» Why dream of cutting your lip. Lip augmentation

Why dream of cutting your lip. Lip augmentation

1 Esoteric dream book

Why do women dream about lips:

Lips - longing for the affection of the opposite sex.
Bright on the face - pay attention to your appearance, cosmetics, put everything in order.

2 Esoteric dream book

Seeing lips in a dream means:

If you dreamed of thick, ugly lips - avoid unpleasant meetings, hasty decisions and bouts of incontinence when communicating with household members.
Plump pink lips are a symbol of harmony and abundance. For lovers, such a dream predicts mutual feelings and fidelity.
Thin lips are a sign of perseverance and perseverance.
Swollen, wounded lips are a symbol of deprivation and unreasonable desires.
If you are concerned about the beauty of your lips, this indicates that you attach too much importance to the actions and thoughts of people of the opposite sex.
If you paint your lips, you are in the mood for flirting, a love adventure.
Finding someone's lips attractive means that you are not paying enough attention to your loved one.

3 American dream book

Lips - resistance to difficulties; strength of character.

4 Romantic dream book

Dreaming about lips means:

  • Why do you dream about lips - soon there will be a new addition to the family.
  • If in a dream the lips become too bright and excessively made up, it speaks of imminent quarrels with a loved one due to temper and causeless jealousy.
  • A kiss on the lips with a guy means hostility; in reality, expect a cooling of feelings and an unpleasant conversation.

5 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Lip dream meaning:

Lips - for a hearty meal, for a dinner party.

6 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you dream that you are being kissed on the lips, but this is unpleasant for you, you will feel hostility towards your boyfriend.

7 Dream book for a bitch

Smiling lips - mutual understanding with your loved one, prosperity and well-being.
Thin - there will be minor difficulties in the service.
Fat, ugly - don’t rush into making a decision, it may not be entirely correct.
Sick, swollen - the ill health of one of your friends or acquaintances.

8 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Lips in a dream mean:

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

9 Big online dream book

Lips - Too sensual, bright - bad temper, quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation through one’s own fault; beautiful, clearly defined - reciprocity; subtle - hasty conclusions; swollen - a nuisance.

10 Idiomatic dream book

Why do women dream about lips:

“His lip is not stupid” - to have good taste; “slap lips”, “lip slap” - idle talker, onlooker; “to have sensual lips” - sexual attractiveness; “pout your lips” - resentment, arrogance, capriciousness.

11 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Why do women dream about lips:

Lips hurt - relatives or children will fall ill; bright - a quarrel with a loved one.

12 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing lips in a dream means:

If you dream that you are kissing on the lips, this means reciprocity in love.

13 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A dream with lips in the dream book is interpreted as:

Lips too bright, sensual - bad temper; quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation due to one’s own fault; beautiful, clearly defined - reciprocity; subtle - hasty conclusions.

14 Imperial dream book

Dreaming about lips means:

The lips and mouth, in addition to the organs listed, are connected with almost all internal organs, because a person cannot exist without food that comes through the mouth.
Reverse lips - indicate the condition of the internal organs.
Emotions that arise in a dream along with the vision of lips will provide additional information about the general condition of the body.
To see/examine/kiss lips in a dream - on the lips there is a projection of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
Seeing lips in a dream means being aware of the influence of the organs associated with them on them and the influence of these organs on oneself, the general state of the dreamer.
Strong, sensual full lips - activity of internal sensations and emotions, activity of life position, the need for a quick change of emotions and a demanding expectation of satisfaction of one's desires from others.
Too full lips are a sign of too bright and too frequent changes of emotions. In life, this is expressed in the reluctance to extinguish one’s violent emotions for the benefit of others, a wide but not carefully chosen circle of friends, a private change of acquaintances due to the reluctance to maintain connections and sacrifice something for this.
Thin, pale, dry lips affected by a cold in a dream are a sign of improper flow of energy in the body and a sign of illness.
If such lips are limply open, it is also a symbol of imbalance, dissatisfaction with oneself, weakness of character and the resulting mistrust, jealousy, and fragility of family relationships.
If thin lips are stubbornly and tightly compressed, there is character and willpower: everything rests on them, but health suffers from neglecting the inner part of the situation. With will you can outwardly correct the situation, but the body is not freed from negative emotions and is poisoned by them. You should look at which projection zones of the lips are affected, then get treatment and change your line of behavior.
They bite their lips with their teeth - the teeth also have projection zones of all organs, and biting your lips with your teeth means a desire to aggravate all emotions except one, to the limit, in order to hide this one emotion for yourself. Experience shows that this one emotion in the vast majority of cases is fear (kidneys). In business terms, failure of business and severance of relationships.
Kissing someone on the lips means giving your inner strength and receiving something in return.

