» Bay leaf for well-being and health. The story of one of our readers Alina R

Bay leaf for well-being and health. The story of one of our readers Alina R

The wizard lives in each of us. If you didn’t know this until now, then perhaps it’s time to discover it within yourself. To do this, you don’t need a magic wand, a hat with a tassel, a chicken paw and mysterious words that leave all the ignorant in awe. The wizard lives in each of us. If you didn’t know this until now, then perhaps it’s time to discover it within yourself. To do this, you don’t need a magic wand, a hat with a tassel, a chicken paw and mysterious words that leave all the ignorant in awe.

Magic can be created anytime, anywhere. All you need for this is a positive attitude and faith in yourself. To fulfill a desire, any object, any situation can serve as an excellent tool.

For example, a bay leaf, which is found in every home, can be a banal aromatic seasoning or a dried exhibit in a herbarium. But you can arrange a magical ritual for yourself to make your wish come true with a bay leaf.

In fact, there are quite a lot of proven magical rituals. You can always choose something to your liking. But there is one secret. Laurel has a rich history and has long been credited with witchcraft powers. Therefore, just by holding a bay leaf in your hands, you can already be sure that everything will work. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the terms and recommendations. Show your imagination, come up with your own ritual, because the main thing in this case is faith.
The only condition that must be observed always and in everything: DO NO HARM. The desire should not be directed against anyone; it should not contain negativity, revenge, ill will, or bad thoughts. Otherwise, everything will boomerang back to its beginning. This is how not only magic works, but everything in our lives.

So, step one is to come up with a desire. It needs to be squeezed into a reasonable framework. Naturally, you can dream with all your heart, for example, about the position of king of the elves. And you will certainly become one. But not in this life. So let's limit ourselves to earthly possibilities.
Next, we choose a beautiful large bay leaf - it should look impressive and command respect, because it is an intermediary between you and the heavenly office.

Now you need to think carefully again and write down your wish on a bay leaf. Some people advise making the inscription in gold or silver. But if there is no such ink, and the wait is unbearable, then any writing pen will do.
And now the only thing left is to burn the laurel message and send a light smoke straight to the right authorities. You can arrange the whole event very solemnly: white candles, music, a burning bowl, and then you will have a feeling of self-satisfaction and confidence in the result.

However, for the most impatient, there is another, no less effective, ritual for desire with a bay leaf. One might say, an express method of delivering dreams to their destination. You just need to thoroughly rub the bay leaf in your hands, deeply inhale the spicy smell, and as you exhale, express your desire out loud.
These simple laurel rituals can be performed anytime. But experts still advise waiting for the right day, when nature itself will contribute as much as possible to the fulfillment of your desire.
On the new moon and the waxing moon, it is recommended to wish for all sorts of acquisitions, and after the full moon, on the waning moon, on the contrary, to get rid of anything.
Full moons are very special days of the month. All rituals and ceremonies gain power with a “plus” sign. During the full moon, it is good to start a new life, start moving, renovating, launching new projects and performing money rituals. You can make a wish on a bay leaf during the full moon, but be careful what you wish for. They tend to come true.

In the ritual, which is performed on the Full Moon, the key role is played by the number 3. For the magical action, you should prepare three laurel leaves, paper and a red marker.
The cherished dream must be written down three times on the prepared paper and also expressed out loud three times. Then fold the sheet of paper three times, place laurel leaves in it, and fold it again three times to form a small package.
The bag of leaves is hidden from prying eyes. Every morning, until your wish is fulfilled, immediately after waking up, you must repeat your wish three times. To enhance the magic, you can also visualize the finished result. When your plan is fulfilled, you need to take out the package and burn it. While it burns, thank the Higher powers for implementation and assistance.

Fortune telling on a bay leaf for a wish

With a bay leaf you can perform one of the most popular fortune-telling rituals - for your betrothed. Fortune telling is usually carried out at night from Monday to Tuesday. For the ritual, you need to stock up on three laurel leaves and sign them with the names Ananias, Azarius and Misail. These three young men are heroes of biblical history, faithful friends of the prophet Daniel, and in this case you turn to them for help.

