» Cat's horoscope for the year by month.

Cat's horoscope for the year by month.

RABBIT/CAT (1963.1975.1987.1999.2011)

For Rabbits, 2017 will not be cloudless. However, it is difficult to imagine most of them as victims. Fighters are a more correct description, because they clearly do not intend to passively put up with difficulties. On the part of the Master of the Year, the attitude towards Rabbits is not so much unfavorable as bewildered; their claims are largely incomprehensible to him. As a result, we get the Rooster in the role of an observer who watches, with self-distance, what will come of all this, and Rabbits who try to behave in the way that seems most correct and convenient to them, not in accordance with the circumstances and people.

General forecast

The owner of the year creates endless fuss, which greatly irritates the Rabbit. The rooster runs around with slogans, gathers demonstrations, shouts chants. The cat doesn’t like all this, he is against all kinds of revolutions. Why fuss if everything is fine? And it doesn’t matter that only he is doing well, while the rest are a complete disaster. The rabbit is not too touched by other people's troubles.

For the first few months of the year, the Cat continues to lie on a stump and watch the Rooster’s bustle. In the spring it will suddenly occur to him that he can lie like this for another year, but what about things and all that? By summer, the Cat will begin to develop vigorous activity. The cunning animal learned to arrange its affairs unnoticed by the Rooster.

In the fall, the Rabbit will closely engage in his own business and learn to benefit from the chaos reigning around him. He has many good friends with whom he can establish mutually beneficial relationships. The cat will meet the New Year completely satisfied; he is guaranteed a large plate of rich sour cream.

Horoscope for a man

Men of this sign show themselves to be hard workers at work. They fulfill their duties and take on overtime with zeal. But if you look closely, it becomes clear that they only create the appearance of vigorous activity. The cat dreams that everything is done by someone else's hands, and he will just come and lick the cream.

The horoscope for 2017 for the male Rabbit does not promise him serene lying in the corner. You will have to work so as not to be left without money. An enterprising Rabbit will open his own business if he previously worked “for his uncle.” Those who work for the benefit of the state simply fulfill their duties. Sociable representatives of the sign will not fail to take advantage of the chance and make useful acquaintances “for the future.”

In the love sphere, everything is still good. The charming Cat easily conquers the ladies, without a twinge of conscience promising them mountains of gold. Of course, he won’t keep his promise, but he will get what he wanted. Amorous and sentimental ladies should be skeptical about the advances of the Cat. Married men can get carried away with strange women. Be careful, if your wife finds out, there will be trouble.

Horoscope for a woman

Ladies of this sign are slightly slow, have good manners, and know how to conduct small talk. They have a calm, melancholic character, which attracts confident, active men to them. This is the ideal wife for leaders of large companies, politicians, diplomats, and public figures. She always remains in the shadow of her socially influential husband, while influencing him herself.

The horoscope for the Rabbit woman promises a meeting that will change her established life. In the year of the Fire Rooster, various kinds of activists and revolutionaries who are dissatisfied with the ruling regime come to the fore. If such a figure meets a woman of the Cat sign, he is doomed to success. She will offer him her brilliant mind and useful contacts, for which in return she will demand to provide a reliable rear.

Single young ladies are looking for a good husband all year round. They are very prudent in choosing a life partner; such an acquaintance is likely in the middle of the year. Family Rabbits are concerned with improving their home: repairs, replacing furniture, plumbing, etc. Some will even decide to improve their living conditions, others will move to the countryside.

Love horoscope for 2017

Cats fall in love very quickly. Men will not miss the chance to hit on an attractive woman. Even if she is not free, the Cat, without a twinge of conscience, is capable of making eyes at his other half in the presence of her husband. Ladies of this sign love increased attention to their person. They frankly don’t understand how I can dislike someone. Cats have extremely high self-esteem.

At the beginning of the year, Rabbits will have to break old ties. The outdated relationship weighs on the Cat, he needs to free himself. Astrologers recommend breaking ties as carefully as possible in relation to the feelings of the other person, after all, a lot connected you. You shouldn’t immediately strive to start a new romance; give yourself time to think about the situation. However, harmless coquetry is not forbidden.

