» The symbol on Dhi is a treasury with jewels “butter is from milk, treasure is from the ocean.

The symbol on Dhi is a treasury with jewels “butter is from milk, treasure is from the ocean.

Who among us hasn’t wanted to look beyond the boundaries of time to see our future, loved ones and loved ones? People turn to higher powers, witches and fortune tellers in moments of confusion and genuine curiosity.

Tibetan ancient fortune telling MO will help you see the truth

History of fortune telling MO

Tibetan fortune telling came, in turn, from the eastern regions where Buddhism is preached. It originates from Tibet many centuries ago, but has not become obsolete, but has taken root in the everyday life of this people.

Fortune telling is not very different from fortune telling using tarot cards. Ancient writings say that this fortune telling was given by Manjushri, the god of wisdom over all the Buddhas who came to earth. Therefore, before fortune telling, you need to remember it, visualize it before your eyes and concentrate on the image.

Manjushri is described as a youth of seventeen years of age, whose skin is different at each meeting, it can be yellow, blue, green, orange or white. Everything will depend on the purpose for which he came to you. In the paintings he is depicted sitting in the lotus position.

His hands are busy: his right holds a fiery sword of wisdom and enlightenment, and his left holds a blue lotus, inside of which is the Book of True Wisdom. Each of the objects reflects onto the sage's face, painting each of its halves in contrasting colors.

About fortune telling itself

Tibetan divination itself is performed by throwing dice two or four times. Each of the numbers on the bone corresponds to a specific syllable from the mantra, which is addressed to the deity. Combinations of syllables are the answer to your question. There are 36 combinations in total, but each answer can be deeply interpreted both in a positive and negative direction, so in fact there are 72 answer options.

The fortune telling technique is very simple and understandable - the theory of probability. Even if our people don’t really trust random events, much less random numbers on dice, the Eastern people have this deep philosophical concept and they pay tribute to the choice of the Universe.

There is a good Eastern essay on this topic, which explains that every small event that happened completely unexpectedly is part of a huge planned action. Deserts were collected grain by grain, and oceans were collected drop by drop. With this thought, fortune telling takes on an interesting meaning, much deeper than just two syllables and dice rolls.

When you guess, you can roll the dice twice, or four. Depending on the complexity of the question posed. The first throw of the dice is the current state of affairs, the second is the future. There is also a variation of fortune telling for two people, in which case the first die will characterize the affairs of the person throwing the dice, and the second will characterize the affairs of the person sitting next to him.

Thus, you can carry out fortune telling on love, then as a result these two syllables will show the general state of the relationship between the people fortune telling. This will be useful if a girl is guessing about her beloved.

MO - Tibetan fortune telling that helps to find out the state of relationships

Interpretation of syllables

In fortune telling, mo uses 6 syllables, in accordance with the number of sides of the bone. It is not necessary to buy special dice in order to guess. You can name the syllables by numbers yourself.

Here is a possible option: 1-DHI, 2-RA, 3-PA, 4-CA, 5-NA, 6-AX. But what do these letter combinations mean?

  1. DHI – translated means superiority, ideality, wisdom, understanding, thinking. In combinations, DHI indicates an increase in one or another aspect.
  2. RA – strength, flame, matters of the heart, inner desires, diction, conversations, oratory.
  3. PA – harmony in the world, peace, water poems, speech, a sense of inner balance.
  4. TA – rudeness, cruelty, wind and sand, earth and air, contact, communication, message, breath of life.
  5. AH – ease, general understanding, simplicity in business, absence of obstacles.

AH means mutual understanding, lightness and cloudlessness

How to guess?

It would seem that everything is extremely simple: you roll the dice once, remember the syllable, roll it a second time, look at the meaning of these two syllables and apply them to your life - however, you need to prepare spiritually for this fortune-telling.

First of all, you need to understand what exactly you need to know. Formulate the question clearly and write it down on a piece of paper. It is important that the question is as simple and clear as possible. You can also reformulate the same question in different ways so that you can better understand the answer you receive.

Think about what this question refers to: are you asking about your immediate income, matters of the heart, or your grandmother’s health? You need to understand the scope. Now remember the deity of wisdom, Manjushri, his appearance and attributes in his hands. Mentally address him, read the mantra to attract his attention:

OM! O glorious Manjushri, possessed of the gaze of transcendental wisdom, you see the past, present and future, listen to me! By the power of the real Truth, the Three Jewels and the Three Roots, tell me what to accept and what to reject.