Place the signed leaves on the windowsill in the room where you will sleep, and before going to bed, say out loud: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill; whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”
If the fortune telling is done correctly, this night you will see your betrothed in a dream.

 Everyone dreams of having money flowing and not being transferred. It’s not at all difficult to make your own laurel magnet that will attract income. Here we again need the magic number 3. It’s simple: just sprinkle or rub three bay leaves with orange oil, and the talisman is ready. Now the magic leaves need to be placed in money places - a wallet, a safe or a treasured box. The presence of money magnets must be kept secret. If desired, they can be renewed from time to time during the full moon, but they should not be moved from place to place.

 If you urgently need financial injections (to pay off a debt, pay off a loan or buy something), then a bay leaf will help you get the necessary amount. To do this, we prepare a note with the number we need and seven of any coins. We fold the note and place it in an opaque jar, preferably a tin one. Then, with a clink, we throw coin after coin into the tin and at the same time say: “The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing, I have more and more of them. Coins come from where I’m not expecting them, from now on I don’t know what I need anymore.” Next, place three bay leaves inside and close. The magnet for attracting our amount of money is ready. You need to throw any coins into it every day, in any quantity. After two months they can be used, and the note and laurel can be buried in a secret place.

Experts say that laurel magic, like any other, works flawlessly if certain conditions are met:
The desire must be sincere and real, coming from the heart.
It must be formulated correctly, with all the details.
The desire must be expressed only in an affirmative form, without using the particle “not”.
You definitely need to visualize your desire as a fact that has already come true and rejoice at the result.
Don't sit on the couch waiting for your “dreams to come true.” Take action, do what you can to achieve your dreams.

Use these simple rules and your wishes will definitely come true.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.

When using bay leaves, you should consult a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications for the use of bay leaves: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute forms of kidney, liver and heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, an allergic reaction to bay leaves, severe diabetes mellitus, etc.

Bay leaves have been known to man since ancient times and have been used for several millennia both in cooking and in performing various actions of a mystical and magical nature. The methods and techniques for using laurel leaves during magical rituals and ceremonies are varied: they are needed to attract love and money, find a good job, protect against evil forces, and also to cleanse the house and person from the evil eye and damage.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Many years have passed since people first became acquainted with such a plant as the noble laurel. This evergreen tree or shrub sometimes grows up to fifteen meters. The trunk is covered with a fairly smooth brown bark, and the branches grow smooth, fragrant leaves up to fifteen centimeters long and four centimeters wide. A very specific and recognizable smell of laurel leaves is given by an essential oil consisting of camphor, myrcene, pinene, cineole, linalool and other components.

    The smell of bay leaves awakens the imagination, reveals the hidden depths of the subconscious and increases the ability to divination and clairvoyance. The most famous in human history Delphic Oracle owes its popularity and fame, among other things, to the sacred laurel. Great fortune teller Vanga advised using laurel in rituals to find a good job. Bay leaves are used in cooking to make desserts and meat dishes. It is very widely used in various mystical and magical rituals as a necessary ingredient and the most accessible of incense.

    Bay leaves were used to make a liquid for washing hands during meals. Individual laurel leaves can be used as amulets and talismans for enlightenment and purification of consciousness, for cleansing from harmful energy, for protection from adverse energetic influences, for successful and truthful fortune telling.

      Magical properties of laurel

      Laurel is an extremely powerful magical plant. Its magical properties have been known to people since ancient times. This leaf is used in various rituals and spells for ceremonies on:

      • Love;
      • good luck;
      • raising money;
      • career;
      • protection from evil.

      Many of the rituals with bay leaves can be performed independently, at home.

      White magic rituals with bay leaf

      According to the advice of Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) and many other soothsayers and mystics, bay leaves, when used correctly in rituals, can help achieve the fulfillment of desires.

      Rituals using Laurus Nobilis can protect oneself from evil or attract wealth and love with the help of this plant. Of course, you need to strictly follow all the recommendations and carefully follow the instructions when performing any magical actions.

