» How to glue a urinal for girls. How to properly collect urine from a baby girl: little tricks and useful tips for parents

How to glue a urinal for girls. How to properly collect urine from a baby girl: little tricks and useful tips for parents


The health of a newly born baby is under constant close monitoring. After all, the baby practically does not have its own immune system; hereditary ailments and birth trauma may appear It’s also not always possible to avoid it. Therefore, immediately after birth, the most the first diagnostic examination using the Apgar score.

In the first month of life, the newborn will undergo a routine clinical examination, which includes a general urine test . In this material we will tell you in detail how you can collect urine from a newborn baby in different ways.


This simple method is better suited for collecting urine from a boy:

The best time for the procedure is early morning. Lay out a large baby oilcloth in the crib, and place a clean (and transparent) plastic bag with slightly cut sides on it. Now carefully place the baby and spread the bag under his butt, then cover the legs with a blanket. When the baby "slows down", carefully pour the urine collected in the bag and carefully pour it into a sterile plastic cup (available at the pharmacy).

Another way to collect urine for analysis without using a urine bag, which is more suitable for a newborn girl:

Take a plastic bag and cut it on the sides. Now we tie our homemade urine bag around the baby’s legs so that we get a bag in which the baby’s urine will be retained.

Take the newborn in your arms, placing an oilcloth under the girl and lightly covering her legs with a blanket. Walk around the room with the baby, holding her in a reclining position. If possible, breastfeed your baby during this time to speed up urination.

Carefully pour the urine into a sterile container.


The simplest and most modern way to collect the required amount of urine from an infant for tests - use a sterile urine bag purchased for this purpose at a pharmacy.

If this is your first time doing this procedure, we recommend purchasing several copies of this device at once. If the special device is attached incorrectly (for example, to a diaper), urine may leak past it. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for proper use of the device.

It is better to do the procedure for collecting urine from a baby early in the morning, when the baby has just woken up. Wash your child thoroughly beforehand to prevent excess particles from getting into the sterile urine bag, which could “smear” the test results.

Attach the urine bag between the legs of the newborn baby as illustrated in the instructions. This device with a hole is attached to the baby's hips using safe, hypoallergenic Velcro. All that remains is to wait until the urine bag is filled and pour the urine into a sterile jar. Do not forget to indicate the required child data on the container label.

Regular visits to the clinic and passing all the necessary tests help monitor the health and development of the baby. If taking blood is not particularly difficult, with urine things are different. It is very difficult to catch the moment when a child wants to go to the toilet. But today you can find many useful devices, including for similar purposes. There is a special urine bag for infants, with which you can easily collect the required amount of morning urine for analysis.

Urinal: what is it and why is it needed?

What is this device? This is a simple bag with a urinary opening that is attached with Velcro to the skin of newborns. It is designed specifically for the convenience of collecting urine samples.

A small child cannot yet control urination on his own. Therefore, it is quite difficult to collect morning urine in order to take the tests to the clinic. Of course, parents manage to accomplish such a difficult task using various methods. In fact, everything can be done much simpler. A urinal was invented specifically for this purpose, that is, to collect urine samples from infants.

With the help of this simple device, you can easily and effortlessly collect the required amount of urine from even the smallest children. It is absolutely safe to use, and therefore you don’t have to worry about the child getting injured, etc. This method is not only simple and convenient for parents, but also quite comfortable for the baby himself, especially if you use models with a special design that takes into account the physiological characteristics of children of different sexes.

Device design

In order to more accurately understand what such a device is and how to use it, it is necessary to consider its design. The urine collector consists of several simple elements:

  • plastic bag;
  • urinary opening;
  • Velcro for fastening.

Velcro helps secure the urine bag to the baby's skin. Thus, it is fixed in one position and when urinating, all the urine will fall into the bag. The latter, by the way, contains markings that allow you to determine whether a sufficient amount of urine was collected for analysis. Standard models are designed to draw liquid up to 100 ml.

