» Food quality control. Rospotrebnadzor: black list of products

Food quality control. Rospotrebnadzor: black list of products

Sysoeva E. V., G. Kutyrev

Food quality control


GOST R – State standard of the Russian Federation;

HS – harmonized classification and coding system;

ISO – International Organization for Standardization (ISO);

CCP – critical control points;

CNES – Combined Nomenclature of the European Union;

HACCP – Food Safety Management System (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points);

OKP – National Product Classifier;

SanPiN – Sanitary rules and regulations;

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

GLP – good laboratory practice;

GMP – high-quality production, ensuring the production of products that meet the standards approved by the government body (good manufacturing practice);

QA – Quality Assurance

QI – Quality Improvements

PAS – Percussive Arts Society;

TQM – quality management system (English: Total Quality Management – ​​total quality management);

WHO – World Health Organization.


In modern conditions of a market economy, those who are able to sell their products to consumers win. To do this, we need to produce high-quality products that have a reasonable price and meet the needs of the client.

Enterprises producing food products, in order to enter the global market and maintain positions in local and domestic markets, must not only ensure product safety, but also provide convincing evidence of this, and be able to demonstrate the presence and implementation of certain production monitoring procedures aimed at preventing hazards.

The Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are at the core of the international system for ensuring food safety and quality.

In order to solve the problem of ensuring food safety, unifying standardization systems in the production and sale of food, removing barriers to trade in food products and increasing the level of consumer protection, decisions were made at the 11th session of the FAO Conference in 1961 and at the 16th World Health Assembly in 1963 on the establishment of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which became an intergovernmental body for coordinating legislative and regulatory activities in the field of developing food standards aimed at protecting consumer health and fair trade.

One of the significant acts was the adoption in June 1997 at the 29th session of the Committee on Food Hygiene of the UN/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission of the HACCP System Manual, which was based on the principles, procedures and definitions developed by the US National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for the Evaluation of Food Products .

The most important international structure in the development of industrial standards, including those related to food safety and quality, is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), created in 1946.

The ISO charter defines the purpose of the organization: “to promote the development of standardization on a global scale to ensure trade exchange and mutual assistance, as well as expanded cooperation in the fields of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activity.” There are 187 technical committees, 576 subcommittees, and 2057 working groups within ISO. 157 countries participate in ISO.

ISO has developed international standards that are accepted as national standards in most countries of the world. The scientific approach to enterprise management and the organization of quality management in countries such as Japan and South Korea made it possible to reform a backward and destroyed economy in a short period of time and bring it to the forefront in the world.

In the Russian Federation, a number of ISO standards operate as national ones, including GOST R ISO 9001-2008 “Quality management system. Requirements", GOST R ISO 22000-2007 "Food Safety Management System" and others.

International organizations play a leading role in creating systems to ensure food safety and quality, developing standards and other regulatory documents in this area.

Food enterprises are an entire industry that unites enterprises for the primary processing of agricultural raw materials, food enterprises, food trade organizations, and public catering enterprises.

The system model for food enterprise management includes:

– the system-forming core is the management of food enterprises, the objects of which are business, quality, safety and ecology;

– the outer ring of the model, where the fundamental elements are located on which the financial and economic prosperity of the enterprise depends (resources, control and testing, document flow, processes, services, information, products and organizational structure).

Quality Management System food enterprise in accordance with international standards ISO 9000 series is a set of organizational structure, methodologies, processes and resources necessary for overall quality management. It satisfies both the internal needs of enterprise management and the requirements of the product consumer. The quality management system allows you to optimize information flows to achieve comprehensive communication within the enterprise, decentralize tasks that can be solved without the participation of top management, and systematically track the entire path of a food product from the receipt of raw materials and production to warehousing and delivery of finished products.

Environmental Management System in accordance with international standards ISO 14000 series, it involves developing a framework for consistently increasing the efficiency of use of raw materials and energy resources and reducing the negative impact on the environment. The main task of environmental management systems is to identify and eliminate environmentally weak points in production in order to consistently improve the entire process.

The ISO 22000 standard sets out requirements that ensure the identification, assessment and management of food life cycle processes in order to prevent products from reaching the consumer that do not meet safety parameters. Pre-requisite programs, the requirements for which are described in ISO 22000 and the PAS standard, assess the condition of buildings, production facilities and equipment, their suitability and accessibility for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, as well as issues related to personnel hygiene and a complex of sanitary and hygienic works The new PAS 220-2008 standard, based on the British Standard, specifies the sanitation and hygiene requirements previously described in GMP good manufacturing practice used in the domestic drug manufacturing industry. The international standard ISO 22005 sets out the principles and basic requirements for the traceability subsystem in the food and feed chain in order to obtain the necessary information about the product and its components through the entire chain of its production and use. The ISO 22000 standard uses the science-based and systematic HACCP methodology as a tool for assessing hazards and creating control chains focused on preventing the occurrence of nonconformities.

HACCP system– Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points – “hazard analysis and critical control points” is the basis for managing food safety problems. The HACCP system allows you to identify and evaluate hazardous factors that directly affect the safety of the product, develop preventive measures and apply technical means that will provide guarantees of safety and confidence for the manufacturer. The HACCP food safety management system focuses on risk prevention rather than on the inspection of finished products. Determining critical control points and limit values ​​of parameters of hazardous factors, developing preventive actions is a more cost-effective means compared to traditional methods.

The principles of the HACCP system are recognized internationally and are applicable to all food processing and food production industries.


ISO 8402:1994 defines quality as follows: quality– a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy established and expected needs.

Quality control of public catering products is a check of compliance with the requirements established by regulatory documents for these products.

At the enterprise, it is important to control the quality of products at all stages of production (locally in the technological cycle) input, operational, acceptance, and on the part of regulatory organizations - inspection control.

Incoming control - control of the supplier's products received by the consumer or customer and intended for use in the manufacture or operation of the product. At the enterprise, the quality of products is accepted by the production manager or the cook-foreman. The incoming control service monitors incoming raw materials (products) and checks the compliance of their quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents (certificates, quality certificates, declarations of conformity), according to organoleptic indicators regulated in regulatory documentation. In cases of doubt about the quality or condition of the received raw materials, a food laboratory worker is called to take samples for analysis. At the same time, I invite a representative of the supplier, in whose presence the products are accepted for quality. Based on the laboratory report, claims are made to the supplier, and cases of supply of substandard raw materials are noted in the journal “Accounting for the supply of substandard and non-standard products.” If there are repeated deliveries of low-quality products, the enterprise may unilaterally terminate the contract with the supplier by notifying him of this at least a month in advance.

Operational control - control of a product or process during or after completion of a technological operation.

Acceptance control is control of products, based on the results of which a decision is made on its acceptance and suitability for use. Operational and acceptance control at the enterprise is carried out by a single service: production manager, cook-foreman, top-class cook.

Inspection control is control carried out by specially authorized persons in order to verify the effectiveness of previously performed control.

Volatile control is control carried out at an indefinite time.

Continuous monitoring is monitoring in which the flow of information about monitored parameters occurs continuously.

Periodic control is control in which information about monitored parameters is received at set intervals.

Continuous control - control of each unit of production in a batch.

Sampling control - decisions about the quality of controlled products are made based on the results of one or more samples.

Production control - control during the preparation of production and the actual production of products, as well as during their release.

The assessment of the quality of finished products is carried out by the quality control service, which plays the role of a rejection commission and whose members are responsible for assessing the quality of products produced during the working day.

Rejection - quality control of products for mass-market dishes. To carry out a one-time rejection, the commission must consist of at least 2 people. Braquerage begins with determining the mass of finished products and individual portions of cold, hot and sweet dishes. During distribution, the temperature of the food is checked when served using a laboratory thermometer.

