» Human chakras and their correct opening. Asanas for the seven main chakras

Human chakras and their correct opening. Asanas for the seven main chakras

The chakras are probably the best-known elements of subtle body theory in the West, as many authors interested in yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, theosophy and parapsychological research have provided a variety of descriptions and commentaries on the chakras. Although the seven stages of samadhi are mentioned already in the classical yogic sutras, the development of the concept of chakras probably began only with the emergence of tantric practices. Some of the interpreters of Eastern literature draw an analogy between the passage of Kundalini through the six main chakras and its merging with the seventh and seven stages of samadhi, and also describe the states following the achievement of each stage. Others do not pay much attention to the chakras and believe that the basic techniques and disciplines of yoga can transform the energy of the chakras, so that when the Kundalini awakens, they do not play a big role in the process, but simply contribute to spiritual discovery.
I have often observed repetitive kriyas (i.e., shaking, twitching, twisting, or vibrations) occurring in people's chakra areas during a massage session or during times of emotional or physical stress. It seems that in these places there is a block that does not allow energy to move evenly throughout the body. It is possible that these blocks are created by unresolved issues or mental problems associated with the chakras. It is also possible that some of the physical disturbances associated with spontaneous Kundalini awakening are generated by the influence of Kundalini energy on the chakras corresponding to the affected organs of the body, since most chakras control the functioning of certain organs.
Another phenomenon that can be correlated with the action of chakra energy is the spontaneous emergence of special images, sounds and symbols, which in tantric cosmology were considered inherent in all chakras. Their appearance during crises can provide information relevant to issues that need to be addressed, or indicate an area of ​​the body where focusing special attention will have the greatest effect. For these reasons, it is helpful to have an understanding of the chakra system. Since many books have been written on this subject, the following remarks will only outline the chakra theory. Chakras are called such objects as neurohormonal mechanisms for controlling areas of the body (Mishra); multidimensional passages through which creative forces flow between the three bodies (Scott); centers of the body's energy system (Pandit); energy funnels; intermediaries who transfer energy from one dimension to another;
“interdimensional transformative systems that can be controlled by thought and which convert matter into energy” (Joy); centers of subtle forces, cosmic consciousness and prana generation; exits to the macrocosm; as well as the sources from which the forces and energies concentrated in them flow.
According to Goswami, who writes works on laya yoga, the "bindu" of the chakras in the sphere of pranic energy play the same role as atoms in the material sphere. He said: “The moving or active pranic force is concentrated and collected to form the petals of bindu at various points of the body, which in yoga are called chakras or lotuses. This formation begins with the sahasrara chakra and continues with the lower chakras with how a person’s consciousness and his material body are formed. All this is invisible to the naked eye. Chakras function on a supermaterial level."

Typically, chakras are considered the connecting link between all types of activities of the causal, subtle and gross bodies. From them emanate vrittis (thought waves), as well as other energies that are distributed throughout the body.

Therefore, certain emotions and properties are attributed to each of them. If we take the chakras to be the main transformers and transmitters of energy between bodies, then it becomes clear that the increase in tension of consciousness and energy that accompanies the awakening of Kundalini is a powerful additional load on the chakra system. The chakras are often described as lotuses moving from bottom to top with Kundalini rising through them. It is possible that this representation gives us a symbol of a process that is much more complex and faster than our minds can imagine, and that much of the physical and emotional chaos that some people experience when awakening Kundalini coincides with the transformation of chakras that change, to serve a level of consciousness and energy different from that of the body. The difficulties associated with changing the way one is in this world can be especially significant for those who have little past experience with self-discipline and emotional control. The long preliminary training and discipline of yoga and tantric students, which includes years of practice in the practices of ego-renunciation and submission to the teacher in all things, is partly an attempt to establish mastery over one's personality before the Kundalini awakens, with the result that the movement of energy through the chakras would be relatively unimpeded. The chakras contain all the unraveled knots and problems of a person's personal and emotional life, and during spiritual transformation they can facilitate the integration of forms of consciousness that have a more unifying function and are less ego-oriented.
There are seven main chakras and 43 less important ones, to which many properties are attributed in different texts. It is believed that throughout the day prana alternately dominates different chakras according to a sixty-minute rhythm. There are several types of symbols associated with each of the main chakras. The latter include the animal representing the subtle forces that control the chakra; god, which denotes one of the powers of divine manifestation; a goddess who indicates the type of energy placed at that point. Other symbols indicate the dominant element and one of the five senses associated with that chakra. Meditation on each chakra awakens the energy of the goddess located there, who will open up unique divine possibilities for a person. Lotus petals represent various qualities, emotional inclinations and possibilities. The following short descriptions provide information that may be useful to those who are undergoing the process of Kundalini awakening and who are experiencing specific emotional problems, visions, sounds, occult-type reactions and other phenomena associated with the chakras.

