» The strongest boy in the world. The strongest children in the world (16 photos) The strongest teenager in the world

The strongest boy in the world. The strongest children in the world (16 photos) The strongest teenager in the world

Many parents teach their children to play sports from a very early age. But only a few of them, even before they really get stronger, manage to set world records and make themselves known more loudly than professional athletes with many years of experience.

Giuliano and Claudio Stroe

Romanian brothers-strongmen began conquering Guinness Book records from an early age. The older brother Giuliano began training with his father at the age of two, and at the age of four he first entered the Book of Records for the fastest ten-meter walk on his hands with a gymnastic ball clamped between his legs. Giuliano set another record at the age of 9, doing 20 push-ups on wooden pegs.

The youngest in the family, Claudio, was not inferior to his brother and also set his first record at the age of 4 - he did 20 push-ups from the floor in a handstand.

Maryana Naumova

Our compatriot Maryana Naumova, at the age of 16, has already set more than 20 world records in the bench press. The first resounding success happened at the age of 11 at a competition in Moscow, when Maryana bench pressed 60 kg. After this, the schoolgirl was recognized as the discovery of the year according to the World of Power magazine.

Soon, Maryana became the first teenage girl allowed to compete at one of the main tournaments on the planet for strongmen - the Arnold Classic. Arnold Schwarzenegger personally congratulated the athlete on her victory and new record. Last year, at the same Arnold Classic, Maryana already bench-pressed 150 kg in single-layer equipment.

Richard Sandrak

An American guy with Ukrainian roots started lifting when he was only six years old, and already at eight he had the fastest punches in the world - 110 punches in 15 seconds and 30 kicks in the same time. Soon little Richard was noticed by the media, after which with his performances he graced the main events in the world of bodybuilding - Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classic, Night of Champions and others.

In 2005, when Richard was only 12 years old, he became the host of the video program “Little Hercules Training for Children,” which was translated into many languages, including Russian. Now Richard is 23 years old, and physically he is practically no different from his peers.

Yang Jinlong

Yang became known around the world as China's strongest child at the age of seven when Chinese television showed the first-grader pulling a 2-ton car. His father personally took over his son’s training after the child lifted and carried his 90-kilogram parent on his back. The little strongman does not have an athletic build at all; at the age of 7 he weighed more than 50 kilograms.

C.J. Center

An ordinary boy from Georgia, C.J., became the youngest fitness instructor in history at the age of 10. The child began training at the age of five, and already at ten he released his first disc with his training method, which sold 4,500 copies in the first months.

Jake Schellenschlager

Another outstanding American teenager, Jake Schellenschlager, became famous throughout the world by lifting a barbell weighing 136 kilograms at the age of 14, which is more than twice his body weight. It is worth noting that, unlike previous strongmen, Jake began training quite late - at the age of 11, and achieved a world record in just over two years.

A schoolgirl from New Jersey was recognized as the world's strongest girl in 2012, when she was 10 years old. Naomi squatted a barbell weighing 97.5 kilograms with her own weight of 42 kg. A year later, she was able to further improve her results by squatting with a barbell of 105 kg and deadlifting with a weight of 113 kg.

Varvara Akulova

A girl from Krivoy Rog was included in the Guinness Book of Records twice - first in 2004 as the strongest child on the planet, and then as the strongest girl in the world. Varvara first competed in powerlifting competitions at the age of four and, with her own weight of 22 kg, showed a result of 92.5 kg in the sum of three exercises.

Already at the age of 10, the girl began performing regularly in the circus. Her most impressive performance was lifting a platform with 10 men, the total weight of which was about 700 kg.

Undoubtedly, every father wants his son to grow into a truly strong man. And some begin to care about this almost from the cradle. What kind of training do fathers achieve such results?

Strong children

Does human strength depend only on nature? Of course, no one is born with bodybuilder muscles. But perseverance, the will to win, the fortitude inherent in strong people - all these qualities are inherent in us from birth. And in combination with competent training it gives stunning results.

It is believed that boys are stronger than girls. Meanwhile, some girls easily refute this opinion! For example, a resident of Ukraine Varvara Akulova, who was twice included in the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest girl in the world. Varya’s father began training her from the age of two weeks, and by the age of four she was lifting a weight of 92 kilograms.

And another girl, Maryana Naumova, at the age of 13 already appeared on the cover of the specialized publication on powerlifting “Powerlifting USA”. She holds 16 world records and is the absolute record holder among teenage girls. Her father is also involved in Maryana’s sports education.

