» Fourteenth week of pregnancy, determining the sex of the child. Fourteenth week of pregnancy, determining the sex of the child. The 14th week of pregnancy is underway.

Fourteenth week of pregnancy, determining the sex of the child. Fourteenth week of pregnancy, determining the sex of the child. The 14th week of pregnancy is underway.

The 14th obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the fourth month. A rather calm period when the mother begins to feel well, and the baby is no longer so afraid of external influences.

The article describes in detail how the mother feels this week, how the baby is developing, and provides useful recommendations from doctors.

14 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

By the fourth month, the baby has grown - now his height is 12-13 cm. Weight 50-60 g.

Now his spine is actively strengthening and his muscular system is developing. The baby already looks almost like a newborn - but his skin is transparent, covered with a thin layer of special lubricant.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at 14 obstetric weeks?

During this period, the baby begins to smile for the first time. But his smile is still unconscious. The vocal apparatus begins to form.

Eyebrows become more expressive. The distance between the eyes decreases. This week the bridge of his nose and cheeks are forming.

The muscles of the respiratory system develop. He is trying to make breathing movements. This training is very important - and prepares his lungs to work independently after childbirth.

The baby's body is covered with the finest hair called lagoon. It is needed to protect the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At this time, as a rule, ultrasound is not prescribed. But if, nevertheless, the mother undergoes an ultrasound examination, it will help to see the baby’s well-formed head. Now it is slightly enlarged compared to the body. However, in appearance he is very similar to a newborn baby.

With the help of high-precision technology, you can notice the movements of tiny arms and legs.

Women with multiple pregnancies may notice that their babies are slightly different in size. Don't be afraid of this. Nature provides for one child to be slightly smaller. Some time after birth, their sizes should become approximately the same.

Video: Ultrasound 14 weeks

Fetal heart rate norms at 14 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The baby’s heart is the very first organ that forms faster than others. It produces its first blows already on the 28th day after conception.

But it is possible to record the work of the heart only after some time. By week 14, your heart rate should fluctuate within 140-170 .

What happens in a woman’s body at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

Many mothers note that this week is more favorable than others. The psycho-emotional state returns to normal. The expectant mother is feeling much better.

What may worry pregnant women at 14 weeks:

  • Under the influence of growth hormone, a woman may experience changes in appearance. The nose and lips enlarge slightly, facial features become blurred. A blush appears on the cheeks.
  • Bleeding gums may occur. The lack of ascorbic acid is to blame for this.
  • The volume of blood in the body became 800 g more. In this regard, high blood pressure is likely to occur.
  • Some women may still be bothered by toxicosis, headaches, and increased fatigue. At week 14, a symptom such as heartburn may appear.

Optimal weight gain should be on average 500 g in Week.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 14 weeks of pregnancy

The breasts continue to grow. The same as before, pain and sensitivity are felt. The area around the nipples darkens and blue venous lines may appear.

In some women, due to changes in hormonal levels, the breasts may become slightly smaller.

A pregnant belly is becoming increasingly difficult to hide. If this is the second pregnancy, it will already be clearly visible at 14 weeks. In this regard, the pregnant woman’s gait begins to change.

First movements during pregnancy

Perhaps the most exciting question is: when can we expect the first movements? The baby started moving in his tummy long before this week. His first movements were at 7-8 weeks, when the nervous system was just beginning to form. But, being just a baby, he cannot touch the wall of the uterus. Therefore, the mother does not feel the baby’s movements until a certain moment.

Starting from the 14th week, some mothers can already feel the baby moving. As a rule, thin women begin to feel this earlier.

But, most often, the first movements can be felt after 18 weeks. It feels like the baby’s first movements in the stomach can be compared to the slight fluttering of a butterfly.

It has been noticed that with each subsequent pregnancy, the first movements of the baby are felt a little earlier.

Video: 14th obstetric week of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

In the second trimester, many women's appetite improves. But this pleasant fact can carry a threat. By allowing herself to eat without restrictions, a woman risks gaining excess weight.

The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is 12-14 kg. Every extra kilogram contributes to the fact that pregnancy and childbirth will occur with complications.

Since the baby’s muscle tissue is formed during this period, at week 14 the mother needs to consume as much protein as possible.

Doctors do not advise overeating at night, so as not to provoke digestive problems.

In the absence of contraindications, it is useful for pregnant women to engage in physical exercise. But there is no need to allow yourself to become overtired.

Nowadays, changes in pressure and humidity and time zone changes are extremely undesirable. You should be wary of laser hair removal, photo hair removal, and solariums.

The intimate life of a pregnant woman should be calm.

The question often arises: is it possible to sleep on your back?

In fact, a pregnant woman can sleep in any position that is convenient for her.

But, if she has a predisposition to varicose veins, then sleeping on her back can really aggravate the situation. In this position, the enlarged uterus compresses important blood vessels, as a result of which the woman’s legs may hurt in the morning.