      Money plot

      For this ritual you need:

  1. 1. Large ripe orange. No flaws or signs of damage.
  2. 2. A dish made of any golden or yellow material.
  3. 3. Three bay leaves, dry.
  4. 4. Natural wax candle.

After sunset, being completely alone in the room, you need to sit down at the table and place a dish in front of you. Place an orange in the center of the dish and stick three bay leaves into it. Place a lit candle in front of you a little further from the dish and read the words of the conspiracy:

"In the far south there is a crystal island: silver grass and ruby ​​berries grow on it. In the middle of the crystal island and silver grass there is a golden mountain. On that golden mountain a magical laurel grows. Strong winds blow around the magical laurel. The winds take a laurel leaf and take gold from the mountain, silver from the grass. The winds carry laurel leaves, silver and gold to the slave named, from laurel to laurel under the castle. Mountains of golden islands and silver grow right at home on the platter of the slave named, and the magic laurel is a guarantee. The key is the lock, the word under the threshold. Amen."

After the ritual, with a candle in your left hand, you should go around the table with the dish three times clockwise and extinguish the candle.

Plot for good luck

To quickly fulfill your wish, you should take a dry laurel leaf: large, whole, without cracks. Then on the leaf itself you need to write a wish in one word, the most characteristic of this dream, and then burn the leaf in the flame of a candle, saying:

“Fly with flammable fire and flying smoke to the higher powers, say in the heights that my wish may come true.”

The plot is repeated until the leaf is completely burned. If the desire was strong, conscious and clear, it will definitely come true.

Love spell

To implement this ritual, you must be able to place a bay leaf in the shoes of the object of your love, under the insole. First read on the piece of paper for your loved one:

“Just as laurel makes one’s head spin and intoxicate, so I turned the head of the slave (the name of the beloved). The slave (the name of the beloved) did not eat bread without me, did not drink water, and was not with anyone.”

For themselves, they also cast a spell on the same piece of paper and place it under the insole of their shoes. And the slander is this:

“As I trample the laurel tree, so I trample the head of the slave (name of my beloved): whatever he does, everything is only according to my word, amen.”

After this, you need to wear only these shoes with a bay leaf for three days in a row. Then it needs to be put away and stored until you want to release the bewitched person. Then the leaf is simply burned without any words.

Ritual for progress in work

This ritual will not only allow you to climb the career ladder faster, but also fulfill your work duties more easily, have less conflict with other employees, gain the favor of clients and not get tired at work.

The first step is to choose the perfect bay leaf. Albeit dry, but real: a living leaf is preferable. Then they perform a ritual of charging from the sun. You need to first find out the time of sunrise and wait for it. As soon as the sun appears, take the leaf in your hand and show it to the sun, saying:

"Take the leaf, take it!"

So you should hold the sheet on your hand extended towards the luminary until it gets tired. The greater the tension, the more strength the bay leaf will absorb. Then the hand is changed and the future talisman is held in the other palm. Thus, they wait for full sunrise - until its disk is completely visible. During the ritual, you should not look at the sun so as not to damage your eyesight. The rising luminary is visible even through closed eyelids.

After such charging, you should wait for the waxing moon and perform a ritual of charging the amulet from moonlight. They wait until the moon is clearly and clearly visible in the sky, and hold the sheet in the same way as when charging from the sun, with the only difference being that each hand should get tired once. First the right and then the left.

Having rested well and waited until noon, the leaf is placed on the right palm. At this moment there should be no people in the apartment. The palm with the leaf is pressed to the forehead and the plot is read:

“By the power of the sun and moon, the power of heaven and earth, I conjure this leaf. There will be only my will, there will be only my strength, everything around me is in my opinion. Everything is according to my word.”

These words are repeated with inner strength, with dedication, remembering how difficult it was to charge the sheet with the heavenly bodies. At this moment, your hand may become heavy, but you should hold it without lifting it from your forehead until all the necessary words have been spoken three times. Then the sheet must be placed between two flat objects: sheets of cardboard, business cards, plastic cards, so that it does not accidentally break. Then you can carry it in your wallet. You can put a piece of paper in your passport or notebook. The amulet should be carried with you to work and be sure to leave it at home when going on vacation.