Individual indicators of the quality of controlled dishes are assessed in the following sequence: indicators assessed visually (appearance, color), smell, consistency and, finally, properties assessed in the oral cavity (taste and some features of consistency - uniformity, juiciness, etc.)

Each product quality indicator is assessed using a five-point system:

5 - excellent;

4- good;


1- very bad (unsatisfactory).

Dishes prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and technology, with no deviations from the established requirements in terms of organoleptic indicators, are given an “excellent” rating (5 points). If a dish is prepared in accordance with the recipe, but has minor deviations from the established requirements, it is rated “good” (4 points). Dishes that have more significant deviations from the requirements and are not suitable for sale without processing or after modification are rated as “satisfactory” (3 points). An “unsatisfactory” rating (2 points) is given to products with significant defects (undercooked, undercooked, burnt, with a taste of greasy fat, etc.), but which do not exclude the possibility of their processing.

One of the main components of determining product quality is organoleptic assessment, which includes the following concepts:

1) appearance - an organoleptic characteristic that reflects the general visual impression or a set of visible parameters of public catering products and includes such indicators as color, shape, transparency, gloss, cut-out appearance, etc.

2) texture - an organoleptic characteristic, which is a set of mechanical, geometric and surface characteristics of public catering products, which are perceived by mechanical, textile, visual and auditory receptors.

3) consistency - a set of rheological characteristics of public catering products, perceived by mechanical and textile consistency receptors, is one of the components of texture.

4) smell - an organoleptic characteristic perceived by the olfactory organ when inhaling volatile aromatic components of food service products

5) taste - an organoleptic characteristic that reflects the sensations resulting from the interaction of various chemicals on taste buds.

Conclusion: the company pays enough attention to serving dishes; all dishes are beautifully decorated and laid out. It is proposed to take a better approach to the shelf life of dishes, since the reputation of the enterprise depends on it, as well as to carefully monitor the demand for this or that product so as not to lose losses.

The quality of culinary products is a set of culinary products that determine their suitability for further processing and (or) consumption, safety for consumer health, stability of composition and consumer properties (GOSTR50647).

The totality of useful properties of products is characterized by organoleptic indicators, nutritional value and harmlessness (absence of toxic elements and pathogenic microorganisms). Systematic control over the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products is an important means of improving the quality and safety of public catering services. Ensuring the quality of culinary products consists of bringing them to the level determined by the standard, technological documentation containing quality indicators.

High nutritional and taste qualities of culinary products and their safety are ensured by the availability of food raw materials, food products of appropriate quality, compliance with technological process parameters and sanitary and hygienic requirements at all stages of production. Improving the quality of products becomes possible by organizing a system of stage-by-stage control, starting from the acceptance of raw materials for quality, followed by control of individual stages of production and the quality of products.

Product quality control is a set of operations to measure, test, evaluate one or more product characteristics and compare the results obtained with established requirements (GOSTR50647).

Basic quality control operations include the following:

determination of the actual state of the object (raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.) at a given time;

forecasting the state and behavior of objects at a given and future point in time;

change in the state and behavior of raw materials, semi-finished products while ensuring and observing the necessary parameters of the technological process (storage, processing, sales).

In public catering, quality control of culinary products, in addition to workers directly involved in its production, is carried out by sanitary and technological and food technology laboratories, as well as state control and supervision bodies and public organizations. The need to control the quality and safety of food raw materials and products is caused by this. That during storage, if transportation rules are violated, their quality may deteriorate.

Types of control

At public catering establishments control is carried out:



To implement these types of control in enterprises, it is necessary to create quality control services or appoint people responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials, materials, equipment and manufactured products. The composition of services and those responsible are approved by order of the enterprise. The control system includes the following elements:

Incoming quality control of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products upon acceptance from suppliers, other enterprises or production participants in order to determine product compliance with standards. Raw materials, products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of culinary products must comply with the requirements of normal documents, sanitary standards and have a certificate of conformity and (or) quality certificates. For the production of culinary products, it is not allowed to use animal products without veterinary certificates, products with expired shelf life (storage), without certificates of conformity for products, food raw materials and components that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as those prohibited for use in public catering establishments SanPiN42-123 -5777.

The procedure for checking raw materials is set out in the relevant guidelines for quality control of food products. If the quality of the goods received does not correspond to the certificate or invoice, the storekeeper, together with the head of the enterprise, draws up a report. A sample is taken from products of questionable quality and sent for analysis to a food and sanitary laboratory. Poor quality raw materials are not allowed into production. Claims are presented to the supplier in accordance with the established procedure. The head of the enterprise or the financially responsible person accepting the goods. Maintain strict records of regulatory documents and make changes to them.

Operational quality control at individual stages of the technological process in order to determine the correctness of its implementation and timely detection of violations of laying standards and production technology.

Responsible for the quality of products (semi-finished products, dishes, confectionery) is, first of all, the cook who prepared it, as well as the production manager, and at procurement enterprises, in addition, the grader of the technical control department or technological laboratory. In procurement shops that process one type of raw material (meat, fish, potatoes), control over the production of semi-finished products is carried out selectively in operations that determine their quality.

At enterprises that produce a wide range of products, every batch released is monitored.

Acceptance control of product quality at the final stage of the manufacturing process, during which a decision is made on its suitability for sale or delivery.

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1.1 Basic terms and concepts in the field of quality control of public catering products

CHAPTER 2. Organization of product quality control at a catering establishment

2.1 Organization of product quality control at catering establishments

2.2 The procedure for quality control of home-cooked culinary products

2.3 Assessment of the quality level of products and catering establishments

2.7 Sales of finished catering products

2.9 Sampling and preparation for physical and chemical tests




Product quality is formed at the product development stage and is accompanied by regulatory and technical documentation. Product quality must be ensured at all stages of production and maintained at the stages of storage, transportation and sales.

The planned provision of quality levels depends on many factors:

· From the clear formulation of product quality requirements in regulatory and technical documentation;

· On the quality of raw materials or semi-finished products;

· Perfection of formulation and technology;

· Compliance with technological processes;

· Level of technical equipment of production;

· Level of personnel qualifications;

· Organization of production and service;

· Compliance with product quality control at all stages of its production;

· Interest in producing high-quality products.

For example: if the recipe is compiled incorrectly and the technological process has not been worked out, then even with good quality raw materials and highly qualified personnel, it is impossible to produce high-quality products.

The process of ensuring product quality consists of interdependent stages and operations: from acceptance of raw materials (or semi-finished products) to storage and sale of finished products. For example, even one poorly performed operation in the technological process of product production can spoil previously performed high-quality work and, as a result, a product of the specified quality will not be produced. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the technological discipline prescribed in the regulatory and technical documentation, to strictly control the quality of not only individual operations, but also the entire technological process. To ensure the production of high-quality products, it is necessary to increase the level of technical equipment of enterprises, automate technological processes, and also improve the mechanism for managing product quality.

The object of the study is the Neptune cafe in Lazarevskoye village. The subject of the study is methods of quality control of public catering products.

The purpose of the final qualifying work is to study product quality control in public catering establishments.

To do this, you need to solve a number of problems:

Conduct a theoretical analysis on the research problem

Learn basic terms and concepts in the field of product quality

Research the quality control of products at the Neptune cafe

Get acquainted with the basic methods of quality control of products of public catering enterprises

The methodology and organization of the study includes three stages: analytical, diagnostic and formative. At the analytical stage the following tasks were set:

Study the literature on quality control for food service products

Consider the functions and study the features of product quality control.

