» Dream interpretation plastic surgery. Abdominal surgery interpretation of the dream book

Dream interpretation plastic surgery. Abdominal surgery interpretation of the dream book

Whatever you dream about at night! Sometimes the visions that come to us are pleasant, and sometimes we wake up after them in a cold sweat. Today we propose to find out why and in general being in the hospital. The most complete and trustworthy collections of interpretations available today will help us in this.

Modern dream book

What does the dream of an operation mean, according to the compilers of this collection of interpretations? So, if you saw yourself in the role of a doctor performing a surgical intervention, then in reality you will have to make a very important, literally fateful, and therefore difficult decision. If you yourself are on the operating table, then fate is preparing some tests for you. A dream in which you observe surgical procedures from the side promises you the successful completion of current affairs. If you dreamed that you were acting as a doctor’s assistant performing an operation on a patient, then perhaps soon you will make an attempt to improve your well-being in a not entirely honest way. However, at the last moment your conscience will awaken and you will not implement your plan.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

So, let's consider how the compilers of this collection interpret visions in which someone undergoes surgery. A dream in which appendicitis is being excised or another urgent surgical intervention is performed on a person close to you, while you are impatiently waiting for the outcome of the operation, promises you well-being in business, which will not be overshadowed by any troubles. If you dreamed that you yourself found yourself under a surgeon’s knife, then this is not a good sign. You should take care of your health as soon as possible, as it may deteriorate sharply, and you actually risk ending up in the hospital in reality, and not in a dream. A vision in which you are having an abortion acts as a warning that you should not make decisions rashly. This can lead to very unpleasant consequences in the future.

ABC of dream interpretation

Why do you dream about surgery? In general, surgery is considered by this source as an attack on your rights and property. If in a dream you perform the operation, then in real life you are the master of the situation. The vision in which you woke up after undergoing surgery symbolizes the acquisition of spiritual freedom after a long difficult period.

A collection of tips received in a dream

Let's consider how the authors of this book interpret this dream. Abdominal surgery or other serious surgical intervention performed on a sleeping person is considered a very bad omen. Such a vision indicates to the dreamer a great risk of getting involved in a very dangerous situation, from which it will be possible only with great losses. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to solve all the problems without outside help. If you are given anesthesia in a dream, then in reality the cause of all your problems may be inadequacy in assessing the situation. A vision in which you are forced to operate on a patient yourself suggests that, probably in the near future, in reality you will have to show all your skills and abilities in order to solve some very serious problem as effectively as possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Everyone is interested to know how this famous healer and dream interpreter would explain this or that night vision. Thus, Vanga’s dream book does not describe an operation or surgical intervention in any way. However, it contains information that a vision of health problems and illnesses in itself is an unkind omen. Since many religions view illness as a punishment for sins committed by people, such a dream can act as a warning about the need to reconsider one’s life attitudes and values. If you dreamed that you were suffering from a serious illness, then in reality you will suffer because of some previously committed ugly act. A vision in which you managed to recover from a serious illness predicts the opportunity to avoid trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

So, let’s find out how this source interprets sleep associated with surgery and illnesses. The hospital you end up in because of the need for an urgent operation symbolizes the problems and difficulties that are approaching you. However, if you manage to quickly get back on your feet and leave in good health, then you will be able to survive troubles with minimal losses. If you come to visit someone in the hospital after surgery, then unpleasant news awaits you in reality.

Esoteric dream book

Let's find out how this source interprets the vision in question. A dream in which the hospital is the main object (you have undergone surgery or came here with an exacerbation of a chronic disease) foretells that in real life you will be asked to provide some kind of service. It will be very difficult for you to do this, but you will not be able to refuse. Also, a long stay in a medical facility may indicate the need to rest and take care of your own health, since you are at risk of getting sick in reality. If you dreamed that you were a doctor operating on a patient, then in real life you will have to spend a lot of time organizing other people’s affairs.

Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

What does the operation mean in dreams according to information from this source? If you dreamed that you yourself were under the surgeon’s knife, then this is a kind of signal that you need to see a doctor in reality, since your health may deteriorate. A dream in which you yourself work in a hospital and even perform operations warns of the approach of difficult times.

