» How to keep a man: universal instructions. How to keep a man of any zodiac sign

How to keep a man: universal instructions. How to keep a man of any zodiac sign

A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to keep a married man? from experts in their field.

There is an opinion that no one respects mistresses, they are called homewreckers and other offensive promises, but on the other hand, what if this is genuine commitment? As you know: you need to fight for your happiness! If the burning question in life has become: how to make your lover fall in love with you, then you need to boldly act and not worry about what people will say. It also happens that lovers do not even report their marital status; this can come up much later, already in the process of building a relationship.

The point is that it is possible to make any man afraid of losing you, making him yearn for you, think about you, and fall head over heels in love. Sometimes rare meetings bring much more happiness than constant presence, it depends on the nature of the individual, needs, because someone is looking for peace on the side, intimate diversity, in this way, relaxing, forgetting about problems, and someone finds their ideal, the love of all life.

In order for your lover to run after you, you need to be able to please, indulge, but for this it is not at all necessary to “stalk”, you just need to take into account what he loves and hates, show care, and know the personality traits. If people have found happiness in each other, then does their status make sense?

Process of conquest

If you have firmly decided on seduction, then you need to clearly understand which women fall in love with:

  • First of all, those ladies who know how to give in, do not show selfishness, take into account not only their desires, but are also ready to seek a compromise, accept provisions, conditions beneficial for both parties, are valued.
  • No matter how much they talk about a kind soul, external data plays a much more serious role, because if you need to know: how to make a married man fall in love with you, then remember, first of all, be perfect, starting from a manicure and ending with an elastic, toned body.
  • There should always be intrigue, no need to whine, complain about life, if the boyfriend is married, then he has enough of such situations at home, be mysterious, bewitching, alluring, let him be proud of what he sees next to him.
  • The ability to listen is valued much more than the ability to chat beautifully for a long time; it is extremely important to be interested in business, without burdening your success with your problems, if possible, start fun, non-binding conversations that will help you plunge into a carefree atmosphere.
  • A variety of poses and sexual experiments will easily make you run after you; psychology has proven more than once that spouses most often lack passion and adoration, so they go “to the left.”
  • The most common questions: how to keep a lover, how to make a lover look forward to a meeting, how to tie a former lover to you, how to make him happy - have an unusually banal answer - appreciate what the guy arranges for you, show your gratitude, do not interfere with his activities , do not advise anything unnecessary. The main thing is not to insult your wife, because there are countless stories connected with this man; offending her is the same as humiliating the pride of the chosen one. If there is a serious attraction or interest, then you should carefully think over your words, because one incorrect statement can provoke a quarrel.
  • The most favorable conditions are when lovers work together, boss and subordinate, so you can direct all your tenderness and care to get things done, warn about meetings, events, so that the person feels support and support. The partner will not remain in debt; there will be more time to evaluate not only the qualities of an employee, but also of an attractive, neat, sexy, well-groomed young lady.
  • Brave, confident ladies are always appreciated, do not think that it is humiliating to be the first to invite you on a date, dance, meeting, show your interest and need for the object of your adoration.
  • Guys can only love someone who is ready to help, support, show her intelligence, character, sense of humor, and kindness to others.
  • Don’t let your guard down, a betrayed husband may betray your lifelong friend too! It is important to remain the standard of beauty, femininity, and humanity.

You win!

Using tricks, it is certainly possible to make anyone fall in love, but you should understand that this is a huge responsibility, a burden, and, possibly, suffering. It’s not a fact that he will agree to leave his family; there could be a lot of reasons. You will have to come to terms with the fact that your loved one will spend all the celebrations surrounded by his family; you cannot be offended by this or reprimand him.

We must become part of what is missing, be a consolation, a joy, and not just another capricious, spoiled girl. You will have to be patient and communicate as nicely as possible with your boyfriend’s friends, because this factor (the opinion of his comrades) is important.

Society's attitude towards mistresses is not the most enviable. Such girls are called homewreckers and are often despised. But there is nothing wrong with fighting for your happiness. And if a man feels good with you, perhaps he is your destiny. The problem of how to keep a lover in such a situation sometimes seems insoluble. There are a lot of circumstances that prevent forbidden passion. It is also not easy to be the married mistress of a young man, because you have to make a lot of effort to maintain this relationship.

