» Pierce your navel.

Pierce your navel.

The navel in a dream symbolizes the beginning of life, as well as sources of joy that increase interest in life and the ability to enjoy it. The dream book believes that everything that dreams of any damage to this part of the body should be considered a warning of impending troubles. Excessive narcissism with a bare belly speaks of carelessness, which can also lead to trouble. A number of common stories indicate a healthy perception of oneself and one’s place under the Sun.

Injuries and damage

The esoteric dream book explains why you dream that your navel is untied. The dream indicates a leak of energy. It is quite possible that, as a result of magical influences, a gap has formed in the sleeping person’s aura, through which vital forces flow out.

In reality, this may be reflected in the following way. If you dreamed that your belly button came undone, take care of the safety of your property in the near future. Material values, especially those most dear to the dreamer, are also associated with his energy shell. Not being parts of the body, they are nevertheless the result of labor and a measure of capabilities.

A dream in which the navel is untied or blood appears in its area also has a physiological background. The plot is often caused by pain that is not yet perceptible in reality.

Bloody navel

Seeing blood from the umbilical cord in a dream also happens to those who are worried about one of their relatives. The dream book warns that, unfortunately, it is not in vain.

There is another explanation for why you dream of blood from the navel. The sleeper's self-esteem can be seriously damaged.

When you happen to see in a dream the absence of a navel in its proper place, the interpretation of dreams states that a little healthy egoism would not harm the dreamer.


If one of the lovers happened to see his passion’s pierced navel in a dream, the dream book reports that jealousy is well founded. To correct the situation, it would not hurt the sleeper to reconsider his attitude towards the object of passion. A pierced navel reflects a secret dream of returning to childhood, once again becoming infinitely loved and attractive.

Having your own navel pierced in a dream happens to those who in reality strive at any cost to increase their own importance, to become a kind of “navel of the earth.”

Beware of gigantism

What you dream of about an unnaturally large protrusion on your stomach personifies an irrepressible craving for pleasure and entertainment. Such outbursts of carelessness can actually lead to loss of income, health problems or problems with loved ones.

If you dreamed that this organ came out and expanded to indecent sizes, the dream book encourages you to think about whether you adequately evaluate yourself. It is possible that your claims to significance only cause condescending ridicule from others.

A dream sometimes means that something alien is constantly burdening you with its presence or interference.

The interpretation of dreams in which the navel came out mentions the energetic connection with the Family and the natural need for it.

Self improvement

Miller's dream book offers an interesting interpretation of what the navel means in dreams. If you clearly dreamed about this belly decoration, this indicates that in reality you are working a lot on yourself. And this is not a tribute to society, but a sincere desire to make your spiritual world richer.

Back to the Future

If you dreamed of a kiss on the navel, the symbol in the dream indicates an unconscious desire to return to one’s roots. Perhaps you have to improve relationships with parents and older relatives or find out an old family secret.

If you dreamed of a branch or flower growing from the junction with the umbilical cord, the dream book explains this symbol with a rich heritage: good health, excellent genetics, a wealth of knowledge, attractive appearance.

Esoteric dream book

  • Yours - you are on the verge of solving some kind of riddle.
  • In a drawing or sculpture - you lack professionalism. We need to learn.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Seeing or feeling in a dream is an unwise act.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • The navel is a symbol of ancestral ties and inherited qualities. Looking at your navel, grooming it - you are too busy with yourself, strive for concentration and depth of thinking. All sorts of illnesses and troubles with the navel are dangers arising from inherited qualities. If the navel becomes untied or “tied”, it is a danger to property or wealth. Looking for your belly button and not finding it means longing for children, danger to living children, childlessness. A convex blue navel with swollen blood vessels means that one is burdened by foreign elements and illnesses. A flower growing from the navel means favorable spiritual development, growth of mental strength. To be connected by an umbilical cord to any object or being is to be burdened by dependence, to outgrow oneself and not be able to become someone else. Having a stone in the navel means teaching, leading, becoming an object of uncritical worship. A navel from which bubbles climb and burst is all kinds of filth.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • The navel is where the umbilical cord exits, connecting you to your mother's uterus. This sign can give you information regarding your relationship with your mother.
  • The navel is the beginning of your silver thread that connects your physical and astral bodies. Are you ready to dance through the universe?
  • In the east, the navel is considered a symbol of the center of the universe. Return to your center.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

  • See interpretation for specific parts of the body.
  • A silver thread connecting the physical body to the astral.
  • In the east, the navel is considered a symbol of the center of the universe.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Navel – energetic connections with parents, family; addiction; significance (idiom: “navel of the earth”). From the navel something grows - a deep connection with what the sprout points to; spiritual development and accumulation of vitality. Pain in the navel - loss of a loved one, farewell to homeland; danger to life.

Old Russian dream book

  • looking at your own is a new life venture with lasting consequences (unusuality of the appearance indicates unusualness of actions or unconventionality); stranger - new love story; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or homeland.

The navel is a symbol of ancestral ties and inherited qualities.

Looking at your navel, grooming it - you are too busy with yourself, strive for concentration and depth of thinking.