Parents can rest easy, as the Velcro will not cause pain or discomfort to the baby. The special adhesive composition does not contain harmful substances, as do other elements of the device. Therefore, its use is absolutely safe for newborns. After performing its function, the urine collector easily peels off, leaving no marks on the baby’s delicate skin.

As for the nozzle on the opening of the bag, there are three types of this element. Depending on the shape, the purpose of the device is determined. So, oval is universal and suitable for both boys and girls. However, it is more convenient to use specialized urine collectors. For boys, its opening is ovoid, pointed downwards. But for girls, a different form has been developed, with small branches at the bottom on the sides, which takes into account the child’s physiology.

The principle of using a urinal for boys and girls is almost the same

How to use a urine collector

To do everything correctly and collect the required amount of urine, no special skills or additional equipment are required. However, not all parents are able to carry out the manipulation the first time without making a single mistake. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase not one urine collector, but several at once.

There are no particular differences in the use of a urine bag for boys and girls. So how to use this device? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash your hands with soap; to ensure sterility, it is recommended to wear medical gloves.
  2. Print out the urine bag and straighten the plastic bag.
  3. Remove the protective wax paper from the Velcro.
  4. Attach the urine collector to the baby's clean skin. It should be positioned so that the child's urethra is directed into the bag. Glue the fixture. For girls, it is attached to the labia, and for boys, the penis is inserted inside and Velcro is attached to the pubis and testicles.
  5. Since small children constantly fidget, jerk their legs and touch everything they come across with their hands, to prevent the urine bag from coming off, you can cover it with a diaper or diapers. However, this must be done with extreme caution to prevent the device from moving. Otherwise, urine may leak past the bag.
  6. After the baby has done all his business, remove the bag by peeling it off the skin.
  7. Cut off the corner of the urine bag and empty the contents into a test jar.

Note: If the child has not gone to the toilet within an hour, it is necessary to change the urine bag, since it is not recommended to keep the same bag stuck on for too long.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about using a urine collector for newborns. Even if you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. In addition, the price of this device is low. Therefore, you can purchase several devices in advance and carry out all the necessary manipulations without fear of damage.

With the arrival of a newborn, the parents’ routine life changes greatly. A lot of problems arise that did not exist before. Immediately after the birth of the baby, medical workers begin to monitor his well-being and health. And for this purpose it is necessary to take blood, urine and stool tests from time to time. An experienced nurse will take the blood for analysis in the laboratory; collecting feces from a small child is not very difficult, but to take a urine test, it is best to use a urine bag, which is purchased at a pharmacy. In this article we will try to figure out how to put a urine bag on a boy to collect urine for analysis.

What is a children's urinal?

This is a cellophane (or other synthetic material) sterile container with marked divisions. It has a hole, the edges of which contain a special Velcro for attaching to the baby’s skin in the crotch area. The tank volume is 100 ml.

The urinal is intended for collecting urine from infants for analysis. The device does not contain substances that cause an allergic reaction. It is easy to stick and remove. After use, the remaining glue is washed off well with warm water. You can learn how to put a urine bag on a boy by carefully reading the instructions.

Types of urinals that are used for children

There are urinals on sale for boys and girls, which take into account the physiological characteristics of the child, and universal ones, suitable for both sexes. The differences in the products are in the shape of the nozzle. It happens:

  • oval - universal for boys and girls;
  • ovoid, tapering downward - used for boys;
  • expanded, rounded at the top, with two branches at the bottom - adapted to the physiological characteristics of the girl.

It is best to use urinals made taking into account the gender characteristics of the child. How to put on a urine bag for a boy is described in detail below; using it for a girl differs insignificantly.

Carrying out personal hygiene before collecting analysis

The results of the analysis depend on how well the genital hygiene is carried out. To do this you need:

  1. Mom should wash her hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Remove any remaining powder and cream from the baby.
  3. Wash the boy's genitals with soap.
  4. Gently pat them dry with a clean towel.

Hygiene procedures should not be neglected. It allows you to maintain the purity and sterility of the collected urine.