1 Miller's Dream Book

See Implantation, Surgeon, Surgical Instruments, Laser.

2 Small dream book

If you dreamed that the doctor prescribed an operation for you, and you feel fear about this, then in reality you will have to shoulder the burden of responsibility. Your fears about whether you can cope are in vain. You will have enough strength and intelligence to overcome all the difficulties that arise. If in a dream you are undergoing an operation, but you see everything, understand everything and talk with the surgeons, then in real life you need to stop and look around. Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of everyday life you have strayed from your intended path and become carried away by false values.

3 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you dream of an operation, this is a warning dream, you should think about your life, you will face difficult trials or even a blow of fate.
To undergo an operation on yourself means in reality to take advantage of the help of others in trouble or difficulty.

4 Dream book of healer Akulina

Dreaming about an operation means:

You dreamed of an Operation - recovery awaits you. Cut out appendicitis - get rid of grievances and grief. Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet.

5 Azar's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep operation:

to be operated on - recovery
see an operation - you need patience

To operate yourself, to see, to participate - radical changes for the better in health, creativity, and business.

7 Creative dream book

You dreamed of an Operation - see also Hospital and Surgery 1. An operation in a hospital is a frightening thing, and in addition, it is a violent intervention. In dreams, it can mean not only recognizing one's own fears and pain, but also recognizing one's need for healing. 2. If in a dream we ourselves perform an operation, then recognize your own level of skill in some life situation. If we are operated on, we strive to achieve deeper internal knowledge, but we are afraid of the expected outcome. 3. Acute treatment.

8 Online dream book

Operation in a dream means:

A surgical operation, according to the dream book, is a sign that all your endeavors will be crowned with success.
You carry it out yourself or are present among the medical staff - you will successfully bring what you started to its logical conclusion.
If you saw yourself in the operating room as a patient, be prepared that fate will take a very unfavorable turn for you and you will have to experience a lot of difficulties.
A dream in which you yourself are trying to perform an operation or are observing it being carried out warns that strangers will be overly interested in your plans and may even disrupt them.
If you dreamed of abdominal surgery, this is a good sign that promises you a complete recovery and a successful outcome of treatment, but only if you approach the rehabilitation process with full responsibility.
In a dream, you will undergo heart surgery - know that among your friends there are hypocrites who are actually wolves in sheep's clothing and sow discord.
According to the dream book, preparing for an operation and worrying very much about this means you have to make some difficult choice on which your future life will depend. If you are extremely focused, then everything will turn out as well as possible for you.
If you dreamed that you were scheduled for eye surgery, some obvious facts will be revealed to you that you had not noticed before, which will give you the opportunity to look at your life more objectively.
A dream in which you had surgery on your leg suggests that you will again be your own master, you will live and act solely at your own discretion.
If you dreamed of plastic surgery, new horizons and opportunities will open up before you, thanks to which you can achieve real success.

9 Esoteric dream book

You are being operated on - the organs of your subtle bodies are being reconstructed. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

10 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Having an operation in a dream means poor health.

11 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does a woman dream about surgery:

To be operated on means recovery.

12 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an operation in a dream means:

You are being operated on - huge changes for the better, new opportunities and income; you operate yourself - you will benefit; watching the operation - incredible news.

13 Dream book of health

A dream with an operation in the dream book is interpreted as:

Observing a medical operation is a warning sign that you need to pay serious attention to your health; for a patient to see his own operation - to a quick crisis and recovery.

14 Fairytale-mythological dream book

Dreaming about an operation means:

Operation. Surgery in a dream usually predicts change. Often such dreams are frightening, but motivating stimuli can also be found in them. More precisely, a dream about a surgical operation speaks of the need to correct something in a certain area of ​​​​real life. Operations can predict success or good news. A dream about surgery may reflect | the need to overcome obstacles.
A dream about surgery suggests that you are currently going through a major change in your life; surgery is a metaphor for the spiritual or emotional "repair" that you will have to do. Heart surgery. Heart surgery in a dream - you should pay attention to your emotions. Throat surgery. Throat surgery can be associated with the need to improve communication channels.