For this purpose the following methods were used:

Scientific bibliographic work

Monitoring the activities of the cafe and interviewing staff

The purpose and objectives of the study determine the structure of the work:

Introduction, which reveals the relevance of the topic, purpose, objectives, what is the object and subject of the study, practical significance, novelty, stages and methods of research.

Chapter one reveals the theoretical foundations of quality control of public catering products, and the second chapter reveals the practical application of methods for quality control of public catering products.

In conclusion, conclusions on the research topic are formulated.

The work concludes with a list of references.

The writing of the final qualifying work took place in the following stages

Collection, analysis and synthesis of material on the research problem

Research on quality control of cafe products

Analysis and synthesis of results, and design of work

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects of the topic being studied

1.1 Basic terms and concepts in the field of product quality

The problem of improving product quality is complex and multifaceted and covers a variety of aspects: technical, economic, social, etc.

The problem of product quality is of particular importance in modern economic conditions at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and citizens of entrepreneurs.

Product quality (GOST 15467-79) is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain Needs in accordance with its purpose (for social products - to satisfy human physiological needs for nutrients and energy, taking into account the principle of rational nutrition).

Culinary products are a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products.

The quality of culinary products (GOST R 50647-94) is a set of properties of culinary products that determine their suitability for further processing or consumption of food, safety for consumer health, stability of composition and consumer properties,

Products are understood as the materialized result of the labor process, which has useful properties, obtained in a certain place over a certain period of time and intended for use by consumers in order to satisfy their needs, both social and personal. Products may be finished or in work-in-progress.

A unit of production is a separate instance of piece products or a quantity of non-piece or piece products determined in the prescribed manner. Dividing products into certain units is essential when managing product quality, in particular when assessing its quality, when monitoring each unit (continuous control) or some units (sample control).

A product is understood as a unit of industrial product, the quantity of which can be calculated in pieces or copies. Types of products are parts, assembly units, and kits.

A product property is an objective feature of a product that can manifest itself during its creation, operation or consumption. The set of properties allows one to distinguish one type of product from another. Product properties can be divided into simple and complex. Simple properties include taste, appearance, color, and complex properties include calorie content, digestibility, digestibility, etc.

Public catering products have many properties that can manifest themselves during their creation and consumption, i.e. during development, production, storage, transportation, use.

The quality of a product depends on the quality of its constituent products. Product quality can be defined as the total set of technical, technological and operational characteristics of a product, through which: the product will meet the consumer’s requirements when consuming it. Product quality measurement is essentially the determination and assessment of the degree or level of conformity of products to this overall population.

Quality indicators are used to assess product quality. Product quality indicator is a quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a product that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation and operation or consumption. The product quality indicator can be expressed in different units (kcal, percentage, points, etc.), but can also be dimensionless. When considering a quality indicator, one should distinguish between, on the one hand, the name of the indicator (humidity, ash content, elasticity, viscosity, etc.), and on the other hand, the calculated value, which may vary.

Products can have qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

A product attribute is a qualitative or quantitative characteristic of any properties or conditions of a product. A quantitative characteristic of a product is its parameter. A product parameter quantitatively characterizes its properties, including those included in the quality of the product (expressed in physical units).

1.2 Classification of methods for quality control of public catering products

Methods for determining product quality indicators are divided into two groups:

By methods of obtaining information;

By sources of information

Depending on the method of obtaining information, methods for determining

Product quality indicators are divided into:





Measuring methods are based on information obtained using technical measuring instruments and control.

Picture 1

Physical methods are used to determine the physical properties of products - refractive index, viscosity, optical density, etc.

Chemical methods are used to determine the composition and quantity of substances included in products. Based on chemical reactions of the analyte with a specific reagent.

Physiological methods are used to establish the degree of absorption and digestion of nutrients, harmlessness, and biological value.

Microbiological methods are used to determine the degree of contamination of products with various microorganisms.

Express testing methods used in OP enterprises: organoleptic, refractometric, some methods for detecting falsification, test strip method for assessing the quality of frying fats.

Calculation methods are used mainly in the design of products, when they cannot yet be the object of experimental research. The same methods can establish dependencies between individual indicators of product quality.

Depending on the source of information, methods for determining quality indicators are divided into:

Traditional (laboratory),



Figure 2

All of these methods have regulatory documentation that describes each of them in detail. Physical analysis methods are used to determine, for example, density, specific gravity, boiling point, viscosity, pH of the medium and other properties.

Organoleptic analysis is the analysis of food products, including public catering products, using the senses.

Organoleptic evaluation is an assessment of the response of the human senses to the properties of a food product. Determined using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Qualitative assessment is expressed using verbal descriptions - descriptors, and quantitative assessment is determined in points. Organoleptic analysis is an express method for determining product quality and allows for timely elimination of deficiencies.

The quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products is assessed by basic organoleptic properties: appearance (including color), consistency, smell, taste.

Classification of organological quality indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators assessed using the senses

Figure 3

Express method

The quality of frying fat is determined using indicator test strips. The indicator allows you to determine the concentration of free fatty acids, which is used to judge the degree of fat decomposition any origin.

Test - strips are immersed in hot deep fat, the number of strips that change color from blue to yellow is counted.

Frying fat is considered unsuitable for further use if the concentration of free fatty acids (FFA) is above 1% (the color has completely or significantly changed.

1.3 Sanitary and hygienic control of public catering establishments

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for public catering establishments are based on the relevant sanitary rules and regulations, which have a number of general sanitary requirements for food industry enterprises.

These include the following provisions:

1) compliance with sanitary requirements for the territory, both economic and industrial zones; proper sanitary maintenance of the territory (cleaning, watering, location and condition of waste bins, their cleaning and disinfection);

2) correct sanitary and technical condition of the enterprise (water supply and compliance of drinking water quality with SanPiN or SanPiN, provision of hot water supply and steam, presence of sewerage and its connection to technological equipment, availability of treatment facilities, security cold and compliance with temperature conditions in refrigerated chambers, provision of heating and compliance with temperature conditions in heated rooms, availability of ventilation and its efficiency, sufficiency of lighting, both artificial and natural, sound insulation in production premises;

3) provision of transport, equipment, inventory, containers and compliance with sanitary conditions of washing, disinfection and storage;

4) sufficiency of production and household premises in accordance with the capacity of the products produced and compliance with their sanitary maintenance;

5) deratization, disinfection and effectiveness of the fight against rodents, flies and other insects;

6) maintaining personal and industrial hygiene;

7) officials and citizens who commit sanitary violations may be subject to disciplinary, administrative, or criminal charges. 8) responsibility in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ.

List of control rules:

These Sanitary Rules establish hygienic requirements for food safety and their ability to satisfy human physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy.

The organoleptic properties of food products are determined by the indicators of taste, color, smell and consistency characteristic of each type of product and must satisfy the traditionally established tastes and habits of the population. The organoleptic properties of food products should not change during their storage, transportation and sales.

Food products should not have any foreign odors, tastes, inclusions, or differ in color and consistency inherent in this type of product.

The safety of food products in microbiological and radiation terms, as well as the content of chemical pollutants, is determined by their compliance with the hygienic standards established by these sanitary rules.

Determination of safety indicators and nutritional value of food products, including biologically active food additives, of mixed composition is carried out based on the main type of raw material, both in terms of mass fraction and permissible levels of standardized contaminants.

The determination of safety indicators for dry, concentrated or diluted food products is carried out in terms of the original product, taking into account the content of dry substances in the raw materials and in the final product.

Hygienic standards apply to potentially hazardous chemical compounds and biological objects, the presence of which in food products should not exceed the permissible levels of their content in a given mass (volume) of the product under study.