14 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

Only a gynecologist can accurately answer the question of whether everything is okay with the child. Therefore, if there is any doubt, a woman should first of all consult a doctor.

Based on the results of all tests, you can find out how the pregnancy is progressing. In case of any violations, the woman will be informed about it.

The main indicator that everything is fine is good health, healthy sleep and absence of pain.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 14 weeks - answered by a specialist

14 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

  • The period beginning after fertilization is called embryonic.
  • Obstetric the period is two weeks ahead of the embryonic period. Gynecologists use it in order not to make a mistake with the estimated date of birth.

Is discharge at 14 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

The expectant mother's discharge should be the same as before pregnancy. From time to time they may become a little more abundant. But under no circumstances should they contain blood.

If at 14 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat...

In such cases, there is no need to panic. It often happens that the equipment fails, so it cannot record the work of the heart.

If such a diagnosis is confirmed several times, you need to come to terms with the fact that the woman has lost her child. To prevent this from happening in the future, it is worth analyzing the reasons that provoked the death of the fetus.

If at 14 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen feels tight...

If from time to time a pregnant woman experiences a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, this is normal. This feeling of tension in the uterus may appear after vigorous activity.

At week 14, such pain should rarely bother a woman. If your stomach constantly hurts, you should definitely consult a gynecologist, as this condition can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at the 14th obstetric week - reasons?

First of all, it must be emphasized that pain in the ovaries during pregnancy is a rare occurrence. During this period, their functions are temporarily suspended.

Most often, pain in the side means a sprained muscle and ligament. But the sharp, incessant pain - reason to see a doctor.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 14 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant, and bleeding starts?

The absence of toxicosis is a completely natural phenomenon for this period.

But the appearance of blood is an alarming symptom. If you notice bloody discharge, you need to seek help on the same day.

14th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

After the first trimester has passed, the threat of miscarriage is not so acute. Therefore, doctors monitor IVF pregnancies less carefully.

At this stage, the risk of possible pathologies is studied. Additionally, the administration of hCG may be prescribed.

If everything is fine with the mother and baby, she can be observed in a regular antenatal clinic.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 14 weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

If your breasts suddenly stop hurting, the main symptoms of pregnancy (toxicosis, heartburn) disappear - this may indicate a possible fading of pregnancy. The appearance of bloody discharge and a sharp deterioration in health can confirm this diagnosis.

In any case, the woman will need to undergo a full examination, since these symptoms may indicate another pathology.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

Exposure to viruses and bacteria in the second trimester of pregnancy is no longer so dangerous for the baby’s health.

But mom still needs to protect herself from all kinds of infections, and do not take medications without a doctor's permission.

At 14 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

In most cases, this means that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The absence of toxicosis this week is quite expected.

The 14th week of pregnancy rightfully belongs to the second trimester. Its events no longer overshadow your excellent condition with toxicosis, heartburn and other “joys of life”. Your body is literally blossoming, so you can finally start enjoying your pregnancy. The baby, starting this week, looks exactly like a smaller version of a baby! And although for some your rapidly growing belly is not yet noticeable, its inhabitant is already demanding attention! Do not deprive him of tenderness and affection. Involve the future dad in conversations with the future baby. This will have a positive impact on your family relationships.

The fourteenth week of pregnancy is no less important than all other weeks. The active development and growth of the baby does not stop for a second. Every day he becomes more and more like a newborn, only for now he is very, very thin. The fact is that he does not yet need to accumulate fat tissue (this will happen in the third trimester), now the most relevant and important thing is the improvement of all organs and systems.

Fetal size: weight and height

The size of the fetus at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is:

height from crown to tailbone - about 8-11 cm,

weight – 25-35 g.,

head circumference – about 6 cm,

chest circumference - approximately 3 cm.

As you can see, the head is still larger than the body. But by the time she gives birth, she will look proportional to him.

Fetal development at 14 weeks of gestation is as follows:

  • The spine strengthens and the baby's bones grow. Therefore, the need for calcium increases significantly. Accordingly, you should adjust your diet to include calcium-rich foods.
  • The cervical vertebrae are already quite well developed, so that the baby can turn his head in different directions.
  • He knows how to actively move his arms and legs, thereby training his muscular system. In this case, periods of activity and rest alternate.
  • If this is not your first pregnancy, then perhaps you will be able to detect the first weak tremors in your tummy already at this stage. If you are carrying your first child, then most likely you will be able to detect the first movements no earlier than 18-20 weeks.
  • The future baby already makes very funny faces and knows how to suck his thumb.
  • Facial features become more and more distinct. Eyebrows, eyelashes, and the bridge of the nose begin to emerge.
  • The body is covered with a protective lubricant, but underneath it, the first fluff appears on the thin, delicate skin - lanugo. These hairs are needed to retain lubricant, which will soon make it easier for the baby to glide through the birth canal.
  • The optic nerves are fully formed, but the eyes are still tightly closed. In addition, they are still planted far away.
  • The heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute.
  • The emotional state of the baby is largely determined by your mood. If you are worried about something, then the baby’s heart begins to beat faster, and he also becomes restless.
  • The respiratory system undergoes its first checks. The diaphragm makes movements very similar to breathing.
  • The genitourinary system and kidneys are functioning, so the baby urinates directly into the amniotic fluid (don’t worry, it is renewed up to 10 times a day).
  • Primary sexual characteristics can be seen on an ultrasound if the belly is positioned in a favorable angle.
  • Taste buds are gradually improving. Your unborn child already loves sweets, actively swallowing amniotic fluid after you eat sweets!
  • It is already possible to determine the baby’s blood type and Rh factor, although the composition of the blood is still changing.

How does the expectant mother feel?

The fourteenth obstetric week of pregnancy is truly a wonderful time. Toxicosis is no longer a concern, I feel good, self-confidence increases, and the threat of miscarriage is unlikely. The expectant mother no longer has to worry about the outcome of her pregnancy and begins to proudly show off her neat little belly to her loved ones.

Characteristic symptoms and lack of vitamins

The appearance of pigment spots and papillomas on the body of a pregnant woman are quite common symptoms at the 14th week of pregnancy. As a rule, they do not pose any hidden threat, but it is still worth warning the doctor about them during the next scheduled consultation.

A deficiency of vitamin A in your body can affect flaking skin, brittle hair and nails. A lack of vitamin C can lead to bleeding gums. Therefore, try to eat more healthy foods rich in vitamins, limiting smoked foods, fatty foods and, of course, fast food.

Feelings at 14 weeks

Let's quickly find out what happens at 14 weeks of pregnancy. What changes are already visible, and what are yet to come?

  1. Appetite improves. You may feel the urge to eat for two or sometimes have an unbearable craving for sweets. However, try to control yourself. It’s better to eat less, but more often, leaning on healthy foods, in particular protein foods;
  2. The chest becomes heavier. The size of the breasts pleasantly pleases especially those expectant mothers who, before pregnancy, could not boast of curvaceous figures. Also, the nipples become larger, and the areolas around them noticeably darken;
  3. Sexual desire increases. Many women during this period note an improvement in their sex life with their partner. Nausea no longer torments you, you want affection and love again... If your medical indicators are normal, then why not? In addition, the baby quickly adopts your mood: when you feel good, then he feels good too!;
  4. There is a moderate light discharge with a slightly sour odor. Any change in their consistency or color, and especially the appearance of pus, mucus, cheesiness, as well as itching, are sure signs of infection;
  5. Frequent urge to urinate bothers you. The enlarging uterus puts more and more pressure on the internal organs surrounding it. To avoid harming your kidneys, do not ignore signals when you need to go to the toilet.

Your tummy and weight gain

The belly has already become much more noticeable than just a couple of weeks ago. It's time to change your clothing style, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to fasten your favorite jeans at a waist that has clearly become wider. Of course, it may be possible to hide your position under certain clothes, but tight-fitting T-shirts will probably give you away.

The uterus has enlarged and risen higher - on average, 10-13 cm above the pubis. During your next visit, the gynecologist records your weight gain. By this time it is about 2 kg, 0.8 kg of which is the increased volume of blood in your body.

To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, use special creams or simply lubricate the sides of the abdomen with olive oil. This makes the skin more hydrated, elastic and stretchable.

Photos of cute bellies of pregnant women who are at the same stage as you are now:

Ultrasound examination and analyzes

Typically, an ultrasound examination of the first trimester is performed at 10-13 weeks, and for the second trimester at 20-24 weeks. Therefore, if you are a little late, it is extremely important to do an ultrasound at the fourteenth week of pregnancy. For other expectant mothers, there is no urgent need for an ultrasound scan at this stage if the pregnancy is progressing normally.

Most likely, you have already passed all the tests earlier. Unless, at the doctor’s request, you can take a blood and urine test.

Photos taken during ultrasound at 14 weeks:

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy is a pathology of miscarriage during normal pregnancy. It is characterized by a complete stop in the development of the embryo and its death from conception to 28 weeks. Particular attention to the signs of frozen pregnancy should be paid in the early stages up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal death can occur completely asymptomatically for a pregnant woman. To avoid this, you should visit the doctor regularly and take all necessary tests in a timely manner.

The main signs of a frozen pregnancy, characteristic of all trimesters:

Want something interesting?

  • often disturbing bloody discharge;
  • chills;
  • increased body temperature and decreased basal temperature;
    aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the duration of pregnancy;
  • Statement of the fact that the baby’s heartbeat has stopped on an ultrasound.