15 Modern dream book

Meaning of sleep operation:

Seeing yourself in the role of a surgeon performing an operation is a sign that you have to make an important and very difficult decision.
If in a dream you are lying on the operating table, this dream foreshadows the onset of difficult changes in your life.
To see an operation - such a dream foretells the successful completion of your current affairs.
Assisting on a surgical operation means that you will make an attempt to increase your income in a not entirely honest way, but your awakened conscience will not allow you to carry out your plan.

16 Modern dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of surgery:

Note which body part is involved and refer to the interpretation accordingly. body parts.

17 Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

What the operation might mean:

To be present at a surgical operation or to undergo surgery yourself is a radical change for the better.

18 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Operation in a dream means:

Performing surgical operations is a dangerous undertaking.

19 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If a girl dreams of surgery, it means:

Performing an operation yourself in a dream or seeing others doing it means intrusion into your affairs.

20 Star dream book

Why does a woman dream about surgery:

What does an operation - surgical - mean in a dream - to interfere in your life.

21 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing an operation means patience is waiting for you; to be operated on means recovery.

22 Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing an operation being performed in a dream means that you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.
Doing an operation yourself in a dream or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of affairs; doing it with the help of a laser beam means that you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take advantage of the advice of friends and acquaintances, and this, as a rule, prevents you from achieving your goal.
If you undergo surgery in a dream, it means that in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.
To dream of someone having an organ implanted or undergoing plastic surgery is a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.
If such an operation is performed on you, it means that hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

23 Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What does Operation mean in a dream? Surgery in a dream usually predicts change. Often such dreams are frightening, but motivating stimuli can also be found in them. More precisely, a dream about a surgical operation speaks of the need to correct something in a certain area of ​​​​real life.
Positive value
Operations can predict success or good news.
Negative implications
A dream about surgery may reflect | the need to overcome obstacles.
A dream about surgery suggests that you are currently going through a major change in your life; The operation is a metaphor for the spiritual or emotional “repair” you have to do.
Heart surgery. Heart surgery in a dream - you should pay attention to your emotions. Throat surgery. Throat surgery can be associated with the need to improve communication channels. Neck surgery. Neck surgery may be associated with themes of flexibility and adaptability to changes in relationships and work environments.

24 Dream book of Nina Grishina

To survive the operation is to gain spiritual freedom after material sacrifices.

25 Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

Why do you dream about Operation:

You dreamed of an Operation - you see a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed soon and successfully. It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re taking it very hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence. You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality. You yourself perform an operation on someone - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long.

26 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Operation (surgical) - Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property.

If you operate, you are the master of the situation. Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period. To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion.

27 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Operation is a disease; problem; painful internal state.

28 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Performing an operation is a sign of malicious intent.

29 Universal dream book

If everything is going swimmingly for you, you may dream of an operation that was successful.
What part of the body is being operated on in your dream? - how do you feel about the operation? Do you think it is necessary because it will solve a long-standing problem? What do you think surgery will change for the better?
If in real life you are about to undergo surgery in the near future, the dream may reflect your experiences and emotions.
If you dream that another person is being operated on, how do you feel about this? What part of the body is being operated on?
An operation can be associated with planning, such as a military operation. Do you find it necessary to prepare for something? Why exactly do you need to develop an action plan?
You may dream of heart surgery - if in your environment there is an insensitive person who behaves meanly and judges others.

30 Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Operation:

Operation - Why dream about how an operation is performed - means that you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations. Doing an operation yourself in a dream or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of affairs; doing it with the help of a laser beam means that you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.
If you undergo surgery in a dream, in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; for patients, sleep predicts recovery.

Why dream about a person having an organ implanted or having plastic surgery – a good dream. He predicts the successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects. If such an operation is performed on you, hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

31 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Operate - (Operation) - you are being operated on - huge changes for the better - new opportunities and income; you operate yourself - you will benefit; watching the operation - incredible news. You dreamed of an Operation - You saw a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully. It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re going through it hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence. You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.
You yourself perform an operation on a person - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long. Operation is a disease; problem; painful internal state. You dreamed of an Operation - recovery awaits you. Cut out appendicitis - get rid of grievances and sorrows. Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet. Operation - surgical - means interference in your life.

