» Cafe model. Who is Alesya Kafelnikova? How tall is Alesya Kafelnikova? Personal life of Alesya Kafelnikova

Cafe model. Who is Alesya Kafelnikova? How tall is Alesya Kafelnikova? Personal life of Alesya Kafelnikova

On Ales: denim dress, coat – Alexander Terekhov

Model Alesya Kafelnikova is only seventeen, but she already knows the price of popularity: news about whether the girl has lost weight or gained weight does not leave the pages of “star” publications, and followers on Instagram excitedly discuss her affair with hockey player German Rubtsov and the breakup with her son Arkady Novikova Nikita. Grazia met with Alesya to dot the i’s in the anorexia story, and at the same time find out about her career plans, relationships with fans and her famous father.

Two hundred thousand followers on Instagram follow your life - do their negative comments hurt you?

Not at all. I don’t pay attention to the comments of strangers on the Internet and listen to the opinions of my loved ones: they will tell me straight out if I do something wrong. The only thing that irritates me is the comments that I have anorexia, because it’s not true. What is anorexia? This is a disease where people refuse to eat. I eat normally and feel comfortable.

Tell us about your diet?

I used to stick to a diet and make sure that my food was steamed. But after concluding a contract with the Elite agency, my menu has become noticeably wider: now I hardly count calories and can afford my favorite nuts - I love them! I can probably eat two hundred grams at a time. But this doesn’t affect my figure, because I swim and walk a lot.

On Alesa: dress, shoes, gloves – Edem Couture

You recently posted a selfie on Instagram in support of Kim Kardashian and her fight against body shaming. How did dad react to this?

I asked his permission before publishing. He was a little indignant, but when I explained that this was a fight against body shaming, he approved. It was very unpleasant for me when journalists wrote about my fictional anorexia. Especially when the story was picked up by the Daily Mail. Listen: I like my thinness, I love my body. People working in the fashion industry understand that it is beautiful. It's not a problem to be thin and healthy.

How does your dad feel about this whole anorexia thing?

In fact, he started it himself. It was dad who joked on Periscope: “People, tell Lesya that she has anorexia.” It was a bad joke - we even started to worry that it would affect my career. Then dad made a refutation and the attacks on us decreased. Lately they hardly write to me about this at all. And no need: I’m healthy! I gradually lost weight to 43 kilograms - over five months on proper nutrition. I had no sudden weight changes or fainting. Yes, I lost nine kilograms, but then it took me just as long to gain them back.

Does your dad influence your career at all?

Many people think that my father helps me and invests money in me. Not really. Now he goes to shows and is proud of me, but at first he was against it, he was angry that I wanted to work as a model, and didn’t even want to hear about any contracts or agencies. Dad's only help is the last name that everyone knows. So yes, partly I’m popular thanks to my father, but there’s no sign of financial investment here. If I didn't have modeling data, I wouldn't become a model.

And, probably, they would not have received a contract with a British agency. How did your career in England even begin?

From a call from the Elite modeling agency - I was just studying in London at the time. I was invited to an open day, I did a couple of model tests, but full-fledged cooperation did not work out - at that time I was not yet sixteen. Then I returned to Moscow and communication with the agency was interrupted for a while. And in September 2015, Elite scouts sent my parents a letter with an offer to sign a five-year contract. Under the terms of this contract, I will have a rented apartment in London, pocket money, and a salary in pounds. But in London everyone advocates health and naturalness, so their model standards differ from Parisian ones. When I first arrived at Elite, I weighed 43 kilograms. I was told to gain weight and was told that my hip circumference should be from 88 cm to 92 cm. And in Paris, for example, no more than 88 cm.

On Ales: kimono Alexander Terekhov

Why did you stop cooperating with the Russian agency Avant?

Avant is a good agency, perhaps the best in Russia. Many people think that I quarreled with someone there, but the real reason for my leaving was jealousy. At some point, there were a lot of girls in the agency and I was angry that they were paying less attention to me. That's all.

What designers would you like to work with?

I already shot for Valentino Couture in twenty-degree frost in couture dresses, for which they were more worried than for me. Now I dream of opening a Louis Vuitton show. In the fashion business there are very important shows - for example, Prada and Louis Vuitton. If a model participates in them, her career takes off.

Which brands hold a special place in your wardrobe?

There is no such. Moreover, models are directly advised not to give preference to any particular brand - this can harm their career; designers have their own relationships with each other. So, like everyone else, I dress in Zara and Topshop. I am a fan of sports style and wear either tracksuits or jeans and a T-shirt all the time. I enjoy dressing up and putting on makeup for events, but not in everyday life.

