that Maria Maksakova with her brother and the son of Vladimir Tyurin went to Italy? Doesn't this seem strange to you? – Sergeev is perplexed. According to the man, Maksakova’s ex-husband could allegedly transfer money to her.

Then Maria Maksakova, who is now in Kyiv, joined the discussion of recent high-profile events. The singer emphasized that she agrees with the conclusions of the investigation. However, she does not think that Tyurin could have decided to commit a crime for personal reasons. According to Maksakova, her ex-husband knows the people who were pursuing Voronenkov.

“Since I have restored communication with my mother, I want to say that neither I nor my mother know any producer Sergeev. This man is an impostor, we don’t know him.(…) What seems like speculation to you has been proven by the investigation and brought to court. The fact that you want to whitewash him or in what interests he acted is another fact. Of course, he did not have a personal motive, or rather, he did have one, because he hated me and my entire subsequent personal life. Denis infuriated him because he was a professor, a doctor of science. Of course, it was difficult for him to be constantly compared with a person who was superior to him in everything,” she said.

Maksakova noted that in the last few months her life has been like “psychological hell.” According to the singer, Tyurin took her older children away from her.

“His personality doesn’t interest me at all, he only disgusts me. I certainly feel sorry for the children, because they will be pointed at for the rest of their lives. And I doubt that my reputation will be enough to prevent my children from bearing the burden of reputational losses,” said the artist.

Former detective officer for particularly important cases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alexander Sharkevich, said that the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits the extradition of Russian citizens “under any circumstances.” “If Ukraine provides irrefutable evidence of Tyurin’s guilt and Russian law enforcement agencies consider that they deserve attention, then the case against Tyurin can be considered in a Russian court,” the specialist added.

According to one of the studio guests, Maria Maksakova had an agreement with Vladimir Tyurin that she would not make family matters public. However, the artist denied these rumors.

“Why do people talk about things they cannot know? This is the first time I have heard about any agreements with Tyurin. I broke up with him with great difficulty almost 10 years ago and didn’t want to hear about him. Of course, I raised my children, taught them to play musical instruments at my own discretion, developed them as best I could, but his participation was the most painful for me. It is unpleasant for me to meet either Tyurin or his children. In Italy, I performed at a concert,” the performer shared.

Radio presenter Alla Dovlatova addressed Maria Maksakova. “I'm glad you started talking to your mom again. I believe that jealousy can be a motive for a crime. I’m terrified to believe this, but I don’t know Tyurin,” the woman said. “He’s a terrible person,” the opera singer responded to Dovlatova.

The broadcast showed footage of Maksakova’s heirs performing in Crimea. Then the artist’s daughter Lyudmila read a poem about her dad. The presenter Andrei Malakhov asked with what feelings she watches these recordings. Maria noted that she taught Ilya and Lyudmila a lot.

“I worked with children for a very long time and in detail. Of course, I invested a lot in them, and if I had loved them less, I would have left much earlier,” the singer shared.

At the end of the program, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Stanislav Sadalsky appeared. “Mashenka, this is simply amazing. You say that your husband is a bright person, and the other is a fiend. Why then don’t you ask that the children be torn away from him?” – said the actor. “I regularly talk about having them live with me. Only in this case they will not live with him,” Maksakova replied.

Psychologist Anna Iotko spoke out in defense of the performer. “I completely agree that Maria is confused. The cynicism of life is probably visible here in the fact that the living are more often responsible for mistakes than the dead. Maria is trying to get out of this situation... Women live with tyrants and sometimes, unfortunately, they are forced to leave their children. It happens. And not only Maria, but also half of our country, and other famous people. This does not mean that she is inhuman and terrible or a traitor. I can say for sure that she is a confused woman today,” the expert believes.

Alla Dovlatova (according to her passport is Marina Evstrakhina) amazingly manages to combine active work and family life.

She is raising 3 children, expecting the birth of 4 babies, and her voice can be heard on the air of Russian Radio.

Alla also actively acts in films, plays in the theater and successfully leads corporate events.

Childhood, studies

The future radio and television presenter was born in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) on a summer day - 08/16/1974.

Father - Alexander Evstrakhin was a professional hockey player. Later he headed the hockey federation in St. Petersburg. Now he is engaged in construction.

Mom – Irina Erofeevna, an engineer by training. Engaged in design and decoration of premises.

Her parents have always been very active, enterprising people, and the girl took the best from them.

Alla in childhood

In elementary school, she could not sit quietly in class for long.

During recess, she secretly put toys under her desk, and during class, when she became completely bored, she crawled under the table and played.

Perhaps because of his restlessness, the future radio star was an average student.

However, from childhood, the girl was distinguished by a stubborn, independent character.