Couples in strong relationships will register them in 2017. That’s right, the Fire Rooster “creates” strong families. Already married Cats are preoccupied with pressing problems related to housing. You will probably change your region of residence, even radically. In any case, this year changes are for the better.

Money horoscope for 2017

Rabbits have no problems with finances. These are extremely lucky people who are able to benefit from even the most “dead” business. The Sly Cat will easily sell a completely unnecessary item to the most practical buyer. An excellent businessman with an excellent sense of the “right moment”. But there is a nuance: Cats work productively in a calm environment. Vanity and minor troubles completely unsettle them.

The eastern horoscope for 2017 for Cats does not promise calm. Therefore, you need to learn to act in extreme situations. In the event of force majeure, the Rabbit should not panic, running from corner to corner, but seek advice from his influential friends. Having so many connections, he will always be able to provide the rear. It is better to sell a business that does not generate a stable income in 2017 rather than drag it out with all your might.

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will be concerned about the issue of successful investment. Astrologers suggest thinking about purchasing real estate. And not necessarily within the city: in the countryside there are excellent inexpensive options. On your own land you can always not only provide food for your family, but also make good money.

Career horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for the Rabbit is optimistic in terms of career growth. You have every chance to succeed. However, there is a wish from astrologers: be more active. Don't wait for weather by the sea, although this year you are in exactly the same mood, at least in the spring. By summer you will “cheer up” and a plan to improve your financial situation will mature. Cats will need help from acquaintances and friends.

People of this sign should choose creative professions: acting, producing, music, painting, etc. A woman will find herself in the service sector, especially in the beauty industry. Cats have a developed vision of beauty, they have good taste. Open beauty salons, spa centers, beauty salons. You will not end up with clients. Psychologists say that in turbulent times, women spend the most money in salons, trying to be even more beautiful.

Cats should be diligent in their work in 2017. In this case, there will definitely be a bonus in the form of a promotion or business success. And don’t gossip about your colleagues, otherwise you risk making enemies.

Health horoscope for 2017

All the diseases of Kotov are due to his laziness. Some representatives of the sign are ready to suffer for years from a chronic sore, but do nothing to eliminate the cause of the ailment. And all because you are too lazy to go to hospitals, have no time to take tests, and it is inconvenient to take pills by the hour. You have an excellent chance to correct the situation in the year of the Red Rooster, when energy is in the air.

Rabbits prefer lying on the sofa to active recreation. And in vain! Half of your ailments are due to this. Shake yourself up, buy a bike, and start going on exciting bike rides with like-minded people. Or go camping, spend a couple of nights in a tent under the open sky. You will be surprised how much your well-being will improve.

In the summer, Rabbits are recommended to improve their health in a seaside boarding house and undergo the necessary procedures there. You should definitely find an opportunity to visit a city that you haven’t been to for a long time or that you’ve been dreaming about for many years. Take your loved one with you on vacation, it will be an unforgettable time for both of you.

People born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Joseph Stalin, Albert Einstein, Walter Scott, Oleg Efremov, Eldar Ryazanov, Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, Vladimir Menshov


The beginning of the year promises to be the most problematic for Rabbits. In winter, they are at high risk of catching colds. And besides, those who suffer from various forms of chronic diseases should be wary of their exacerbation.

Another important point is the tendency to abuse junk food and alcohol in the first few months of the year. Rabbits should limit themselves in every possible way in this, because the consequences in the future due to this kind of excess may be the most serious.

Among other things, it is highly advisable for representatives of this sign not to be lazy about taxing themselves physically. Rabbits cannot be called hyperactive people, however, their laziness, usually moderate, risks becoming a real scourge in the year of the Rooster.


Rabbits will most likely be able to avoid significant financial problems in 2017. Moreover, they need to take into account that the first half will be more successful in this regard than the second, and plan their expenses accordingly. True, these people will also have to bear considerable costs in the year of the Rooster. And first of all, they will be related to family needs and investments for the future, for example, for training or something similar.

During this period, presumably, there will be many people who will want to borrow money from the Rabbits. The latter should approach such situations very carefully, because not all of their potential debtors will be inclined to honestly return what they took.