You can pump up your chakras using simple movements! How to do it? Find out now!

Surely, you already know - energy centers in the body, tuned to a certain kind of life energy (survival, love, self-expression, etc.)

The state of the chakras is in reciprocal connections with your body and your life.

If any sphere is “failed”, the chakra corresponding to it is unbalanced. With conscious work on this direction, the chakra becomes more active and harmonious.

This also works in the opposite direction. If you start work with chakra, automatically the sphere of life will level out for which she is responsible.

For example, when working with the heart chakra, you can heal diseases of the respiratory system and improve relationships with people.

And when pumping the root chakra, financial success will be trampled.

The easiest way to effectively balance your chakras

One of the basic methods is yoga for chakras, or kundalini yoga.

This is a specially designed exercise system, aimed at achieving certain states of the energy system.

Exercises can be motor (asanas), breathing (pranayama), meditative, sound (mantras), etc.

What is especially noteworthy about these complexes is that they have a diverse positive effect on you:

  • Healthy body. Your muscles become stronger, blood flows to your internal organs, saturating them with oxygen and removing toxins. A “side” effect may be getting rid of excess weight and diseases.

There is one important factor in the occurrence of excess weight, which neither nutritionists nor psychologists know about. This…

  • Strong will. You exercise regularly, devote time and attention to yourself, and as a result, self-esteem and strength of the Spirit grow.
  • Balanced chakras. If the first two points can be provided to you by regular fitness, then yoga offers exactly conscious work with energy through physical practice.

If other methods of balancing the chakras are still difficult for you, even a beginner can do simple physical and breathing exercises.

When performing a certain sequence of actions, kundalini yoga has a harmonizing effect on each chakra. Thanks to this, vital energy kundalini rises freely along the central channel.

It promotes your inner liberation, spiritual insight, health and success in the physical world.

I myself do yoga at an amateur level, and, of course, I am not a specialist.

Therefore, in the article I provide examples of kundalini yoga lessons for the chakras from recognized foreign experts.

Yoga for chakras

Yoga for the root chakra (Muladhara)

The chakra is located in base of the spine and is responsible for your survival, safety, “rooting” in the physical world.

The practice of yoga for Muladhara has a cleansing effect on the intestines (shank-prankshalana, nauli kriya), increases the flexibility of the spine, and also strengthens the muscles of the perineum and thighs.

It allows you to release physical and energetic toxins and moves energy through your legs, strengthening your connection to the Earth.

Answer questions that will allow you to assess your energy potential.

The complex usually includes mulabandha(lower energy lock: alternate tension and retraction of the sphincter muscles, perineum and lower abdominal muscles), which accompanies the performance of asanas and breath-holds; as well as asanas that involve the lower abs, bends and lunges.

Yoga for the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

This is an energy center located just below the navel. Place of origin emotions, desires, sexual energy.

The genitourinary system, spleen, kidneys, and liver are associated with it.

A set of yoga exercises stimulates these organs, increases metabolism in them, and also strengthens the abdominal muscles.

And, of course, it allows you to be in harmony with your feelings and desires and achieve your goals.

The practice includes abdominal exercises, bending and bending of the lumbar spine, opening the pelvis, rhythmic breathing, etc.

Yoga for the solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

The third chakra is located between the navel and the base of the sternum. This is the center will, action, active self-expression.

The chakra is connected to and influences the organs and glands of the digestive system.

Yoga includes asanas that work the abdominal muscles, twists, which bring a powerful flow of blood to the abdominal area, and the already familiar bends and bends. As well as deep “belly” breathing to provide all internal organs and tissues with oxygen.

At the energetic level, practice reveals your manipura, that is, it strengthens willpower, boundaries, helps to achieve balance between the spiritual and material world (in other words, use your energy potential for well-being in life).