Doctors cannot always give an exact answer as to why freezing occurs, but the most common reasons include:

  • Genetic failure;
  • Hormonal disorders (lack of progesterone or excess of male hormones);
  • Infection with harmful viruses (cytomegalovirus, rubella, ARVI);
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Poor lifestyle (poor nutrition, lack of fresh air, tight clothing, sitting in one place for a long time).

Thus, visit your gynecologist regularly, eat right, lead an active healthy lifestyle and take all tests on time. Pay maximum attention to your condition, then a frozen pregnancy will not be scary for you!

  1. Nutrition should be balanced and complete. No fast food! Proper nutrition, in particular, will protect you from gaining excess weight during pregnancy. Giving birth to a healthy baby and at the same time maintaining a beautiful figure after childbirth is possible. Repeatedly proven by many mothers!
  2. Limit the consumption of foods that can cause allergic reactions in both you and your baby in the future. These include, for example, citrus fruits, honey, caviar, cow's milk, chocolate, etc.
  3. Be sure to eat meat, because it is a source of protein, which is very necessary for the baby at this stage of development. But it is advisable to replace fatty varieties with dietary meat (rabbit, skinless chicken, veal).
  4. If you are often bothered by constipation, eat more fruits and vegetables, because they contain a large amount of fiber.
  5. It's time to get physical. Take a yoga class or buy a pool membership. You can start doing gymnastic exercises for pregnant women at home or at special courses for expectant mothers.
  6. Reasonably alternate between activity and rest modes. If you want to sleep, sleep without ignoring this desire.
  7. Communicate with your baby as often as possible! Involve the future dad in this.
  8. Take the vitamin complex prescribed by your doctor.
  9. Spend more time outdoors.
  10. Chat with other pregnant girls, share your impressions and positive emotions. It’s great if in your circle of friends there are other expectant mothers with whom you can go for walks. Otherwise, the Internet is full of various forums where you can meet pregnant women from your city.

The fourteenth week is the very period between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy when a woman is able to more clearly feel the signs of imminent motherhood and begin to enjoy her condition.

You have already seen the fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy on your first ultrasound, and, hopefully, you even took the first photo of the future baby. Also, don't forget to take weekly photos of your growing belly! And more positive! After all, when the mother is happy, the baby is happy too.

This material is for informational purposes only; before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

The 14th week of pregnancy can be called the calmest period in the process of bearing a fetus. This is the beginning of the second trimester, when a woman can enjoy her position, good health and mood.

What happens at week 14

Sensations in the abdomen at 14 weeks of pregnancy become more pronounced. The fruit is already quite developed and showing its activity. Every day he makes a huge number of movements: he tumbles, sucks his finger, plays with the umbilical cord and even licks the placenta - all this makes the sensations at this time unforgettable.

The child and the mother have already formed a common neurohumoral system, so the child reacts to all the changes that occur with the woman. Through communication channels, both hormones of happiness (endorphins) and stress (catecholamines) are transmitted from it to the fetus. Therefore, in the second trimester, the child is already able to show his mood.

During pregnancy, the musculoskeletal system actively develops, and a huge amount of calcium is consumed from the mother's body. That is why a pregnant woman should consume milk, nuts and seeds, fish and seafood, eggs, and other calcium-containing foods during this period.

What happens in the body?

The uterus is growing, at the fourteenth week it already protrudes above the pelvic area. It can be easily felt not only by a doctor, but also by a woman by placing her palm on the lower abdomen. The size of the uterus during the fourteenth week is about 14 cm (fundus height), it is located midway between the womb and the navel. By this period, a rounded tummy may appear, but more often in multiparous women.

The 14th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by an emerging deficiency, since the fetus's need for it increases, and a large amount is excreted along with urine. In this case, the thyroid gland may increase slightly in size, which is associated with the thyroid-stimulating effect of the hormone hCG.

In the female body at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, a gestational dominant is formed. Now all the interests and desires of the expectant mother will be aimed at meeting the needs of the child. Subsequently, this dominant will be replaced by generic and lactation.

With the beginning of the second trimester, a number of problems recede from pregnancy, such as the toxic effects of infections and drugs on the developing fetus. Now previously prohibited medications can be taken without fear for the baby’s life.

This is the time when the placenta ceases to outpace the growth rate of the fetus. The baby's movements begin to be felt. In the first pregnancy, sensations appear only at the turn of 4-5 months, and they look like bursting air bubbles.

Main features

  • absence of menstruation;
  • morning sickness;
  • breast enlargement;
  • darkening of the nipples and areolas;
  • pigment spots on the skin of the face, neck and chest;
  • the appearance of a pigmented vertical stripe on the abdomen;
  • swelling and varicose veins.

But all these signs depend on the individual characteristics of the female body, so they do not occur in every pregnant woman.