The content of major chemical contaminants that pose a risk to human health is controlled in food products. Hygienic requirements for the permissible level of toxic elements are applied to all types of food raw materials and food products.

The content of mycotoxins - aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin), zearalenone, T-2 toxin, patulin - is controlled in food raw materials and food products of plant origin, aflatoxin M1 - in milk and dairy products. The priority pollutants are: for grain products - deoxynivalenol; for nuts and oilseeds - aflatoxin B1; for processed fruit and vegetable products - patulin.

The presence of mycotoxins in baby and diet food products is not allowed.

Pesticides are controlled in all types of food raw materials and food products: hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha, beta, gamma isomers), DDT and its metabolites. Organomercury pesticides, 2, 4-D acid, its salts and esters are also controlled in grain and processed products. In fish and processed products, 2,4-D acid, its salts and esters are also controlled.

Control of food raw materials and food products for the content of residual quantities of pesticides and agrochemicals, including fumigants, is based on information provided by the manufacturer (supplier) of the product about the pesticides and agrochemicals used in its production and storage.

Sanitary and hygienic examination of food raw materials and food products containing pesticides is carried out in accordance with current hygienic standards for the content of pesticides in environmental objects at public catering establishments.

In products of animal origin, residual amounts of animal growth stimulants (including hormonal drugs), medicines (including antibiotics) used in animal husbandry for the purpose of fattening, treatment and prevention of diseases of livestock and poultry are controlled, including prohibited. In meat, meat products, by-products of slaughtered livestock and poultry, both feed antibiotics approved for use in agriculture - grizin, bacitracin - and medicinal antibiotics most often used in veterinary medicine - antibiotics of the tetracycline group, chloramphenicol are controlled. Penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline antibiotics, and chloramphenicol are controlled in milk and dairy products; in eggs and egg products - bacitracin, tetracycline antibiotics, streptomycin, chloramphenicol.

Control of the content of animal growth stimulants (including hormonal drugs), medicines (including antibiotics) used in livestock farming for the purpose of fattening, treatment and prevention of diseases of livestock and poultry, drugs not specified in clause 3.14, is based on information provided by the manufacturer (supplier) of the product about the animal growth stimulants and medications used in its manufacture and storage.

Polychlorinated biphenyls are controlled in fish and fish products; benzopyrene - in grain, smoked meat and fish products.

The presence of benzopyrene in baby and diet food products is not allowed.

In certain food products the following is controlled: the content of nitrogen-containing compounds: histamine - in fish of the salmon and mackerel families (including the tuna group); nitrates - in fruits and vegetables; N-nitrosamines - in fish and fish products, meat products and brewing malt.

In fatty products, indicators of oxidative spoilage are monitored: acid value and peroxide value.

The content of radionuclides in food products is controlled. Radiation safety of food products for cesium-137 and strontium-90 is determined by their permissible levels of specific activity of radionuclides established by these Sanitary Rules. To determine the compliance of food products with radiation safety criteria, the compliance indicator - B is used, the value of which is calculated from the results of measuring the specific activity of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in the sample: B = (A/H) 90Sr + (A/H) 137Cs, where A - value of specific activity of 90Sr and 137Cs in a food product (Bq/kg), H - permissible level of specific activity for 90Sr and 137Cs in the same product (Bq/kg). The radiation safety of food products contaminated with other radionuclides is determined by sanitary rules according to radiation safety standards.

The presence of helminth eggs and cysts of intestinal pathogenic protozoa is not allowed in fresh and freshly frozen table greens, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Hygienic standards for microbiological indicators of safety and nutritional value of food products include the following groups of microorganisms: - sanitary indicators, which include: the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM), bacteria of the E. coli group - coliforms (coliforms), in products with normalized level of biotechnological microflora in probiotic products.

Standardization of microbiological indicators of food safety is carried out for most groups of microorganisms according to an alternative principle, i.e. the mass of the product is normalized, in which bacteria of the E. coli group, most opportunistic microorganisms, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. In other cases, the standard reflects the number of colony-forming units in 1 g (ml) of the product (CFU/g, ml).

The safety criteria for canned food products (industrial sterility) is the absence in the canned product of microorganisms that can develop at the storage temperature established for a particular type of canned food, and of microorganisms and microbial toxins that are dangerous to human health.

Biologically active food additives are sources of food, minor, pro- and prebiotic natural (identical to natural) biologically active substances (components) of food, ensuring their entry into the human body when consumed with food or introduced into food products. Biologically active substances, food components and products that are their sources, used in the manufacture of biologically active food additives, must ensure their effectiveness and not have a harmful effect on human health. Biologically active substances, food components and products that are their sources, which, according to modern scientific research, pose a danger to human life and health when used as part of biologically active food additives, are not allowed for use in the manufacture of biologically active food additives in public catering. .

Nutritional value indicators are determined in food products. Indicators of the nutritional value of food products are justified by the manufacturer (developer of technical documents) on the basis of analytical research methods and/or using a calculation method, taking into account the recipe of the food product and data on the composition of raw materials.

Individual food products in terms of nutritional value must comply with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

Baby food products and their components, products for pregnant and lactating women (hereinafter referred to as specialized products) must comply with the hygienic standards of safety and nutritional value established by these Sanitary Rules.

Food additives are allowed to be used in food products if, according to modern scientific research, they do not have a harmful effect on human life and health and the life and health of future generations. Food products containing food additives cannot be manufactured, imported or sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, in case of violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for food products imported (or produced) into the territory of the Russian Federation.

CHAPTER 2. Organization of quality control at the enterprise

2.1 Organization of quality control in the Neptune cafe, Lazarevskoye village

In the Neptune cafe in Lazarevskoye, they organize product quality control at all stages of production, for which it is necessary to create incoming, operational and acceptance quality control services. The number of members and composition of services are determined in accordance with the type and staffing of the enterprise. Thus, the incoming quality control service at enterprises with their own warehouse facilities can be staffed with the following composition: storekeeper, deputy director.

Operational and acceptance control at the enterprise is carried out by the head. production (deputy production manager), engineer or technologist, cook-foreman, cook of the highest category.

The incoming control service carries out control of incoming raw materials (products) and checks the compliance of its quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents, according to the organoleptic indicators set out in the regulatory documentation. In cases of doubt about the good quality or condition of the received raw materials (products), a laboratory worker (sanitary, food or technological) is called to take samples for analysis. At the same time, a representative of the supplier is invited, in whose presence the products are accepted for quality. Based on the laboratory report, claims are made to the supplier in the prescribed manner, and cases of delivery of substandard raw materials (products) are noted in the logbook for the supply of substandard and non-standard products, which is maintained by the financially responsible person receiving the goods.

The incoming control service is responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials (products). Untimely return of low-quality products and their incorrect registration, untimely provision of materials for filing a claim against suppliers, non-compliance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood, violation of sanitary standards and product sales deadlines.

When moving products from the warehouse to production, the production manager (his deputy, cook-foreman) must accept the quality of the products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Operational control monitors compliance with the correct execution of technological operations, their sequence, heat treatment modes, recipes, rules for preparing and dispensing dishes and products. Conducting operational control allows for timely elimination of violations identified at individual stages of culinary production.

Operational control at individual stages of the technological process is carried out by organoleptic evaluation (sometimes also physical and chemical), checking the compliance of the raw material set with technological maps, technical and technological maps, compliance with the technological regime and product yield by weight. Among the physicochemical indicators controlled in operational control are, for example, the content of dry substances and fat in broths and sauces, which are subsequently used for the preparation of soups and baked dishes.

Acceptance control (quality control of manufactured products) is organized depending on the type of enterprise.