15 Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Lip dream meaning:

At a subconscious level, lips are perceived as a connection with internal organs, since food enters the body through them. Accordingly, psychology sends a dream if you are concerned about your health.

  • Full, moderately painted lips - there is nothing to be afraid of, in life you are filled with strength and energy.
  • Why do you dream of big lips - a sign of excessive emotionality, small ones - a sign of an imminent illness, compressed ones - too much attention to minor problems.
  • Kissing a man on the lips in a dream is not a favorable sign for a woman; commit a rash act, thereby losing your dignity in the eyes of your loved one.
  • Kissing a guy on the lips means problems will arise in life due to his fault.
  • A man's painted lips in a dream - he carefully suppresses his attraction to members of his own sex.
  • Dreaming of painting your lips in a dream means surprise. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • Red lips according to the dream book - the dreamer is trying to hide his complexes.

16 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does it mean if a woman dreams of lips:

What do Lips mean in a dream - You dream of full lips, thick lips, juicy lips - in your affairs of the heart everything will turn out in the most favorable way; Harmony of mutual understanding awaits you and your loved one. Thin pale lips - they dream of success in business; you were persistent and methodical, you hit one point, the result will be achieved in the near future. You are worried in a dream: it seems that your lips are giving you away - the dream says that there is a person of the opposite sex near you whom you would really like to please; Don't focus on your flaws, rather emphasize your strengths. A woman dreams that she is painting her lips - this woman is tired of her life; she is not averse to looking for new impressions through flirting; she believes that light flirting, like coquetry, is not a reason for jealousy; but first this woman needs to find out what her husband thinks about this.

17 Ancient Russian dream book

What lips can mean in a dream:

To have lips - In a dream, scarlet ones means that your friends and family are healthy; having sore lips means illness in children or relatives; Having swollen lips portends misfortune for a person dear to us. Seeing yourself with swollen lips - A dream you had on Monday night means that you have to make a choice from several extremely dubious options; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that an undeserved insult awaits you; and dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the illness of a well-known person.

18 Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

Lips in a dream mean:

Anyone who sees himself with his lips cut off means that he is prone to slander.
If he sees that his upper lip is cut off, this means that he will be left without an assistant.
It is also believed that when interpreting dreams, lips can symbolize a woman.

19 Dream Interpretation 2012

If a girl dreams of lips, it means:

Lips are a reflection of strength. Need for strength.

20 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Why do women dream about lips:

Having very large lips is a concern.
Very thick - well-being.
Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.
If a woman smears her own lips with something in a dream, she experiences sexual dissatisfaction.
Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.
Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

21 Indian dream book

If anyone dreams that he has fresh, crimson lips, this dream notifies him that his friends are healthy. If the lips are faded, dry and wrinkled, then this means the opposite.

22 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Lips are bright and sensual - a quarrelsome character, whims, quarrels, frivolity, selfishness.
Beautiful, clearly defined - happiness in love; pale - deterioration of relationships, health; subtle - revenge, envy.

23 Dream book of catchphrases

LIPS – “his lip is not stupid” - to have good taste; “slap lips”, “lip slap” - idle talker, onlooker; “to have sensual lips” - sexual attractiveness. “Pouting your lips” means resentment, arrogance, capriciousness.

24 Miller's Dream Book

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad relationships in the family;
Pleasant, full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the home;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
Also see Face.

25 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream about Lips:

Painting your lips with lipstick: For a woman - for a secret romantic date; for a man - hidden intimate interest in persons of the same sex (homosexuality).

26 Modern dream book

Seeing thick, ugly lips in a dream is a prediction of unpleasant meetings, hasty decisions and intemperance in family relationships.
Plump pink lips are a symbol of harmony and abundance. For lovers, such a dream predicts mutual love and fidelity.
Thin lips mean that you will achieve perfection in difficult matters.
Swollen, wounded lips predict deprivation and unhealthy aspirations.
Worrying about your own lips in a dream means that you are overwhelmed by the desire to please a member of the opposite sex.
Pay attention to the shape of your lips - be overly demanding and critical of others, show will and perseverance.
Painting your lips means being in the mood for flirtation, a love adventure.
Finding someone's lips attractive means that you pay little attention to your loved one.

27 Old Russian dream book

too bright, sensual - bad temper, quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation due to one’s own fault; beautiful, clearly defined - reciprocity; subtle - hasty conclusions.