To cleanse your home of negativity

In almost any home, someone else's negative energy gradually accumulates. In those rooms through which different people constantly pass, imprints of their aura remain. This adversely affects the overall energy-informational background of the room. With the help of Laurus nobilis leaves, you can cleanse your home and work space from any negative impact. This is very easy to do - just get a large branch of bay leaf.

First you need to go to the farthest corner of the room, set fire to a branch and wave it lightly, dispersing the fragrant smoke. Then move to the next corner counterclockwise, then to the next, and fumigate each corner with healing laurel smoke. Having gone around all the corners, you should stand in the center of the room being cleaned and wave the branch crosswise - to all cardinal directions. It is not necessary to speak, but if the desire arises, you can freely wish this house to be cleansed of all bad things. If necessary, the branch is set on fire again and all areas that need cleaning are visited.

To protect your home

After clearing the room, it would be a good idea to cast a protective spell on it. This is easy to do using the same bay leaf. To reliably protect the entire object, it is enough to place one leaf above each door in the house, placing them, for example, under a platband board. Once a year it is necessary to check the leaves, and if they have changed their color or cracked, this is a signal that it is necessary to carry out the cleaning ritual again and renew the protection.

Most people are not satisfied with their life or any area of ​​it: they do not have enough money, they dream of meeting true love, attracting unprecedented luck. But they often do not want to make any effort; they often resort to the help of a fortune teller and leave her disappointed. Many people decide to take independent action and use the bay leaf spell, perceiving it as a universal remedy.

Bay Leaf Information

Few people realize that this inconspicuous herb can be used in various ceremonies and rituals. Bay leaf is a seasoning that is added to many dishes to enhance their taste. Almost every housewife has it in the kitchen, and you can buy it very cheaply, which makes it extremely accessible to everyone. Laurel is an evergreen tree; it can also be a shrub in size.

It is known from ancient history that the plant was an important symbol among the Greeks - a laurel wreath was awarded to the winners. A drink was also made from the leaves, which was used to wash hands before eating. The plant attracted them to even greater success, which others could envy, but the laurel performed its protective function.

Even today, this is a sign of people who, by modern standards, are lucky in everything and emerge victorious from all troubles. For this reason, the bay leaf money spell has become popular.

Bay leaf can help everyone:

  • a leaf in a handbag can protect its owner from failure;
  • your most cherished desires can be fulfilled with the help of spells with this plant;
  • laurel placed in rooms can neutralize negative energy;
  • many people use laurel bunches as a talisman; it is especially useful to place it in the children's room and bedroom;
  • inhaling the laurel aroma is useful for weakness, overwork, it significantly invigorates;
  • a piece of paper under your pillow will relieve insomnia and restless sleep for a long time;
  • improving the quality of food and awakening appetite is the direct responsibility of this seasoning;
  • to attract monetary profit, luck, luck into life, for this, according to the rules, special rituals with bay leaves are carried out, among which there are many spells for money on bay leaves;
  • change your life for the better.

Rituals and rituals

Attracting good luck is not such a simple matter, everyone decides individually whether they will engage in a bay leaf plot or not, you need to be prepared for possible consequences. Before their practical implementation, it is necessary to read special literature.

To fulfill your wishes

This ritual will help you attract luck and success into your life. For it you will need:

  • Bay leaf;
  • gold or silver felt-tip pen;
  • candle;
  • cookware that can withstand fire.

With a candle lit, you need to write your strongest desire on a sheet of paper with a felt-tip pen. You need to mentally imagine what you want in detail and bright colors, then kiss the leaf 3 times and light it with a candle. Then there are 2 options to choose from:

  • put the smoldering leaf in a bowl, accompanied by a conspiracy to fulfill a wish;
  • let it burn to the end.

This bay leaf spell is quite simple, but effective:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, it happened!”

To attract finance

The financial topic is interesting to everyone, money is an urgent need for everyone. If their quantity is not satisfactory, then people often turn to bay leaf money spells.