  1. Reread your question out loud over the dice.
  2. Roll the dice. Throwing the dice away from you or towards you does not matter. Now look at the top edge and write down the result.
  3. Roll the dice again and record the result again.
  4. Now analyze the result. If you received a clear answer, then the fortune telling on mo is completed, and if not, then you should roll the dice two more times.
  5. Make a connection between the first two throws and the subsequent ones, try to understand the result.

Draw a conclusion, decide for yourself what to do and what not. If you still don't understand the answer, then you need to change the question and pose it differently. Simplify it or provide an alternative. Continue fortune telling until you get a clear answer to your question.

Interpretation of syllable matches

Now we will look at all 36 answer variations that you may get.

AH AH - Clear sky

If you had any problems in your life before, now everything will be settled. A clear sky after a cloudy period is exactly what the coincidence of these two syllables portends.

AH AH (Clear Sky) - soon all problems will be solved and peace will come in life

AH PA - Good Moon

Fortune smiles on you and the great Manjushri, who has the gaze of transcendental wisdom, will help you, you see the past, present and future, calm and reasonable. Everything will work out.

AH CA – Clear Star

The most fertile period for you has now begun. Everything you have worked hard on will begin to work for you, and all new things will move forward with ease. The moment has come when, with a minimum of effort, you can get a lot.

AH NA – Golden Land

If you've been diligently doing one thing and working up a sweat, now it's worth taking a break and just watching how your work pays off. The Golden Land is a great match for businessmen.

AH DHI - Vajra Saraswati

Good news for the fortuneteller. Of all the possible combinations in fortune telling, this is the luckiest combination. Even if nothing surprising is happening to you now, who knows, maybe you are on the verge of new miracles?

RA AH - Bright lamp

The first meaning of the symbols, which can have different interpretations - it all depends on your attitude to the situation. A bright lamp means that a period has come when only you yourself can save the situation.

RA RA – Add fuel to the fire

Challenges await you, for which you will receive a fairly large reward. Such a coincidence of syllables will be especially successful for people who manage people.

RA PA – Mara – demon of death

Do not be afraid of the demon of death, this is not in the literal sense. Just as winter is the death of autumn and spring is the death of winter, so Mara only opens the door to a new life, which will be different from the one now. For better or worse, it depends on you.

RA CA – King of Power

A combination of determination. It's time to stop pointlessly scrolling through pages on the Internet; the time has come when you should take the situation into your hands, start tearing and throwing. Prove to yourself and others that you are the King of Power.

RA NA – Withered tree

A sad, absolutely calm period in which you should not start new things. It’s better to just wait it out and endure the difficulties. Calm down and wait is not stupidity in the current situation, but a wise decision.

RA DHI – Door of auspicious visions

You have recently experienced a difficult period in your life, which has changed your attitude towards everything that has been and will be. Now, after a difficult battle with problems, everything is getting better.

PA AH – Nectar vessel

Good sign. It indicates that everything in your life has begun to change for the better and indicates that it is time for you to act. Be persistent and all closed doors will open.

The nectar vessel, PA AH, says that you need to be purposeful and then everything will work out

PA RA – Drying Pond

A little earlier in your life everything was fine, and life was riotous with colors. However, it doesn’t happen that everything will be perfect forever. Now comes a difficult period that you will have to endure by gritting your teeth.

PA PA – Ocean of Nectar

Everything that has been troubling your soul will dissipate. Luck will return to you again. Even if it seems that the world has become too generous to you, do not be alarmed, accept gifts with honor, you deserve it.

PA CA – Mara – demon of passions

Your mind is too overwhelmed by unnecessary worries and worries. Unnecessary temptations drag you along, creating noise in your head. Calm down and think about every new decision.

PA NA – Golden Lotus

The world around you is a blooming garden. All things go joyfully and easily, and you reach the top. PA NA promises you a happy period of life.

PA DHI - Healing nectar

A soul battered by difficult experiences finds peace. The world opens before you like a beautiful lotus, inviting you to accept its gifts and immerse yourself in peace.

TA AH – White umbrella of good luck

No matter how you decide to act in the future, all decisions are correct. The goddess of success and luck protects you. Fate opens the door to a bright future.

CA RA – Flaming Sword

The Universe has given you a flaming sword - use it and go towards your goal. Even if you’re scared, even if you’re not confident in yourself, go. You will succeed.