The professional sphere is another successful aspect of the existence of Rabbits in the year of the Rooster. Here, the reluctance of the Master of the Year to help will even be to their advantage, because the Rabbits themselves will know well what they expect from their work. And outside help would become something like good intentions that lead to that very notorious bad place.

In 2017, Rabbits will probably have to travel a lot. This will bring them many pleasant moments, although initially they may not be very happy with this state of affairs. For those of them who are engaged in business, trips will bring new useful contacts, while others will allow them to gain new experiences and impressions. And a considerable number of Rabbits during this period, thanks to their profession, will be able to strengthen or improve their social status.


For those born under this sign, the family promises to become something of a quiet haven in which they can hide from everyday problems. Married Rabbits may not be afraid of shocks and unpleasant “surprises” from their other halves. Singles will have a chance to meet potential life partners who will suit them in almost all respects.

In general, Rabbits will be surrounded by a lot of potential suitors and admirers in the year of the Rooster. And if for those of them who are already married, this will not become a particular problem, then for single people this situation can create problems. The fact is that among the motley “swarm” surrounding them there will be many random people who will only distract the Rabbits from those who they really truly need.

Year of birth: 1927,1939,1951,1963, 1975,1987,1999,2011

What awaits the Rabbit (Cat) in 2017?

You will be part of a series of transformations in the personal lives of others. Carefully analyze and evaluate events. You should be in charge. You may lose a friend. Soon you will do something that will stun your friends, and perhaps even yourself. Relationships with others leave much to be desired, problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your

Rabbit love horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster

The year will begin with nervousness in relations with a partner, because the Rabbit will be very busy with new plans and, most likely, will pay little attention to his soul mate. In the spring, this trend may even worsen. In the summer, interest in your career will subside a little - there will be a chance to improve relationships in your family or, if you don’t have one, meet a loved one.

And this will happen in the fall. Lonely Rabbits will feel a thirst for adventure in the spring and will frivolously change partners.

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the “kingdom” of the Fire Rooster will begin, which will bring many surprises and various surprises. The stars promise a lot of pleasures and various temptations. Of course, not everyone will live so rosy and carefree, not everyone will solve their problems. Luck will smile on some, but it will turn away from others.

But life doesn’t stop there and you shouldn’t dwell on difficulties and give up.

Let's lift the curtain of the near future a little and see what awaits the Rabbit (cat) in the year of the Rooster: horoscope for 2017 for men and women.

In 2017 the Rabbit has a rooster will not spoil you very much with your attention and gifts of fate. The beginning of the year will bring apathy and fatigue, and perhaps even disappointment, to people of this sign. This condition can lead to depression. And all this may be a consequence of the fact that a person does not have a specific goal in life, or any motives and calls to life. If you let everything take its course and indulge only in pleasures, then most likely this will further aggravate the already difficult situation at that time. The person will feel the meaninglessness of his existence.

But if you understand everything well, then not everything is so bad. After all, a horoscope was created to warn about a particular situation, and how to live life depends on the person himself. So everything is in your hands and only you can decide what to do, let everything take its course, or take the reins of your own destiny into your own hands and live so that everything turns out for the better.

Love horoscope for Rabbits

The stars predict for Rabbits an incomprehensible passivity on their part in the love sphere. But in principle, this is not so scary, since their partners show interest in them, if up to this point the Rabbits have managed to find a mate, or simply individuals of the opposite sex are interested in lonely Rabbits.

People born in the year of the Rabbit are distinguished by their attractiveness, both external and internal, which they are well aware of and use this for their own purposes. One can even assume that some representatives of this sign are destined to start a family somewhere in the middle of summer. But here the question arises: will the Rabbits themselves want this union?

In the autumn months, married couples may have disagreements, perhaps even more serious conflict situations. But this forecast, again, is not immediate advice to run away with a divorce petition. You should approach each situation judiciously and learn to resolve all conflicts with minimal damage to the family.

For female rabbits, the Rooster promises easy affairs and attention from the stronger sex. But married women will consider such offers and even compliments unacceptable and will refuse to meet strangers, because they love and value their husbands and, accordingly, will never cheat.
In their careers, women should exercise maximum caution, since there will be many ill-wishers who will watch their every step and try to put a spoke in their wheels.

