» How to count calories correctly to lose weight. Learning to count calories

How to count calories correctly to lose weight. Learning to count calories

The most effective way to lose weight may be to count calories. If you follow the norm and do not overeat, this approach will give one hundred percent results. In addition, this way you can join a healthy diet, that is, after losing weight, the weight will not return.

There are special formulas that can be used to calculate how many calories per day you need for health and weight loss.

How many calories should you consume while on a diet?

If we talk in general about how to calculate the number of calories, then you need to pay attention to the initial parameters of the body and lifestyle. That is, in order to gradually lose weight, you need to consume a little less calories than you spend on energy per day. For example, if you eat 1600 kcal, then you need to burn about 1900-2000 kcal per day. Nutritionists recommend that for active weight loss without discomfort, reduce calories by 15-20% of calories consumed per day.

The procedure for calculating calories for a diet:

  1. Now you need to eat as many calories per day as you got in the second point or a little less

This way you can lose weight without torturing yourself with complex physical exercises or strict diets.

How to correctly calculate how many calories per day you need to eat for the normal functioning of the body

There are many formulas for calculating the required calories per day, but the most popular is the Harris-Benedict formula. Over the years, it has been slightly edited and improved, as living conditions change and energy costs change along with them.

447.593+(9.247x weight in kilograms) + (3.098x height in centimeters) - (4.330x woman’s age)

88.362+(13.397x weight in kilograms) + (4.799x height in centimeters) - (5.677x age of the man)

Thanks to these formulas, you can calculate how many calories the body needs per day for normal functioning if physical activity is approximately zero all day. Therefore, you need to find out the activity coefficient.

Activity coefficients:

sedentary and recumbent lifestyle - 1.2

1-3 workouts per week - 1.375

3-4 workouts per week - 1.55

5-7 workouts per week or heavy physical work - 1.7

professional athlete, work in a mine - 1.9
To find out your caloric intake per day, the activity coefficient is multiplied by the calories considered basic. This way you can find out how many calories you can eat without fear of gaining extra pounds. To start losing weight, you need to reduce the number of calories - subtract 20% or a little less from the norm and not exceed the resulting number of calories per day. Less is possible, more is not possible.

Calorie counting example:

Let there be a woman, weight 56 ​​kg, height 168 centimeters, age 25 years old, works as a journalist, goes to training a couple of times a week.

447.593+(9.247x56) + (3.098x168) - (4.330x25) = 1377.639

1377.639 - basic number of calories
activity coefficient - 1.375

1377.639x1.375 = 1894.2536 - this is the calorie norm

To get the number of calories for weight loss, you need to calculate 20% of the calorie intake and subtract them. 20% = 378.8507

1894.2536 - 378.8507 = 1516 calories approximately need to be consumed per day to lose weight.

You can use an online calculator to quickly calculate calories for your body.

If, after following the caloric intake, the weight does not gradually come off, the calculations may have been carried out incorrectly. Most often, problems in calculations arise because people cannot always objectively assess their activity, hence the incorrect activity coefficient. It is also often impossible to correctly count the calories consumed, so you need to have a special notebook in which you need to honestly write down all the calories you eat.

Example of a menu with calories suitable for weight loss

  • Oatmeal with milk - 200 kcal
  • Coffee with milk (can be with or without sugar (a teaspoon)) - 50 kcal
  • Medium-sized sour apple - 70 kcal
  • Black or green, herbal tea - up to 5 kcal
  • Low-fat cottage cheese about 100 grams - 120 kcal
  • Vegetable salad dressed with oil - 140 kcal
  • One loaf of bread - 20 kcal
  • Buckwheat porridge with chicken breast - 300 kcal
  • Cheese pie small piece - 200 kcal
  • One medium-sized apple - 70 kcal

Thus, it turned out that there are even fewer calories than needed for a losing weight. That is, he will definitely gradually begin to lose kilograms, especially actively if he starts doing physical exercises at the same time.

How to calculate calories for your weight?