Yoga for the Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Heart center ( breast) is responsible for your ability to love, i.e. see the harmony of the world, build trusting relationships with people, appreciate and accept yourself.

This chakra includes the heart and lungs.

By working with this chakra, you free yourself from hatred and other blocking feelings, and begin to radiate and accept love and beauty in its entirety.

The human heart is closed from real contact with one’s feelings and from adequate interaction with other people. This leads to…

Also, yoga asanas open your chest, ensuring the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The practice includes bending and twisting the thoracic spine, opening and stretching the muscles of the arms and shoulders and, of course, several types of breathing.

Yoga for the Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi)

Throat chakra ( base of throat) is responsible for your voice in the broad sense of the word, i.e. communication, self-expression in creativity, relationships with society.

This is the center of intuition and manifestation of your truth.

Yoga poses strengthen and stretch the cervical spine and stimulate the thyroid gland. These are backbends, shoulder blade stands and other inverted poses, head tilts, inverted asanas.

Asanas promote freer passage of energy through the channels upward. They also relieve you from headaches and osteochondrosis (for example, due to working at a computer) and strengthen your immune system.

Yoga for the third eye chakra (Ajna)

Ajna ( between the eyebrows) – vision chakra, knowledge, trusting your inner voice. She is also responsible for your thinking and imagination.

The organs of vision are connected to it, as well as the pituitary gland, which affects growth and metabolism.

Yoga for this chakra strengthens and optimizes your thought processes, allows you to free yourself from lies (primarily to yourself).

You suddenly begin to feel the truth. It's like you have a lie detector built into your chest, but with expanded functionality.

On the physical plane, it has a beneficial effect on vision and brain vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

The practice includes various asanas for balance and concentration, as well as poses focusing on the forehead.

An important element of yoga for the third eye chakra is breathing anuloma viloma(leveling breathing with alternating nostrils). It harmonizes the functioning of the hemispheres and allows you to calm down.

Use your right thumb to close your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril, then close your left nostril with your index finger and exhale through your right.

Yoga for the crown chakra (Sahasrara)

The chakra is located on crown of the head and is connected to the pineal gland.

She is responsible for your connection with the Divine, opens access to .

The free rise of kundalini to this chakra (through balanced previous ones) is the main goal of the practice.

Yoga includes asanas to balance energy in the body, some active movements that warm up the body from bottom to top. A typical exercise for this chakra is: headstand.

The practice also includes meditation in half-lotus and lotus positions and shavasana (corpse pose).

Shavasana It is performed lying on your back, with your eyes closed and your arms and legs straight. Involves complete relaxation and observation of the free movement of energy in the body (inner silence).

If you carefully and correctly performed the previous practices, then in shavasana you will be able to feel complete dissolution and unity with the Universe.

Safety precautions

During practice, make sure that your the back was straight, breathing remained calm and full. Avoid jerking and pain. Take into account your physiological characteristics and health status, tell the trainer about your diseases.

When performing an exercise on this or another chakra, you can maintain a light concentration at this center. Be internally assembled, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts and emotions.

It is clear that the article describes only an approximate set of kundalini yoga exercises. In fact, a complex for each chakra can be performed from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, and include a wide variety of motor and breathing techniques, chanting mantras, and meditation.

One of the most popular yoga complexes for chakras from Maya Fiennes in video format can be found below. Also, you can contact a yoga center in your city.

My task was to interest you in this amazing practice, to pay attention to the health of your body and balancing your energy.

Write in the comments, do you do yoga or other physical practices for spiritual balance? What results have you achieved?

P.S. If you want to learn more about your chakras and balance them, come to Alena Starovoitova’s basic course “7 Keys of Awareness”.

P.P.S. The article uses photographs from the website yogajournal.com.

In Yoga there are asanas that place their emphasis on opening the chakras. Agree that just taking a pose and sitting in it for a couple of minutes is not difficult, it’s even easier than sitting and chanting some mantras for hours or doing special meditations. Therefore, some people will like this method. But in any case, you can use it and other methods for a deeper study of the chakras.

If you cannot do some asana, do it as best you can. In the pictures below I made some asanas - their variants. For example, Paschimottanasana is for svadhisthana. Not everyone can immediately sit down and reach their toes. Therefore, you can first reach your knees. You can use the belt as an extension of your hands and hold on to it. Those. do as best you can - striving for what you see in the picture.