28 Slavic dream book

Too bright, sensual - bad temper, quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation due to one’s own fault; beautiful, clearly defined - reciprocity; subtle - hasty conclusions; swollen - a nuisance.

29 Small dream book

If you dreamed of thick, ugly lips, then you should avoid unpleasant meetings, hasty decisions and intemperance in family relationships. Plump pink lips are a symbol of harmony and abundance. For lovers, such a dream predicts mutual love and fidelity. Thin lips are a symbol of perseverance and perseverance. You can achieve any intended goal. Swollen, wounded lips are a symbol of deprivation and unreasonable desires. If you are concerned about the beauty of your lips, then in reality you attach too much importance to the opposite sex. Paint your lips - be tuned to 34 Dream book alphabetically

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this foreshadows the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage.

35 Rommel's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Lips:

Parted lips mean a quarrel with relatives.
If they are overweight and even ugly, be careful and restrained, otherwise serious problems await you.
Seeing them too thin, dry and lacking color means your physical and emotional state leaves much to be desired.
A girl dreams that she is worried about the attractiveness of her lips - you should pay less attention to the opinions and actions of men, do not look for something in them that is not there.
Applying lipstick to them in a dream means you want some variety in your personal life.
If they are very bright, you are about to have a romantic meeting; if they are pale, they foretell important business negotiations.
If you dreamed that your lips hurt, one of your loved ones will get sick.
If they turn around, important news will come to you soon.
To see them inflamed - your mind will be subordinated to your passion, and because of this you will suffer.
A dream in which you kiss someone on the mouth portends mutual love for you.
Red lips in a dream - you love your soulmate very much and are constantly afraid of breaking up your relationship.
Painting your lips with lipstick is a desire to have fun, chat with a curious gentleman, and intrigue him.
Wearing red lipstick means you like to take the role of leader in relationships with men. Some people like it, and some prefer to quickly escape from your charms.
If you dreamed of using lip gloss - your absent-mindedness and constant inattention will not bring you any good.

Stay focused and pay attention to detail.

38 Dream book of the 21st century

To have very large lips in a dream means impending anxiety; very thick ones mean a successful solution to problems; dirty lips in a dream mean troubles.
Seeing someone else's clearly defined lips in a dream means reciprocity and favor from others; thin ones mean new problems that will appear due to a hasty solution to old ones; thick ones mean you need to take care of your health.

lips in a dream

Brightly, vulgarly painted lips seen in a dream indicate your difficult character. Such a dream also speaks of a possible breakup with the person of your heart, divorce from your spouse, or a strong quarrel. Beautiful lips indicate the reciprocity of your feelings, and thin lips in a dream warn that you are making too hasty conclusions.

lip dream interpretation

If you see yourself in a dream without lips or with cut off lips, then you should think about your tendency to slander. A dream in which you are missing only your upper lip warns of the disappearance of your faithful assistant from your affairs and life. As a rule, in dreams lips are a symbol of a woman, the feminine principle.

lip dream interpretation

A dream in which you see beautiful, bright red lips, full of health, speaks of your nasty and absurd character, because of which you allow yourself to be capricious and start quarrels out of the blue. A dream in which you saw beautiful lips with an even contour tells about happy love. Unnaturally pale lips in a dream indicate health problems, while too thin lips indicate envy and jealousy.

why do you dream about lips

Lips symbolize the internal organs of a person, their condition indicates the condition of these organs. The emotions that accompany the image of lips in your dream speak about the general state of the body, both physical and mental. Full and juicy lips indicate an active life position, the active course of metabolic processes in the body, demanding of others and expecting them to satisfy their desires.
Too thick lips in a dream show your overly emotional behavior. Such a person is not ready to make sacrifices for the sake of others; he has many friends, but maintains a distance from everyone. Too thin, dry, and cracked lips are a dream for those who have diseases of the spleen and pancreas due to improper flow of Qi energy in the body.
If the sleeper sees himself biting his lips, then this dream shows that you are trying to compensate for internal problems and complexes with your actions in real life. You lose your vitality if you kiss someone on the lips in a dream.

why do you dream about lips

Your family and friends are healthy and living in prosperity if you see yourself in a dream with bright red lips. Lips with wounds and diseases portend illness to your children. Lips swollen from blows warn of problems with the health of your loved one. If your lips are swollen, then you are faced with a serious and extremely difficult choice, and possibly an insult received not justly.

dreamed about lips

Large lips in a dream speak of inner restlessness. If the lips you dreamed of were incredibly thick, then such a dream promises well-being and help from higher powers. Dirty lips, wounded and bloody, with traces of disease - portend great trouble to the sleeping person. You are sexually unsatisfied if you paint your lips in a dream or smear something on them. The feeling that the lips are numb and do not respond to their owner occurs in dreams of those who experience emotional overstrain, severe stress, which will soon result in a nervous breakdown, possibly a neurological disease on this basis.