It must be taken into account that if a woman has a child, the number of calories will increase, because the mother will have to lead an active lifestyle, that is, the activity coefficient will also increase. The same applies to women who dance, go to the gym, or do hard physical work throughout the week - the higher the level of physical activity, the more calories the body needs. In some cases, you can even eat sweets without fear.
In most cases, most of the calories are left for lunch, but it doesn’t matter, you can plan your diet so conveniently. The main rule is not to replace healthy products with useless ones. For example, you can eat 50 grams of chocolate or 200 grams of Caesar salad. But chocolate will not help satisfy your hunger, and salad will easily cope with this. Chocolate may cause a breakdown, since the body has received the necessary dose of calories, but the hunger has not gone away.

If you build a diet correctly, the body will always be full, even if calories are in short supply. The secret is in choosing foods - you need to choose those that contain few calories. These include, for example, vegetable salads, fish, cottage cheese and others. Since they contain few calories, you can eat a large amount of them, that is, create a feeling of fullness.

Tips for those who want to lose weight while observing the permissible calorie intake per day:

  • Formulas do not provide the most accurate information about how many calories you should consume per day. It is only approximate, and a healthy diet for weight loss can be based on it;
  • Weight loss is also affected by stress, physical exercise, and mental work; all this must be taken into account when counting calories. You don't need to rely only on calories. It is important, it needs to be monitored, it is also important to observe how the body reacts to certain changes in nutrition;
  • There is an opinion that the greater the calorie deficit, the sooner the weight will come off. In reality, this is not so: what will go away is not the excess fat that needs to be gotten rid of, but the muscles necessary to maintain a beautiful body;
  • If you lose muscle and not fat, your body will become ugly. The proportions will be lost, the body will seem to sag. For this reason, you need to ensure that your calorie deficit is small.

What do nutritionists think about losing weight by cutting calories?

According to nutritionists, to lose weight you need to consume about 1300-1500 kcal per day.

1500 kcal is the norm at which weight will begin to gradually disappear. At the same time, you need to remember that you need to engage in physical and mental activity, it is best to go to the gym.

1500 kcal is breakfast, lunch and dinner. If desired and possible, you can even include in this figure something sweet, but as harmless as possible - ice cream or dark chocolate. It is best to eat them in the morning, this way the body will process sugar and use up this energy during the day.

  • Recommendations for creating a daily diet


In the morning, it is best to eat cereal dishes - porridge, muesli. You can cook with water or milk and add fruit to it. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the body can produce energy for about three hours and will not want to eat. The healthiest breakfast cereals are buckwheat and four-grain porridge.

Porridge made with water is also healthier, since porridge made with milk, although tasty, is destroyed when heated and the protein in the milk is no longer beneficial to the body. In addition, the combination of cereals and milk is not the best for gastric function. It is better to add cream or yogurt to the finished dish.


In most cases, this is the most satisfying and complete meal. For lunch you can cook both soup and main course. For example, you can eat soup made from vegetables, meat or fish, and for the main course serve a vegetable side dish and baked fish or meat. The most important thing is that this meal contains carbohydrates and proteins. Thanks to proteins, you feel full, which is very important so as not to break down, as the body feels hungry. Carbohydrates are needed for the body to function normally. If your diet contains less than 70 grams of carbohydrates (preferably complex) per day, you may experience weakness, fainting, breakdowns and stress. Healthy carbohydrates have a low glycemic index and include vegetables and grains.

Fats, despite losing weight, are also needed by the body; there should be about 30 grams of them per day. Thanks to this component, food becomes tastier, and this is very important on a diet. People who eat slowly and enjoy the taste of the food they receive do not overeat, because the feeling of fullness comes quickly.

There is also a myth that you should not eat after 6 pm so that the body absorbs food well. Some nutritionists say that this rule is based on human hormonal levels. After about 9 pm the body is ready to go to sleep, so it is important that the food is digested as much as possible by this time. During sleep, the body cannot digest fats normally and therefore they contribute to the deposition and growth of fat.

But you can only rely on your life schedule - take your last meal of the day 3 hours before bedtime.


For dinner, you can eat complex carbohydrates such as vegetables or cereals; seafood and chicken breast are healthy. Any low-fat foods that contain a lot of protein are suitable for dinner.

The main thing when dieting is to enjoy food. You cannot exhaust yourself with hunger and tasteless dishes. If all meals fit within the daily calorie allowance, you can eat whatever your heart desires.

Eating to lose weight does not necessarily mean giving up many foods. If you count calories, you can eat anything. This method of losing weight helps you endure the diet easily and maintain a slim figure after finishing it.