All sorts of illnesses and troubles with the navel are diseases, dangers arising from inherited qualities.

If the belly button gets untied or needs to be “tied” - there is a danger to property in the house. Looking for your belly button and not finding it means longing for children, danger for them, childlessness.

A convex blue navel with swollen blood vessels means that one is burdened by foreign elements/diseases.

A flower growing from the navel means favorable spiritual development, growth of spiritual powers.

To be connected by an umbilical cord to any object or creature is to be burdened by dependence / to outgrow oneself and not be able to become someone else.

Having a stone in the navel means teaching, leading / becoming an object of uncritical worship.

A navel from which bubbles climb and burst - all sorts of bad things.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Navel and number one

Seeing a deep, clearly drawn navel on your stomach means that you are carried away by pleasures and have completely forgotten about business; if after 19 days you do not make a decision, then your business will drown or your family will fall apart.

For a young husband to see a huge belly button on his wife’s belly in a dream, it means that his jealousy is completely justified - in ten days he will find his wife in the arms of another man.

Interpretation of dreams from

1 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Why does a woman dream about her belly button:

Navel – energetic connections with parents, family; addiction; significance (idiom: “navel of the earth”). From the navel something grows - a deep connection with what the sprout points to; spiritual development and accumulation of vitality. Pain in the navel - loss of a loved one, farewell to homeland; danger to life.

2 Ancient Russian dream book

Seeing a navel in a dream means:

Navel or navel - Seeing it foreshadows bad news about the condition of parents or children, and sometimes their very death.

3 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The navel is where the umbilical cord exits, connecting you to your mother's uterus. This sign can give you information regarding your relationship with your mother.
The navel is the beginning of your silver thread that connects your physical and astral bodies. Are you ready to dance through the universe?
In the east, the navel is considered a symbol of the center of the universe. Return to your center.

4 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Sleeping with a navel means:

Navel – Possible disease of internal organs. See a doctor and get examined. Navel - You saw a navel in a dream - something new will arise in your life: you will do a new business, you will have a new addiction, you will experience a new feeling. You seem to feel pain in the navel - the dream suggests that your parents do not have everything is fine; another interpretation of the dream: do not leave your homeland in difficult times.

5 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of sleep navel:

See interpretation for specific parts of the body.
A silver thread connecting the physical body to the astral.
In the east, the navel is considered a symbol of the center of the universe.

6 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Navel - You see a navel in a dream - something new will arise in your life: you will do a new business, you will have a new addiction, you will experience a new feeling. You seem to feel pain in the navel - the dream suggests that your parents do not have everything is fine; another interpretation of the dream: do not leave your homeland in difficult times

7 Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed about the Navel - Possible disease of internal organs. See a doctor and get examined.

8 Big online dream book

Navel in a dream means:

Navel - New life venture, love affair; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or homeland.

9 Dream book of E. Ericson

If a girl dreams of a navel, it means:

What is this navel for? 1. To be aware of the presence of a navel in oneself or someone else means awareness of the way in which our inner being is united with the rest of the world. In life, a person often depends emotionally on others, and then the umbilical cord in a dream signifies precisely this dependence. Or perhaps it shows that we are not yet independent enough, we need to start growing up. In dreams, we sometimes need to be aware of our body in order to understand how best to fit into the world around us. 2. The navel in a dream represents our dependence on others, especially our mother. This is our emotional center, as well as the center of energy and strength. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the navel or solar plexus is the link connecting the spiritual and the physical.

10 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Why does a woman dream about her belly button:

The navel is a symbol of ancestral ties and inherited qualities. Looking at your navel, grooming it - you are too busy with yourself, strive for concentration and depth of thinking. All sorts of illnesses and troubles with the navel are dangers arising from inherited qualities. If the navel becomes untied or “tied”, it is a danger to property or wealth. Looking for your belly button and not finding it means longing for children, danger to living children, childlessness. A convex blue navel with swollen blood vessels means that one is burdened by foreign elements and illnesses. A flower growing from the navel means favorable spiritual development, growth of mental strength. To be connected by an umbilical cord to any object or being is to be burdened by dependence, to outgrow oneself and not be able to become someone else. Having a stone in the navel means teaching, leading, becoming an object of uncritical worship. A navel from which bubbles climb and burst is all kinds of filth.

11 Ukrainian dream book

Why does a woman dream about her belly button:

Navel - Navel - love; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or family.

12 Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

Seeing a navel in a dream means:

Pain in the navel area indicates that the author of the dream is treating his wife poorly.

13 Old Russian dream book

A dream with a navel is interpreted in the dream book as:

looking at your own is a new life venture with lasting consequences (unusuality of the appearance indicates unusualness of actions or unconventionality); stranger - new love story; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or homeland.

14 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Sleeping with a navel means:

to see or feel in a dream is an unwise act.