On Ales: top, trousers - Vika Gazinskaya, shoes Valentino

So you don't spend a lot on clothes?

If I go shopping, it’s only abroad. To make dad feel calmer: he gets nervous when he sees a lot of zeros and can handle a check for 1,000 euros more easily than one for 100,000 rubles. But to be honest, clothes are not at the top of my spending list - I would rather buy riding gear than a new bag.

The next star guest of Dmitry Borisov’s program “Let Them Talk” was the ex-wife of the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Maria Tishkova. They lived in marriage for three years. Maria gave Evgeniy a daughter, Alesya. The divorce was difficult, not without scandal. The ex-lovers shared property and children. As a result, Kafelnikov won the right to live with his daughter.


He raised Alesya in strictness, controlled her, protected and looked after her. According to Tishkova, sometimes it crossed the line, but this is how Evgeniy expressed his love. The heiress of the tennis player herself appeared on the air. She admitted that her father has been trying to make her an ideal all her life, but she wants to be loved for who she is.

“I wanted to show myself so opposite, so bad, to see that my father loved me no matter what, and bad too. When I tried to be perfect, he said that I was not ideal enough. I dreamed that he would say that he was proud of me, so that this it was sincere,” Kafelnikova explained.

It got to the point where the girl became addicted to drugs. She first tried illegal substances when, at the age of 15, she lived alone in London, where she went to study. Actually, it was out of loneliness that Alesya began to use. Kafelnikova also developed bulimia and anorexia. All because the girl wanted to be perfectly thin, because she was trying to become a model.

"I wanted to be like the girl models. I thought that I also needed to lose weight. It was a desire not to be myself, but to be someone. I wanted to be thin, beautiful. Behind all this, I lost myself. I had bulimia. I I was even afraid to eat, I thought I wasn’t thin enough. My hair began to fall out, pigmentation appeared on my body, my nails were breaking. And it seemed to me that I wasn’t thin enough,” said Alesya. It got to the point that, with a height of 176 centimeters, she weighed only 41 kilograms.

Moreover, Kafelnikova tried to take her own life. She made four attempts to commit suicide. The last of them happened at a time when Alesya was already undergoing a rehabilitation course. "I was taken off antidepressants. I felt bad, I cried, sobbed. I talked to a psychologist, but it got even worse. At the moments when I harm myself, I can’t control myself. This was two days before my birthday. After that I was put on antidepressants again, I still take them,” the model admitted.

Now Alesya has many plans. She is receiving an education in the field of stock trading and, on the advice of her parents, began attending courses at the Ostankino School. The girl is also working on a new musical project. Kafelnikova also has a desire to help people who, like her, find themselves in a difficult situation.

“Not everyone has the opportunity to go to rehabilitation. I want to help teenagers who are going through internal pain, emptiness, mental wounds,” the girl explained.

January 24, 2018

The daughter of the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov gave a frank interview in which she talked about her problems.

Alesya and Yevgeny Kafelnikov/Instagram

Last week, TV viewers were once again told in detail. The public discusses the details of the scandal, blames Diana’s parents and her entourage... But the golden youth also cries, and with no less burning tears. The other day, 19-year-old heiress Evgenia Kafelnikov told the terrifying details of her life.

Golden girl

Tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, former world No. 1 and Olympic champion, divorced model Maria Tishkova when their daughter Alesya was three years old. The girl, by court decision, remained to live with her father; as a child, she spent a lot of time with Evgeniy’s parents in Sochi. Her father tried to control her every step. At first, his only heiress studied in London, then returned to Moscow and graduated from school No. 1234. Already at the age of 15, Alesya starred as a model for glossy magazines and participated in shows. Dad did not refuse her anything: the girl bought bags equal in cost to a one-room apartment in Ulyanovsk, Diana Shurygina’s hometown. After graduating from school, Alesya went to London, where she collaborated with a modeling agency, then returned... But it turned out that the caring father still did not keep track of his daughter. Summer 2017. And Kafelnikov wrote on Twitter: “I can’t hold it in anymore! Help! I am a failed father! This is the most disgusting thing for any parent - to be aware of this fact. But I don't deserve it. I'm in "hell"! Further life begins to lose meaning. Drugs..."

It is unknown what exactly the athlete’s daughter used, but, apparently, we are talking about so-called hard drugs. Yevgeny Kafelnikov suspected that her daughter was hooked on them by her boyfriend, rapper Pharaoh (Pharaoh, real name Gleb Golubin). But, as it turned out, it was not the rapper who got the girl addicted to illegal substances.