When starting romantic relationships on the side, men behave differently. Some carefully hide the fact of betrayal, others are not afraid of anything and openly take risks for the sake of new experiences. Usually a married man has a permanent mistress by the age of 35-40. At this time, he is experiencing a midlife crisis and is in dire need of a person who can feed him with his energy, give him self-confidence and add variety to his usual way of life. Reasons why a married man takes a mistress:

  • he just gets bored and wants new emotions;
  • tired of the monotonous intimate life with my wife;
  • quarrels constantly break out in his family, scandals flare up;
  • the man is polygamous by nature.

A mistress is an outlet that allows you to escape from everyday troubles and family problems. With her, he gets a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions in bed, which he cannot boast of with his legal wife. But for a man, his mistress always remains in the background.

She spends weekends and holidays alone, she lacks confidence in relationships and in the future.

Typically, many readers of the women's site began their relationships with married lovers by completely refusing to meet. Understanding that the man is married, the woman does not count on... However, the psychology of women is such that if a man insists long and persistently, then her “no” gradually turns into “yes.” If a married lover was not too lazy to win the attention of a woman, then he achieved his goal: they began to meet secretly, she began to hope for a family life together, and in the meantime he “hangs noodles on her ears” and uses her services.

But the woman loses patience. She no longer wants to wait for the man to finally divorce his wife in order to start dating his mistress seriously. And then she wants to make him fall in love with her so much that he will do all the actions she needs. Is there any way to achieve your goal? Let's talk about this.

The meaning of marital status

Mistresses do not always find out about the marital status of their lovers from the beginning of the relationship. Sometimes men declare much later why they cannot see each other more often, live together, go out everywhere, etc. However, even the fact that a man is married does not stop some women. If a woman has been single for a long time, she has already missed male attention, she has seen an ideal match for herself in a married lover, then his wife will not be a hindrance. How important is a man's marital status?

  1. For the man himself. The fact that a man is married, he realizes this. However, this does not become a reason to refuse love affairs with other women. If a man wants to flirt and have fun with other ladies, then he will do this, despite having a wife. Such a man can only be afraid if a divorce from his wife brings significant losses (usually of a material nature). If a man understands that his wife will tolerate any betrayal and will not go anywhere, then he will continue to cheat further.
  2. For woman. Women usually don't want to date married men because they don't want to become homewreckers. When discussing the topic of mistresses with their girlfriends, women condemn those who become the “third wheel” in a married couple. However, often a woman herself becomes the mistress of a married man. In such a situation, she begins to consider the man’s wife not an obstacle to their meetings, but then a rival who needs to be divorced from the man whom she wants to marry.

A mistress can become interesting to a man if she does everything right. She should become the happiness that a man so lacks. This can be done despite the infrequent meetings of lovers. Even half-hour dates can bring a man as much pleasure as he does not get in a relationship with his wife, with whom he spends a lot of time. Here the mistress needs to be able to adapt and take into account the personal characteristics of her lover. She should not “creep” in front of him. He just has to feel so good with her that without her he will definitely feel bad.

Process of conquest

If a mistress decides to win over her married lover and make him fall in love with her, then you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Forget about your selfishness. A man must see that it is possible to come to an agreement with you, that you take into account his desires and opinions. Believe me, he already lives with one woman who considers him entitled and does not take his opinion into account. Why does he need another lady who does the same?
  2. Be perfect in appearance. The beauty of the soul is undoubtedly important. However, a man also needs a beautiful body that he will enjoy looking at, sleeping with, and wanting. You should always be attractive and perfect, so take care of your appearance.
  3. Stay mysterious. Distinguish this from intrigue and deception. Mystery is an understatement that does not harm either the man or the relationship. On the contrary, a man is interested in finding out what you are hiding from him, and when he finds out, he is pleasantly surprised. If we talk about deception and intrigue, then, most likely, a man is already faced with this in his marital relationships - this is when what his wife is hiding is unpleasant for him.
  4. Know how to listen. Believe me, a man listens to women’s chatter at home, even when he doesn’t want to. He expects from his mistress that now they will listen to him, admire him, and be interested in him. Ask how things are going for the man, what successes he has achieved, etc.
  5. . Usually a man needs a mistress for passionate and sexual encounters. A man wants to try something he can't do in bed with his wife. Therefore, be prepared to do whatever the man wants. Offer him new positions and other sexual things.
  6. Don't criticize his wife. Despite the fact that a man cheats on his wife, talks to you about love, etc., she is his soul mate, with whom he has already gone through a lot. By criticizing her, you are indirectly criticizing him: the choices he made, the life he lived with her, his tastes, etc.
  7. Be grateful, don’t forcefully advise anything, don’t meddle in men’s affairs. In other words, allow the man to be free in his choice. If he asks you about something, then give advice. If he does something for you, be grateful for it (even if it's a small thing). If a man is hiding something from you, then allow him such a little. This will allow your lover to relax and feel like the master of life, which he has not felt for a long time in his relationship with his wife.
  8. Be proactive. Sometimes men like it when they are courted, offered something, even invited on a date. However, don't take the initiative all the time. If a man does not take leadership into his own hands, it means he is not interested in you.
  9. Help a man in his affairs. If you work together, then always help him, replace him, do his work that he does not have time to do, etc.
  10. Help, support, be smart.