32 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Operation - To operate on yourself, to see, to participate - radical changes for the better in health, creativity, business. A scalpel is a painful break in a relationship for the benefit of both. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you; to be operated on means recovery. Surgery – You are being operated on to reconstruct the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You are operating, you are interfering in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.
Operation (surgical) - Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property. If you operate, you are the master of the situation. Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period. To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion. To be operated on – Recovery. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you.

33 Dream book alphabetically

If in a dream you are worried about the outcome of an operation that is being performed on a person close to you, this means a successful course of affairs, not fraught with any complications.

Seeing yourself on the operating table means your health is deteriorating to such an extent that at one point you will have to call an ambulance.

A dream where your arm is amputated means minor losses; losing a leg means a decline in trade affairs.

If you have an abortion in a dream, this is a warning not to make a rash decision that can lead to irreversible and most unpleasant consequences for you in real life.

34 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If you dreamed that you were being operated on, the dream means that recovery awaits you. If you or someone else had your appendix cut out in a dream, get rid of grievances and grief.

Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet.

35 Dream book of the 20th century

Why do you dream about Operation:

Getting on the operating table: a bad sign.

Apparently, in reality you risk getting involved in some dangerous business, fraught with big losses for you. Such a dream also suggests that you will hardly be able to get out of difficulties without the help or advice of specialists.

Anesthesia in a dream: means that the cause of your failures may be an inadequate assessment of the situation.

Carrying out an operation yourself in a dream: a sign that you may have to show all your abilities to resolve some extremely painful and unpleasant issue.

  • If in a dream we ourselves perform an operation, then recognize your own level of skill in some life situation. If we are operated on, we strive to achieve deeper internal knowledge, but we are afraid of the expected outcome.
  • Acute treatment.
  • Did you dream about surgery? Be sure to find out why you have such a dream. The dream book will help you with this. The interpretation of such a dream is extremely varied. Surgery can symbolize health problems, life success, and making a difficult decision.

    The interpreter of birthday people says that seeing an operation in a dream for people born in September, October or November means health problems. For dreamers born between May and August, such a plot promises intrusion into the affairs of strangers.

    Why do you dream about surgery according to various dream books?

    According to the 21st century dream book, a hospital and surgical intervention seen in a dream predict an extremely responsible decision in real life. This will not be easy to do. Don't be in a rush to make any hasty choices. Think carefully. This will help avoid mistakes. Performing an operation on someone means the successful completion of current affairs. If it was carried out using a laser, then you should take the advice of loved ones when making a decision.

    The 21st century dream book explains why you dream about the upcoming surgical intervention that you will perform on the patient. This dream suggests that in reality you can always count on the help of your friends. In any difficult situation, they will provide the necessary support. A similar plot, seen by a sick person in a dream, promises him a speedy recovery and relief from all current ailments.

    The same dream book explains why plastic surgery is dreamed of. She predicts the emergence of favorable prospects in real life. Also, it is possible that the business started some time ago will be completed quite successfully. If you had plastic surgery in a dream, then get ready to go through an extremely difficult time in reality. During this period, difficulties with finances may arise, and business stagnation may occur.

    According to the Wanderer’s dream book, seeing yourself in the role of a surgeon in a dream means positive changes in work and creativity. In addition, such a plot promises good health. Clearly see the scalpel to the painful rupture. But don’t be upset, this break in relations will benefit both partners. To be operated on according to this interpreter means recovery in reality.

    The esoteric dream book says that preparing for an operation in a dream in the role of a doctor means interfering in someone’s life. Most likely, you will have to actively intervene in the lives of your children for good purposes. Going through surgery yourself will help you gain long-awaited spiritual freedom after a very difficult period in your life.

    The influence of body parts on the interpretation of such a dream

    Felomena's dream book explains why one dreams of abdominal surgery. This plot predicts the onset of a white streak in your life. All difficulties and disappointments will remain in the past. If you dreamed about heart surgery, try to pay very close attention to your emotions. Perhaps you take everything too personally. Try to become a little more cool-blooded, this will help avoid neurosis.