Read in this article

Should you count calories?

What calories are and how their daily amount in the diet affects body weight has been known since the beginning of the last century. After all, any product has energy value. And when a person takes in fewer calories from food than he expends, he loses weight. And if the amount of energy supplied from food is the same as that consumed, it is possible to maintain stable weight. This is what makes calorie counting necessary.

It is important to correctly determine how many units a particular person needs to lose weight. When playing sports or physical labor, caloric intake should be higher than for those who lead a passive lifestyle. Women need less energy than men.

Pros and cons of mathematics for weight loss

The calorie counting diet has many adherents due to its undeniable advantages:

  • You can eat everything without notifying others about your diet. After all, there are no prohibited products, there is only a need to limit their quantity.
  • It is not difficult to calculate the energy value of the most complex dishes. To do this, just find out the calorie content of each product used. This is convenient for those who are used to eating only self-cooked food.
  • Errors in nutrition are easy to correct. If the person losing weight consumed a little more calories at lunch, for dinner you can eat something that does not have a high energy value.
  • The need to count calories leads to the fact that a person begins to eat properly. After all, the most unhealthy food has the greatest energy value.
  • Counting calories is easy once you get used to it. Most people who lose weight name the amount in their plate within 10-14 days without prompting.
  • Limiting the energy value of food does not harm the body. After all, all the ingredients necessary for health are present on the table. Therefore, many continue to count calories even after losing weight, only increasing their number.
  • You can choose an individual menu that suits the tastes of those losing weight. A unique approach to diet composition achieves optimal results.
  • Weight loss occurs smoothly and gradually, without much stress on the body. This helps to avoid problems such as sagging skin that accompanies getting rid of a significant amount of excess.

Controlling the energy value of the diet also has disadvantages:

  • inevitably reducing portions, which is not easy for everyone;
  • counting calories may seem tedious;
  • Allowing yourself to eat anything can lead to your weight staying the same (if carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed);
  • You won't be able to lose weight quickly.

How to count calories in foods and dishes

Controlling the calorie content of food requires following the following rules:

  • 100 g of product is taken as a basis; for this there is a table with average values. Knowing the calorie content of such an amount, an indicator of a smaller or larger volume is calculated. For example, an egg, a dessert plate of oatmeal with water will “pull” 120 units. A sandwich with cheese, a cutlet, a pie - for 350 units. A glass of juice, milk, a plate of vegetable salad - for 100 units.
  • Calories are counted at every meal. If the dish is multi-component, calculate the energy value of the products separately, add them up and get the total figure.
  • Calorie content depends on the cooking method. Cooking does not add energy value to food. And fried food forces the calorie content of foods to add 20%.
  • Tea and coffee without additives do not contain calories. For other products, be sure to have a table with you. To make it easier to control your diet, you need to write down everything you eat.

Calorie table for drinks
  • When calculating calorie content, you should take into account your own characteristics. For women, there is a formula for determining the required number of units for weight loss: 650 + (9.6 x body weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age). With a sedentary lifestyle, the resulting figure is multiplied by 1.2, when playing sports - by 1.4, and with heavy workload - by 1.55. For men, the calculation is a little different: 66 + (13.7 x body weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age). The additional coefficients are the same.
  • You should eat 5 times a day. This way of eating is the most physiological. In addition, it is easier to survive the reduction in the energy value of the diet and not fall off the diet. The last meal should be 3 - 4 hours before going to bed.

In order for food to be digested without problems, energy is spent, and not stored “in reserve”, you need to eat 25% of calories in the morning, 10% for the second meal, 30% for lunch, 25% for a snack, 10% in the evening.

  • For self-control you need to keep a food diary. It records not only the caloric content of what was eaten, but also what was spent, that is, the amount of physical activity per day. This includes sports, household chores, moving around the city, etc. For example, 8 hours of sleep consumes 340 calories, 1.5 hours of food preparation - 257. It is imperative to record your success in losing weight. To do this, weigh yourself every day in the morning and record the results in a diary.
  • Every day you should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water. This also helps speed up metabolism and also helps get rid of hunger.