CA PA – Emptiness of the mind

Stop. Take a deep breath. Where are you running? The combination of CA PA shows that now it is worth putting off all important matters and relaxing. You won't be able to do anything useful if you keep banging on a dead door.

CA CA – Banner of Glory

The situation is similar with CA RA, the world blesses you for new achievements. Don't hesitate - act.

CA NA – Mara – demon skandhas

You're really out of luck. Fate has turned its back on you. Everything is going wrong. However, do not fall into despair, think about what you can do to make things work out. There is always a calm after a storm.

CA DHI - House of Good News

All problems are now behind you and you have nothing to fear. Fears are in the past, and only joyful days lie ahead.

House of Good News, CA DHI - all the problems are behind you and you have nothing to fear now

NA AH – Golden Mountain

You slowly rise to the top, to success. It won't be fast, but it will be easy and relaxed. Especially if you easily adapt to changes around you, then Golden Mountain is a celebration of life for you.

NA RA – Mara – Son of the Celestial

Get yourself together and be prepared for a difficult time in your life. But don't focus only on bad things, watch what experience this or that event brings to life.

NA PA – Precious vessel filled to the brim

Grace that came to you for all the difficult experiences that you experienced. Everything that you lost, you will gain again, even in the best possible way.

IN CA – A crumbling mountain of sand

The achievements you get in the end will not be worth all the work. It's a pity that you find out about this now. And even if you know that your work will soon fall apart, you will not be able to protect it from this fate.

NA NA – Golden Abode

Very soon your life will change. Paradise is around the corner, you just need to be patient a little. Don't be afraid of the rapid changes around you - they are for the better.

NA DHI - Treasury with jewelry

If you are planning to love, then this coincidence of syllables indicates that success awaits you in this area. Luck will smile on both you and your partner.

DHI AH - Appearance of Manjushri

God himself decided to look at you and gave you good luck in all your affairs. There will definitely be sharp jumps from “good” to “nowhere better.”

DHI RA – Endless knot of luck

Each new event will be good, and each subsequent one will be better. Many surprises await you, although many of your affairs may not go according to plan.

DHI PA – Goldfish

Remember the Russian fairy tale about the goldfish? Something similar began to happen in your life, only without the offensive end, when you are left with nothing. The Universe loves you.

DHI CA – White shell

Lots of pleasant surprises. Your inner enthusiasm will begin to awaken and you will discover a lot of useful and good things in yourself. During this period, you will change from the inside beyond recognition.

DHI NA – Golden Wheel

New beautiful horizons are opening up to your eyes. Everything will be fine, even if everything is very bad now. The golden wheel is like a promise from above, which says that your life will become wonderful.

DHI DHI - Victory Banner

In future matters, you can only emerge victorious. Don’t be afraid to do, be afraid to miss opportunities, because fate has decided to give you a great chance.

"Lord of Thirty-Six Cities"

An unusually successful period has come in your life, when one favorable situation is immediately replaced by the next, no less fruitful. The sign “DHI AH – Appearance of Manjushri” that you received during fortune telling is evidence of your extraordinary luck.

Everyone whose life now passes under this sign has every chance of achieving the cherished peaks that they have been striving for for so long. Isn’t it true that we all hide somewhere at the bottom of our souls the most important to us, and therefore the most secret desires?

It is unlikely that you are an exception to this rule. Think carefully: what of the previously planned things have you safely “put” in the recesses of your soul, so that these hopes - alas, unfulfilled - do not poison your life with their constant presence? We advise you not only to reconsider your unfinished plans, but also to properly “clean” them of “mothballs”: the day is not far when you will have to bring them into life again.

Even if you consider yourself an inveterate pessimist and, in response to our persuasion, are immediately ready to exclaim: “No, no, I don’t want to disturb old wounds anymore!” – even in this case, listen to the advice you receive. Just don’t remember the time when your hopes were dashed and you were left surrounded by rubble: it’s no wonder that such memories will immediately ruin your mood.

No, think better about how and why this most cherished desire arose in its time. Weren't you happy and inspired then? Didn't the world seem like a place where you came to fulfill your best plans?

Therefore, when defining tasks for the future, do not be too lazy to first go through in your mind the goals that stood before you in the past. Are there any among them that still attract you today, even though they have faded somewhat over time? Without a doubt, having delved deeply into yourself, you will be able to find one or two desires, the fulfillment of which would make you feel happy.