    A head operation seen in dreams in a dream book warns of danger in real life. Only your increased caution will help you avoid fatal consequences. Facial surgery speaks of your desire to eliminate all the features and moments in yourself and in your life that you don’t like. Think about it: perhaps excessive perfectionism is causing you a lot of unnecessary stress.

    The dream book explains why you dream about eye surgery. If you saw a similar plot in a dream, it means in reality you will be able to really look at many things around you from the outside for the first time in a long time. Perhaps you will discover a lot of things that will surprise you. Your perspective on many things may change. There is a chance to improve relationships with dear people.

    Breast surgery, namely if it was aimed at enlarging the mammary glands, indicates your desire to have more children. Breast reduction, on the contrary, indicates a desire to get rid of the responsibilities of raising existing offspring.

    An operation on the hand seen during a night's rest speaks of impending losses in real life.

    Dreaming about having surgery on your leg indicates your dissatisfaction with the current situation and your desire to change everything. Appendicitis, cut out specifically for you, warns of the disappearance of all obstacles on the path of life. Right now is the most favorable time when you need to take on new things.

    The dream book explains what preparation for surgery seen in a dream means. This plot speaks of your complete readiness to commit an important act. The interpretation of a dream with surgical intervention may still be different: it is quite possible that now you are on the path of the most important changes in life. Drop your fear. Life will definitely change for the better.

    Seeing an operation with anesthesia predicts that in real life you will need a lot of effort and emotional strength in order to recover from any shock. According to Miller’s dream book, the operation promises an emotionally difficult life period. You will need to make many important decisions that will affect the rest of your life.

    A dream about an operation predicts the adoption of extremely important decisions. Stay focused and pay attention to detail; the decision-making process will not be easy. Don't jump to conclusions without weighing all the pros and cons. Make a decision after thinking through the consequences and how they will affect you. Put your friend in your shoes and give him the best advice.

    According to other interpretations of the Felomena dream book, a dream about an operation speaks of deteriorating health. Think about ways to improve your condition and prevent it. Maybe you need to go to the doctor or just take a couple of days off and spend time with family or friends.

    The operation on which part of the body was performed in a dream? How did you participate in the dream operation? What type of surgery did you see in your dream? Who had surgery in their sleep? Where was the operation performed in a dream?

    The operation on which part of the body was performed in a dream?

    Abdominal surgery Heart surgery Leg surgery Head surgery Eye surgery

    I dreamed of a female operation

    A girl or woman saw in a dream how she was undergoing a complex operation on the female part - in reality she needs to be careful when making decisions. For men who have seen the image of gynecological manipulations with their wife or relative, the dream book advises them to be attentive in case of family or friendly conflicts. Family well-being after quarrels may be in danger of collapse.

    How did you participate in the dream operation?

    Perform surgery Prepare for surgery

    Seeing yourself in a dream after surgery

    I had a dream about myself undergoing surgery - the image prepares you for imminent spiritual liberation, unprecedented lightness. The dark streak of life is ending. Make new plans, strive to conquer great heights.

    Through this image, your subconscious demonstrates your readiness for change. Harmony of the subconscious, soul, body is the best beginning of life transformations.

    What type of surgery did you see in your dream?

    Undergo plastic surgery

    You dreamed of a surgical operation

    Interpretations of the dream book regarding surgery call for attention to two aspects. On the one hand, the dream symbolizes a possible encroachment on your rights. On the other hand, a dreamed surgical intervention guarantees the successful completion of current affairs.

    Who had surgery in their sleep?

    In a dream I dreamed of an operation on myself

    Performing an operation on yourself in a dream demonstrates the urgent need to seek help from strangers. The dream and its interpretation are especially relevant if you are in a difficult situation.

    Where was the operation performed in a dream?

    Why do you dream about an operating table in a hospital?

    A dream about an operating table in a hospital does not carry a favorable sign for the dreamer. The dream warns against participating in risky activities. The consequences will be very sensitive. The hospital table from a dream suggests the most effective way to cope with difficulties - to ask specialists for help.

    To find out in detail why you dream about an operation, and how to behave after such a dream, remember all its details and look in the dream book.