At enterprises selling dishes and culinary products of mass demand (in canteens, cafes, restaurants), a constant assessment of the quality of finished products is carried out by a rejection commission - based on organoleptic indicators.

State supervisory authorities, in accordance with the established procedure, carry out selective quality control based on organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators.

At public catering establishments that have received a certificate of conformity, inspection control over the quality of their products is carried out.

2.2 Assessing the level of product quality

To manage and improve product quality, a quantitative assessment of its level is necessary. The field of activity related to the quantitative assessment of product quality is called qualimetry. Qualimetry is a scientific field that combines quantitative methods for assessing quality, used to justify decisions made in product quality management and standardization.

Assessing the level of product quality is the basis for developing the necessary management decisions in the product quality management system. Quality level assessment consists of the following stages:

Selecting a range of quality indicators and justifying its necessity and sufficiency;

Selection or development of methods for determining the values ​​of quality indicators;

Selection of basic values ​​of indicators and initial data to determine the quality of the products being evaluated;

Determination of actual values ​​of quality indicators and their comparison with the basic ones;

Comparative analysis of possible solutions and finding the best one;

The purpose of the assessment is determined by:

Which quality indicators should be selected for consideration;

What methods and with what accuracy to determine their values;

What funds will be required for this;

How to process and in what form to present the assessment results;

What possible solutions should be compared with each other?

In the preparation technology, comments from members of the quality control service and consumers are recorded in a rejection log.

At enterprises that sell dishes and culinary products of mass demand in canteens, cafes, restaurants), a constant assessment of the quality of finished products (acceptance control) is carried out by a rejection commission based on organoleptic indicators.

The composition of the rejection commission is approved by order of the head of the enterprise. The commission includes a member of the sanitary post or a sanitary worker (if available on staff). The chairman of the commission can be: the head of the enterprise or his deputy for production, the head of production or his deputy, an engineer (technologist). To carry out a one-time screening, the commission must consist of at least two people. Employees involved in organoleptic evaluation must have no restrictions for medical reasons (chronic diseases and allergies), have the skills to evaluate products and know quality criteria.

To carry out organoleptic analysis, tableware, cutlery and kitchen utensils are used (a kettle with boiling water for rinsing equipment, dishes for draining water after rinsing).

Each taster should be provided with neutralizing products that restore taste and olfactory sensitivity: white wheat bread or dry unleavened cookies, ground coffee, still drinking water or other products.

The Commission in its activities is guided by the “Regulations on food rejection in public catering establishments.”

The rejection commission checks each batch of dishes, products, drinks, and semi-finished products before the start of sale. Organoleptic analysis of mass-produced catering products includes a rating assessment of appearance, texture (consistency), smell and taste using a point scale: 5 points

Excellent quality, 4 points - good quality, 3 points - satisfactory quality and 2 points - unsatisfactory quality.

The number of product portions tested must correspond to the number of employees involved in its evaluation.

Rejection takes place in the presence of the direct manufacturer of the product, who is a controlled link, but does not take part in the evaluation of the products manufactured by him.

The results of product quality checks are recorded in the rejection journal before the start of its sale and are approved by the signatures of all members of the commission. quality control food product

The journal records: the name of the dishes (products) that have comments on quality, the rating of the dishes (products) in points. Dishes that do not have deviations in recipes and technology correspond to the conclusion: “The remaining batches of dishes included in the menu are available, tested, meet the technological requirements and recipes and are rated 5 points.” The journal of the established form must be numbered, laced and sealed

2.3 The procedure for rejecting culinary products

Before rejecting, you need to familiarize yourself with the menu, output and recipes of dishes, calculations, and technical requirements for the quality of dishes. Braquerage begins with determining the mass of finished products and individual portions of first, second, sweet dishes and drinks. Piece products are weighed 10 pieces at a time. And the average weight of one piece is determined, ready-made dishes are selected from those prepared for distribution, weighing them separately in three portions, and the average weight of the dish is calculated. The main product included in the dish (meat, fish, poultry, etc.) is weighed in the amount of 10 servings. The weight of one serving may deviate from the norm within ±3%, the total weight of 10 servings must correspond to the norm. The average weight of portions of meat, fish, and poultry with which first courses are served may deviate from the norm within ± 10%.

At the point of serving, the temperature of the food is checked at the time of release using a laboratory thermometer (in a metal frame). The thermometer is immersed in the middle of the dish. In dense products, a recess is first made with a knife.

Individual quality indicators of controlled dishes and products are assessed in the following sequence: indicators assessed visually (appearance, color), smell, consistency, then properties assessed in the oral cavity (taste and some features of consistency, uniformity, juiciness, etc.)

When assessing quality puree soups a sample of the soup is poured into a plate in a stream, the texture (consistency) is assessed: thickness, viscosity, uniformity, presence of dense particles, color. After this, the smell is determined and the soup is tasted. A side dish for pureed soups, which is not pureed according to the recipe, is assessed separately.

When assessing cereal and pasta dishes They are distributed in a thin layer over the bottom of the plate and the absence of foreign inclusions and the presence of lumps is established. For pasta, pay attention to its texture (consistency): boiledness and stickiness.

When evaluating semi-finished products, products and fish dishes check the correctness of cutting and adherence to the recipe; correct preparation

semi-finished products (sliced, breaded); texture (consistency); smell and taste of the product.

at meat semi-finished products, products and dishes first evaluate the external
overall and individual view of the meat product: cutting shape, surface condition, breading. Then the culinary readiness of the product is checked by texture (consistency) and color on the cut. After this, the smell and taste of the dish are assessed. For meat sauce dishes they taste all its components separately (main product, sauce, side dish), and then taste the dish as a whole.

Quality criteria

Rating 5 points corresponds to dishes (products, semi-finished products) without flaws. Organoleptic indicators must strictly comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents.

Score 4 points corresponds to dishes (products, semi-finished products) with minor or easily removable defects (taste and smell are typical, but weakly expressed, uneven cutting shape, insufficiently salty taste).

Score 3 points- the disadvantages of dishes are more significant (drying of the surface, loss of shape, improper cutting of vegetables, weak or excessive smell of spices, liquid in salads, hard texture (consistency) of meat, etc.). The product is suitable for sale without modification or after modification. Products with easily removable defects (under-salting, partial burning, minor underweight, shallow cracks, irregularities in design, etc.) are sent for revision.

If the taste and smell of a dish (product) are rated with 3 points each, then regardless of the value of other indicators, the dish (product) is rated no higher than 3 points.

Score 2 points corresponds to dishes (products, semi-finished products) with significant defects: the presence of foreign tastes or odors, products that are over-salted, undercooked or undercooked, burnt, have lost their shape or characteristic consistency, and also partial piece goods.

If a product is rated at 2 points according to at least one of the indicators, it is removed from sale without counting points and transferred to scrap, formalizing this with the appropriate act. It is subject to either recycling or disposal.

Overall rating quality of the analyzed dish (product) is calculated as the arithmetic mean value accurate to the first decimal place.

Points are deducted from the sum of points for a lower temperature of hot dishes than the recommended temperature - 1 point for every 10 0 s, for a higher temperature of cold dishes - 1 point for every sOc.

For sloppy presentation of a dish or serving it in inappropriate (in shape and size) dishes, 1 to 2 points are also deducted from the points total, depending on the importance of the defects. Serving in contaminated dishes is assessed as “unsatisfactory”, and the dish is removed from sale.

Reduction of points for quality indicators of dishes (products) for detected defects is carried out in accordance with the tables given in GOST R 531 04-2008 Public catering services Method of organoleptic assessment of the quality of public catering products

Quality indicators

The broth is transparent, golden, the fat on the surface is light orange.