The strongest boys

But young girls in strength sports are still a rare phenomenon. But almost every father tries to raise boys as real men. And if a child shows a penchant for playing sports, the result is not long in coming.

In 2001, a Russian boy, Bruce Khlebnikov, entered the Guinness Book of Records. The fate of this unusual boy is very interesting. Throughout her pregnancy, his mother watched films starring Bruce Lee, after whom he got his name. And the boy tried to imitate his idol from childhood. At the age of seven, he already became a prize-winner at the Moscow Wushu Championship, and also set many records, most of which he invented for himself.

Also, at the age of seven, a native of China, Yang Jinlong, became famous. At this young age, Ian could already move a car and also carry an adult on his back. His parents say that the boy had a voracious appetite from childhood, and he trained his strength by carrying sacks of grain.

The strongest five-year-old boy in the world

And this little guy was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009 as the strongest boy in the world. At the age of five, world fame awaited him for his amazing successes. Together with his father, a former athlete, Giuliano Strohe began training at the age of two. His fame was brought to him by his performance on an Italian TV show, which was watched by several thousand people.

The exercises he does are truly amazing. For example, he can do 20 push-ups on wooden pegs in a position parallel to the floor without his feet touching it. Giuliano's muscles are quite well developed for his age, and he looks almost like an adult athlete.

Giuliano's younger brother, Claudio, also loves to play sports and practically keeps up with him. Some people condemned the boys' father for pushing his sons too hard during training. But he denies these speculations, explaining that kids study exactly as much as they want, and the rest of the time they devote to ordinary children's activities - games, drawing and cartoons.

As we see, it is quite possible to raise a real strongman. Hard training and the perseverance of parents can quickly make a champion out of a small child. The main thing is not to overdo it and leave the baby time to play and communicate with other children, which is so important for him at this age.

The strongest and greatest warrior of all time was also a boy

It is from such boys that the greatest warriors grow up. From time immemorial, men have tested their strength in battles. And some of them went down in history thanks to their exploits, and we still remember their names. Legends and songs were written about them, stories about these heroes were passed down through generations and have come down to us.

One of these people was Spartacus, the great gladiator. He honed his art of combat in the arena, where victory or death awaited him. And the cry “Spartak is the champion!” known to people since those ancient times. Spartacus died heroically in the uprising he led, taking with him many of his enemies.

The famous knight Richard the Lionheart is a character in numerous legends. And his nickname was rightfully given to him - he showed remarkable strength and courage in battles with the Saracens. He preferred to fight with a two-handed sword, although once, having broken it, he killed about a dozen enemies with his bare hands.

The legendary Viking Ragnar Lothbrok once frightened naughty children in many countries. And it’s not surprising, because his gigantic height and enormous strength were truly terrifying. With the help of an ax, he literally scattered his opponents to the sides. In all this time, there was not a single warrior who could defeat Lodbrok in a one-on-one fight.

Well, unlike the stern Viking, the Russian hero Ilya Muromets is a completely positive character. Although we consider him a hero of fairy tales and epics, he actually existed in reality and was in the service of the Prince of Kyiv. But his strength was truly fabulous, and besides, he masterfully wielded a mace, his favorite weapon.

By the way, according to the site, even in childhood, the strongest man in Russia, Elbrus Nigmatullin, showed his abilities. He could even move a motor ship!
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Since ancient times, strength and courage have been valued in boys. All nations have legends about mighty heroes who, from childhood, amazed those around them with their unprecedented strength. Nowadays, strong children attract public attention and sometimes become the cause of sensations or even scandals.

Bruce Khlebnikov

Bruce Khlebnikov is a boy of Armenian origin, whose name was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the first time in 2001. Bruce's mother admitted to reporters that during pregnancy she was constantly drawn to watch films with Bruce Lee, after whom she named her newborn son. The boy, as if even in the womb, was imbued with sympathy for the great fighter and from an early age began to imitate his beloved hero. Bruce trained tirelessly under the supervision of his parents and managed to achieve amazing success.

Bruce's name first appeared in the Guinness Book of Records when he was seven years old. The child was able to move the Volga car. A couple of years later a new record was set. Bruce managed to move a huge military fighter, which weighs up to 12 tons. In total, the Book of Records contains about thirty records of a miracle boy from Russia, the strongest child in the world.

By the way, Bruce even personally knows Van Damme, who highly appreciated not only the unprecedented strength, but also the excellent stretching of the young man. Currently, the matured Bruce lives in Moscow and sometimes acts in films. The hero prefers not to advertise his personal life.

Another feature of Bruce Khlebnikov is that he has not cut his hair since birth. Maybe his strength lies in his hair, like Samson?