At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the belly grows, the woman gains about 2-3 kg, which is associated with an increase in the volume of blood and lymph fluid, as well as the active growth of subcutaneous fat. Since hormonal levels are changed, during this period of pregnancy you should not consume large quantities of sweet foods and baked goods - they can lead to sudden weight gain.

The 14th obstetric week of pregnancy may also be marked by the appearance of new growths on a woman’s skin - moles and papillomas. There is no need to worry: after the hormonal levels normalize, they will disappear. However, sometimes previously existing papillomas (soft warts) change in size and grow, and birthmarks enlarge and darken. In case of such changes, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

Pregnant women may also develop condylomas - warts in the vagina or anus. Their formation is associated with the papilloma virus - this is also a problem that should be addressed by a specialist. Condylomas can cause complications during pregnancy due to their strong growth - they clog the birth canal, subsequently preventing childbirth. However, the most unpleasant thing is that during the birth process the baby can become infected with this virus.

Woman's feelings

The gestational age of 14 weeks is the beginning of normalization of a woman’s emotional state. Irritability, nervousness and mood swings are replaced by a feeling of peace, tranquility and alienation from the bustle of the world around us. But increased tearfulness may remain until the end of pregnancy.

Sensations in the abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower part. This is a warning sign that should be monitored closely. The appearance of nagging and cramping pain may indicate hypertension, which can cause many unpleasant consequences.

Discharge from the genital tract

Yellowish, milky and clear discharge is normal. However, they should not have a sharp specific odor or cause unpleasant sensations. If blood appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate placental abruption.

Discharge with white flakes is a sign of thrush, which is also accompanied by itching and burning. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, treatment of this disease is carried out using local therapy - suppositories and applicators.


You can find out exactly what happens at the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy in a woman’s stomach using an ultrasound. However, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, then there is no need for an ultrasound examination. But if there are any pathologies or a suspected threat, an ultrasound scan is required.

During its implementation, the doctor can evaluate:

  • size and weight of the fetus;
  • the place of its attachment to the placenta;
  • collar area size;
  • location of internal organs and brain structure.

The genital organs are in the final stages of development, so the doctor, when conducting an ultrasound examination, can already guess the gender of the baby. But this is only possible with the correct position of the fetus - upside down.

Fetus at fourteen weeks

The size of the abdomen increases noticeably, which is explained by the growth of the fetus - it reaches 80-113 mm in height, and the weight is about 25 g. The baby is the size of an apple. Thanks to the development of parts of the brain, the fetus has better control over its movements, so they are not as chaotic as before.

The baby moves more and more actively in the uterine cavity. He can already play with the umbilical cord, frown, touch his face, and also move away if a woman’s belly is palpated by a gynecologist. He makes special breathing movements with a frequency of 40-70 times per minute.

The face changes even more: eyebrows, eyelashes and cheeks appear, as well as the bridge of the nose. The lower jaw assumes its normal position. A small fluff has already appeared on the surface of the thin, still transparent skin. Throughout pregnancy, it will protect the natural waxy lubricant produced by the glands on the skin.

The fetal thyroid gland begins to produce its own hormones. At the same time, at the fourteenth week, in girls, the ovaries from the abdominal cavity descend lower into the pelvic area, and in boys, the prostate begins to form. The intestines and kidneys are already beginning to work fully, carrying out their functions.

Since the baby actively urinates in the amniotic fluid, it is constantly renewed - up to ten times a day. At the same time, the child can already swallow them and feel the taste, which depends on the food eaten by the expectant mother.

Possible problems

The beginning of the second trimester is often called the “golden period,” but at this time the expectant mother should be no less careful about various dangers. Pregnant women are often concerned about increased tone - the size of the uterus increases at 14 weeks, and the woman’s psychological state changes. The appearance of increased uterine tone depends mainly on the physical activity of the expectant mother, hormonal dysfunction and intrauterine developmental defects of the fetus.

Other possible problems include:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • primary placental insufficiency.

Pregnant women often complain of headaches. Experts believe that such symptoms provoke hormonal changes in the body; they do not pose a threat to bearing a child. The hormone progesterone, which works to support pregnancy, as well as estrogen hormones have a significant effect on the tone of blood vessels. Headaches can also occur due to changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. They do not lead to miscarriage, but they do cause a lot of discomfort.

The danger of bearing a fetus in the form of uterine hypertonicity in the event of a threat is palpated and determined using ultrasound. The size of the uterus and its hypertonicity are not a reason for panic, but they become a reason for closer monitoring.

The threat of miscarriage in the middle of the period manifests itself by noticeable changes in discharge from the genital organs. In the case of a normal pregnancy, these discharges have a mucous and transparent structure. Important: if watery discharge with a strong odor of ammonia or blood streaks appears, you should immediately consult a doctor - this is one of the dangers that can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Blood in the discharge may indicate abruption of the ovum or placenta, and heavy and liquid discharge may be amniotic fluid escaping.