But rabbits - men will be very lucky in love. Every woman who comes to the attention of a representative of this sign will not be able to resist his charms. Therefore, we advise everyone who plans to build a serious relationship and start a family to safely begin searching for their life partner. In addition, the Rabbit will be given a lot of beautiful candidates to choose from.

The stars also suggest listening to the opinions of loved ones or friends, since their advice can be very helpful and will help you avoid fatal mistakes.

Financial horoscope

And in the financial field, Rabbits will not have much luck throughout the year. It is especially not recommended for those who like this type of income to place bets and gamble. Neither the betting nor the slot machines will bring it to you. Also, stars do not see success in traveling abroad in order to earn extra money, because there may be no income, but even bigger problems may arise.

The only thing astrologers see success in is property transactions. Most likely, the planned sale of a house or apartment will be successful, but according to predictions, this operation should be carried out during the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

At work, Rabbits will deal with their direct obligations without moving up the career ladder. And even if they are asked to lead any group of people, they will immediately refuse the position, since managing a team is not their strong point.

Most likely, a representative of this sign may be visited by the thought of easy money, and perhaps not even through honest means. But this type of income should be abandoned immediately, because this time the stars are not on your side and sometimes it is worth listening to folk wisdom, which says “the slower you go, the further you will go.”

Those involved in business are advised to enlist the support of professional consultants and lawyers. Only in this case will your business succeed.

Rabbits are big fans of spending money; they don’t care whether this item is needed on the household or not. I liked it, bought it and it doesn’t matter how much it costs. Therefore, even with a constant cash flow, their expenses will exceed their income. The stars advise reconsidering the rabbits' needs and comparing them with their capabilities. You should not show your wealth through waste, this is completely unnecessary. It’s better to take a closer look at the people around you and exclude from your circle those who are with you only for your money.

The main cash flow will come from the main source, but you can also look for additional income. This could be working on the Internet. Remember that there is no such thing as extra money.

Health horoscope for rabbit

In terms of health, astrologers also cannot please the Rabbit with anything, since they will not be able to resist various infectious diseases, such as the flu. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to prepare thoroughly for winter. Strengthen your immune system with vitamins that contain fresh vegetables and fruits. As well as a variety of teas with lemon or ginger. It is best to engage in water treatments or visit the pool.

There is also some threat of food poisoning, so you should be careful when consuming foods in your diet. It is recommended to use fresh products and preferably from trusted manufacturers. It is advisable to consume vegetables only those that have grown in country gardens and do not contain nitrates. If you have to buy them at the market, then you should remember that each vegetable or fruit has its own time and period.

The stars also warn about exacerbation of chronic diseases, so it will be very helpful to undergo preventive treatment to prevent the disease or at least consult your leading doctor.

What can be added to everything else is that you must always be careful and careful. You shouldn’t be afraid of the future, the main thing is to be prepared for anything. Even if not everything is so rosy predicted for the Rabbit in financial terms or regarding health, but the fact that he will not be lonely and there is an opportunity to find his soul mate means that you can get out of any situation, leaning on someone’s strong shoulder and feeling moral support from a loved one. Any situation can be solved easily if you find the right approach to it.

The coming time seems quite difficult for the Rabbit representatives; in the present period they will have to carefully and actively fight for their own rights, otherwise they risk suffering a huge collapse. As he strongly assureseastern horoscope for 2019 , The Rabbit will desperately fight the injustice of time. If previously he was able to indulge in passivity, now he will become purposeful and as decisive as possible. In the end, such a position will really please the Pig, the ruler of the coming time, so he will have mercy on the representative of the zodiac sign and present him with many pleasant surprises.

Rabbits will think up some problems on their own. It will often seem to them that there are insurmountable tasks ahead, the implementation of which will require a huge amount of time, as well as their own strength. But all this is a myth. In fact, a representative of star trek should only live in reality, and not in fiction, then everything will become much simpler and more convenient.