Little Chinese Yang Jinlong, like Bruce Khlebnikov, was able to get into the Guinness Book of Records for the first time at the age of seven. It was then that he managed to not only move a passenger car, but also carry an adult man on his back.

Yan’s mother and father say that from birth their child had a simply inhuman appetite, which caused amazement among the people around him. This is precisely what they explain its unprecedented power. In addition, Yang independently trained his muscles, carrying heavy sacks filled with grain from place to place. The weight of one such bag reaches 60 kilograms, so the child’s strength is truly amazing, because lifting such a bag is not difficult for him.

Ian has one more feature: at seven years old, he weighs as much as 50 kilograms. The rest of the children look rather slender compared to the hero.

In his homeland, Yang is very popular, since strong people have always been valued in Eastern cultures.

Giuliano was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009 as the strongest boy in the world. At that time, the little Italian was only five years old. The child's father is a former athlete. He began training his son at the age of two, using unique methods that he developed independently, taking into account Giuliano’s individual characteristics and preferences. The training really turned out to be very effective: the exercises that the baby is able to perform are amazing. The child is able to do push-ups parallel to the floor without touching it with his feet. Not every adult athlete can perform such tricks. In addition, Giuliano has developed muscles, due to which he looks quite unusual for a small child.

Giuliano has a younger brother, Claudio, who is also very active in strength sports. Already at the age of three, Claudio was able to do his first hundred push-ups.

It is worth noting that the public often condemned the father of the children, believing that he overloaded the children too much and harmed their developing bodies. This is necessary in order to attract attention to children and cash in on their worldwide popularity. However, the man denies all arguments and claims that his sons like to train. They practice as much as they want, and between bars and weight lifting they draw, watch cartoons, or play outdoors with their friends. To dispel the doubts of the alarmed public, the father regularly arranges complete medical examinations for the children, the results of which become known to the general public.

In 2012, at the age of seven, this boy from Ukraine set a world record for continuous push-ups. In two hours, the child did four thousand push-ups, without ever stopping to rest. This test took almost two and a half hours. Thus, it took Andrey just over two seconds to do one push-up. The record was set in the presence of sports experts and numerous journalists, who were shocked by the unprecedented strength of the child and his will to win.

Andrey was trained by his father, Alexander Kostash. Alexander claims that he never put pressure on Andrei and did not force him to perform exercises to develop muscles. His son one day expressed a desire to take up sports. When the training began, the amazed Alexander noticed that the child’s muscles were developing at an unprecedented speed, and his strength was growing exponentially. After just a week of training, Andrei could do push-ups about a hundred times. Gradually, the son overtook his father both in technique and in the number of approaches. At the moment, Andrei is preparing to set new records for squeezing a barbell, the weight of which is more than half the boy’s weight.

True, Andrei is not going to devote his life to sports. Currently, he is actively acting in films in Ukraine and abroad.

Ukrainian Varvara Akulova is the strongest girl in the world, but that’s another story.

: a smiling boy with long, “Indian” hair, skillfully demonstrating his very childish muscles. Richard Sandrak was a truly unique child. At the ages of six, seven and ten, he amazed the world with his mature, athletic physique.

Richard was born in Ukraine in 1992. His parents, Pavel and Lena, were world martial arts champions and also fitness instructors. The family moved to the United States when Richard was two years old. The Sandracks wanted their son to become popular and get into show business, so after moving to California, they hired a personal trainer for Richard.

Richard's physique, which is completely unusual for his age, is the result of long and probably very tiring training. Opinions about whether such a distribution between the fat and muscle tissues of a child is normal have caused and still cause a lot of controversy. The question is also controversial: were such results achieved only through natural, “sports” means? And didn’t young Richard Sandrak become a victim of adults greedy for sensations? Richard's parents claim that they did not give their son any additional hormonal drugs other than plant and animal proteins.

His father says that Richard trained exclusively under the supervision of a trainer, and the method by which he managed to pump up the child is quite healthy and understandable. This, according to my father, is a complex that provides each muscle group with the same amount of rest and load. Richard quickly developed and gained momentum. At the age of six, he bench pressed 81 kg, and two years later - 95 kg. In addition, Richard trained in a martial arts school, where he developed speed, coordination and strength to perfection. Trainers believe that at the age of eight he had the fastest and most powerful punches and kicks in the world. 110 punches in 15 seconds and 30 kicks in the same 15 seconds - this is the achievement of then eight-year-old Richard Sandrak.