    The meaning of this dream depends on many factors. It is important what type of surgery was performed and who performed it.


    If you dreamed of plastic surgery, it means that new horizons will soon open before you. This could be a more profitable place of work, a promising acquaintance, a vacation in a beautiful place, etc.

    At the same time, plastic surgery on the face symbolizes communication with interesting people. And experiments on the body foreshadow an exciting adventure.

    A dream in which an operation was performed under anesthesia symbolizes calm and an easy solution to accumulated problems. And if pain relief was not carried out, then in the near future you will have to be nervous. The dream book recommends not taking problems to heart and solving them with a sober head.


    If you dream of a surgical operation, then now you are faced with a difficult choice. Experts advise not to make hasty conclusions and to weigh every word.

    As the dream book writes, an operation of this kind is also a reminder that you are the master of your life, and everything that happens depends only on you.

    1. Heart

    Special attention is paid to dreams about heart surgery. Such dreams warn of possible health problems or troubles in everyday life and love.

    But don't be upset. If you see heart surgery, try to prevent impending problems with your actions.

    • Seeing a beating heart is a sign of worry.
    • Touching it means mistrust, a quarrel with your loved one.
    • To dream that a patient has no heart is a sign of illness.

    A dream in which heart surgery takes place in unsuitable conditions indicates that you are dissatisfied with your situation. The dream book suggests not to despair and persistently strive for the best. With effort, you can reach new heights.

    2. Belly

    Why dream of an operation if it is performed on the patient’s stomach? Such dreams promise a quick recovery for the dreamer.

    But this will only happen if you give up bad habits and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    • Seeing an open cavity means starting to eat right.
    • If you dream that your stomach is being cut with a scalpel, it means drastic changes.
    • Operating yourself means new sensations.

    If the hospital where the abdominal surgery is performed is modern and clean, then you can achieve your goal in a short time. And old sheets, broken beds, etc. They promise to work on the mistakes they have made for a long time.

    If a foreign object is found in the abdominal cavity, then communication with a stranger awaits you. And the successful completion of a job begun long ago is promised by a beautiful, even seam made after the operation.

    3. Limbs

    When you dream about surgery on your limbs, it means that you are about to travel or meet a member of the opposite sex. A trip is foreshadowed by surgery on the leg, and acquaintance is what surgery on the arm may mean.

    If everything went well, then soon you will be able to have a good rest and do what you love. And an unsuccessful operation is dreamed of before difficult work or an impossible task from management.

    Other circumstances

    As the dream book says, the operation that is being performed on you means that in reality you are experiencing a heaviness in your heart. You are depressed by accumulated problems. You cannot find the strength to solve them. Experts recommend calming down and asking for help from someone you trust. Seeing yourself as a doctor means being in control of the situation:

    • When you dream that a relative had to undergo surgery, this means that in reality you are worried about his health and are trying in every possible way to help him.
    • And if you operate on yourself, then in reality you find fault with yourself too much, constantly looking for shortcomings.

    Performing a complex operation surrounded by other doctors, according to the dream book, means taking into account the opinions of loved ones. And if you had to do this alone, then you are used to making responsible decisions yourself, without consulting anyone.

    When you dreamed of a hospital where you actually were once, it means that you are not used to changing your traditions. And if the operation takes place in a new place, then you are a lover of extreme sports and new experiences.

    Depending on what kind of operation you dreamed about, you will be able to learn new details about yourself and about events that may happen in your life.

    Dream interpretation Leg surgery

    Why do you dream about Leg surgery in a dream according to the dream book?

    The dream book states: if you dream about surgery on your leg, the dreamer will regain lost control over life. No one else will tell you how to act, what to strive for.

    If you dream of such an image, then the responsibility for actions and the reward for results will belong to you. You will make any decisions solely at your own discretion, becoming the rightful master of life.

    Dream Interpretation Heart Surgery

    Why do you dream about heart surgery in a dream according to the dream book?

    When giving an interpretation of a dream about heart surgery, the dream book tells you to take a closer look at your social circle. As much as it hurts my heart, there are hypocrites among my friends.