How to collect urine from a little boy under one year old?

To collect biological material, you must perform the following steps:

  1. After tearing the packaging, take out the urine bag.
  2. Remove the protective layer of paper from the sticky surface.
  3. How to put a urine bag on a baby boy? To do this, you need to put the child on his back and spread his legs. The bottom of the adhesive rim should be between the anus and the penis. Place the penis and scrotum inside the hole, and press the adhesive layer, starting from the bottom, to the skin of the perineum. You can put only the penis into the hole, and glue the bottom adhesive layer to the scrotum.
  4. All we have to do is wait for the result. To speed up the process of urination, the child is given water to drink or breastfed, the lower abdomen is massaged, or the water tap is opened. After filling the reservoir, carefully unfasten it.
  5. Next, you need to cut off one of the corners of the urinal and pour the volume of contents, which is determined according to the existing scale, into a sterile plastic jar purchased at the pharmacy.
  6. Wash the child to remove any remaining glue.

The collected urine must be taken to the laboratory for testing within 2-3 hours. Using the device is not difficult - you can look at the photo on how to properly put on a urine bag for a boy.

Advantages of a children's urinal

The use of a pharmaceutical urine collection device has the following advantages:

  1. The tightness of the fastening minimizes fluid leakage and prevents the ingress of feces.
  2. Sterility - when the urinal is properly attached, feces do not fall into the urine reservoir when the child pees and poops at the same time.
  3. Convenience - parents can only monitor the process and make sure that the child does not disturb the fastening of the device with his leg movements. In addition, it is non-allergenic and does not cause skin irritation.
  4. Cheap - it is possible to purchase several urinals in case of the first unsuccessful attempt to collect an analysis.

Disadvantages of a urine collection device

This simple device has virtually no disadvantages if the tank is not damaged and is securely fastened. The most important thing is to learn how to properly put a urine bag on a boy, and you will learn how to do this from this article. It is better to hold the child in your arms during the procedure to prevent accidental displacement of the urine bag.

In addition, when the adhesive layer of the contour is strongly pressed against the boy's testicles and perineum, difficulties arise when removing the reservoir. In this case, damage to the child's skin may occur. Following the recommendations for using a urine bag will help prevent these problems. Using this device requires parents to have certain skills and dexterity.

Features of collecting and passing urine tests in newborns

When taking a urine test, you need to consider the following points:

  • Only the morning portion is used for the study;
  • Do not use urine collected in a pot or squeezed from diapers;
  • the collected biomaterial must be transported in a sterile, hermetically sealed container purchased from a pharmacy;
  • for delivery to the laboratory, no more than three hours should pass from the moment of urine collection.

To facilitate the urine collection procedure, it is best to use a urine bag purchased from a pharmacy chain. Buy at least a couple of products at once in case one of them fails. Remember that the urine bag can only be used once; repeated use will compromise sterility and result in distorted test results. And you already know how to put on a child’s urine bag for a boy.

What time of day to collect urine?

Most laboratories involved in urine testing receive biological material in the early morning hours. All preparations and analysis will take about 40 minutes. If the child becomes capricious, it will take about the same amount of time to calm him down. Therefore, the mother needs to take all these points into account and get up early on the day of the test in order to be in time for everything. Some parents ask whether it is possible to collect a urine test in the evening. It is better not to do this, because the results will not correspond to reality and subsequently you will still have to retake it. It is better to prepare for this procedure in advance: carefully watch a video or photo of how to put a urine bag on a boy.

The use of this medical device greatly simplifies the procedure for taking biological material for analysis.


The pharmaceutical industry produces different types of urine bags depending on the gender of the child. Simple devices that minimize fluid leakage, ensure sterility and make urine collection simple and convenient. Parents of children enjoy using them. And how to put a urine bag on a boy or a girl is not difficult to learn.

When new parents are told that they need to collect urine for testing from their newborn child, they are perplexed. After all, it is impossible to predict at what moment the baby will want to pee, and even to catch this moment in order to somehow miraculously have time to substitute the jar. And here a convenient modern device comes to the rescue - a urine collector (or urinal) for infants.