Colorless or slightly colored fat

The broth is cloudy

Broth dark


Vegetables retained their cut shape

Uneven cutting of vegetables

Vegetables are deformed

Coarsely chopped vegetables, poorly peeled, untidy cereals


Potatoes and vegetables are soft

Potatoes and cereals are slightly boiled

Vegetables and grains are overcooked

Undercooked or overcooked foods

Taste and smell

Taste and smell of sautéed vegetables and potatoes, moderately salty

Characteristic. But the smell and taste are weak and slightly under-salted.

There is no smell of sautéed vegetables or spices.

Oversalting, smell of burnt potatoes

Table 1 - Scale of organoleptic evaluation of the dish. Potato soup

2.4 Technological requirements for finished products

for fresh vegetable salad: careful processing and cutting;

for a salad with boiled vegetables and meat: observing and maintaining the cutting shape;

* for seasoning soups: color, appearance, cut shape must correspond to the recipe;

for puree soups: homogeneous consistency, absence of protein flakes;

for broths: transparency, color intensity;

· for second meat and fried fish dishes: uniform golden brown crust on the surface;

· for breaded dishes: the presence of a crust, breading that does not lag behind

· for second courses of cereals: the grains are not overcooked;

· for mashed potatoes: the consistency is homogeneous, fluffy, the color corresponds to the introduced products

· for jelly: uniform consistency, without lumps of brewed starch, without signs of starch aging and film on the surface;

· for mousses, sambucas, creams: homogeneous, delicate, finely porous or elastic consistency that retains its shape well;

· to jelly: transparent, but may not be transparent; gelatinous, homogeneous, slightly elastic, well-preserved shape, with a pronounced color, smell and taste of the main products.

Posts can be created to control the quality of finished products

qualities led by the chef-foreman. Their task is to control the step-by-step processing of products and their output. Periodically during the working day the manager. production and the cook-foreman must control the quality of portioned dishes at the serving station. The waiter also checks the quality of the food by appearance.

In order to increase the responsibility of production workers for the quality of products and for improving their skills, a competition for the right to personally reject food can be organized. The cook who is assigned this right is issued a certificate. Periodically, the quality of food prepared by persons who have the right of personal rejection is subject to control.

For better quality control, cooks with the right of personal inspection at the Neptune cafe undergo recertification for a new term every three years. Persons who have committed violations (product quality must only be excellent, sanitary rules for storage and sale, personal hygiene rules) are deprived of the right to personal rejection.

Such persons can participate in this type of competition again only after a year.

2.5 Regulatory and legal framework for quality control of products of public enterprises

Currently, a new regulatory body operates in the field of the consumer market and services - the Federal Service for Supervision of the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The powers of the previously existing State Trade Inspectorate and partly of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies were transferred to him. Thus, its powers extend to the spheres of trade, public catering, healthcare, hygiene, etc. Its task is to exercise state supervision and control over the implementation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of people. Rospotrebnadzor inspection activities can be scheduled or unscheduled. At the same time, they can be carried out comprehensively with other regulatory authorities (Gosstandart, tax services, State Fire Supervision authorities, sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities) in order to identify violations that are within the competence of other regulatory authorities. Scheduled inspections are carried out, as a rule, once every three years. The acts concerning the powers of Rospotrebnadzor very vaguely define its rights to conduct the event in question.

Conflicting interpretations on this issue were completely excluded by the letter of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare dated 03/07/2006 NQ 0100/2473-06-32. It states that the fact of a control (test) purchase by officials of Rospotrebnadzor should be considered as an unlawful act, indicating that they exceeded their powers.

The only exception to this prohibition, when Rospotrebnadzor authorities can conduct a test purchase, is to identify the fact of consumer fraud, which must be carried out in the presence of a victim and witnesses in the case.

Moreover, the police authorities, with whom Rospotrebnadzor officials can carry out joint activities, are also deprived of the right to conduct test purchases. Operational investigative authorities (which also include the Department of Internal Affairs) can conduct a test purchase if there are signs of a crime provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of Art. 6 of the law of August 12, 1995 NQ 144-FZ “On operational investigative activities ").

Legal and regulatory framework for quality control The main provisions of the State policy of Russia in the field of healthy nutrition are reflected in the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products NQ29-903 of 01/02/2000."

Legislative and regulatory acts aimed at ensuring food safety include:

Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of March 31, 1999"

"On the protection of consumer rights dated 01/09/1996 F3-2".

The most important document is SanPiN “Hygienic
requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products."

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them."

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.

SanPiN 2.4.5. 2409-08 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations."

Physico-chemical indicators characterize the nutritional value of public catering products, their component composition, compliance with recipes of dishes and products (completeness of raw materials).

2.6 Requirements for the receipt and storage of raw materials and food products

Products should be stored in manufacturer’s containers (barrels, boxes, flasks, cans, etc.), if necessary, transferred to clean production containers labeled in accordance with the type of product. Products without packaging are weighed in containers or on clean paper.

Products should be stored according to the accepted classification by type of product: dry (flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, etc.); bread; meat, fish; milk fat; gastronomic; vegetables and fruits.

Raw materials and finished products should be stored in separate refrigerators. In small organizations that have one refrigeration chamber, as well as in the daily food supply chamber, their joint short-term storage is allowed, subject to the conditions of the commodity neighborhood (on separate shelves, racks).

When storing food products in the Neptune cafe in Lazarevskoye, the rules of product proximity, storage standards, expiration dates and storage conditions are strictly observed. Products that have a specific odor (spices, herring, etc.) should be stored separately from products that perceive extraneous odors (butter, cheese, eggs, tea, salt, sugar, etc.).

In the Neptune cafe in Lazarevskoye, storage of especially perishable products is carried out in accordance with the hygienic requirements for the conditions and shelf life of especially perishable products in accordance with SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.”

Refrigerated chambers for food storage are equipped with easy-to-clean racks, condensate collection and drainage systems, and, if necessary, hanging beams with tinned or stainless steel hooks.

Chilled meat carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters are hung on hooks so that they do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room. Frozen meat is stored on racks or shelves in stacks.

By-products are stored in supplier containers on racks or stock shelves.

Frozen or chilled poultry is stored in the supplier’s containers on racks or shelves, stacked in stacks; For better air circulation, it is recommended to lay slats between the boxes (boxes).

Frozen fish (fish fillets) are stored on racks or shelves in supplier containers.

Sour cream and cottage cheese are stored in a container with a lid. It is not allowed to leave spoons in containers with cottage cheese and sour cream.

Butter is stored in original containers or in bars wrapped in parchment in trays; ghee is stored in manufacturer's containers.

Large cheeses are stored without containers on clean shelves. Small cheeses are stored in consumer containers on shelves or racks.

Finished meat products (sausages, hams, frankfurters, sausages) are stored in supplier containers or production containers.

Eggs in boxes are stored on shelves in cool, dry rooms. Egg powder is stored in a dry place, melange - at a temperature not exceeding minus 60C.

Cereals and flour are stored in bags on shelves in stacks at a distance of at least 15 cm to the floor.

Pasta, sugar, and salt are stored in the supplier’s containers on racks or counters.

Tea and coffee are stored on shelves in dry, ventilated areas.

Bread is stored on racks and in cabinets. It is recommended to allocate a separate pantry for storing bread. Rye and wheat bread are stored separately.

Doors in bread cabinets must have holes for ventilation. When cleaning cabinets, crumbs should be swept off the shelves with special brushes and the shelves should be thoroughly wiped at least once a week using a 1% solution of acetic acid.

Potatoes and root vegetables are stored in a dry, dark room; cabbage - on separate shelves, in chests; pickled and salted vegetables - in barrels, at a temperature not exceeding 100C. Fruits and greens are stored in boxes in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding 120C.