If you already practice Hatha Yoga and know your own version of performing any asana, then you can continue to do it. Because each asana has many options for execution. They are all good in their own way and all are correct. For example, twisting the spine. If you want, then make your own version. The pictures are a guide. And also an excellent visual aid for a person who has never done asanas at all and is going to start doing them literally today or tomorrow. Those. This is an option: look - remember - start doing it.

In general, I have already given so much information on the chakras that I simply assume that explaining the importance of opening the chakras no longer makes sense. You know this and, really, what is required is to start practicing. Even if you don't know anything about chakras, just start doing these exercises. Their practice does not require any knowledge of the chakras at all. You will simply begin to get useful results, regardless of whether you know it or not.

It is recommended to do all these asanas. This way you will work all the chakras. You can do this - starting with muladhara and ending with sahasrara. But if you wish, you can do it selectively. For example, you are only interested in one chakra. Okay, do only asana for this chakra. This is possible.

Asana for muladhara chakra. Badrasana

It is also called the butterfly pose. Someone probably did it in childhood. Children love to do it, and they do it in the form of some kind of game, themselves. Some people's knees won't go straight to the floor. You can simply strive for this (or you can sit on a small elevation - a small pillow). The soles are together and near the body.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika - the main scripture of all Yogis who practice asanas, classifies Bhadrasana among the four most important asanas. Here's what it says: "Place your shins on both sides of the perineum. The right shin is on the right, the left on the left. Then bend your hips, clasping them with your hands, and pressing them to the ground. This is Bhadrasana, destroying all ailments." The translation of the name of this asana itself sounds like this: a pose that brings benefit.

Asana for svadhisthana chakra. Paschimottanasana

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This asana has many variations (for example, holding your big toes, placing your hands behind your feet, etc.). But there is only one meaning to all of them - to sit down, stretch out your legs and bend as far forward as possible towards your feet. Don't force anything! Don't do it through pain. Bend forward just enough to feel good. Even if you can only reach your knees, so be it. With regular practice, you will reach the point where you can touch your forehead to your knees (that is, literally lie with the front surface of your torso on your legs), and even put your hands behind your feet and clasp them together there. You need to bend forward while exhaling.

Asana for manipura chakra. Navasana

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For this asana and its chakra, I wrote in detail in the practice "". In principle, this is the boat that we were forced to do more than once at school during physical education classes.

Asana for anahata chakra. Gomukhasana

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You need to cross your legs as shown in the picture. Place your hands behind your back and clasp them there. If the lock does not work, then you can take the belt in your upper hand and thus clasp your hands (gradually you will be able to do it without a belt). Then change legs and arms. Which were at the top - lower and raise the other arm and leg.

Translated as cow pose. A cow - in Vedic civilization - is much more than just an animal. This is a creature that brings the highest good to everyone.

Asana for Vishuddha chakra. Ushtrasana

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This asana and its chakra (vishuddha) are fully described by me in the practice "".

Asana for the ajna chakra. Matsyendrasana

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Asana for Sahastrara chakra. Sirsasana

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This is simply the queen of asanas. And it was not in vain that I chose the word “queen”. Because this asana works towards the chakra, which is often called the crown chakra or crown chakra. And our kings and queens wear crowns. And in general, this custom of wearing crowns is not casual, because... it is directly related to the sahasrara chakra. In any case, we all have such crowns. And this asana makes her even stronger.

Here I must warn you right away - this asana must be done very carefully. I would advise you to initially do only the option for a week when you kneel down, lower your head, head on the floor on top of your head, hands behind your head. And stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Those. a kind of pose of a praying person. It may well be that someone shouldn’t even move on. Until he brings his health back to good condition.

If everything is in good order with your health. There are no restrictions regarding blood pressure, blood vessels, heart, etc. Then you can go further and do an inverted pose for a few seconds. For example, near the wall. Then increase this time. Do not hurry. I seriously say that you cannot joke or play with this pose. Yes, children do it easily, for them it is a game. But if you have never done anything like this, have not been involved in sports, and you are over 40, then proceed to it very carefully.

  • I will add that developing chakras is very important. And not only for some energy purposes. Each chakra is responsible for its area of ​​organs in the body, systems, and glands. Glands are extremely important mini "chemical factories" in our body. They produce hormones that directly determine what mood we will be in, what we will feel and even think. Therefore, by regulating the chakras, you do a great benefit to yourself at all levels.