In this case, you need to be aware that you cannot demand an exorbitant amount of money. Big money rarely brings happiness, and greed is a bad feeling. The lack of money often motivates people to great achievements, and its presence makes them passive.

Among the rituals with bay leaves for money, the following is considered the least simple: you should write an acceptable amount of money on paper, the numbers should not be astronomical. Then the piece of paper needs to be folded several times and placed in a jar or box made of dense material, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to attract gold coins to yourself:

“The coins are shining, the coins are ringing - I have more and more of them. The coins are coming from where I don’t expect them to come from. From now on I will never know trouble again!”

Then you need to put 3 coins and 7 laurel leaves in this jar or box. This spell for money with a bay leaf will work if you add coins to the container every day. It is recommended to mentally imagine sources of income and not sit idly by; a piece of paper can later be buried in a deserted place.

In most cases, the wallet is a place to store money, so rituals are also performed in relation to this important thing. The contents of the wallet can become the object of envy of evil people who dream of taking possession of other people's property, so it cannot do without protection.

The ceremony with a bay leaf for money should be carried out with a new large wallet, it will help its owner attract money. You need to take a gold coin, preferably one with numbers from your date of birth. You will also need 2 bay leaves and a green thread, which must be threaded through the hole made in the coin. This ritual is performed on the new moon. Above the amulet you need to say the words:

“Money to money, need is beyond the threshold, benefit is with me, like a laurel on a bush.”

Afterwards, the leaf along with the rest of the items should be left overnight, and then the amulet should be placed in the wallet. This spell to place a bay leaf in a wallet can be repeated at every new moon.

To attract good luck

Luck is a fickle category; you can try to attract it with the help of a bay leaf. This ritual is preferably performed during the waxing moon; it is also performed in case of professional failures or lack of career growth.

You need to take a wax candle, write your wish on a piece of paper, it can be both global and small, relating to a specific case. You should make a circle of candle wax around the text, blow it out, place it on a laurel leaf, and say the words that attract good luck:

“I attract luck, I come out a winner, I fix the wax with a bay leaf, I turn fortune towards myself. All my cherished dreams will come true, and my wishes will come true, that’s what I want. Amen".

Then read the wish out loud three times. Afterwards, the bay leaf must be carefully placed in paper so that it forms an envelope, which should be carried with you at all times. The written wish and spell on a bay leaf should be repeated every day until it comes true.

For love

Nothing living can live without love; people need it vitally, but everyone receives it in different quantities. Sometimes, no matter what a person does, love does not come, he begins to look for rituals to attract it.

It should be noted that such a ritual awakens a feeling of falling in love, but does not guarantee its longevity - efforts will have to be made to further attract the object. This ritual is fully effective when there is an opportunity to contact your loved one.

Take a few leaves and place them in a porcelain container. Another sheet needs to be set on fire and, making circular movements over the plate, say:

“You, my dear, love me, don’t look at someone else’s side, don’t wander into other people’s mansions. I will fumigate your house with a spicy potion, you will become drunk from my love, you will crawl on your knees, and I will receive you, sip you, hug you.”

1-2 charmed laurel leaves should be placed in the shoes under the insole of the object of love. You should put a similar leaf in your shoes. The shoes need to be worn for 3 days, then get rid of the grass, it is best to burn it. A love spell on a bay leaf can be dangerous, because it resembles a love spell, so you need to weigh everything carefully.


Attracting positive things - love, luck, money in moderation is a good idea, but everyone chooses different ways to implement it. Everyone has their own reasons for choosing, many of them are due to laziness, which prevents you from making minimal efforts to change your life for the better.

Often people choose means of achieving well-being in life, in which they are subsequently disappointed or understand, if the goal is achieved, that they wanted something completely different. This situation often happens to those people who carry out various conspiracies and rituals for bay leaves for money. Too much money can bring them unhappiness that they cannot handle.

Spells with bay leaves for health

The main component of happiness is health. Unfortunately, due to the individual characteristics of each person’s body, pills and various types of medications cannot always cope with the disease. If the disease really does not require serious medical intervention, then try to follow these steps, which will probably contribute to your speedy recovery!