15 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of sleep navel:

Navel - Looking at your own - a new life venture with lasting consequences (an unusual appearance indicates unusual actions or unconventionality; someone else's - a new love affair; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or homeland. Navel - Energy connections with parents, family; addiction ; significance (idiom: “navel of the earth”).
From the navel something grows - a deep connection with what the sprout points to; spiritual development and accumulation of vitality. Pain in the navel - loss of a loved one, farewell to homeland; danger to life. Navel - New life venture, love affair; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or homeland. Navel - Seeing or feeling in a dream is an unwise performance.

16 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a navel:

Navel - You are on the verge of solving some kind of riddle. You lack professionalism in your drawing or sculpture. We need to learn. Navel - Seeing or feeling in a dream is an unwise performance. Navel - Seeing a deep, clearly defined navel on your stomach in a dream means that you are carried away by pleasures and completely forgot about business; if after 19 days you do not make a decision, then your business will drown or your family will fall apart.
For a young husband to see a huge belly button on his wife’s belly, it means that his jealousy is completely justified - in ten days he will find his wife in the arms of another man.

Navel - Death of relatives, bad news, love; hurts - losses associated with relatives. Navel - Navel - love; pain in the navel - losses associated with parents or family. Navel or navel - Seeing in a dream foretells bad news about the condition of parents or children, and sometimes their very death.

17 Dream book of E. Ericson

What can a navel mean in a dream:

  • To be aware of the presence of a navel in oneself or someone else means awareness of the way in which our inner being is united with the rest of the world. In life, a person often depends emotionally on others, and then an umbilical cord in a dream means precisely this dependence. Or, it shows that we are not yet independent enough, we need to start growing up. In dreams, we sometimes need to be aware of our body in order to understand how best to fit into the world around us.
  • A navel in a dream means our dependence on others, especially our mother. This is our emotional center, as well as the center of energy and strength.
  • From a spiritual point of view, the navel or solar plexus is the link connecting the spiritual and the physical.
  • According to the Modern Dream Book, the navel is always a symbol of the beginning of life, and also means for the person who dreamed about it that he will soon be able to touch the source of joy. In the coming days after this dream, joy, taste for life, and the ability to enjoy it will most likely increase.

    Health and success

    Seeing a navel in a dream is a very good sign. But it all depends on the details of your dream. If the navel is damaged or injured, you should think about your position in life and stop being a careless person, then you can live calmly and easily get out of the most difficult situations. Some dream books say that a person who saw a navel in a dream has found his place in life and is moving along the right path.

    Seeing a navel that has come loose in a dream is a sign warning that you need to be more careful with your aura. You shouldn’t get angry and offended by the people around you, in this case you can avoid a lot of trouble. You also need to think about the integrity of your personal property:

    • Don't lend money.
    • Do not borrow anything yourself in the coming days.

    Why do you dream about the navel, around which it flows? Such a dream could mean that you actually have a stomach ache. But health problems can certainly be avoided if you consult a doctor in time. Also, such a dream may indicate that one of your close relatives is very worried about you - most likely, your mother. It's worth calling her and reassuring her that you're okay.

    The Esoteric Dream Book contains information that blood near the navel in a dream is a warning that one should not be too proud. If you are more self-critical of yourself and more patient with others, then your relationships with people will develop very harmoniously. But a dream in which the navel is not in the place where it should be, on the contrary, suggests that the dreamer could use a little healthy egoism.

    Decorations and sizes

    It happens that a person dreams of belly buttons with piercings. Such a dream may indicate that you are in vain jealous of your “other half”. Of course, you should not blindly trust anyone, but still in love there must be mutual understanding, trust and respect.

    In the Modern Dream Book, a pierced navel in a dream is interpreted as the dreamer’s desire to return to youth or childhood and again become an object of adoration, because small children are so loved and cherished. If in a dream you pierce your navel yourself, then most likely in reality you strive to become the center of the earth.

    The larger the piercing hole, the more self-centered you are. By and large, there is nothing wrong with this desire, because each of us is the center of our own lives, and for each of us the world begins with ourselves.

    Why do you dream about an unrealistically large belly button? This is a symbol of the fact that a person has a great craving for entertainment and pleasure. Of course, this is a good thing, but you shouldn’t overdo it in this regard to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Seeing a navel that sticks out strongly in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer cannot always adequately assess the situation. You should calm down your emotionality a little, and then life will surely sparkle with new colors. And, by the way, this will earn the respect of the people around you. A dream in which the navel is located outside the abdomen also suggests that communication with the spirits of the family is very important for a person.

    Miller's dream book contains an interesting interpretation. Seeing a navel, according to him, is a sign that a person is working hard on himself. Moreover, this is not just some kind of tribute to the fashion for self-improvement, but a true desire to make your spiritual world richer, so that not a single day is lived in vain.

    When you dreamed that they were kissing you on the navel, try to remember whether you have good relations with all your relatives. If not, then you should give up your ambitions and be the first to reconcile.

    It happens that you may dream of a navel from which a tree grows. This is a very good sign, indicating that you have excellent genetics, good health and attractive appearance.

    Seeing a dirty navel in a dream is a warning that you are overly trusting of the people around you and you should be a little more careful in choosing new friends. Author: Elena Ragozina