We create a menu for every day

The diet needs to be thought out in advance. It should contain vitamins in the form of vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, spinach, beans, potatoes, etc.). Proteins are required, that is, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. You need grains, which means bread and cereals, as well as fruits and. A necessary component of nutrition are polyunsaturated fatty acids, that is, vegetable oils.

What could be the menu for 7 days:

For an afternoon snack - yogurt. Dinner is a vegetable salad (potatoes, lettuce, chicken and a spoonful of natural yogurt). All food will cost 1750 calories.

  • Tuesday. In the morning they eat an egg, toast with butter, and carrot juice. Snack on grapes. During the day they eat pea soup, mashed potatoes with chicken, and compote. For an afternoon snack, prepare a salad of radishes and herbs with a spoonful of sour cream. In the evening they eat sliced ​​tomatoes with onions and an orange. Total calorie content – ​​1600 units.
  • Wednesday. In the morning they prepare toast with cheese, slices of tomatoes with lettuce leaves, and coffee. Snack on grapefruit. For lunch they cook borscht with meat, zucchini puree, and fruit jelly. Your next snack should consist of yogurt. For dinner you can eat strawberries. This will give you 1500 calories per day.
  • Thursday. They have breakfast with oatmeal with milk and tea. For a snack, choose a banana. During the day they eat fish soup, rice with meat, and carrot and pumpkin juice. An apple and kefir will be enough for an afternoon snack. They dine on baked fish and boiled potatoes. This amount of food has an energy value of 1400 calories.
  • Friday. They have breakfast with honey and a cup of coffee. The second meal consists of a handful of dried fruits. During the day they eat lentil soup, stew, and juice. Snack on yogurt. A glass of kefir and an apple is enough for the evening. That's a total of 1,250 calories.
  • Saturday. In the morning I eat with and drink a herbal decoction. For a snack, choose an orange. They have lunch with vegetable soup, baked potatoes with turkey, and apple juice. Cocoa with a piece of cheese is enough for an afternoon snack. In the evening they prepare meat salad and tea with lemon balm. That's all - 1100 calories.
  • Sunday. On this day you can arrange unloading. For example, there is only a Menu for 1 day 5 times a day

    What to limit in food

    • Sausage, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, fast food, canned food, nuts, baked goods, sweets, caviar. Sometimes you can afford something from the list. But if you make concessions, you will then have to endure hunger, since the daily caloric intake will be exhausted. This is not healthy and can lead to you breaking your diet.

    Prohibited Products
    • Pepper and any hot seasonings. The ability of these products to speed up metabolism, that is, fat burning, is known. But at the same time, spicy food increases appetite. And this can become a difficult test for someone losing weight, because they will have to restrain it.
    • Alcohol. Alcohol is very high in calories, even if it is dry red wine. Therefore, you can only drink it and in limited quantities. The calorie content of wine should also be taken into account in the total energy value of food.
    • Salt. If possible, it is better to abandon it altogether. Salt retains fluid in tissues, that is, it slows down the breakdown of fats. If you can’t completely forget about it, you should at least put it in ready-made dishes. This will reduce the total number.

    Don't expect quick results from a low-calorie diet. Progress will become noticeable in 4 - 5 days. But this diet is one of the most reliable, safe ways not only to lose weight, but also to maintain health.

    Useful video

    To learn about what calories are and how to properly keep a food diary, watch this video:

Determining the caloric content of the food you eat is the most important step in understanding exactly how much energy your body receives. If the amount of energy exceeds what is required, body weight will increase, and if there are not enough calories, weight will begin to decrease. At the same time, playing sports, but not as much as is commonly believed.

For example, one can of Coca-Cola contains the same amount of calories as the energy expended from a two-kilometer run - in other words, it is much easier to give up this cola than to burn calories through an exhausting run. It is also important that learning to count calories is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but the effect of such counting is enormous.

Learning to count calories

It is necessary to understand that there is no such thing as “calorie content of a plate of borscht” - a rich soup with pork and a lot of potatoes can be many times more nutritious than a lean soup with vegetables. The size of the plate also plays a significant role. As a result, the final figure can range from 100 to 500 kcal per serving.

Trying to count calories using calorie tables of ready-made meals or sending photos of food to a special application on your smartphone is nothing more than a joke. The real figure can only be obtained by eating foods with the calorie content indicated on the package and weighing each ingredient of the prepared dishes on a kitchen scale.