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you dream about healthy lips?

Dream about herpes on the lips▼

Seeing herpes on the lips in a dream means there is a high probability of a similar disease occurring in reality. The dream reports possible hypothermia and. It is recommended to think about your health before it is too late.

If you dream of a cold on your lips▼

A dream about a cold that appears on pale, dry and thin lips hints at the incorrect movement of energy in the body. There is a high probability of developing a serious illness. Perhaps someone close to you can pick it up.

Dreaming of a broken lip▼

A broken lip in a dream symbolizes deprivation and the presence of unreasonable desires. If the dreamed lips are wounded, your mind is in . For this reason, serious problems often arise along the path of life.

I dreamed of swollen lips▼

The dream book interprets a dream where you saw swollen lips as a need for caution and restraint. Otherwise, unpleasant situations will arise.

To see a person’s swollen lips is a sign that is waiting for him. It is recommended to be attentive and save your significant other from attacks from strangers.

What color were your lips in your dream?

Were your lips painted in your dream?

Painted lips according to the dream book▼

The dream book interprets a dream where you saw painted lips as dissatisfaction with you, coming from a sexual place. He has not yet communicated his disappointment to you.

In a dream I saw the mouth of an unfamiliar person - in reality there is someone approaching him. She hopes that she can build a serious relationship with you.

Dream Interpretation Lips Lips are too sensual, bright: bad temper, quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation through one’s own fault beautiful, clearly defined: subtle reciprocity: hasty conclusions swollen: trouble. New dream book 1918

Dream Interpretation Lips Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone's face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the foreign language that you undertake to study. Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this foreshadows the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Interpretation of the dream Lips “His lip is not stupid”: to have good taste “slap lips”, “lip slap”: idle talker, onlooker “to have sensual lips”: sexual attractiveness “pout lips”: resentment, swagger, capriciousness. Idiomatic dream book

Meaning of the dream Lips Lips and mouth, in addition to the organs listed: are connected with almost all internal organs, because a person cannot exist without food, which comes through the mouth. Inverted lips: indicate the condition of the internal organs. Occurring in a dream along with the vision of lips: emotions will provide additional information about the general condition of the body. In a dream you see/examine/kiss lips: on the lips there is a projection of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Seeing lips in a dream means being aware of the influence of the organs associated with them on them and the influence of these organs on oneself, the general state of the dreamer. Strong, sensual full lips: activity of internal sensations and emotions, activity of life position, the need for a quick change of emotions and a demanding expectation of satisfaction of one’s desires from others. Too full lips: a sign of too bright and too frequent changes of emotions. In life, this is expressed in the reluctance to extinguish one’s violent emotions for the benefit of others, a wide but not carefully chosen circle of friends, a private change of acquaintances due to the reluctance to maintain connections and sacrifice something for this. Thin, pale, dry lips affected by a cold in a dream: a sign of improper flow of energy in the body and a sign of illness. If such lips are limply open: it is also a symbol of imbalance, dissatisfaction with oneself, weakness of character and the resulting mistrust, jealousy, and fragility of family relationships. If thin lips are stubbornly and tightly compressed: there is character and willpower: everything rests on them, but health suffers from neglecting the inner part of the situation. With will you can outwardly correct the situation, but the body is not freed from negative emotions and is poisoned by them. You should look at which projection zones of the lips are affected, then get treatment and change your line of behavior. They bite their lips with their teeth: the teeth also have projection zones of all organs, and biting your lips with your teeth means a desire to aggravate all emotions except one, to the limit, in order to hide this one emotion for yourself. Experience shows that this one emotion in the vast majority of cases is fear (kidneys). In business terms, failure of business and severance of relationships. Kissing someone on the lips: giving your inner strength and receiving something in return. Imperial dream book

Interpretation of the dream Lips LIPS - bright and sensual - quarrelsome character, whims, quarrels, frivolity, selfishness. Beautiful, clearly defined - happiness in love; pale - deterioration of relationships, health; subtle - revenge, envy. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Lips To have scarlet lips in a dream: it means that your friends and family are healthy to have sore lips: it signifies the illness of children or relatives to have swollen lips: it portends the misfortune of a person dear to us.