Chakras are pranic centers in the structure of the human being. Every person has countless chakras. However, in yoga practice only a few main ones are used. These few chakras cover the entire spectrum of human existence, from the gross to the subtle. These main chakras are: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, Sahasrara

What modern yogis know about the chakras is based on three sources: 1) the early works of Western occultism, which borrowed Sanskrit terms without understanding their meaning (for example, Theosophist C. W. Leadbeater's "Chakras", 1927); 2) an illiterate translation of a 1577 Sanskrit text on the chakras created by John Woodroffe in 1918; 3) books by Indian gurus of the 20th century, written based on sources No. 1 and No. 2. Article by Christopher Wallis, yoga practitioner and teacher, Sanskrit scholar and researcher.Translation from English by Yulia Ostapova and Anna Glinko.

Almost all esoteric systems believe that a person, in addition to the physical body, has so-called “subtle” bodies: seven bodies, of which four are the most clearly manifested, the manifestations of the rest are so subtle that they are difficult to notice in our Everyday life.

Everything in the world is structured the same - man, the earth, the solar system, and so on. All living things in our universe have eight bodies, of which we are usually accustomed to consider mainly the densest - physical body. The fields of all bodies are in the aura and penetrate each other. They resemble a nesting doll, in which the physical body can be considered the smallest “matryoshka.”

Word granthi means "knot" in Sanskrit. In the context of chakras, the word "granthi" is translated as "psychic node". There are three such nodes, and they are called brahma, vishnu and rudra granthi. They represent levels of awareness (chakra spheres), where the power of maya (illusion), ignorance and attachment to material things is especially strong.

Loki- These are “levels of awareness” or “realms of being.” They can be very roughly defined as follows:

    bhu - earthly, material

    bhuvah - intermediate


    maha - the abode of devas (divine beings)

    janah - the abode of those who have transcended the ego

    tapah - the abode of enlightened siddhas (perfect beings)

    satyam - truth

Cauchy - can be translated as “shells”. There are five in total, and they represent the five human bodies, from the gross physical body to the subtle body of bliss. They also roughly correspond to the chakras in the order we listed.

Tattvas. Unfortunately, this term is usually translated as "elements", which causes confusion because tattvas are incorrectly associated with the elements that science speaks of, or with aspects of nature such as fire, water, earth, etc. Tattvas mean something much deeper and subtler. For example, the earth tattva belongs to the muladhara chakra. It does not mean the earth that is in the garden; it refers to the specific frequency range of pranic vibrations associated with the muladhara chakra - this range corresponds to the mind-body as a whole, including thoughts and awareness

The doctrine of the Merkabah fields during the time of Atlantis was taught to the Atlanteans on the subtle planes in the schools of the Melchizedeks. Thanks to the application of merkaba in practice, the Toltecs (3 sub-races of the Atlanteans) reached such a high level of spirituality and development, in comparison with which our civilization is now at the level of the Papuans in the jungle.

Word mule in Sanskrit means "root" or "base", and the word adhara -"foundation" or "support". So the word muladhara means "basic foundation"; this chakra represents the fundamental principle of individual human existence. This is the starting position from which each person can express himself as an individual center of being. It is a springboard to reach higher levels of understanding. This center is also popularly known as adhara chakra- “center of support.”

Word matchmaker in Sanskrit means "one's own", and the word adhisthana- “habitat, dwelling.” That's why sva + adhisthana = svadhisthana means "one's own abode." This chakra is considered the substrate, the basis of individual human existence. This is understandable if we consider that this chakra is usually associated with the unconscious mind with its storehouse of mental impressions - samskaras. The individual being originates in the unconscious mind. Many of the instinctual urges that are felt at the level of svadhisthana emerge from the depths of the unconscious mind. Svadhisthana truly serves as the foundation, the place from which most people express themselves in the world. It forms the foundation of their life.

It is also said that the svadhisthana chakra was once the seat of kundalini, but there was a fall - a further fall - and kundalini descended into the muladhara chakra. Therefore, they say that it is svadhisthana, and not muladhara, that is the real fundamental center of a person. As such, it is called “its own abode.”