Frozen vegetables, fruits, and berries are stored in supplier containers in low-temperature refrigerators.

The label of each container indicating the expiration date of this type of product should be kept until the product is completely used.

2.7 Requirements for the production, distribution of dishes, distribution of semi-finished products and culinary products

The sequence of the technological process of preparing culinary products, the mode of mechanical and thermal processing of food raw materials, the temperature regime, the interchangeability of products must comply with the requirements of SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them” , regulatory documents, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

The organization must have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion from the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service indicating the range of products.

Subsequently, depending on the sanitary condition of the organization, the quality of the finished product, the time of year, if it is necessary to change the assortment (expansion or reduction), the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service again issue a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the assortment of products.

In cases of development of new recipes, as well as changes to existing ones associated with changes in production technology, the use of new, non-traditional raw materials, when revising the expiration dates and storage conditions of food products, the use of new materials and equipment that may affect the safety indicators of finished products , the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion of the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service is issued for the recipes in the prescribed manner.

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1 Quality control in food production Alekseeva N.A., Aslanyants S.R. Autonomous non-profit organization "Analytics and High Technologies", Moscow

2 Modern requirements for food production A high level of competition dictates the need to ensure food safety at a high level. Globalization of business processes and the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO): the principles of building the system include adherence to international trade rules, competitive prices with high quality and safety of the proposals being sold. The main condition for participation in global trade is the introduction of international safety and quality systems HACCP and the ISO standard at enterprises

3 Quality control of food products. Stages. Control of input raw materials: organoleptic indicators, packaging quality, labeling, weight characteristics, availability of the necessary accompanying documentation. Production control: - compliance with storage conditions for raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - maintaining the sanitary and hygienic condition of vehicles - compliance with product preparation technology (stack control) - compliance with the weight characteristics of the finished product - quality control of packaging and labeling - control of compliance with the appearance of the finished product - physico-chemical and microbiological control of finished products Construction of a product quality system, the implementation of which guarantees 100% quality and safety of products.

4 Quality control system for food production The quality management system for the food industry includes Russian standards: GOST R ISO Food safety management system. Requirements for organizations participating in the food chain (ISO 22000:2005 Food safety management systems Requirements for any organization in the food chain). GOST R Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements (Quality systems. HACCP principles for food products quality management. General requirements).

5 HACCP system. Seven basic principles. Identification of potential risks and risks (hazardous factors) of production; Identification of critical control points in production to eliminate (minimize) risk; In the HACCP system documents, limit values ​​of parameters at critical control points should be established and observed; Development of a monitoring system to ensure control of critical control points; Development of corrective actions and their application in case of negative monitoring results; Developing audit procedures to be carried out regularly; Documentation of all system procedures, forms and methods of data registration.

6 HACCP system. Hazardous factors. All types of hazards, including biological (microbiological), chemical and physical, must be identified and assessed. Hazardous factors listed for groups of food products in the Sanitary Rules and Standards should be included in the list of factors taken into account in the first place and without modification. Hazardous factors present in the product, as well as those emanating from equipment, the environment, personnel, etc. should be taken into account. Preventive actions must be identified and documented. Preventive actions include: - Monitoring the parameters of the production process; - Heat treatment; - Use of preservatives; - Using a metal detector; - Periodic monitoring of the concentration of harmful substances; - Washing and disinfection of equipment, hands, equipment, shoes, etc.

7 GOST R ISO Contains requirements for a management system for safe food products, including the main recognized elements: Interactive exchange of information; Management system; Programs for creating prerequisites (prerequisite programs); Principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

8 GOST R ISO Planning and production of safe products. Programs of mandatory preliminary measures Preliminary activities allowing for hazard analysis Hazard analysis Development of production programs of mandatory preliminary measures Development of a HACCP plan Updating of preliminary information and documentation Verification planning Traceability system Nonconformity management

9 GOST R ISO Monitoring system. A monitoring system is the methods, instructions, records applied in relation to: measurements or observations that ensure results are obtained within an acceptable time frame; devices used; applied calibration methods; frequency of monitoring; authority and responsibility for monitoring; record keeping requirements and record keeping methods.

10 Temperature monitoring system. Composition of the monitoring system: 1. Sensors 2. Main module. 3. Computer server. 4. SMS modules. 5. Software

11 Temperature monitoring system. 1. Sensors Measurement and storage in real time of temperature (humidity) in freezers and rooms. Temperature measurement range: Accuracy: ±1 Humidity measurement range: 5%...95% Accuracy: ±3% Data acquisition interval: 1 s 1 hour Wireless signal transmission: about 30 m indoors

12 Temperature monitoring system. 2. Main module Saving data collected from sensors and transferring it to a computer. This is a communication bridge between the sensors and the computer (or LAN). Possibility of combining modules into a network Wireless and wired data transmission Built-in memory for storing data in case of loss of communication with the server

13 Temperature monitoring system. 3. Computer server Designed to store data and provide access to the network. Using a computer, the operator can monitor the system status in real time, view history, alarms, etc. Allows operators to monitor temperatures remotely via the Internet. Printing reports.

14 Temperature monitoring system. 4. SMS modules Designed to transmit text or voice messages to users via telephone, SMS or email; If temperature limits are exceeded or other problems occur (loss of signal, loss of voltage in the network, etc.), an SMS message is sent to the user’s mobile phone describing the problem.

15 Temperature monitoring system. 5. Software Real-time temperature control and history viewing, exporting reports, sending alarms and messages, administering the entire monitoring system.

16 Temperature monitoring system. Automotive monitoring system Ebro EBI-90 Up to 4 temperature/humidity sensors (; 0.8) Up to 4 door opening sensors. Thermal printer. GSM module. GPS module.

17 Physical and chemical control of finished products. Carried out in accordance with the requirements of current SanPiN HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFETY AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FOOD Main toxic elements that are mandatory controlled in all groups of food products and Name of their concentration element Permissible levels (canned meat), mg/kg Lead 0.5 Arsenic 0 .1 Cadmium 0.05 Mercury 0.03 Tin 200.0 Chromium 0.5

18 Physical and chemical control of finished products. Rationing. Name of GOSTs 1. GOST R "Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)." 2. GOST R "Drinking water. Determination of element content by atomic spectrometry methods." 3. GOST R "Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of arsenic." 4. GOST R "Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic." 5. GOST R "Non-alcoholic drinks. Mineral and drinking water. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of selenium." 6. GOST "Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements." 7. GOST "Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements."

19 Voltammetric analyzer TEM 4000 (Nordantec, Germany) The voltammetric analyzer TEM 4000 was developed by Nordantec (Germany) together with the Institute of Physical Chemistry named after. J. Heyrovsky Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Prague) The device implements all modern achievements in the field of stripping voltammetry.