An additional video will help you get rid of the evil eye and damage for free:

Healing ritual with a candle

This healing ritual with bay leaves should be performed on the new moon. First of all, the magic of the leaf helps to increase immunity. To complete it, you will need the following:

  • Dry bay leaf;
  • Church candle;
  • Jug (empty).
You need to stand by an open window, light a candle, and cast a spell against diseases:

“Lord, you are merciful and your heart is kind, send me health, take away illness and all illnesses from me. Add strength to my body, make my legs fast and my head bright. Just as a leaf doesn’t drown in water, I can’t get sick! Amen!"

The laurel leaf should be thrown into a jug and left standing near the window. Wait until the candle burns out completely and bury its stub right in front of the entrance to the house. If you live in an apartment, then you can bury it in a flower pot.

Words to make you feel better

You can read this hex both for the sake of your own health and for the sake of improving the well-being of your loved ones and relatives. In this case, do not forget to insert into the spell words the name of the person for whose sake you are performing the ceremony. To improve your health with laurel and a spell, you will need: a thick needle with a large eye and thread. So, take the thread previously threaded into the needle in your right hand, and three bay leaves in your left hand. Start sewing the sheets together and say the magic spell:

“As a thread is strong, so will my health be strong. I sew the leaves together and ward off all diseases. I won’t know any illness or troubles for many years! And so be it!”

Sewn leaves should be used as a talisman for health; it can be placed under a pillow or mattress.

Magic to attract love

A charmed bay leaf is a universal remedy for returning harmony, love and happiness to the family! Do you feel that your partner has cooled towards you, do you dream of returning the former passion, tenderness and sincerity to the relationship? We share the most effective and proven conspiracies!

Edible love spell for a man

Borscht is the most popular dish with bay leaves!

Let a man's heart go through his stomach - a centuries-old fact that confirms itself every time. By preparing your lover a dinner with the addition of a magical ingredient, you will definitely melt his heart and make him look at you with loving eyes.

Before adding a bay leaf to a dish, take it and say a love spell in a quiet whisper:

“As you enhance the taste of my dish, make it better and more appetizing, so the love of “NAME” for me will intensify. He will adore me with all his soul, pamper me, love me, and carry me in his arms! Let it be so!"

A ritual with a leaf for love without consequences, and is accessible even to people who do not have much experience in the world of magic.

Amulet for harmony in the family

For a happy and carefree family life, you will need to create a small composition from laurel leaves, which should be placed above the entrance to your house or apartment. Three laurel leaves need to be connected to each other, tied at the base with a red thread.

When creating an amulet, you need to say, which will endow the talisman with magical powers:

“Just as the sheets are all connected together, so we and the “NAME” (Names) will be forever connected to each other. Our house is a full cup. Only joy and love reign inside. Whoever wishes us evil will have it returned to him three times. Nothing will separate us, neither on earth nor in heaven! Amen!"

People who made a talisman to protect the family note that family relationships are between husbands and wives.

Bay leaf spells for wealth

No matter what anyone says, happiness directly depends on the amount of finances and income level. Well, it’s impossible to fully enjoy all the delights of life if your roof is leaking and your last winter boots are torn. Spells and rituals with bay leaves will allow you to make your business go uphill - you will get a promotion at work, you will find a wallet with a large sum, a sponsor will appear.

Additional video about laurel and quick money:

There is no harm or consequences from money slander on bay leaves. If you do something wrong, you simply won’t see the effect. Spells on bay leaves for money and success are white magic, so it is simply impossible to harm anyone with it.

Ritual with nickels

“Leaf to leaf, grass to earth, moon to sky, ray to sun. I tie the leaves with a strong thread so that wealth will come to my house. I didn’t wash the evil for, but for the sake of a well-fed and drunken life. Lord, make sure that my home is filled with happiness, joy and prosperity, so that my family lives in abundance! Amen!"

Wrap the leaves in a scarf and drip candle wax on top. After this, the charmed amulet must be hidden somewhere near a reservoir. Make sure that no one sees you during the sacrament!