Your new tasks also have every chance of being fulfilled. This will become especially obvious at the moment when you realize that you are being helped (or are ready to help) by a person who has the power to do a lot. Do not hesitate to contact him for support and advice: the goals you have set for yourself are worth it.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

Do not be afraid of any unpleasant surprises from your loved ones in the family. What is there to hide: there have often been moments in the past when mutual dissatisfaction between you reached a critical point. Now it is difficult to judge who was right and who was wrong. Admit that sometimes you seem to yourself to be far from an angel.

But the time when such misunderstandings occurred, fortunately, has passed. In the near future, neither you nor your loved ones will have to suffer from quarrels and conflicts. The coming period promises harmony in everything that in one way or another affects your family life. Enjoy this and try to maintain this relationship for as long as possible.

By taking on matters related to property, you get a chance to achieve significant results. Don’t be afraid to take risks: at present, fate will willingly play along with your adventurous mood. Just make sure that the risk you decide to take is minimal. After all, you are not a treasure hunter who puts everything on the line to achieve a cherished goal.

In other words, weigh the importance of the business you are taking on with the degree of risk. Control every stage of your task, and the results obtained will justify all the costs.

Your personal life will bring you a lot of joy in the near future. The situation promises to become very stable: don’t expect global changes, and you don’t need them. Nevertheless, the forward movement will be very fast. Life is preparing a whole series of pleasant surprises for you in this area. Try to consolidate your successes: why refuse the generous gifts of fate out of empty fears?

In the very near future, expect new people to appear in your life. It is possible that some of them will eventually turn into real friends for you. How successful your relationship will be depends only on you. To what extent are you able to “tie” people you like to yourself?

Usually, if a person is truly interesting to himself, then he is also interesting to others. Does this apply to you too? Remember: it is the area of ​​human relations that depends on us to the greatest extent. Complain less about fate and unfortunate circumstances – you have the power to change the situation in your favor.

Do you often make decisions, the implementation of which, willy-nilly, means you have to quarrel with other people? In other words, do you have many ill-wishers and how did they appear in your life? If a large percentage of those around you are not very favorable towards you, it’s time to think about whether you are behaving correctly towards others. It is possible that by insisting on your right to lead the life you want, you are losing sight of the desires of those around you.

Try to look at yourself through their eyes and admit to yourself: maybe a reasonable compromise is not as bad as you thought at first?

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

Following all the above tips, leave some time for fun. Let rest become just relaxation for you, and not a dull piece of life that you devote to worries about things that have already been completed and are still hanging over you. Isn't it true that most of us prefer to do just that?

If you feel that you are not able to cope with this problem yourself, call your friends (or just good acquaintances) and invite them to celebrate the coming weekend together. It is possible that not all of them will agree to this, not wanting to change their plans, but one or two will certainly be delighted with your proposal.

Here is a good chance for you to do something nice not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones!

The coming period of life does not threaten you with any health problems. Undoubtedly, you will breathe a sigh of relief after reading these lines: in order to redo the pile of things that you have accumulated at this moment, you need at least a horse’s health.

In fact, you are somewhat exaggerating the scope of your responsibilities. There are really a lot of things that have accumulated, but most of them will be completed by you in the shortest possible time. So don’t worry and don’t overload your nervous system: the disease can sneak up on you from this side.

Consider following the above recommendations as steps on the path to self-improvement. Fortune telling The appearance of Manjushri predicts easy and unhindered progress in this direction. You will easily achieve exactly the results you dream of. And even what didn’t work out for you before will now go smoothly and without any visible effort on your part.

Do not be deluded, however, by such “indulgences” of fate - this does not mean at all that you should happily grab the easiest thing.

Remember: the success you achieve will be directly proportional to the efforts you put in.

The execution of the specific task you have planned depends only on what specific results you decide to achieve. The favor of fate towards you is now so great that any desire promises to come true over time. But the timing of implementation depends entirely on your scope: the more difficult and serious your plan, the more patience you will have to stock up on.

Blue diamond "Hope".

A famous song says: “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” At any time, not only ladies, but also men loved to decorate themselves with jewelry, and it did not matter to them where they got it from. But sometimes jewelry brought its owners not only joy, but also misfortune. Some are skeptical about these statements, while others are afraid to even take the “cursed” jewelry into their hands.