Her parents tried to send her to several sections, but Alla studied only music.

There were cases when a girl fearlessly argued with teachers, and then the parents were called to the teachers' meeting and counted out. According to Alla: “Mom was scary when she was angry!”

In adolescence, I began to worry about my appearance.

The girl even wanted to have plastic surgery to remove the hump on her nose.

However, through the joint efforts of her mother and surgeon, Alla managed to convince her that external beauty is not the key to happiness.

After graduating from high school, Alla Dovlatova chooses the faculty of journalism at the State University of St. Petersburg.

After 3 years of studying to become a journalist, he decides to also get a higher education in acting.

In 1993 he entered the workshop of I. Vladimirov at the local theater institute. It is here that she takes on a pseudonym - Alla Dovlatova.

Radio work

Alla began working on radio while still in school. At that time, there was such a practice: the best authors of the school editorial office were allowed to broadcast on the local radio Nevskaya Volna.

Her first mentor was Tatyana Nilovna Andreeva, editor of a youth program on the radio.

Throughout her student years, Alla did not part with her work at the radio station.

In 1992, she became the radio host of the Cowperwood Club program, aired on New Petersburg.

At the same time, she began hosting the television festival “Music Exam,” which was covered on the RTR channel.

In 1994 she came to Radio Modern. A year later she became the host of the “Full Modern” project, aired on one of the local channels.

In 1996, Alla had her own show on the Lot channel with the enticing title “Guessers from Allochka.”

In the winter of 2002, the first broadcast took place on Russian Radio. It was the morning show Sunflowers.

In 2008, some controversial issues arose with the management, and Alla wrote a letter of resignation.

Television and cinema

Alla Dovlatova realized herself not only as a radio presenter. She decided to use her acting education.

She can be seen in such popular TV series as “Secrets of the Investigation”, where she naturally played the complete opposite of the main character - her best friend.

Alla also starred in “National Security Agent”, “Mongoose”, “My Fair Nanny” and “Who’s the Boss?”

She came to the theater at the invitation of her friend Stanislav Sadalsky. Together they played in the plays “Wild Story” and “Decorator of Love”.

Collaborates with the Millennium theater house and the LeCours agency. Most of all he prefers to play in enterprises.

From the same year, Dovlatova began hosting a television project on TNT - “Cosmopolitan. Video version." She performed in pairs with Andrei Grigoriev - Apollonov.

In 2011, Alla Dovlatova became the first Russian presenter in a series of Discovery Communications programs.

She was invited to host the project “Daughters vs Mothers” on the TLC channel. For some time she was a co-host on the Good Morning program.

Helped present the Golden Gramophone music award in 2015.

Personal life

My first love appeared during my student years. It was Andrey, a sound engineer at the radio where Alla worked at that time.

However, their constant employment did not leave much time for dates, and their parents forbade them to live together.

Mom gave Alla an ultimatum: if in six months you are still together, get married.

However, after a few months the relationship ended completely.

Alla Dovlatova got married for the first time at the age of 21. Her chosen one was Dmitry Lyuty, director of filming on St. Petersburg television.

With my first husband and daughter

After a serious operation, Dmitry left television and got a job in a bank. Alla was the first to confess her love to him.

At first the young couple was pursuing a career and did not think about children: Dmitry opened his own advertising agency, and Alla was preparing to defend her thesis.

However, when the family wanted to have heirs, the girl could not get pregnant for a long time.

They learned the long-awaited news about the addition after a trip to Israel, where they both attached notes on the wailing wall with a desire to have a child.

Soon a daughter, Daria, was born, then an heir, Pavel, appeared in the family. After returning from maternity leave, Alla received an offer to work in Moscow.

After consulting with Dmitry, she moved with the children to the capital. My husband stayed in St. Petersburg because of business.

Relations between 2 cities and rare meetings led to a cooling of relations and conflicts. They have forgotten how to live together.

Alla decided to divorce. All her relatives tried to dissuade her, her father was especially categorical and harsh.

The divorce was difficult, through the court and division of property. In 2007, Alla Dovlatova became a free woman.

He brought the radio host together with his second husband. He gave her phone number to his friend, a police colonel, who had been in love with Alla for a long time.

With second husband and children

Alexey Boroda initially worked in television. Hosted the programs “Police Chronicle” and “Petrovka, 38”.

Then he joined the RUBOP. After the phone call, Alexey came to Alla’s performance with a huge bouquet of flowers.

A year later, they decided to legalize their relationship.

The couple was registered in St. Petersburg at the wedding palace on the English Embankment. A year later, a daughter, Alexandra, was born.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that Alla was expecting her 4th baby. And it will be a girl again.