An ancient spell on laurel for wealth

A ritual for money and luxury, which is performed with a bay leaf, a stone and a candle, is a way to get rich quickly. It is important to strictly follow all the rules of the financial ritual, otherwise you will never notice a positive result. You may also be interested in - there are spells proven over centuries.

A video with a bay leaf will help you fulfill all your wishes:

Take three laurel leaves and place a candle on top of each leaf. Arrange them so that they form a triangle. Place a stone in the center and start whispering a magic spell that sounds like this:

“Stone, you are strong and strong. So don’t let misfortune and poverty into my house, take away all the sorrows and sorrows! Let the benefits come and bring joy. My family will live in abundance, then my affairs will always be smooth! May my wishes come true in the shortest possible time!”

The power of laurel, not as a spice, has long attracted the attention of magicians and fortune-tellers. The bay leaf spell is used in all areas of life. If you want to improve your financial situation, health, attract love or return to your former self, the magic of laurel will help you with everything.

There are bay leaf spells to attract good luck and money.

This spice, which adds a wonderful aroma to your favorite dish, can work magical miracles. Why is it useful:

  • Getting rid of negative energy. Monitor your condition, if you start to worry about trifles, you can’t fall asleep for a long time, perhaps? It's time to protect your home from negativity. Place the laurel in all corners of the apartment.
  • Talisman-amulet against a bad streak in life.
  • Help in making your wishes come true.
  • Strength and good spirits. If you feel very tired and exhausted at the end of the day, simply inhale the aroma from the leaf.
  • Used for rituals aimed at prosperity in the home.
  • A bay leaf spell gets rid of nightmares.

Spells that grant wishes

Take a colored marker, a dish (saucer), a sheet of paper and a candle. You need to retire, relax and think about your deepest desire. Write it on the sheet with a colored marker. The desire must be real, think about it, imagine in all its colors what will happen when it comes true. Press the laurel to your heart and read the spell:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, it happened!

Light the leaf on a saucer from the flame of a white candle. With the help of a magical spell, you will quickly start the process of fulfilling your desire. The bay leaf spell is an excellent, inexpensive remedy that will suit everyone without exception.

The new moon is the time when the effect of rituals intensifies. You can perform the ritual by candlelight. It begins to act immediately.

“Lord, in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, Saint Nicholas, Mother of God of Kazan, help me (desire).”

Ritual with 7 icons

Buy 7 icons of any saints of your choice. Cut out 7 rectangular pieces the size of an icon from paper, on which you need to write 7 wishes. Light a candle and attach the sheets of wishes to the icons with wax. Place the laurel, icons and 7 candles next to them on the table. Read a powerful prayer:

"God! Most Holy Theotokos and all holy Wonderworkers, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my desire (name).”

Be sure to thank the saints, read a prayer of thanksgiving and read the Lord's Prayer every evening.

You need to repeat the wish rituals on a bay leaf every night.

If you really want something, but you don’t have time to wait long, read simple bay leaf spells to attract good luck and to make your wishes come true with the help of bay leaves.

  • Rub several leaves in your palms until fine crumbs, thinking about your desire. Place the dry particles in a fabric bag and place it in your bag.
  • To attract good luck to your home, take 3 laurel leaves and place them under the doormat. Read the text of the plot and open the door:

“Your wish comes true, luck is knocking on your door.”

  • Take 1 piece of paper and whisper your wish to it, then say a spell. Store the bay leaf charmed in this way for 3 days.

“Every wish is destined to come true, it is important for every person to smile. Laurel will attract what I want, and will bring me another success.”

  • Do the same, just wrap the piece of paper in cloth and place it under your pillow with the words:

“The laurel protects my dreams, fulfills my wishes. All the good things that you dream will come true, and the bad things will be forgotten.”

Every night repeat the ritual with a charmed dry bay leaf until it is fulfilled.

Using bay leaves to attract wealth

A bay leaf ritual for big money will also help you increase your income and attract wealth into your home. It is better to read bay leaf conspiracies and rituals for money on the days of the solstice.