1. Blue diamond “Hope”

Blue diamond "Hope".

According to legend, the blue “Hope” diamond began its “bloody” history after it was stolen from the temple of the Indian deity Sita. The stone was intended for rituals, so no one was allowed to own it alone. They say that misfortunes befell the Sun King Louis XIV after he ordered the diamond to be cut. After the death of the monarch, the next owners of the stone faced an unenviable fate: Louis XV died of an unknown illness, Marie Antoinette's head was cut off, and the favorites who wore this decoration suffered a violent death.

Evelyn Walsh McLean is the last owner of the blue diamond.

In subsequent centuries, the owners of the blue diamond also could not escape the curse and did not die a natural death. The famous jewelry merchant Henry Winston stopped the curse. He bought the Nadezhda from its last owners and donated it to the Smithsonian Institution. Now no one owns the diamond individually, so its “bloody” story ends here.

Henry Winston donates the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution.

2. Orlov's Black Diamond

Orlov's black diamond.

A beautiful diamond weighing 67.5 carats was discovered in Indian mines in the 19th century. The stone was originally called the “Eye of Brahma”. Once again, the diamond was stolen from the statue of an Indian deity. In 1932, the stone came to the USA. It was brought by J. Paris, who then jumped off the skyscraper. The next two owners of the stone, princesses Nadezhda Orlova and Leonila Galitsyna-Bariatinsky, faced the same fate. Both women committed suicide by jumping from the roofs of buildings. To "break the curse", the stone was divided into three parts.

Jewelry that “forced” its owners to kill themselves

3. Brooch of King Croesus

Brooch of King Croesus, one of the Lydian treasures.

As a rule, ancient kings, when hiding their jewelry, placed curses on them. This happened with the Lydian treasures, which belonged to King Croesus, who ruled in the 6th century BC. e. 150 relics were discovered only in 1965. All seven who took part in the excavations died suddenly.

The most famous treasure of King Croesus was a brooch in the shape of a running horse.

For some reason, all the owners, soon after purchasing the jewelry, tried to get rid of it. In 2006, the brooch was in a Turkish museum, from where it was stolen. The kidnappers could not sell it, and seven years later they themselves showed up at the doorstep of the German police department and handed over the relic, saying that it had brought them many misfortunes.

4. Purple amethyst from India

Cursed purple amethyst from India.

This amethyst was shown to the public just 30 years ago. Before that, it lay in museum storage for a long time, sealed in a box. It is believed that this stone was stolen from the Indra Temple (India) in 1857 and brought to England. Over time, the amethyst ended up in Edward Heron-Allen's possession. The writer, being an impressionable person, associated all the misfortunes that happened to him with the jewel. Heron-Allen gave amethyst to his friends, but after a while they returned the gift back.

Edward Heron-Allen is a writer to whom the stone has been returned more than once.

Then the writer threw the ill-fated amethyst into the canal, but three months later, by some miracle, the stone was discovered by an oyster catcher, sold to a reseller, who took it to the Natural History Museum, where Edward Heron-Allen worked. Frightened by the “return” of the stone, the writer put it in seven boxes and gave it to the bank for safekeeping, ordering that the package be opened only three years after the owner’s death.

NA DHI - Treasury with jewelry

"Butter comes from milk, treasure comes from the ocean"

You have received one of the most successful symbols of Tibetan fortune telling MO. This sign portends success in any endeavor (unless it is aimed at harming another person). Your luck will be the more complete, the more wisely you are able to manage the generous gifts of fate. Behave persistently and boldly: if you yourself are confident in your abilities and rights to carry out this or that business, then those around you will be imbued with your confidence.

Currently, the biggest obstacle on the path to happiness may not be life circumstances or the heavy fate hanging over you, but your own habit of being too emotional about everything that happens and constantly worrying about any more or less responsible matter.

Remember: continuous internal tension can undermine even very good health. Can you say that your health is perfect? Constant worry about serious matters and trifles is not at all a trifle, as you used to think. Dr. Joseph F. Montague, author of Nervous Indigestion, says this: “Stomach ulcers are not caused by what you eat. Ulcers come from what eats you.”

Remember these words in those moments when nervous anxiety drowns out the voice of reason, claiming that everything is in order and that you are worried because of mirages that exist only in your imagination. And no matter how life circumstances turn out for you, you must remember: health is the most difficult thing to restore. How much can you accomplish in your life, suffering from damaged nerves and other misfortunes?