Proverbs often give very useful instructions. Especially if you stop looking for double meaning in them and perceive them as they are. Keep your mouth shut - the ancients advised and for good reason. Perhaps we are talking here not only about the benefits of silence - in the practice of yoga there is a technique in which the tongue is placed behind the teeth - “nabhi-mudra” or “nabho-mudra”.

Muladhara chakra (Sanskrit - root, foundation) is the foundation of the entire chakra system. Here an impulse arises that raises our level to the Sahasrara chakra and this impulse is Kundalini Shakti. Accordingly, the awakening of this chakra has important in Kundalini Yoga. In men, this center is located in the perineum, in women in the cervix. Physiologically, it is associated with the reproductive and excretory organs. This center is responsible for the area of ​​instincts and reproduction. This is the center of Tamas (ignorance) - the lowest quality of material nature. Here is the Brahma Grantha or Brahma knot. When this knot is “untied,” a person begins his awakening to a higher life, to higher levels of consciousness.. Upper heart: love for all patients, regardless of personality. Dedication. Self-sacrifice. Compassion. “By shining for others, I burn myself.” Is it enough for a doctor to be humane and have a kind heart?

Opening the chakras- this is the creation of a flow of energy between the chakras.

Chakra opening:

  1. It makes the human body more viable, since an actively working chakra has a beneficial effect on the organs of the physical body adjacent to it, harmonizing their activity.
  2. Raises the moral, ethical and spiritual level of a person. Moreover, the higher the chakra is located, the higher the moral, ethical and spiritual level a person reaches as a result of its opening.
  3. Reveals extrasensory abilities (siddhis). The type of these abilities depends on the opening of certain chakras.

Opening the chakras- a rather complex process that requires many months of study. In addition, caution is required when working with chakras (an uncontrolled flow of energy between them can damage them), so monk Romanatha, within the framework of our school, conducted a course of lectures on chakra yoga, thanks to which you can easily and safely work on opening your chakras.

Monk Ramanatha - How to open the chakras using shat-chakra yoga

Text version of the lecture:

Ramanatha: Namaste! We are starting a series of classes on Shat Chakra Yoga. What place do chakras occupy in our lives? What is the connection between the state of the chakras, the state of our health, the state of internal energy, the state of the emotional background, the state of our consciousness? From the point of view of shat chakra yoga, there is a completely direct connection. Why? Because the state in which our chakras are, how open they are, how awakened their potential is, is how we see the world around us, how well we perceive the world around us. Because the world around us is a projection of our consciousness, and more specifically, a projection of our energy body. Actually, the external world, the surrounding reality, everything that surrounds us in our lives is entirely a projection of our consciousness, is a coarser image; that is, we see in the life around us exactly what we have inside as subtle imprints. Where are these prints located? In subtle bodies.

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Chakras are phenomena of the non-physical world. Yes, the energy of the chakras controls the phenomena of the external world, but where to look for the chakras? Chakras are searched at the energetic level - pranamaya kosha and at the astral level - manomaya kosha. When they talk about concentration on the chakras, they mostly concentrate either on the energy components of the chakras or on the astral ones. That is, it is either visualization of the chakra - attributes of the chakra, chakra deities, colors - or concentration on the sensations of the chakra. These are two components related to the energy and astral bodies. What is the essence of Shat Chakra Yoga? Why concentrate on the chakras? Why open the chakras? Where it leads? There is a direct connection between the presence of free energy in the chakras and how this energy manifests in the relative world, is projected onto our physical body, and manifests as our health or illness. If the circulation of energy is blocked, if there are obstacles to the circulation of energy, then diseases appear or we experience some obstacles in relative life. What is the way out? By changing our energy state inside, we change our health and change the world around us. From the point of view of shat-chakra yoga (opening of the chakras), it is not necessary to change anything in the surrounding world - the relative dimension. If there is a problem in relative life or an unresolved situation, you need to understand which chakra it relates to (or to a set of chakras). You just need to collect more energy in the chakra so that there is more of it circulating freely, and obstacles and life problems will be solved by themselves. To the point that we may not even make any strong efforts to resolve the situation. Or the situation will unravel as if by itself: the circumstances themselves will develop, the people themselves will come, knowledge will come, money will come... that is, the situation will begin to unfold, to unravel.