The rabbit will be concerned only with himself; other people's problems will not interest them at all. But then, when the representatives of the sign themselves need help, they will openly ask for it from their own comrades or good acquaintances. Around the middle of the year, all zodiac representatives are destined to find something to their liking, this can be either a hobby or an additional job. It is important to keep yourself busy and take a little break from the problems that will befall the zodiac representative during this period.

The time is surprisingly suitable for realizing your plans for career heights. Greater material benefits and personal satisfaction can be obtained from business transactions. But the Rabbit should not take any risk; the ruler of the coming year will not forgive if the representative of the constellation makes a mistake. If you act thoughtfully and decisively, then the Rabbit can become significantly richer in the coming year.

In the coming period in time, beautiful ladies will have to fight for their “place in the Sun.”Rabbit woman horoscope for 2019predicts a meeting with your better future, but only if women become softer and more loyal towards their lovers.

The time is wonderfully suitable for self-development, and it is advisable to change something dramatically this year. Let it be either appearance or negative character traits. The changes taking place will only have a positive impact on the further prosperous fate of the beautiful zodiac representatives.

Rabbit Man

And hereRabbit man horoscope for 2019claims that the latter will have to work very hard this year. But all their hard work will not be in vain; an excellent financial future, stability and advancement up the career ladder await them.

Men now should not forget about personal relationships, especially all this applies to single representatives of the stars. A huge number of new pleasant acquaintances in the coming year will allow the Rabbit to choose the most ideal lover for himself.

Horoscope for Rabbit for January 2019

The representative of the zodiac cannot expect any special changes now; this moment is perfect for thinking about the situations that have occurred. The month is great for introspection, in order to dramatically change something in yourself. It is worth thinking about your own negative qualities, which often act as provocateurs for problems and troubles.

It is better for Rabbits to leave love affairs now for a later time, since the month does not promise representatives a sign of seriousness and strength. But it wouldn’t hurt to think about your own health, especially now, when the risk of viral epidemics is raging in the atmosphere.

Rabbit Horoscope for February 2019

Often rushes thingsRabbit. Eastern horoscopein February promises representatives of the star sign a lot of events that can change their fate in the most dramatic way. Now you should be very careful about new people who appear in the life of a representative of the stars. It is likely that many of them bring negativity and trouble.

It is important for the Rabbit to carefully consider a plan of action at his work; the month is predicted to become a little tense in terms of financial opportunities. The risk of trouble or even financial collapse cannot be ruled out.

Horoscope for Rabbit for March 2019

Almost the only month that will bring goodness and a positive attitude to the representative of the star constellation. Now the Rabbit himself is in a positive mood, so only favorable moments appear in his destiny. The time is perfect for implementing the planned ideas in terms of love relationships. If a representative of the zodiac is lonely, then time will give him the opportunity to find a faithful and reliable partner in his life.

The only problem that may appear now is minor health problems, so the stars recommend that the sign’s representative take care in advance of using reliable preventive measures.

Rabbit Horoscope for April 2019

With the arrival of spring, many Rabbits will begin to make big mistakes. This month, the representative of the star sign needs to be especially careful when talking with strangers. It is likely that some strangers will only bring trouble to the latter’s fate, so you definitely cannot trust everyone at once.

The negative impact on the spread of diseases continues. This month, the nervous system and the functioning of the digestive tract are especially dangerous.

Horoscope for Rabbit for May 2019

The month that ends spring will have a favorable impact on the professional activities of the sign’s representative. The month promises the latter a significant increase in money, while the Rabbit will not need to work a lot and hard.

What awaits the Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope in 2019ahead of summer? This moment is great for planning upcoming things. With the onset of the hot season, it’s time to think about an imminent vacation and start saving money for it.

Rabbit Horoscope for June 2019

Now representatives of the star sign should prepare strong and dense soil for themselves. First of all, this circumstance concerns professional activities. If the Rabbit receives offers to change the place of his current job, then he needs to think about it. You cannot take rash steps; you need to initially find out everything, and then take decisive action.

The Rabbit will also need activity in the love sphere of life. The month is great for dating and pleasant conversations. But we can’t really hope for the seriousness of this moment yet. But it would be good for family Rabbits to plan a pleasant surprise for their beloved or lover in the future.