But after the first attempt to collect urine in a urine collector, many parents are perplexed again: in practice, this can be very difficult to do. Because it is not enough to buy this product at the pharmacy - you also need to know how to use it correctly.

How to use a urine collector for children: instructions

A urine bag is a simple device for collecting urine from young children. This is a plastic bag with Velcro at the base, which is used to attach it to the baby’s skin in the genital area. The adhesive tape is hypoallergenic, does not cause irritation to the baby's skin, and easily peels off after use. The urine collection tank usually has a graduation scale (per 100 ml) so that you can immediately assess whether a sufficient amount of liquid has been collected for analysis.

Since the urine collector does not fit hermetically to the child’s crotch, and can even move slightly during use, it is recommended to buy several pieces at once in order to be able to replace them with each other if necessary. Moreover, it is undesirable for the urinal to be on the child’s body for more than an hour: if during this time the baby has not urinated, then a new “bag” should be put on him (this will increase the chances of obtaining reliable test results).

In principle, this is not difficult to do:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  2. Toilet the child's external genitalia, blot the skin in the perineum and wait until it is completely dry: the slightest particles of moisture may prevent the urine bag from being securely attached. For this reason, you cannot treat the skin of the perineum after washing with anything.
  3. Unpack the packaging, take out the urine collector, remove the protective film from the fastening ring, spread the baby’s legs and fix the device on the child’s body according to the instructions (slightly spreading the buttocks - you need to glue the product from the bottom up).
  4. When the urine has been collected, it is necessary to position the bag so that all the liquid rushes to the bottom of the bag.
  5. Then, with a careful but quick movement, peel off the Velcro, cut off a corner of the bag and pour the urine into a sterile collection container, which is also sold at the pharmacy.

To increase the chances of success, after attaching the urine bag, it is advisable to attach the child to the breast: most babies defecate during feeding. It is undesirable (however not at all prohibited) to put a diaper on a child, so as not to dislodge the “structure” and not to fail the “operation”. It would be better to wrap the baby in a diaper or blanket and “keep watch.” However, many parents have gotten the hang of doing this manipulation perfectly, even using a diaper.

How to put on a urine bag for boys and girls

This is a fairly convenient and easy-to-use device, but in order to easily collect urine, you need to get used to using it, so to speak, “get your hands on it.” Despite the apparent ease of use, many parents are faced with the problem of urine leakage. And the reason for failure lies, most likely, in improper fastening of the urinal. Of course, a child can turn around and move the tank, and there are also products that are not of very high quality. But still, more often than not, we ourselves are to blame, because not only do the baby’s genitals need to be securely surrounded by a bag for collecting urine and glued tightly to it, but there are also different models of urinals for children of different sexes, and you definitely need to pay attention to this.

There are also universal devices that are suitable for both boys and girls. But “different-sex” ones are much more convenient and effective: they take into account the physiological characteristics of the perineum of a child of a different sex and, if attached correctly, help to avoid “leaks”.

How to properly put on a urine collector for a boy and a girl?

Urine collector for girls: instructions

The peculiarity of different types of urinals is that their fastening ring has a slightly different shape, taking into account the relief of the genitals. For girls, the oval holes diverge to the sides, as if branching out. This is necessary for a reliable girth of the labia majora.

When putting a urinal on a girl, it is necessary to fix the adhesive ring on the skin, starting from this branch: this is the lower part of the urinal, which is attached in the area between the labia and the anus (while making sure that the anus remains outside).

So, after you remove the protective film from the ring, pull out the polyethylene reservoir (eventually it should point down), apply the lower part of the ring (with the “slingshot”) to the bottom so that the labia are inside the ring, lightly press the lower point with your fingers ( to glue the product), and continue fixing the ring in a circle, moving from the bottom point to the sides and up to the pubis.