At the same time, remember the peculiarity of your lover, who is already betraying his wife. After all, in the future he may betray you in the same way.

You win!

If you behave correctly, then you can make anyone fall in love with you. A married man, it should be remembered, already has a woman. Therefore, more effort is required from the mistress than she would make if she were trying to captivate a bachelor. However, you can win:

  • Be calm about the fact that the man will spend all holidays and celebrations with his family. Even if he can celebrate with you, he will come a day earlier, later, or a couple of hours on the day of the celebration. If you can understand why a man can't spend the whole day with you on his birthday, your birthday, New Year's Day or March 8th, then he will appreciate you even more.
  • Be a man's joy and comfort. Believe me, he already has one capricious woman who is always dissatisfied with everything. Why does he need another one? Moreover, why would he divorce one grumpy lady in order to marry another, no less grumpy woman?
  • Respect and be grateful to each other. You must be able to give in and adapt to your lover. However, this does not require you to completely abandon your “I” and your own interests. Move on with your life. And in a relationship with your lover, do only what pleases and is comfortable for both of you. There is no need to infringe on yourself, “creep”, or sacrifice yourself. Continue to be a self-sufficient person who can simply give in and agree to something.

At the same time, it will not prevent the mistress from giving up illusions. You can make a man fall in love with you, but he may cheat on you in the future, as he did with his wife. And it also happens that even the best deeds of a woman are not noticed by a man, so he never leaves his wife.

There is no point in loving married men! This statement has been confirmed more than once by people's experience and life. There are so many stories about how a woman fell in love, believed and hoped to start a family with an already married man who constantly fed her stories about quarrels with his wife, the desire to get a divorce and love for a new passion. Unfortunately, this is what many family men do. However, very often all this ends in the broken heart of the woman who wanted to build her relationship. But, as they say, “you can’t build your own happiness on someone else’s happiness,” which is why it turns out that the one who is waiting for a man is in the most disadvantageous position.

Often, such “married-mistress” romances end the same way: the man returns to his family with his wife and children, and the mistress is left with nothing. Why is this happening? You should understand one very important idea that applies to absolutely any situation: if a person does not solve his problem, it means that he receives some benefit from it. If a married man just says that he will leave his wife, but does nothing about it, but has a lot of excuses, then you need to understand that he will never leave the family! This is the law. The man in the family gets what he needs. And you, as a lover, most likely do not give him this. However, he takes from you what his wife does not give him. Therefore, it is beneficial for a man to have both a wife and a mistress, since this is how he satisfies all his needs.

Since a man has some benefit from his wife, it means he will not leave her. And married people often have this benefit. They look for women on the side not because they feel bad around their wives, but simply because they lack something from them. So a man is looking for a mistress so that she can give him everything that he lacks in family relationships. But if the reason for the appearance of a mistress is just a shortage, then this shortage can be compensated with any woman, while leaving the wife in place.

So, don't be under the illusion that a married man will leave his wife if he hasn't already. If he really felt bad, he would have left already. And if he doesn’t do this, then he will never leave. And no coercion on your part will help you, but will only aggravate the matter and unite the spouses.

Better take your mind off the married man and pay attention to yourself. What do you want from love? What kind of future do you want for yourself? If you want a relationship and family, then it is better to find a man who will be free in heart and soul, and with a passport from a woman. He must be completely free, only then is love, relationships and a family future possible with him. The woman's place next to him should be free so that you can easily take it. Therefore, decide on your desires, plans, and if the current man does not suit you in this, then leave him. As long as you hold on to someone who will not give you what you want, you will be busy - which means that fate will not send you a man who is free in all plans. You yourself must be free from any romances, feelings and moaning for men in order to attract someone into your life with whom you can create a loving relationship.