Horoscope for Rabbit for July 2019

A month of worrying and making mistakes is coming. The Rabbit’s character also contains unpleasant traits, which are especially active right now. Representatives of the star constellation risk making many mistakes, and all wrong actions will concern their personal life. So far everything is smooth and good in the Rabbit’s service, but troubles in personal life can provoke the appearance of nervousness and psychosis.

The rabbit should take care of itself only on its own. You certainly can’t trust anyone right now. And in difficult and difficult situations, a star trek representative should rely on his own intuition.

Rabbit Horoscope for August 2019

RealRabbit Chinese horoscope for 2019 portends significant material problems for the representative of the star constellation. If the latter do not become more decisive, economical and consistent, then they risk falling into a monumental financial collapse. This month it is strictly forbidden to “get involved” in debt obligations; it is especially dangerous to get involved with loans and advances. If the Rabbit has a financial difficulty, then it is necessary, first of all, to turn to reliable friends for help.

Horoscope for Rabbit for September 2019

Summer has been difficult and even difficult for the sign’s representative, so the soul and body simply require rest or a change of present environment. It would be ideal if the representative of the sign manages to take a short vacation. Right now, trips and trips will become as successful as possible.

If it is not possible to go further away, then the Rabbit should be completely alone more often. The mood of the zodiac representative is not the best right now, so it is important for the latter to try not to spoil the existing relationship with his negative behavior.

Rabbit Horoscope for October 2019

Firmness of character will help the representative of the zodiac to quickly overcome problems. Despite the coolness outside, warm and sincere feelings will settle in the Rabbit’s soul. This month is simply great for building love connections, and if the Rabbit does not want a serious relationship, then you can be content with flirting and romantic, non-binding dates.

But family Rabbits are already thinking about adding to their family. If there are minor problems in the partnership, then with his changes in character the Rabbit will be able to eliminate all the shortcomings.

Horoscope for Rabbit for November 2019

With the arrival of November, much will change in the fate of the representative of the star sign.Eastern horoscope for Rabbit promises the latter significant advancement in his professional activities. Now the work of the sign’s representative will be appreciated, so perhaps they will get a new position or a sharp promotion. Corresponding positive changes must also affect the material sphere. This month, the Rabbit can boast of stability and constancy, but he should refuse large expenses, for example, purchasing real estate.

Rabbit Horoscope for December 2019

The beginning of the month will still maintain well-being and positive changes, but closer to the middle or end of December, it is important for representatives of the sign to think about their behavior in the past year. This is a time to reassess your own principles and change your destiny for the better. If representatives of the zodiac feel resentment towards someone, then it is necessary to sincerely forgive the person.

It is important to ensure that the Rabbit enters the New Year without the heavy burden of previously committed negative deeds. There's still time to make things right and the zodiac representative must try to do all this.

2017 will be a real success for rabbits. If it seemed to you that before this all the doors in front of you were closed, then in 2017 they will simply swing open in front of you and all the locks will fall. Wherever you knock, they will open for you. As a rule, a rabbit (cat) is not rude and aggressive, and tries to achieve everything peacefully. The stars recommend continuing this trend. You shouldn’t achieve your goal through courage and strength, just be yourself and everything will fall into place.

The Rabbit almost always quickly forgives insults and does not hold anger against others, which will greatly simplify his life in 2017, as well as those who “annoyed” him. However, good-natured rabbits will sometimes find themselves in difficult situations due to his gentle nature. The envy of others will slightly affect the rabbit's success, but with his gentleness he will overcome everything. The stars recommend not sharing your ideas and thoughts too much, since many people around you, with their selfishness, will not allow you to turn them into reality. Keep good ideas to yourself and luck will accompany their execution.

Astrologers suggest drawing up a clear development strategy for the year, since you will be accompanied by a certain apathy, which will affect your development. By following a clear plan, you will not get lost in the chain of events, and will adequately cope with many of the difficulties that the stars have prepared for the rabbits this year.