It should be noted that the risk of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, as well as the threat of termination, is minimal. But a woman should continue to monitor her health and well-being, and also protect herself from any negative external factors, since they can significantly affect the proper growth of the fetus.

To prevent other problems, you should avoid intense physical activity, avoid contact with sick people and not visit public institutions, especially during the peak of the disease, and also not take alcohol or any medications.

What should you pay attention to?

During pregnancy, a woman should take more walks in the fresh air, and also follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Since the child is actively developing the skeletal system and muscle tissue, the woman needs large amounts of calcium and protein. Therefore, her diet should contain meat, legumes, fish and seafood, as well as milk, cottage cheese and cheese. If necessary, a balanced diet can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • You shouldn’t give up physical activity, but the volume and intensity of exercise should be reduced to 60-80%. Special yoga, fitness and swimming classes for pregnant women are suitable.
  • You should stop smoking. Ideally, you need to quit this habit at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • Despite the improvement in appetite, you should eat small portions about 6-7 times a day. You should also not overeat, as this can lead to sudden weight gain. In the second trimester, weekly weight gain should not exceed 300-450 g.

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The 14th week of pregnancy can be called a kind of “turning point” - at this time the second trimester of pregnancy begins. This means that from this moment on, most pathologies and anomalies for the fetus are no longer as terrible as in the early stages of pregnancy. An actively growing and developing baby will make itself felt more and more - even now it has grown to 8-10 cm and weighs about 30-40 g.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy becomes even more similar to a person, only “in miniature”. Small, he moves actively, frowns, clenches his fists and, touching the abdominal wall, pushes away from it. True, the woman does not feel this yet, although many pregnant women claim that even at such an early stage as 14 weeks, they felt the “movements” of the baby within themselves.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to “build up” its bone skeleton, and its first ribs begin to appear. Surprisingly, the baby is already preparing for birth - making movements with the diaphragm that resemble breathing. A 14-week-old fetus can already distinguish tastes: when swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby reacts to sweets with rapid swallowing reflexes, and to sour or bitter - on the contrary, with weak ones.

The fetal body is now still covered with a thick protective lubricant, but underneath it, a fluff has already appeared on the baby’s thin skin, the name of which is lanugo. The first and thin hairs that cover the fetal body (by the way, the same fluff is already on the baby’s head) are designed to hold a special protective lubricant: thanks to it, in the future the baby will easily slide along the birth canal. In addition to the fact that soft and light lanugo covers the entire body of the fetus, the baby can already boast of the presence of eyebrows and eyelashes.

All systems and organs of the baby are already established and functioning, their work is becoming more and more perfect and harmonious. In addition, the genitals have already been formed, although on an ultrasound it is still difficult to distinguish who “lives” in the mother’s stomach. But it is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor inherent in the baby - despite the fact that the blood composition has not yet been fully formed.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks of pregnancy

But an ultrasound examination is not only and not so much carried out to determine the sex of the baby and its size. Ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy is one of the very informative methods for assessing the degree of fetal development and whether this development is normal. Moreover, establishing such a correspondence is already quite simple: the fetus at this stage has a size sufficient for clear visualization of all its structures.

The main parameters that are assessed using ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy are the coccygeal-parietal size of the baby (length, fetal growth from crown to tailbone); biparietal size (transverse size of the fetal head); head circumference and abdominal circumference. Also, an ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy allows you to measure the length of the baby’s hip, and at the same time - the ratio of the two femurs to exclude developmental defects.

Additionally, the specialist assesses the development of the long bones of the fetus (ulna, radius, humerus, fibula and tibia), feet and hands. And with them - an assessment of the development of internal organs: heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, bladder, brain.


Screening today is considered one of the most modern and reliable examination methods, allowing timely identification and identification of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal development abnormalities. And the first screening examination, which is often also called a double test (due to the study of two markers in a biochemical blood test), is usually indicated at 11-14 weeks. But the most optimal time is 12-13 weeks: screening also involves, in addition to a biochemical blood test, an ultrasound examination of the fetal collar zone. Such a study makes it possible with a high degree of probability to exclude the possibility of the baby developing any congenital abnormalities. But, since the collar zone is a non-permanent marker and constantly changes as the fetus develops, its study is possible within a clearly defined time frame. And usually, during the full 14 weeks of pregnancy, examination as part of screening does not provide reliable results. Why, it is advisable to carry out screening either earlier than this period, or to wait for the right moment to conduct a second screening examination, which occurs at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy (optimally at 16-18).