Understand that you have no right to demand anything from a married man or from one whose heart is occupied by another woman. You can only be friends or communicate. But to demand a divorce from him: you will destroy someone else’s family with your selfishness and put an end to your relationship, since the grief you caused will overtake you too. Therefore, do not demand anything from a married man. Just be friends, communicate, but be realistic and don’t believe stories about leaving your wife, because life is merciless - sooner or later it will return the married man to the family, and leave you alone.

What active actions will help make your lover fall in love with you in the end?

To ultimately make your lover fall in love with you, adhere to the following rules of active action:

  1. Remain free and independent from a man. Live your own life, have your own interests, communicate with other men, etc. Until a man rings you, you don’t have to ask his permission. At the same time, see him when it is convenient for both of you, do what is convenient for both of you.
  2. Maintain a positive mood, avoid scandals and moral turmoil.
  3. Make your meetings interesting and exciting so that both you and your lover enjoy them.

If a man does not appreciate all your efforts, then save your skills, which will be useful when you meet another man who can already thank you for your efforts.

TOWhat to do when you can’t imagine your life without one single man, and he has been married for a long time? Reflections on how to keep a married man and change his status to that of a beloved wife are the topic of today’s conversation.

It still happens in life real love, and sometimes she is capable of playing the most ridiculous games with people - a long search for her true soul mate ends in success, but this half - someone else's husband. And, no matter what feelings connect you, he, in addition to your great love, has obligations to family. And you only have Him, He is the only one, and at one fine moment you decide that only with Him can you be happy. How to achieve your goal? How to keep a married man?

Is it necessary?

Sometimes it's enough just be patient and wait until the situation resolves itself. But it’s better not to deceive yourself and, first of all, answer yourself one unromantic question: Is your love mutual?

And if the answer is not entirely positive, then the topic “how to keep a married man” may be removed from the agenda. Such relationships have no prospects, and it is better if you yourself became the initiator of the separation. It's not easy, but men are rationalists, and practical considerations always carry more weight for them than romantic feelings and sexual outbursts.

And no matter how strong his feelings for his mistress were, long-term established family relationships and a familiar way of life, as a rule, turn out to be stronger. Therefore, on the topic “how to keep a married man” there is only one answer: To do this you need to be a very good lover.

Yes, we MUST!!! Let's make inquiries...

But if you decide not to retreat and are seriously thinking about how to keep a married man near you, then from now on you should listen to all the stories of your loved one about his family affairs twice as carefully, and especially his complaints to his wife, and try do exactly the opposite.

And yet, before making a final conclusion, make some inquiries, because the question of how to keep a married man is secondary to whether it is worth keeping him.

  • Try to see his wife up close and make sure if she is really as ugly and stupid as your loved one says.
  • Specify the reason why, as he says, for a long time doesn't sleep with his wife, if this is true.
  • Offer him to take talking about his divorce with his wife on himself, if she allegedly denies him this.

But, most importantly, don’t forget, when he, leaving, once again sighs about how sorry it is to leave you, please him with the news that there is no need to leave, he is now yours - you negotiated with his wife, and she let him go for good. His reaction will answer many questions for you., including the topic “how to keep a married man” will no longer be needed.

Purely feminine things...

But there are other approaches to solving the question “how to keep a married man?” For example, the use of such a purely feminine technique, How does pregnancy occur?- real or fictional - is a rather powerful means, although risky in terms of the possibility of becoming a single mother. After all is not a fact that for the sake of your unborn child, a man will abandon his very real children who exist in his life, just like his real wife.

Some are completely desperate in search of an answer to the same question “how to keep a married man?” resort to absolutely crazy methods related to with black magic and other similar techniques. Of course, it happens that a love spell helps, and a man leaves the family for his mistress, but such things are not in vain, and the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Think twice, friend!

So, the most reasonable thing would still be think again not about how to keep a married man, but about Is there really true love between you, or is the feeling just yours?

Think about it maybe you are just an “outlet” in his busy life? It is quite possible that your painstakingly built sand castle under its ruins will someday hide you completely.