Rapper Pharaoh, after the interview with Kafelnikova, wrote on social networks: “People lie all the time. In public, in front of ourselves, in front of ourselves..."

Alesya Kafelnikova spoke about her fall in an interview with Tatler magazine. It turns out that Alesya, sent by her dad to a British boarding school, could not find a common language with her peers, since she was withdrawn and was not accepted. She started . And then the boarding house staff sent her to a psychologist. “...He diagnosed depression and anorexia (I was probably very thin, but it didn’t seem so to me),” Alesya recalls in an interview. - They told my mother, I persuaded her not to tell my father. She then believed that I would no longer cut myself. But I was drawn in... In winter, devastated, with a plaster on my arm, I came to Moscow for the holidays. My days passed as usual: I studied with tutors, went to the stables. But one day, a friend invited me to her birthday, and my dad suddenly allowed me to go alone for the first time. At this holiday I met Nikita Vernidub, Phil Gazmanov, Diana Chervichenko - golden youth. They were friendly and open, and I really liked it. I no longer felt like an ugly duckling. I was accepted. I even stopped cutting myself... I became the Alesya that dad wanted to see. And for this, dad was ready to throw the whole world at my feet. “Do you want a new bag? Of course!”, “Do you dream of your own horse? No problem!" Our relationship seemed to be warming up. He no longer wanted me to return to London, approved of my new friends and even relaxed his control ... "

“Dad kept saying: “Get tested!”

And then Alesya began an affair with Gleb. Kafelnikov reacted negatively to his heir’s hobby. The girl is indignant: “How can you judge a person without knowing him? He never swore at me. And I have never seen him use it. I used it myself, but Gleb didn’t know about it. Last October, my dad decided to test me for drugs. That’s how he found out everything... Dad couldn’t calm down, blamed Gleb for everything and drove him crazy with the phrase: “Get tested.”

Alesya Kafelnikova plans to work with psychologists to help other addicted people.

Alesya quarreled with her dad and moved to live with Gleb, but he decided to break up with the girl.

“We couldn’t establish relations with Gleb, although we tried. The inner emptiness required immediate filling with anything: food, parties, people, adrenaline, work. When all this became boring, I started using without pause. Then I had an overdose... When I woke up, there was an IV sticking out of my arm, and my grandmother and her friend were sobbing next to me. They said that they barely pumped me out, foam was coming out of my mouth...”

What doctors diagnosed her with was “psychosis and bipolar disorder.” She was treated at the clinic for two months, during which time Gleb never contacted her. Kafelnikova was very worried because she was very much in love. Now Alesya is trying to improve her relationship with her father: after he told her about her daughter’s problems, an international modeling agency stopped cooperating with her. “My father is trying to build a relationship with me. This is difficult for both of us. We are still different people. But I am grateful to my dad for locking me in the clinic. That he didn't leave me. Paid for the treatment. Understanding that he really loves me and has always tried to protect me in such a bizarre way. And I also say a big thank you to my mother...”

Alesya attends groups of anonymous drug addicts and, together with psychologists, plans to organize support groups for those who are faced with similar problems. The main thing for her now is the regime. In order not to break down, the model works out to exhaustion in the gym. The girl also studies at the correspondence department of the Financial Academy and the Ostankino Television School. Plans to start life with a clean face.

Russian model and aspiring TV presenter Alesya Kafelnikov. She is known as the daughter of the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Biography of Alesya Kafelnikova

Alesya Evgenievna Kafelnikova- the only daughter of Olympic tennis champion Yevgeny Kafelnikov, who won the French Open tennis championship three times and won the US Open once. Alesya was born in 1998 in Moscow. When the girl was three years old, her parents divorced, and Kafelnikov “bought” from his wife the right to be the girl’s primary guardian. The payoff amounted to $2 million. According to him, he was afraid that his ex-wife would take his daughter abroad and spoil her with her religious views. After this, Alesya spent the remaining time before school in Sochi with her paternal grandparents.

At the age of 7, Alesya entered Moscow school No. 1234, from which she graduated in 2016. In addition, Alesya studied at a private boarding house in England. Her childhood was full of bright events and interesting meetings with people of “star” level. From an early age, Alesya was accustomed to moving in high circles.

Creative career of Alesya Kafelnikova

At the age of 15, Alesya seriously took up her modeling career. Her father was against it, but Alesya insisted on her own. According to her, she achieved everything in this area on her own.

Alesya worked with designers Kira Plastinina and Alexander Terekhov, collaborated with the Avant Models modeling agency, and enjoyed participating in candid photo shoots. After After signing a contract with the global agency Elite, Alesya's photo appeared on the pages of the cult gloss - in the Italian issue of Vogue magazine.