Urine collector for boys: how to put on

A boy's urinal has the shape of an egg, pointed downwards (universal ones, by the way, are also oval), that is, with a narrow part it is attached under the testicles (with a notch - to the anus). First, the penis is threaded into the ring inside the tank. Next, the sequence of actions is the same as when putting on a urine bag for girls: glue the ring at the bottom point - then up in a semicircle.

Do not forget that morning urine is suitable for taking tests, so on the day of taking the tests you will have to get up early and perform the necessary manipulations in advance.

Children's urinal: reviews

This topic is quite discussed on forums, and it is not surprising: urine has to be donated very often, and almost everyone has difficulty collecting it.

Mothers who have gone through this practice and mastered the “art of collecting urine from babies” share their tricks and secrets on how to use a urine collector for babies.

According to reviews, it is easier to collect urine for testing in boys. But after doing the manipulation several times, you will adapt and understand how to do it correctly, regardless of the gender of the child.

In any case, collecting urine using a urine bag from infants is more hygienic and easier than any other method. But, unfortunately, not all parents manage to master this “technique”. Additionally, there are times when the sticky ring attaches too tightly to the baby's skin, doesn't stick at all, or, worse, causes allergic reactions.

But in general, this idea is appreciated by many. Mothers praise this device and find that it greatly simplifies their task of collecting urine from their newborn babies. The main thing is to understand how to properly put a urine bag on a child. Because in the instructions for the device, according to users, absolutely nothing is clear.

We hope everything works out for you now!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

The birth of a baby in a family poses tasks for parents that they, being childless, did not even think about. One of the significant problems is collecting a child’s urine for analysis, because it is necessary to collect morning urine. But it turns out that there is such a convenient device as a urinal for babies. For young mothers and fathers, information on how to use a children's urinal will be very useful.

A children's urinal will help you easily collect material to submit to the laboratory for examination. The device is made of absolutely safe, sterile thin polyethylene, contact with which does not cause irritation on children's skin. The adhesive on a disposable urine bag purchased at a pharmacy contains substances that do not cause an allergic reaction and are easily removed from the skin with warm water. It is especially convenient to use a urine bag for newborns if the child has a disease that requires urine testing to be taken regularly.

The design of urinals for girls and boys have some features, but in general the device is a small plastic bag with a total volume of 100 ml, which has markings. It is equipped with a hole with an adhesive layer, the presence of which allows you to attach the urinal to the perineum. The Velcro is securely held on the body, and urine does not leak.

How to properly put on a child's urine bag?

Immediately after the baby wakes up, a urine bag is put on him. To do this, the child should be washed with warm running water, blotting the genitals with a dry towel. Powders and various creams should not be used before collecting urine, as foreign substances that have entered the urine bag may cause the urine test results to be unreliable. In order to put on the device, first remove the protective layer from the Velcro.

How to use a urine bag for girls?

The baby is placed on her back, and a urinal is attached to the labia. The urine reservoir bag should be located between the legs. A diaper or diaper is put on top. The baby does not feel any discomfort!

How to use a urine bag for boys?

The child is placed on a flat surface, the baby’s penis and scrotum are brought out into the device through a special hole, and the adhesive base is tightly attached directly to the skin. The urine reservoir can be positioned in any direction. By putting a diaper or panties on top of the boy, you will fix the device, preventing it from coming off. In order for the process of urination to go faster, it is recommended to give the baby water or breastfeed.

After use, the urinal quickly and painlessly peels off, without in any way injuring the delicate baby skin. Once the result is achieved, the baby is washed again, the skin is dried and lubricated with cream. The corner of the urine bag is cut, the contents of the reservoir are poured into a sterile container a small volume (the pharmacy sells special containers for children’s urine) and submits it to a laboratory for analysis.

Attention! When purchasing a urine bag, take several of them, since not all parents are able to correctly put on the device and collect urine the first time. Despite the fact that the urine collection device is absolutely safe for the health of the newborn, pediatricians do not recommend that the child stay in the same urine bag for more than one hour. If you fail to collect urine the first time, and the time spent in the device is running out, it is better to replace the urine bag with a new one.