What are chakras and what is their connection with the external five elements? Everything that is solid, everything that is rough is the earth element, the muladhara chakra is responsible for this. If there are any difficulties with solid objects in relative life: the physical body, bones, or material objects, land, real estate, rootedness in life - the muladhara chakra is responsible for all this. If something is missing or there is some kind of imbalance, you need to align the earth element, that is, the muladhara chakra.

Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for flexibility, fluidity, playfulness, creativity - it is the element of water. And if something is missing in our life, there is not enough flexibility - to respond flexibly to the challenges of fate, to be fluid, if there is a lack of communication skills, sociability, if there are not enough creative impulses, then there is underdevelopment of the swadhisthana chakra, which means the element of water in the body is missing. What to do? You need to concentrate on the svadhisthana chakra, thus increasing the amount of water elements in your body. When talking about increasing one or another element in the body, the pranic level is primarily meant, that is, this is the prana of water. This is not that we consume more water, although there is a connection between these phenomena. But the stability of the elements is ensured precisely by the presence of one or another prana - earth prana, water prana, etc.

The next element, the element of fire, is the manipura chakra. What connection? Manipura is our will. Sometimes they say: a fiery person is a strong-willed person. This is an actively working manipura chakra. Luxury, material wealth, material prosperity - all this directly depends on the manipura chakra. There are people who are simply attracted to wealth. Why? Because this is how their manipura chakra works, it works like a magnet to material energy. And some people just need to make a little effort, show some kind of will, intention and material energy turn to face them, flow towards them like a straight river. Other people work a lot, show their will, but material energy responds weakly. Why? Everything is determined by the strength of the manipura chakra. It is believed that a person who concentrates on the manipura chakra even begins to see with a subtle vision wealth, luxurious images - palaces, jewelry, decorations. Also, the manipura chakra is responsible for the astral body; a person who has developed the manipura chakra easily secretes the astral body.

The next element is the wind element - anahata chakra. Wind is mobility, mobility, the ability to quickly change circumstances. From a psychological point of view, the anahata chakra is responsible for our spiritual quality, that is, when they say: a person is sincere, loving, kind, compassionate. This is a manifestation of the anahata chakra, a pure manifestation of the chakra. The wind element is a magical element, that is, if we want to control the outside world magically, convey some information to the outside world in a magical way, then this is the wind element. For example, the power of mantras when we whisper or speak is based on the fact that we activate the wind through speech. It is known that mantras work, that is, mantras change the outside world in a magical way. The same - prayers, conspiracies.

The next element is space - the Vishuddha chakra. This is the ability of a phenomenon to spread in all directions, to expand. A person who has developed the Vishuddha chakra has a lot of space within the element, he has large-scale thinking, sometimes he is like a man of the world. If he is engaged in business, then he is very mobile, he has a developed network, or he has many branches of his business in various parts of the country or abroad. And if this is a practicing sadhu, then such a sadhu may have many friends - spiritual practitioners. He easily feels unattached almost anywhere: whether he has housing or not, if his clothes are either not very good, the conditions are comfortable or uncomfortable, that is, he feels good almost everywhere. Why? Because there is a lot of space inside him and external circumstances do not constrain him at all. The element of space - Vishuddha chakra - is also associated with the phenomenon of time. If we learn to collect energy in the Vishuddha chakra, we will have a lot of it and we will be able to control time, that is, we will be able to compress or stretch time. Sometimes people say they don't have enough time, but this is always very subjective. Some people manage to do a lot of things at the same time and subjectively live a lot of experience. Other people do not have enough time even for one thing. Why is that? Because this is how the Vishuddha chakra works. If there is not enough element of space inside, then it is too compressed, it is too narrow and a person is simply not able to unfold his will, to live some kind of experience. If there is a lot of space inside, a person is able to experience a large amount of experience even in a short time.

The Ajna chakra no longer belongs to the five elements; it is sometimes called the “sixth element.” Ajna chakra is the element of consciousness. Consciousness rules our life, as they say - everything is a manifestation of consciousness and the five elements - the five chakras are a manifestation of the principle of consciousness. The Ajna chakra is responsible for intellect, intuition, thinking, attentiveness, awareness, wakefulness.