In addition to modeling, Alesya Kafelnikova actively posts her photographs from parties and social events on social networks.

Alesya has been interested in show jumping since childhood; she has her own horse named Kotik, a gift from her father.

In 2015, Kafelnikov’s daughter took part in the Tatler Debutante Ball.

On June 8, 2016, Alesya Kafelnikova appeared in the studio of the talk show “Let Them Talk” as a co-host of Andrei Malakhov.

In 2017, Alesya began to try herself as an actress. She starred in the short film “In the Circle of Friends” and in the film “Hype”.

Personal life of Alesya Kafelnikova

For the first time, information about Alesya’s personal relationships appeared in 2014, when she began posting rather candid photographs with her chosen one, Nikita Novikov, the son of a famous metropolitan restaurateur. The romance did not last long for the reason that Nikita lived in Boston, and Alesya in Moscow.

At the beginning of 2017, rapper Gleb Golubin, known as Pharaoh, appeared in Alesya’s life. Alesya wrote a lot about her relationship with him on her social networks and looked at photos together. However, just six months later, in the summer, the couple broke up on Gleb’s initiative. According to him, it was a very difficult decision, but there was no other way. From various sources in the media, we can conclude that the cause of the breakup was Alesya’s dependence on psychotropic substances.

Alesya took the breakup to heart and gradually plunged into deep depression. She has already completed one course of treatment at the insistence of her father, and plans to see a psychotherapist again.

The famous Russian model Alesya Kafelnikova is one of the first brawler of the domestic elite. For more than a year now, the girl has literally been on the front pages of news feeds due to the difficulties of fate - a representative of the “golden youth” suffered from drug addiction, tried to take her own life because of unhappy love, and was caught on paparazzi cameras in not the best shape. It seems that everything is behind us, but is it really so?

The day before, Kafelnikova presented the public with a series of black and white photographs in which she was completely naked. No, the model’s photographs cannot be called pornographic - they are all beautiful and erotic, but “nothing like that” is visible there. Fans simply scream with delight, flooding the girl with laudatory comments on Instagram - many express hope that 20-year-old Alesya will finally put her head together and begin to build a career again instead of completely ruining her life.

The faded tones of the photo told the public without words that the girl was still struggling with regular depression. It’s hard for her to cope with the problems that have fallen on her head - after breaking up with rapper Pharaoh, everything in Alesya’s life is clearly not going the way she would like.

It is not clear whether treatment for drug addiction has yielded results. On the one hand, Alesya seems to be returning to life, starting to gradually return to her profession and “bring herself to her senses,” but on the other hand, the girl is clearly depressed and cannot find a place for herself. The star also does not talk about whether she managed to improve her relationship with her father, a famous tennis player.

The model’s subscribers were delighted with the girl’s new work. They showered the girl with compliments.

“Hot thing!”, “Graceful as a cat!”, “Fire!”, “Beauty!”, they wrote.

By the way, in addition to photo shoots, Alesya also starred in the new video of the famous Russian performer Sharif for the song “Time to Win” - in a story about the complex relationship between a man and a woman, the model clearly not only showed acting talent, but also revealed part of her soul to a large audience.

The daughter of the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov and model Maria Tishkova became the loudest representative of the “golden youth” in recent years, because she openly declared that her life was worthless, and even tried to commit suicide. The girl initially grew up literally as a role model for teenagers - after her parents’ divorce, Lesya remained with her father, who fought for a long time for the right to raise her, and lived in complete strictness and control.

Afterwards, she went to study in England, where she felt a bit of freedom - she began to “hang out” a lot against the backdrop of the start of her modeling career. After returning to Moscow, Alesya did not stop leading an idle lifestyle. The model’s relationship with her father deteriorated, because he still tried to control and educate her.

Later, Lesya explained her behavior as a protest, which she expressed to her father and relatives - in fact, she felt lonely, because she did not need money and control, but love and understanding, support and a kind word.

The girl settled down a little in her relationship with rapper Pharaoh, although the model’s influential parents did not approve of them at all. In the end, in fact, it turned out that Alesya was the “drug addict and rowdy” in the couple - Pharaoh, despite the image, leads a healthy lifestyle, and therefore, having torn his own soul, he broke up with the “hopeless” Alesya, handing her over to her father.

The girl tried to commit suicide, endured terrible months of torment in a drug treatment clinic, but was able to return... Was Kafelnikova saved from complete self-destruction? For now we can only guess. Fans hope that the girl’s work and her return to activity on social networks indicate that she has finally found herself in something and will stop thinking about death as the only salvation from loneliness and a constant feeling of uselessness.