20 Voltammetric analyzer TEM 4000 (Nordantec, Germany) Main characteristics of the analyzer Modifications Measurement modes Indicator electrodes Software functions Laboratory analyzer Mobile unit Anodic and cathodic stripping voltammetry Cyclic voltammetry Differential pulse polarography Solid electrodes: glassy carbon, based on gold, platinum, silver Task parameters , registration of analytical signal Calculation of concentrations and presentation of results Diagnostics of equipment performance

21 Voltammetric analyzer TEM 4000 (Nordantec, Germany) Sensitivity of measurements of the main toxic elements Cadmium Cd 0.05 ppb Chromium CrIII / CrVI 0.01 ppb Copper Cu 0.05 ppb Mercury Hg 0.03 ppb Nickel Ni 0.01 ppb Lead Pb 0.05 ppb Zinc Zn 0.05 ppb Cobalt Co 0.01 ppb Arsenic AsIII/ AsV 0.1 ppb Selenium SeIV/ SeVI 1.0 ppb Manganese Mn 0.5 ppb Thallium Tl 5.0 ppb Iron FeII / FeIII 5.0 ppb

22 Validation Center ANO "AVTech" has been operating since 2004 and complies with the requirements of GOST R ISO (ISO 9001:2000) and carries out a full cycle of validation (certification, qualification) of equipment, premises, technological processes and analytical methods in accordance with international requirements - GMP EC, GLP , GTP, ICH and Russian standards is staffed with highly qualified specialists who have Certificates of the European Academy of Conformity, Gosstandart of Russia and have practical experience in working with foreign and Russian companies

23 Validation Validation is a procedure that confirms the reliability of production conditions and the ability to lead to expected results in terms of product quality. Validation is an important part of the quality assurance and control system. Validation by itself does not improve product quality. Its results can either improve quality assurance or indicate the need to improve production conditions.

24 Technological processes. Validation The following are subject to validation: Analytical methods. Processes for cleaning equipment, communications, etc. Processes for sanitizing premises, etc. Technological and laboratory equipment. Engineering systems that directly affect the quality of the semi-product and the finished product (providing clean air, water, steam, inert gas, compressed air, etc.). “Clean” rooms and areas, “cold” rooms, etc.

25 Testing laboratory of ANO "AVTech". Scope of accreditation Accreditation certificate ROSS RU, valid until Name of tested products 1 Laminar flow cabinets (cabinets), clean rooms (CH), clean areas of industrial premises 2 Steam and dry air sterilizers 3 Climatic chambers for heat and cold. 4 Dry-air and water-jacketed thermostats 5 Incubators 6 Refrigerators, freezers

26 Testing laboratory of ANO "AVTech". Scope of accreditation Accreditation certificate ROSS RU, valid until Name of tested products 6 Physical factors of the production environment, workplaces 7 Apparatuses for physical-chemical and physical-mechanical processes. 8 Centrifuges 9 Sterilization and disinfection equipment

27 Calibration laboratory of ANO "AVTekh" Registration 782, valid until the city Groups of calibrated measuring instruments Calibrated measuring instruments 1 Temperature meters 2 Thermohygrometers 3 Multifunctional meters (loggers)

28 Autonomous non-profit organization “Analytics and High Technologies” Thank you for your attention! ANO "AVTech" tel.: +7 (495) fax: +7 (495)

INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY ANO "AVTech" The Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Analytics and High Technologies" (ANO "AVTech") includes an accredited Testing Laboratory (Certificate





Atomic absorption spectroscopy: objects of analysis, standards to be met Analysis of food, agricultural products and alcohol-containing products: GOST 31707-2012 GOST 31466-2012 GOST R ISO 17240-2010




State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51705.1-2001 "Quality systems. Quality management of food products based on the principles of HACCP. General requirements" (adopted by resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of January 23

FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline Place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program Discipline “Safety Management Systems”

Autonomous non-profit organization "Analytics and High Technologies" (ANO "AVTech") ANO "AVTech" v Company history v Main objectives v Services offered v Implemented projects v Promising paths


State Academy of Industrial Management named after. N.P. Pastukhova EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX FOR ADVANCED PROGRAM OF ENGINEERING STAFF “Ensuring the safety of food products based on


UDC 631.151.3 FOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED ON HACCP PRINCIPLES V. V. Kuzmin, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Agricultural Production Management, Faculty of Economics, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Invites you to take part in the training: Training (seminar) on HACCP is aimed at improving understanding of the requirements of the HACCP system of your enterprise and at training internal auditors Seminar topic and dates


Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Appendix 3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Agrarian University"

UDC 658.56 MODERN TRENDS IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION Buzina M. A., master's student of the Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of an autonomous non-profit educational organization

Practical aspects of implementing the HACCP principles Head of the Department for Sanitary and Hygienic Issues and Expertise of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Novgorod Region" Ermakov Ivan Vladimirovich

Compiled by: A.M. Petrovsky Food safety management systems: Guidelines for practical classes and independent work for students studying in the field of preparation

State State Center for Testing, Certification Testing and Standardization GoTsISS invites you to take part in the seminar: seminar Seminars are aimed at improving understanding of the requirements




UDC 658.562:663/664 FOOD SAFETY SYSTEM: PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND WAYS TO SOLUTION L. A. Fedoskina, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Quality Management, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovian

GOST R 52836-2007. Fruit wines (fruit) and fruit wine materials (fruit). General technical conditions. Date of introduction - January 1, 2009 Introduced for the first time Preface Goals and principles of standardization

243 Uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control) Chapter II Section 21. Requirements for mineral waters 244 Requirements

1267 Uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control) Chapter II Section 21. Requirements for mineral waters 1268 Requirements

PROJECT CHIEF STATE SANITARY DOCTOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION Moscow On approval of sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 000000 00 “Organization and conduct of production control


JSC "CS" COMPOSITE-TEST" ROSS RU.0001.11АУ31 ACT for analyzing the state of production of certified products from Name of enterprise, address Purpose of analysis: determining the presence of necessary conditions for production,

SanPiN 13 State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards Organization and conduct of production

BASIC PROVISIONS AND PROCEDURE FOR VERIFICATION AND PRODUCTION CONTROL OF FOOD PRODUCTS Kazimirova M.A.; Matvienko A.N.; Lisova V.V., Ph.D. tech. sciences; Viktorova E.P., Doctor of Engineering. sciences; Cornen

FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HACCP Principles) Grishkova N.V. - Deputy Head of the Sanitary Supervision Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Ryazan Region Technical Regulations


Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology URAL BRANCH of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education "ACADEMY"

The IQPHARM software package includes the following modules: 1. Personnel management module. Simplification and systematization of the work of filling out and maintaining an employee card. Convenient personal user account

DEMO ISO 22 000 HACCP FOOD SAFETY DOCUMENT SET Fully editable documents (policy, manual, procedures, forms, audit questionnaire, work instructions) A. Fully

IQ-PHARM Smart programs for pharmaceutical production. WHAT IS IQ-PHARM? IQ-PHARM is a set of software modules that allows you to automate the activities of a pharmaceutical enterprise and laboratory

Questions for a meat processing enterprise in the pre-organizational period 1. Basic information about the production activities of the enterprise: I 1.1. Name of the enterprise 1.2. State


Scope of accreditation of the Testing Laboratory Center of the Federal State Health Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Novosibirsk Region” in the international accreditation system



System for regulating heavy metal emissions in Ukraine Natalya Pavlenko, chief specialist of the atmospheric air department of the State Environmental Monitoring Department Tel./Fax: 044 206 31 30

Technical support from ANO "AVTech". Service department Head of the service department of ANO "AVTech" Aslanyants Samson Rafaelovich Kazakhstan Belorussia Armenia Uzbekistan Moldova Ukraine Russia Azerbaijan Georgia

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State University" Approved by: Head of the Public Educational Institution: G.P. Lapina “12” 03 2015 Work program of the discipline (with annotation)

APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2017. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Specialist in nanostructured production technology Contents I. General information...

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List of those recognized as valid on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with clause 2.3 of PMG 44-2001 “Procedure for recognition of implementation methods” (as of 07/01/2010) 1 Registration code Protocol

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products” -V SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations,


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Quality management and laboratory information system Audit, certification and validation in one system Programmed for your success RUS Audit, certification and validation in one system Management

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Principles of food safety Competence Ambition based on Confidence HACCP Valentina Berezan, auditor of food safety management systems, director of ISA Cert Ukraine LLC +38050 4110965