Tests at 14 weeks of pregnancy

If by this time the expectant mother has not yet passed all the tests indicated by this date, she may be prescribed tests at the 14th week of pregnancy - in the form of a general and gynecological examination, urine test, consultation with a therapist, dentist and otolaryngologist. As mentioned above, tests at the 14th week of pregnancy may also involve a routine ultrasound examination. The blood test, among other things, may also include determining levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the pregnant woman's body. If during the first few weeks of pregnancy the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother constantly increases, then, starting from 8-9 weeks, having reached its peak, the level of hCG decreases slightly and remains so throughout the entire second trimester. If the hCG level at this stage is not normal, this may indicate the possibility of developing some chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. However, such an analysis is not a definitive diagnosis and becomes a reason for additional research.

In some cases, amniotic fluid puncture may be required for analysis. This analysis is carried out solely according to indications, and the woman can refuse it: the doctor must notify the expectant mother, albeit of the scanty, but still existing, possibility of miscarriage (the risk of miscarriage is 1:200). The process of collecting a sample for analysis involves inserting a needle into the uterus (at the same time as an ultrasound to see where the baby is), through which a certain amount of amniotic fluid is collected for testing. In the future, analysis of amniotic fluid will make it possible to assume or exclude the presence of possible chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.


Toxicosis at 14 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, remains a thing of the past. However, it is often replaced by pain of a completely different nature, most often back pain and headaches.

Painful sensations in the back are often the consequences of a woman’s love for high heels. Therefore, if since the beginning of pregnancy the expectant mother has not given up this “luxury”, then now is the time to do it. Lower back pain during this period also occurs due to the gradual increase in the weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

Migraine-type headaches at week 14 can occur spontaneously and unexpectedly, and it is better, of course, to prevent them than to deal with the pain later. To do this, you need to get enough rest, not overwork, avoid feeling hungry and avoid noisy, smoky rooms. If the headache does make itself felt, the main thing is to avoid taking medications. To relieve pain symptoms, you need to lie down in a dark and cool, well-ventilated room; a massage of the temporal part will not hurt.

It is possible that the expectant mother will also experience pain at the 14th week of pregnancy, concentrated in the lower abdomen and of a weak and dull nature. This is a consequence of stretching the ligaments that secure the uterus. However, you should be wary if pain in the abdomen at 14 weeks of pregnancy is constant or occurs sharply and unexpectedly, the pain is cramping or aching - this is a clear sign of uterine hypertonicity. You should also call a doctor immediately if abdominal pain is also accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, copious watery vaginal discharge or bleeding. It is very likely that such symptoms indicate a high risk of pregnancy failure and even intrauterine fetal death.


If the pregnancy proceeds according to the norm, then the sensations at the 14th week of pregnancy, characteristic of the early stages, recede. The expectant mother has already “suffered” from toxicosis, her emotional state has also stabilized, the baby is practically not threatened by all the dangers that could have harmed him in the first weeks of pregnancy... And a happy time comes for the woman, filled with the awareness of imminent motherhood, pleasant worries and worries associated with preparation with your child.

A woman’s joy can be somewhat overshadowed by some physiological changes that are increasingly occurring due to a deficiency of nutrients in the body of the expectant mother. A lack of vitamin C, for example, can be accompanied by bleeding gums and a decrease in the body's defenses during pregnancy. Vitamin A deficiency affects dry and brittle hair and nails, flaking of the skin. However, all these negative manifestations can be avoided by eating well and constantly replenishing the increased need for minerals and nutrients.


But how much joy a woman experiences admiring her already clearly rounded tummy! The belly at 14 weeks of pregnancy may still be quite small, but it is already quite noticeable. From the navel down, dividing the tummy in two, a dark stripe may clearly appear. There is no reason to worry in this regard - this pigmentation is temporary, it is associated with the accumulation of melanin in skin cells, and will go away on its own over time.

But now is the time to think about clothes for pregnant women, as well as the choice of cosmetics to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Today, such cosmetics are freely sold both in pharmacies and in specialized stores; the choice of gels, creams, and balms for stretch marks for pregnant women is unusually large. If a woman is not satisfied with “factory-made” products, she can always resort to effective and well-proven remedies for stretch marks in the form of olive or almond oil.


The belly continues to grow for the same reason - due to the gradual enlargement of the uterus as the baby grows. At the 14th week of pregnancy, the uterus, relative to the pubic bone, already begins to rise towards the navel. Its bottom is located between the pubic joint and the navel, while the upper edge rises approximately 10-13 cm above the pubis. Having significantly increased in size, the uterus can already be felt through the anterior abdominal wall, and a woman can feel it by placing her palm on her stomach.

Discharge at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Normally, pregnancy at this stage is accompanied by discharge, which is also typical in the early stages. Thus, moderate and uniform discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy, having a light color and a slightly sour odor, indicates a normal pregnancy. Any changes in color and consistency - the appearance of pus or mucus, cheesy discharge, which is also accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area, indicates the appearance of an infection.

Candidiasis (thrush), caused by the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida, often becomes characteristic of pregnancy. Other troubles that can befall an expectant mother while carrying a baby can be colpitis and vulvitis. Each of these diseases requires mandatory treatment - not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also to avoid infection of the fetus.