The seventh chakra - sahasrara is identified with the supreme source, that is, the principle of God, the principle of the divine. The Sahasrara chakra is a door to the beyond, to insight, that is, it no longer relates to the individual, it is already a superpersonal dimension, it is an exit beyond the personality. This is a channel, a door to go beyond the ego, beyond limitations, this is the way out of samsara into nirvana. And this exit occurs through the sahasrara chakra.

There is a whole section and very detailed, very detailed, for which aspects of this or that part of life this or that chakra is responsible, and how to practice specifically to achieve certain results. In this course we will deal with the foundation, the base. We will learn the most important and basic things - the ability to open the chakra, find it and learn to place our consciousness, that is, concentrate our consciousness on the chakra. This is the power of the Shat Chakra Yoga method. The method is based on the fact that by concentrating on a chakra, we thereby collect energy there. It is believed that energy moves behind awareness - where our consciousness is, freely circulating energy is collected; no matter how much we have, we have it, because we are alive, we live. When we meditate and concentrate on a chakra, energy gathers at a point and begins to displace karmic blocks, karmic restrictions from the chakra. There is more energy in the chakra and the chakra blossoms. It can bloom so much that it begins to fill the whole body. That is, if it is the element of water, the prana of water begins to circulate throughout the physical body, bringing the energy of bliss, and begins to nourish and saturate the energy of the body. The same is true with other elements - earth prana, fire prana, wind prana, space prana. During the upcoming classes we will awaken the energy of our chakras step by step, we will learn how to activate the energy of the chakras. To do this we will perform certain exercises called anga chakras.

Often, most people do not feel their chakras and do not see the point in opening, feeling their chakras, unlocking their potential and learning to collect the energy of the chakras. Because they don’t know any positive benefits or advantages in this art. We live in an age where we know too much, we can read a lot about chakras now, but what can we say about our own chakras? How do I feel my muladhara chakra? How do I control chakra energy? How do I manage my health using the power of the muladhara chakra? Often this is simply an unknown topic for us, beyond the control of our mind. We do not know how to manage external life, our state of health, balance energy, emotional background with the help of the power of chakras. This is a definite art that requires understanding, a certain motivation, clarity and consistent methodical practice. Actually, in this course we will learn how to work out each chakra in detail, learn to find the chakra, feel it, feel it not only during practice, but feel it in everyday life. A little later - feel the chakras of other people, feel the pranic state of another person. If you devote a lot of time to concentrating on the chakras and do it professionally, you can realize superpowers. Yogis who achieved the ability to walk on water, not burn in fire, reduce or increase the weight of their body and even fly through the air - they achieved all this with the help of the power of control over their elements, their spells. That is, you need to understand the potential for the development of your internal abilities, the potential for the development of your chakras.

At first, we can balance our health with the power of our chakras, balance our small life situations. It is believed that 95% of diseases, with the exception of almost only those that require gross surgical intervention, that is, 95% of diseases can be cured by the power of chakra energy. Why? Because... what is a disease? It is first an imbalance at the energy level; the energy body undergoes deformation due to an astral breakdown or a distorted way of thinking - unclean thinking. Or the unclean thoughts of other people. The energy body is deformed, the energy stagnates and a malfunction occurs on the physical level - illness. What does Shat Chakra Yoga do? We learn to release energy, since all the energy channels from which our energy body is woven are closed at the chakras. Chakras are nodes, and when we gather energy in a chakra, we give strength to the channels that are connected to that chakra; It’s as if we are filling and saturating the channels associated with it. Energy is released from these channels and the disease goes away, dissolves until complete healing. The question here is only about the effort made, devoting time to shat-chakra yoga. We believe that shat chakra yoga is the most reliable investment; a person who devotes himself to shat-chakra yoga for several years is his capital, which he will use as long as he exists in this physical body. And if he works his chakras very well, then this potential of pure channels, pure chakras lays in a more favorable rebirth of the next life, a healthier body, a better destiny is formed.

Therefore, starting from the very basics, in this course we will work on each of the chakras in each lesson: look for the chakra and learn to concentrate on it. The goal of this course is to get a taste, learn to concentrate, collect your consciousness - focus on the chakras, so that later on yourself at any time you can practice shat-chakra yoga - concentration on the chakras. Another goal of this course is that you can listen to these classes periodically and get inspired to practice. Because in our time there is often not enough instruction, there is not enough inspiring external energy to motivate oneself to practice.

So, I wish you success and invite you to join the Shat Chakra Yoga course. Namaste!

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