What is a "calorie"?

Scientifically speaking, a calorie is a unit of measurement for the energy content of food. Initially, the amount of heat released during the combustion of fuel (for example, coal, fuel oil, firewood, etc.) was calculated in calories, and the application of calories to food began in the 20th century, when food began to be considered as fuel for the body.

The term "calorie" became widespread in the 1990s, when food manufacturers were legally required to indicate the energy content of food on packaging. However, it should be noted that the indicated calorie content is only a mathematical calculation - the real amount of energy that the body will receive.

Formula for calculating calories

To calculate the calorie content of food, before preparing a food product (for example) or a “composite” dish (mashed potatoes with a cutlet), its ingredients are weighed. Then, using nutritional tables, the composition of each component in proteins, fats and carbohydrates is determined. After which the sum of nutrients and the proportion for each serving are calculated.

One gram of proteins and carbohydrates contains 4.1 kcal (essentially 4 thousand 100 calories), one gram of fat contains 8.8 kcal. For simplicity, numbers are rounded. If a serving of food contains 20 g of protein, 25 g of carbohydrates and 10 g of fat, then the calculated calorie content will be 20x4 + 25x4 + 10x9 = 270 kcal. Water, as such, does not contain calories.

How to determine calorie intake?

The average woman leading a sedentary lifestyle needs about 2000 kcal per day, a non-athletic man - 2300-2400 kcal; for an athlete training for muscle growth - at least 2500-2700 kcal. The exact figure is calculated using a special formula taking into account the gender, age and weight of the person.

Let us also note that if the energy supplied from food is not enough, the body will not immediately begin to burn fat - first it will try to slow down the metabolism, making the person more lethargic and sleepy. However, if the total calorie intake exceeds the required amount, then the “extra” calories will definitely be stored primarily in fat reserves.

Do genetics really influence how much fat the body stores?

How to count calories correctly?

Firstly, you need to accustom yourself to pay attention to the calorie content table of foods placed on the packaging. Most people don't realize that a liter of cola or a medium-sized pizza contains almost 1,000 calories, or half of the daily calorie requirement. Refusal of such products is the first rule for those who want to lose weight.

Ideally, the size of each serving of food should not exceed 500-700 kcal - this will allow the body to rationally use the energy received for current metabolic needs and not send it to fat reserves. At the same time, breakfast and lunch should be as dense as possible, and dinner should be light and without carbohydrates.

Calories or food composition?

Secondly, you need to pay attention not to the calorie content of individual dishes, but to the composition of the diet in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Total calorie consumption should be the starting point, not the final point, in creating a diet. In fact, the number of calories in a serving of crushed potatoes and in a serving of buckwheat may be equivalent, but the effect on the body will be significantly different.

Scientific research has long determined the boundaries of what is optimal - for example, fat (including vegetable oils) should not account for more than 30-40% of the total calorie intake. In other words, if you stick to your caloric intake solely from carbohydrates or fat, nothing good will happen to you.


Counting your caloric intake is the first step towards losing weight or gaining muscle mass. To correctly count calories, you need to study food composition tables and weigh the food you eat on a kitchen scale. However, despite this, the composition of foods in proteins, fats and carbohydrates is always much more important than their final calorie content.

Not only your appearance, but also your health depends on the caloric content of your diet and lifestyle. Do you want to know how to achieve an ideal figure that is beneficial for your body? We'll teach you how to count calories for weight loss and create a weekly meal plan in just a couple of hours. Take a pen, a piece of paper, a calculator and go! Lose weight correctly!

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What is metabolism and what is its role in losing weight?

Metabolism is the number of calories per day that the body uses to maintain physiological processes. The number of calories needed for proper functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and well-being. Normally, this amount is 1200-1300 kcal per day.

An excess of calories from carbohydrates leads to obesity, and from proteins to a gain of muscle mass. Calorie deficiency is expressed by weakness, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, and slow metabolism. Strict diets with consumption of less than 1200 kcal per day, which last more than a week, cause enormous harm to health and contribute to weight gain after leaving the diet.

How to count calories to lose weight

There are two formulas for calculating metabolism: Harris-Benedict and Muffin-Geor.