The boy dreamed of becoming an actor. Of course, an actor in action films. Unfortunately, Richard's childhood was not carefree. His dad forced him to do hundreds of approaches a day. In addition, he was not allowed to eat junk food or sweets. When Richard was 11 years old, his father was jailed for domestic violence. From that moment on, Richard gave up bodybuilding.

Now he prefers cardio exercises to strength training to keep himself in shape. Richerd is now 24 years old and works as a stuntman at Universal Studios Hollywood. It seems like being set on fire and jumping off a platform is less stressful for him than being a bodybuilder. Richard has no regrets about his past. “I'm very proud of my background. It's not something I want to hide from people, I just don't want to live in the past,” he admitted to Inside Edition.

By the way, 21-year-old Julia Vince can compete with Richard. Despite her young age, she has already become famous throughout the world as the “muscular Barbie” from Russia. She was nicknamed that way because she combines the seemingly incompatible - a doll-like face and a muscular body... very muscular! The girl started weightlifting in 2012, and within a year her body had undergone significant changes. The owner of numerous victories and titles said that she is gaining weight due to proper nutrition, consuming large amounts of protein and sports nutrition. But they don’t really believe her.

Surely, any dad dreams of his son becoming a real man - healthy, strong, strong and self-confident. Incredible results are achieved by some parents who begin to engage in physical education of their child from a very young age. Let's find out who the strongest boy in the world is and how he can surprise fans of a healthy and athletic lifestyle.

Young athlete from Romania

In Romania, almost everyone has heard about the young athlete who, in 2009, appeared on the pages of the famous Book of Records. Giuliano Strohe immediately became world famous as soon as this strongest boy in the world, 5 years old, walked a distance of ten meters on his hands, while his legs were always in the air. An important fact is that between the legs of the muscular boy there was a rubber ball, with the help of which they do fitness. This was the first record for this pumped-up kid, who happily demonstrates his athletic abilities.

The young athlete made his debut on an Italian TV channel. After this, Giuliano’s parents posted the video on the Internet - the video was immediately viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. The strongest boy set the latest record by doing twenty push-ups on one hand - he was parallel to the floor, and his legs were suspended. One has only to look at the photo of this young athlete, and one can immediately notice that Giuliano’s muscles are well pumped up, and at this age the boy looks like a real adult.

Training from the age of two

The most pumped up boy began training his muscles when he was still two years old. The boy's training was carried out jointly with his father. Having trained and received his first results, the boy began to demonstrate his skills in Italian and in Romania, which has now become his home for the athlete. Some fans of the young athlete admire his father, but there are those who accuse Giuliano’s father of exploiting his young son and making money from him. But the boy’s father assured all his son’s fans that he himself, being a professional gymnast, only instilled in his son a true love of sports. And for the dissatisfied Romanians, he says that Giuliano does not overexert himself at all, but devotes as much time to sports as his capabilities allow him, and the rest of the time the boy spends like his peers - plays, watches cartoons, draws.

The older brother is an example for the younger!

And the younger brother Giuliano tries to keep up in sports development - he is also interested in physical activity and follows the example of his older brother. Although he has not set any records yet, he is trying with all his might to be strong and resilient. The Strohe brothers are greatly helped in this by their father, who leaves a lot of time for the kids to play and communicate with their friends.

More young record holders in sports

There are also boys who have set unique records in sports achievements. Thus, the Russian boy Bruce Khlebnikov in 2001 became a representative of the Book of Records, practicing wushu. The history of this boy’s athletic development is very interesting - his mother, being “in a position,” loved watching films with Bruce Lee. In fact, the young athlete was named in honor of this actor, who at the age of seven received a prize at the Moscow Wushu Championship.

The Chinese Yang Jinlong also became famous at the age of seven, who can move and carry an adult on his back. His parents said that, starting from a very young age, Jan loved to eat a lot, and he trained his muscles by carrying sacks of grain.

The girls are not far behind!

Of course, when it comes to athletes and powerlifters, male athletes are the most common in this field. But there are also girls who are incredibly strong. One such person can be called the Ukrainian Varvara Akulova, who also made it into the Book of Records - she was called the strongest girl. At the age of four, this girl could already lift 92 kg. And here the father had a hand in his daughter’s success, who began to pay attention to the girl’s sports education from the age of two weeks.

Among female athletes, Maryana Naumova became famous, having already become the owner of sixteen world records. And again, her father played a significant role in the girl’s physical education. So, all the achievements of these children confirm that parents can do a lot to develop their child’s sports career. One has only to try – and once again a new “star” lights up on the “firmament of sports”, bearing glorious world records.