An alarming sign is the appearance of bloody discharge, which is also accompanied by abdominal pain. This situation indicates a high probability of premature termination of pregnancy, and contacting a doctor when such symptoms appear is necessary immediately: delay is now unacceptable. Additional examination will also be needed if spotting and spotting appears at the 14th week of pregnancy, occurring more and more after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. The presence of such symptoms indicates the possibility of cervical erosion.


Bleeding at 14 weeks of pregnancy becomes a very frightening symptom. Bleeding is nothing more than an incipient miscarriage. It is usually accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen: the uterus, contracting, pushes the fetus out. In this case, you will not be able to deal with the situation on your own, and the intervention of specialists in order to maintain the pregnancy becomes a necessity. Just the appearance of minor spotting should already be a sufficient reason for urgently seeking medical help, and bleeding that occurs at the 14th week of pregnancy - even more so. A timely response may well stop an incipient miscarriage and prevent premature termination of pregnancy. But to do this it is necessary to act very quickly.


Although the main dangers for the baby at the 14th week of pregnancy remain for the most part in the past, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy can still become a catalyst for quite serious complications. Colds are especially dangerous, accompanied by a prolonged increase in temperature to 38 degrees and above. Already at the first symptoms of a cold, you should definitely consult a doctor - it is imperative to treat the disease.

As in the early stages of pregnancy, first of all, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy requires the woman to maintain rest and bed rest, and to eliminate symptoms - the use of predominantly traditional methods of treatment. However, the use of certain medications is also possible: at the 14th week of pregnancy, some drugs prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy are already permitted for use. But only with the consent of the doctor and strictly according to indications; self-medication during pregnancy is not acceptable and can cause a lot of trouble.


Fever at 14 weeks of pregnancy can be accompanied by a fairly large number of different diseases. Although the most important reason for fever, of course, is various colds and viral diseases. Fever is caused by infectious diseases (influenza, rotavirus infection, toxoplasmosis), inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis), and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis).

If the temperature rises, you cannot do without consulting a doctor: initially it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease, from which the main threat comes, and, if necessary, prescribe competent treatment. Long-term fever is quite dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy: from the second trimester, high temperature can cause pathology of the placenta and the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, and in case of infectious diseases it also poses a threat of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Then, consultation with a doctor if you have a fever is necessary. If for some reason it is impossible to immediately consult a doctor, you can and should bring down the temperature with “improvised” means. Bed rest, plenty of warm fluids are recommended, at high temperatures - rubbing and lotions, and in extreme cases, the use of paracetamol-based drugs. If the high temperature persists for several hours, hospitalization of the expectant mother and further observation in the hospital is required.


Alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy, as before and after this period, is best left on the list of “not consumed” products. If in the early stages of pregnancy alcohol can cause pathology in the development of developing organs, now alcoholic drinks, although they do not have a damaging effect, are no less dangerous. After all, the baby continues to develop very quickly, all its main organs and systems are already working, and alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy already causes disruption of their functions. In addition, alcohol at 14 weeks of pregnancy can have a negative effect on still-forming bone tissue.

Nutrition at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Recommendations regarding nutrition remain the same: nutrition at the 14th week of pregnancy should be balanced, healthy and nutritious. It is also advisable from now on to limit the consumption of foods that can cause allergic reactions and increase the risk of developing allergies in the baby in the future.

You need to be careful with citrus fruits, honey, eggs, caviar, cow's milk, chocolate, vegetables and fruits that are bright orange or red in color. It is advisable to remove strong rich broths, all kinds of steak kebabs, smoked meats and canned food from the table. Cooking is shown using the steam method, by baking, boiling or stewing.

Although meat must be present in a pregnant woman’s diet as a source of essential protein, it is better to replace fatty varieties with dietary ones - rabbit, chicken, lean veal or beef. At the same time, it is regularly necessary to include fish in the diet to provide the body with phosphorus and healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

You should not get carried away with foods that increase gas formation and “fix”, which can cause constipation - pears, legumes, cabbage. Instead, it will be useful to enrich your diet with fermented milk products, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits to avoid constipation.


At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, has already said goodbye to the unpleasant companions of pregnancy that are characteristic of the early stages - toxicosis, drowsiness, irritability. The “golden time” is coming, the time of realizing one’s future motherhood and a new relationship with the future dad - intimate ones as well. Sex at 14 weeks of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but can open up spouses to each other in a new way. Therefore, in the absence of any contraindications, there is no point in giving up physical intimacy, especially since sex now can bring much richer sensations and colors. A woman, preparing to become a mother, becomes more and more soft and pliable. The man, in turn, realizing the full degree of responsibility, treats his wife with greater tenderness and caution. And therefore, sex at 14 weeks of pregnancy even turns into a kind of sacrament, a way to get to know each other even better and get closer.