Horoscope for female rabbits for 2017

Fate is preparing a lot of entertainment and surprises for rabbit women in 2017. However, this particular year brought something into your life that you never expected. This could be like learning a hobby that was not typical for you before, or getting a new profession that is radically different from yours. The stars recommend giving in to desire, and it will be successful in 2017. Rabbit women should always be on the alert, as this year will bring many surprises.

2017 will also bring an overabundance of attention from the opposite sex for women, and light affairs will be thrown into your life all year round. For married women, this will even seem a little funny, because the rabbit woman is faithful to her husband and will never regret the choice she made earlier. The rabbit woman's career will be slightly in the balance. You should be very careful, as many envious people are taking advantage of you.

Horoscope for Rabbit men for 2017

This year will give even the most insecure men a special seduction with which you can conquer any woman. You can easily get a date with the woman of your dreams. If you are ready to find your one and only, then 2017 is considered the most successful year for this, since the choice will be very large.

The stars recommend that rabbit men turn to their friends, since they are the ones who will play a big role in your life in 2017. Precisely, one of your friends will be able to protect you from doom. If you don’t want to get into trouble, then listen to the opinions of those around you, they will give you good advice.

Love horoscope for the rabbit for 2017

The general love horoscope for 2017 for the rabbit says that rabbits will not show much activity, however, this applies not only to love, but to many other environments of life. However, this year there is no need to show any special seduction skills; a year without this promises many acquaintances and romances.

Personalities of the Rabbit (cat) sign have a natural magnetism and attractiveness, which will appear in all its glory in 2017. Moreover, closer to summer, women of this sign will quite successfully be able to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. The family that will be formed in 2017 will become quite happy and strong for the rabbit. However, it’s worth deciding whether your desire to get married is sincere or just “it’s time.” For existing married couples, the most unfavorable period will be autumn, because it will bring slight misunderstandings and omissions, and the emergence of quite serious conflicts is possible. Be patient to overcome misunderstandings and dissatisfaction between your spouses. If your union is a faithful family in which both partners are rabbits, then 2017 for you will be full of new sensations and slight novelty in relationships.

Horoscope: career and money for 2017 for the rabbit

It is simply impossible to call rabbits careerists. In the new year of 2017, rabbits will still work hard, but will not demand a management chair or even a promotion. Note that rabbits are hardworking. The stars believe that it will be easy for you to refuse even the offer to become the head of the team, since they have never considered themselves a leader. Astrologers also say that in 2017, rabbits will have the opportunity to work in the so-called “easy types of income,” but you will very quickly abandon the idea, since it does not bode well for you, and you will not be able to earn money.

If you are the owner of your own business, then astrologers recommend that you turn to professionals who will help develop your business and succeed in it. Astrologers do not recommend that rabbits get involved in gambling this year, as you will simply be unlucky.

The stars say that good profits for rabbits in 2017 are possible from real estate transactions, and then only in the first half of the year. You will have the opportunity to sell your property very profitably. Remember, such transactions should only be made in winter and spring. If you want to try your luck abroad, but astrologers do not advise looking for work there. Such earnings will only bring new troubles and difficulties into your life. Astrologers also do not recommend that rabbits (cats) take out various loans and mortgages in 2017, since there is no need to talk about the stability of their financial situation and it will be very difficult to pay them off. Don’t indulge in banal spending of large sums of money, they will be very useful to you this year.

Health horoscope for 2017 for rabbits

In 2017, rabbits will not be able to boast of good health and the first problems will appear at the beginning of 2017. Rabbits will be plagued by a variety of viruses (flu, herpes and many others that are not as scary as they are unpleasant), which will be much more difficult for you to overcome than for other signs. This year, astrologers recommend strengthening your immunity, which will help you avoid many diseases. Try to eat more healthy fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of tea with lemon and ginger.

In the spring, astrologers warn of danger, poisoning and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible, so it is worth paying attention to the treatment of old problems and diseases. For rabbits, 2017 will be a very difficult year in terms of health, so take care of yourself and be very careful about health issues. For preventative purposes, it is worth visiting specialized doctors; this will help prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Basically, the rabbit is preparing many surprises for 2017, a pleasant pastime, but sometimes it will test your strength. Try to be patient, it will help you cope with many problems and difficulties that may await men and women of this sign in 2017.