According to the Harris-Benedict formula:

GV = 655.1 + (9.6 * weight, kg) + (1.85 * height, cm) – 4.68 * (age)

Example: a girl weighs 50 kg, height 165 cm, 21 years old. According to H-B: 655.1 + 9.6 * 50 + 1.85 * 165 – 4.68 * 21 = 1342 kcal/day

According to the Muffin-Jeor formula:

GV = 9.99 * weight, kg + 6.25 * height, cm – 4.92 * age – 161

Example: a girl weighs 50 kg, height 165 cm, 21 years old. According to M-D: 9.99 * 50 + 6.25 * 165 – 4.92 * 21 – 161 = 1266 kcal/day.

For accuracy, we take the golden mean of the results (1300 kcal) and multiply by the activity coefficient:

  • for inactive people (eating donuts in front of the TV without a hint of sports) – 1.2
  • for inactive people (morning exercises + exercises for 15 minutes) – 1.3
  • for sports smart girls (training 3-5 times a week) – 1.5
  • for professional athletes (loads 2 times every day) – 1.8-1.9

Example: our girl is lazy, she only does exercises, so we take a factor of 1.3. Daily energy consumption: 1300 * 1.3 = 1690 kcal.

How to count calories to lose weight? It's simple: subtract 10-15% from your daily energy intake and, based on this figure, create a diet for the week. After a week, step on the scale and create a new diet for the next week, taking into account minus 10% of the new caloric intake by body weight.

Important! Don't go below 1200 calories per day. When doing intense sports, reduce your daily diet for weight loss by only 100-150 kcal.

How to plan a calorie-counting diet

For a balanced diet, knowledge of daily caloric intake is not enough. Proper nutrition for weight loss is based on the ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Let's learn how to count calories to lose weight healthily.

  • Protein:
    • for a sedentary lifestyle 1 g per 1 kg of weight;
    • for low-active people 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight;
    • for training 3-5 times a week and gaining weight 1.8-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.
  • Fats: 1 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • Carbohydrates: 5 g per 1 kg of weight.

1 gram contains kcal:

  • protein – 4 kcal;
  • fats – 9 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 4 kcal.


We calculate the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for an inactive girl weighing 50 kg:

  • B (1.5 * 50 * 4) = 300 kcal;
  • F (1 * 50 * 9) = 450 kcal;
  • Y (5 * 50 * 4) = 1000 kcal.

Total: 1750 kcal per day for good health and stable weight.

But 50 kg doesn’t suit the girl, so let’s remove some carbohydrates and fats:

  • B (1.5 * 50 * 4) = 300 kcal;
  • F (0.8 * 50 * 9) = 360 kcal;
  • Y (4 * 50 * 4) = 800 kcal.

Total: 1460 kcal to intensively lose weight, but not lose muscle mass.

Important! When counting calories for a diet, do not forget about the ratio of the daily diet within the normal range:

  • proteins – 15-20%
  • fats – 20-30%
  • carbohydrates – 55-65%

To lose weight, reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats, leave proteins the same amount or add 5-10%. If you want to gain weight, on the contrary, increase the protein to 40-50%, and balance the rest by calorie content. You can’t get rid of fats and carbohydrates enormously; you risk disrupting your gastrointestinal tract and getting a bunch of diseases.

Now you understand how to lose weight by counting calories, but the question probably remains: how to apply this knowledge in practice and count calories for weight loss using the table of caloric content of foods.”

There are two options:

  1. We count the calorie content of each product in the refrigerator and on the supermarket shelves. It's long and tedious, and you often get confused.
  2. Familiarize yourself with, write a sample healthy food menu and calculate the calorie content of ready-made dishes.

Menu for the day

We choose the 2nd path and outline the diet.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, honey and raisins + green tea;
  2. Snack: sweet and sour apple + kefir 1% 250 ml;
  3. Lunch: buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables + steamed chicken drumstick without skin + a slice of rye bread;
  4. Snack: cereal pancakes/fitness cookies with green tea – 2 pcs;
  5. Dinner: steamed fish cutlets + stewed vegetables.

We estimate servings to be 100-200 grams.

Calories per day:

  • breakfast: 400 kcal;
  • snack: 170 kcal;
  • lunch: 600 kcal
  • snack: 110 kcal;
  • dinner: 270 kcal.