    Pseudo-friends spread gossip and weave intrigues. It is necessary to gather your thoughts, reconsider your interests and make a firm decision about such a relationship. “Wolves in sheep’s clothing” will cause a lot of damage, even if everything is provided for, and you have taken into account any troubles.

    Head surgery

    Dream Interpretation Head Operation dreamed of why you dream about head surgery? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a head operation in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    Seeing your own or someone else's head enlarged in a dream foretells success and fame if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life. A small head in a dream foreshadows poverty, painstaking and thankless work.

    A shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - is a warning against bad deeds. A cut off head means disappointment. A head with luxuriant hair is a sign of love, a shorn head is a sign of unhappiness. A broken and bleeding head means exhausting work, but money. Permed head - trust your friends who will divulge your secret. A head in a hat means deprivation and misfortune.

    A talking head without a body portends you an important meeting with influential people who have power and the ability to provide you with the necessary support.

    Seeing your head in a dream means illness. If in a dream you see two heads, this means an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich. A child's head without hair means future family happiness and prosperity in the house.

    The animal's head warns: be more selective in your choice of friends and profession. Eating a pig’s head in a dream means you will go on a journey, a mutton head means you will make a profit, a lion’s head means you will lose. Seeing both dark and light hair on your head at the same time portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake. Entirely blond hair on the head is a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark hair is a love trap. Red head - falsehood, change in relationships. The golden head is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one. A chestnut head means failure at work, a neatly combed head means affection for the home, a scorched head means you will avoid trouble, a burning head means profit, a head with lice means poverty, a head covered in dandruff means unexpectedly gaining great wealth.

    A head with large ears - you will be given great honor, with long hair - you will suffer a loss, with short hair - it will bring you prosperity. Anointing your head means experiencing happiness. To cut off someone's head is to win. Seeing a tiara on your head is a sign of disagreement on some issues.

    Feeling a severe headache in a dream means you will be overcome by many worries. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily.

    Washing your hair in a dream is an omen of your prudent and effective decisions. To see someone washing their hair with shampoo means that you will soon travel secretly from others, taking part in unworthy scams.

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    If the main symbol in your dream was a head, you will meet important people. Your own head - the result of an acquaintance depends only on you; washing your hair - a fleeting acquaintance, correctly used in the right place at the right time, will lead to success in society; unnaturally large head - rapid career growth due to the protégé of a new acquaintance; child's head - your ideas will be heard, which will bring unprecedented financial profit.

    If your gaze in a dream was focused on individual details of the head, fundamental changes are coming in your life: unnaturally large ears - honor and glory await you among your colleagues; admiring a curl or a curl - a fleeting connection will end in affection and marriage; your interlocutor’s teeth - you will be able to adequately resolve a confrontation that has been dragging on for many years; outlines of the mouth, lips - in a dispute you will emerge victorious; nose - you will become the owner of information that will bring profit; blush or dimples on your cheeks - your old dreams will come true; forehead or bald spot on your head - the rash actions of your enemies will help you get out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

    Remember the head you dreamed about, examine in detail all the details that seemed unimportant in the dream, and try to remember the face.

    A severed, wounded, broken head - frivolous actions can lead to irreparable consequences: your own head - the fault of your misfortunes is promiscuity; animal head - base desires will cause your most faithful friends to turn away from you; baby's head - dishonor; the severed head rolled away from the body - the collapse of all hopes; talking head - a reprimand from the boss and a demotion are expected; your head was cut off - your immense trust in strangers gave your enemies the opportunity to manipulate you; you cut off your head - the loss of a wise adviser; the head is partially susceptible to decay - to a protracted illness; rotten head - the death of a loved one.

    Extend your sleep mentally and imagine that you are on the battlefield in which you emerged victorious (see Battle).

    The head is part of the action - obstacles in matters that are very important to you: you turn your head and look back - the reason for failures lies in the past; breaking down a door with your head or breaking a brick on your head - thoughtless hasty actions will negate all the efforts invested; banging your head against the wall - you will have an irreconcilable struggle in which you will prove that you are right; during prayer, hitting your head on the floor - wasted strength will not allow you to make the final throw at the decisive moment; carry out complex mathematical calculations in your head - the obligations that were assigned to business partners will not be fulfilled; experience a severe headache - deep emotional shock will lead to loss of interest, indifference to life; hide your head - give in in the face of danger; to see someone walking over the heads of others - envious people are trying to harm you.