You are now in that happy state of mind when every task you set meets your true desire.

You move forward, relying not only on the prompts of your mind, but also listening to your intuition, which you have developed very well.

Such an ability to harmoniously combine all the wonderful qualities and talents of one’s personality cannot but ultimately bring worthy fruits.

Feel free to set yourself new, seemingly difficult to achieve goals. The higher you raise the bar over which you have to “jump”, the more grandiose the result you get will be. The upcoming stage of life will help you believe in yourself and your extraordinary strengths.

Relationships with loved ones in the family will bring you peace of mind and joy of life in the near future. Your sincerity and cheerfulness can improve the mood of anyone who happens to meet you for personal communication or business.

We hope that you are no less lucky with your loved ones: thanks to mutual consideration and the desire to help each other in everything, family relationships are like a warm sunny day, when your soul is light and pleasant.

If you are concerned about property transactions, then know that fortune telling on DHI predicts exceptional well-being in everything related to the material side of your life. Just try not to get involved in deliberately adventurous enterprises, the outcome of which looks extremely doubtful from the very beginning.

Most likely, you are not a gamer by nature. Why tempt fate once again? It’s better to pay more attention to those problems that require a sober and thorough approach, rather than flashes of insight, which are always unpredictable.

It is possible that recently, as soon as you thought about the topic of your personal life, not very cheerful thoughts immediately began to creep into your head. It is difficult to say now whether you had real grounds for this kind of grief. You yourself are well aware of how much fiction and fantasy is sometimes woven into this area of ​​life.

In any case, try to throw away all old hopes and fears. No matter how attractive or, conversely, heartbreaking they may look, it’s time to forget about them. Don’t be indignant and don’t scream in your hearts: “How can you forget everything that has been experienced and suffered?!” Well, don't forget in the literal sense of the word. But make sure that the past remains the past - the time has come to clear the way for new feelings and hopes!

Try to introduce something new into all areas of your life that would allow you to face the new day with more joy and hope. All this can be fully attributed to your relationships with friends. Be more direct in expressing your feelings and moods. Don't isolate yourself!

If you want to meet up with some of your old friends, call them and invite them to your place (or go visit them). Do your friends behave differently when they want to meet you?

On the other hand, don't limit yourself to old, proven relationships. Even if you are overly suspicious and afraid of new acquaintances, try to relax a little and try to make contacts with people you are interested in. Remember: your current friends were also once strangers to you.

If meeting new people is hindered by the fear of possible misunderstandings and resulting conflicts, then keep in mind that at the moment you do not have the slightest real reason for this kind of concern. As the symbol NA DHI says, now you should not fear any intrigues from ill-wishers.

We advise you to forget old grievances and devote your attention (as well as time) to something more worthwhile than memories of troubles that have already happened or thoughts about troubles to come. Rejoice at this successful period of life - how many of your most cherished desires are ready to come true in the near future!

Despite all the troubles, even if they are very pleasant, do not forget that from time to time you need to rest. This is where your old acquaintances will come in handy. Look through your notebook and choose some of the nicest numbers. Invite people to your place or suggest a gathering at someone else's place.

Just make sure that all the “chosen ones” are well acquainted with each other, and also have warm feelings for each other, because you want to spend a pleasant evening, don’t you?

If, in the midst of preparing for a party with friends, you are suddenly struck down by some kind of illness, do not tear your hair out in despair - nothing serious threatens your health. That ailment that threatens to bring so much grief and frustration into your life will be cured very quickly. Direct all your energy to healing, and not to worries, and you yourself will be surprised at how quickly results can be achieved!

Undoubted success awaits you on the path of self-development and self-improvement. You will achieve great heights in this, and all thanks to your ability to work, as well as the support of fate, which will remove the most insurmountable obstacles from your path.

Try not to waste time and move as far as possible in your quest to make your life and yourself a little better and more interesting. A decisive approach to a problem can already yield a lot, and with the help of fate you will be able to achieve unheard-of results.

When engaged in self-improvement, do not be lazy to pay more attention to such qualities as patience and the ability to wait. This will serve you well when it comes to the specific task you have in mind. The wish that you have made has every chance of being successfully fulfilled, as stated by the NA DHI symbol that fell out to you. But the process of its implementation will take some time, perhaps considerable time. Don't get upset and don't give up halfway. Undoubtedly, your desire is worth pursuing to completion!