Total: 1550 kcal/day.

About the intricacies of calorie counting

Learning how to create a menu is not at all difficult. A couple of days, and your eyes will evaluate food not as edible and tasty, but as healthy and high in calories. In a week, your brain will have a special function for counting calories without a calculator. And now about the subtleties:

  • measure bulk products and cereals in dry form;
  • consider the calorie content of pasta per 100 g of dry product, and then subtract 40-50% from the finished product. Since the difference in weight between “dry” and “wet” pasta is 2 times different;
  • when stewing and cooking, vegetables/meat do not lose calorie content;
  • tea, water and coffee have no calories. If you add milk, honey, sugar, consider only these products;
  • for fried foods, add 20% of the calories due to oil;
  • For multi-component dishes, calculate the calorie content of individual ingredients. Then calculate the number of calories per serving and remember, or better yet, write it down.

Not everyone can endure exhausting diets, and not everyone has time to visit fitness clubs and prepare special dietary foods. Meanwhile, the secret to losing weight is essentially simple - you need to spend more than you consume.

You can determine your daily diet using a special diary. There you will record the calorie content of the food you consume during the day and energy expenditure during physical activity. As a result, this will allow you to adjust either your diet or the loads you receive during the day.

It is important to consider some features:

  • women with an inactive lifestyle need to consume 1000-1200 kcal per day, an active lifestyle requires up to 2500 kcal;
  • For men leading an inactive lifestyle, 1500-1700 kcal is enough, for an active lifestyle - 2700.

First, determine the intensity of calorie expenditure during the day.

Type of activity Calories per hour
Boxing, wrestling 1100
Running at a speed of at least 8 km/h 570-600
Swimming, intense gymnastic exercises 480-500
Bike ride 400
Walking at a fast pace 300
Housework/garden work 150-170
Singing, reading aloud 120-125
Needlework 115
Rest 70-100

If you choose the most effective type of exercise, the process of losing weight will significantly accelerate. Maintain your results with the right diet. If you initially exclude all unhealthy foods from your menu and eat small portions up to 5-6 times a day, your calorie intake will already drop by up to 20%.

In order to calculate the calorie content of food consumed, you can use one of the many existing tables that contain information about the value of basic food products. After several days of using such a table, the need to constantly check it will practically disappear; you will be able to navigate the ingredients you choose on your own. So the calorie content of vegetables and fruits is generally from 30 to 50 kcal, cereals - 130 kcal, fish and poultry meat up to approximately 170 kcal, and a chicken egg has a nutritional value of 80 kcal in one piece.

Perhaps it will be more convenient for you to use the calorie table of ready-made foods and, based on this, create a daily menu for yourself, taking into account the planned energy loss.

Unique Bormenthal method

I took an innovative approach to losing weight. Today, many people who want to lose weight prefer the specialists of this center.

Work with the patient begins with psychological correction. By the way, it is the psychological impact that is one of the integrally important tools on the path to improving your own shape and accompanies the entire process of losing weight using this method. As for calculating calories within the framework of the Bormenthal method, everything is very simple - you are allowed to consume 1000-1200 kcal per day (with physical activity up to 1700 kcal). And it doesn’t matter what kind of food will be in your diet - absolutely any of your gastronomic preferences, but within the acceptable range.

There are several important rules for those who want to lose weight this way:

  1. The most important thing is to carefully monitor calories, weigh food and calculate everything accurately. To simplify the task, it is recommended to keep a special diary.
  2. Be sure to stay within the acceptable limits for the number of calories per day.
  3. Every day, one third of your menu should consist of protein foods, such as poultry or fish, veal, eggs and cheese.
  4. Drink clean, still water regularly, preferably half an hour before meals.
  5. It is advisable to eat food little by little, but more often.
  6. Don't exhaust yourself by fasting.
  7. It is advisable to take various vitamins and minerals during the process of losing weight.
  8. Do not use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes.
  9. The variety of foods allowed within the diet is not limited.
  10. Don’t forget about hot food; soups are highly recommended.

Curiously, Dr. Bormenthal does not encourage patients to increase physical activity and exercise. He bases his method on the principle of maximum comfort and minimum restrictions. And any physical activity tends to increase appetite, which negatively affects compliance with the basic rules of the diet.