Ritual for the waxing moon

Place 2 laurel leaves in any opaque jar and run a coin over them. Write on paper the amount you want to have, and put the bay leaves charmed with coins into a jar with the words:

“Leaves grow - money flows. Coins shine - coins ring. The coins are coming from where I don’t expect them to come from. From now on I will never know trouble again.”

It will be good if you start putting a coin in a jar every day and not taking money for 3 months. Do not show anyone the place where you will hide the jar. This coin from the bank cannot be used to pay even after the expiration date. Only when you feel that you have reached the desired financial status, take the entire amount and exchange the change for a banknote. Perform on a waxing moon; when the moon is waxing, the money goes into your wallet.

There is also a conspiracy on the wallet

Karina Taro, a famous fortune teller, uses laurel as a money amulet. You need to set it on fire with a match, and while the smoke curls, read the spell:

“I will fumigate myself with the aroma of laurel, I will get rich richly day by day. Money will soon enter my life forever, I will now forget what need is. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Place the scorched leaf in your wallet. To attract money, a bay leaf in a wallet will enhance the effect if, before burning it, you drop a few drops of essential oil, preferably orange, and only then burn it and put it in the wallet.

Ritual with a candle

Money ritual is used both to fulfill wishes and to attract money.

On paper, in gold ink, write a number equal to the amount of money you want to receive. Set the laurel on fire and then extinguish it in water. Read the conspiracy for big money with bay leaf:

“By the power of the Gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles, my wish came true, as I commanded, it came true.”

Pour out the remaining water at the intersection of two roads. Soon, the bay leaf money spell will begin to work to improve your financial condition.

Ritual to attract good luck

ritual to attract good luck

You can make an amulet from 5 dry leaves to attract good luck and joyful moments into your life. Sew them together with red thread and hang them above the front door during the waning moon. Read the plot:

“The laurel grew under the scorching sun to bring happiness and good luck to the house.”

Bay leaves enchanted by your powers can be placed under the entrance mat; everyone who crosses the threshold of your home will increase the chances of increasing income.

Love spells

The bay leaf spell helps even in matters concerning a person’s feelings and enticement into one’s love networks. To make a person fall in love with you, to make a lapel, to bewitch, and other methods that influence the sphere of personal relationships.

With the help of a gypsy ritual you can bewitch your beloved man

This is a love spell that women use to bring back their beloved man. A very strong ritual for the love of a man, which will require: birch firewood, 33 laurel leaves and salt.

On the waning moon, choose a deserted clearing or courtyard outside the city and light a fire. Walk in a circle around the fire, throw one leaf at a time into the fire, casting a love spell on a bay leaf:

“Where the birch tree stood in the field, there the beloved went; where its leaves flew, there he came. The fire burned brightly, love was revived, passion was kindled with heat for (your name).”

Let 15 minutes pass, all this time you should walk around the fire and make dance movements, calling on the feminine energy to be filled with passionate fire.

Once the fire goes out, sprinkle salt on the coals. The man should show up the very next day.

Love spell on bay leaf

A harmless ritual of white magic that will help make a man sad; he will pine for you like a charmed dry bay leaf and will certainly call you.

Tie several leaves with a wool thread, preferably red. Go to any body of water where you release them with the words:

“A bay leaf floats on the water, calling its beloved to me.”

Bay leaf can work wonders

The love spell will be a great happiness for you when the ritual works and love comes to you. But what can you expect if you did the rituals incorrectly? Rituals with bay leaves require preliminary moral preparation. Before starting the rituals, read a few recommendations from experienced magicians:

  • make sure you love this man and want to live a long life with him;
  • perform rituals only of white magic;
  • There are rituals that can last more than a month, be patient and finish what you started.

There is no doubt that this spice can work wonders. Without spending large sums of money, you get a whole range of solutions to various problems.

If you are unhappy with your personal life or suffer from loneliness, read white magic conspiracies to attract love into your life; you are haunted by failures - pay attention to the rituals for the spelled dry bay leaf, and if you want to improve your financial situation, read the spell for the bay leaf in your wallet. Try not to perform rituals to take away anything, they are related to black magic and can harm you.