It is worth noting that the principles of the diet according to Dr. Bormenthal’s method are somewhat incorrect if we consider it specifically for weight loss. The daily norm of calories consumed by the human body cannot be less than 1200. This is the minimum, regardless of body size, gender and lifestyle. Therefore, you should not lose sight of the damage that may be caused to your health and do not go to extremes in order to speed up the result. An organism weakened by a diet will regain lost weight faster than it will recover, remember this.

Kitchen scales

Today, manufacturers of household appliances for the home can offer a huge range of special kitchen scales that will help you determine the weight of a portion as accurately as possible and calculate its calorie content.

The operating principle of this smart electronics is based on indexes of about 1000 products that are loaded into the device’s memory. Accordingly, only one product can be weighed. The amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content in a certain weight of the product will be displayed on the screen.

A useful feature of these scales is the function that allows you to reset the tare weight and determine only the net weight of the product.

As a result, we can say that electronics are an indispensable assistant in losing weight using a calorie counting system. They are accurate, easy to use and have the ability to record weekly food weighed.

Calorie calculator

On the World Wide Web, if you wish, you can easily find a calorie calculator that is suitable for its functionality. Also, using online calculators, you can calculate the required number of calories taking into account the energy expended and vice versa. This is very convenient; such programs contain special formulas that previously had to be calculated manually.

  • women under 30 years old must multiply their own weight in kilograms by 0.062 and add 2.036. We multiply the resulting amount by 240 and obtain the desired individual number of calories per day.
  • for women under 60 years of age, the formula will be calculated as follows (B × 0.034 + 3.54) × 240.
  • women over 61 years of age (B×0.04+2.75)×240.

The formula for manually calculating the required number of daily calories consumed for men will naturally be different:

  • (B×0.063+2.9)×240, aged 18 to 30 years.
  • (B×0.05+3.65)×240, up to 60 years.
  • (B×0.05+2.46)×240, from 61 years old.

It is possible to make a more accurate calculation of calories; for this it is necessary to take into account one more value - basal metabolism. It determines energy expenditure during sleep (rest). The only caveat of such calculations is the error due to unaccounted muscle mass or excess fat (severe obesity). In these cases, the values ​​will have to be adjusted - increased for the first case and decreased for the second. So, the formula for women is as follows:

  • 655 + (1.8 × height, value in centimeters) + (9.6 × weight, in kilograms) - (4.7 × age, full years)
  • 66 + (5 × height) + (13.7 × weight) - (6.8 × age) is the calculation for men.
Minimal physical activity, sedentary work 1,2
Little physical activity, occasional light exercise 1,375
Average physical activity, systematic simple training 1,55
High physical activity, constant training 1,725
Increased physical activity, regular training, twice a day 1,9

Based on the value of the corresponding coefficient, the number of required calories per day is derived by multiplying one value by another.

Such a detailed calculation of the calorie content of food consumed is very important during a diet. There is a high probability of harming the body in the process of losing weight if the energy value supplied with food is insufficient.

Phone apps

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For the absolute convenience of a modern person, program developers have created many special applications available on your mobile device. Among them there are those adapted for Android and iPhone. The principle of operation of such applications is practically the same; you can enter data about the foods you eat and the intensity of physical activity during the day. Many of them can even offer diet options and ways to prepare healthy meals. Here are the most popular apps with a pocket calorie calculator feature:

  1. YAZIO, calorie calculator. It is important that this application does not require material costs. You only pay for the use of the application without advertising or additional features of the program. The standard interface includes more than a thousand different product names and about 200 types of physical activity. There are also recipes for preparing dietary dishes and the ability to scan barcodes. All information entered into the application about food consumed during the month and physical activity performed structures them into a results graph.
  2. Lifesum, calorie calculation. It features an original slogan - “Eat fat - lose weight.” But don't let this seem absurd to you. The developers present a special approach to the diet, not limiting the choice of products, but reducing the serving size. The application is an excellent assistant in choosing available products and possible meal options. Compatible with Google Fit Android service.
  3. Calorie. The application has a synchronization mode with Google Fit, so all information about physical activity can be downloaded automatically. You must enter information about the products you consume. The application shows the achieved results on a graph.