    Imagine that all the actions you did in your dream were part of a plan of salvation. The plan was a success. Try to imagine the positive emotions you feel from the result of your efforts (see Saving someone).

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    A dream in which you see that your head has increased in size means that you will receive a promotion, honors, winning a lawsuit, or wealth obtained in an unusual way (like treasure, for example). A very large head in a dream is a warning that someone will tempt you to do evil. The dream warns you that you should not give in to persuasion and enter into risky ventures. A small head in a dream means loss of spirit, insult, dishonor. Having two heads in a dream means that you will be able to get out of a difficult and delicate situation with honor. Sometimes such a dream predicts victory over the plans of your enemies. Having many heads in a dream is a sign of honor, power, and great authority. Having the head of a wolf, lion or other predatory animal is a harbinger of great merit, success and respect from others. To see others with the head of a predatory animal is a sign that you should be wary of a cunning and powerful enemy. Holding your head in your hands means losing loved ones - your wife or children, if you are married. For single people, a dream predicts success in business and unexpected luck. Combing your hair in a dream or putting a hat on your head is a harbinger of success. To dream that your head is turned backwards means that you will have to hide in order to avoid troubles and bad consequences of your actions. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will find yourself in a difficult situation and become confused. After such a dream, you will have to make some important decision. If in a dream they want to scalp you, then you should beware of the revenge of the person whom you undeservedly offended. If in a dream you see that your head is separated from your body, then the dream predicts freedom for prisoners, recovery for the sick, consolation for the suffering, and repayment of debts for creditors. For powerful people, the dream predicts an increase in their influence. A dream in which you are beheaded by a familiar person means that you will have a pleasant time in the company of this person. If in a dream you are beheaded by a small child, then the dream predicts death for the sick, and honors for the healthy. For pregnant women, the dream foreshadows the imminent death of their spouse and the birth of a boy. If in a dream your head was only half cut off, it means that all of the above will only be half fulfilled. If you were beheaded with a mortar in accordance with an ancient rite, then great honor awaits you. To behead a warrior is a sign that you will serve the great of this world and that your ambitions will be fully realized. Seeing a person with his head removed in a dream is a sign of well-being and satisfaction. Removing someone's head in a dream means losses and troubles. A crippled head in a dream foreshadows misfortune, losses, worries, and hard work. Seeing your own or someone else's head covered is a sign of great worries, serious illness or death. See interpretation: throat, hair, knife, guillotine.

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    “to lose your head” to get very carried away by something, to fall in love. “Have a clear head” or “have a head on your shoulders”: rationality, insight, wisdom. “To turn everything upside down” to turn, distort an event, a situation. “Flew out of my head”, “throw out of my head”, forget, give into oblivion. "Dizziness with success" conceit. “Head is swollen and spinning” discomfort, rapid change of events, a lot to do. “The head (pot) cooks” ingenuity, intelligence.

    "oak head" stupidity.

    "Gardenhead" - ridiculous, ill-considered actions. “I can’t wrap my head around” the improbability of the received news, the misunderstanding. “To bother yourself with (not necessary)” do not attach importance, unnecessary troubles. “Never mind” don’t think about it.

    "Mr. Head" chief, governor.

    "big-headed" smart.

    "bungler" fool. "Turn someone's head" to make someone fall in love, to become interested in oneself. “Immerse yourself headlong” - go completely into a business, a passion, a problem.

    "One head is good, two are better."

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    A harbinger of an upcoming serious and promising meeting.

    Seeing your head from the outside means you urgently need to take care of your health.

    Having a big head means wealth and respect.

    Having a small head means hard and low-paid work, poverty.

    Long hair on your head means losses.

    Short hair on your head means profit.

    Seeing big ears on your head means fame and respect.

    A bald head means sadness.

    A shaved head means deception, a bald head means trouble.

    Your head is looking back - to obstacles and lull in business, a return to its original state, a return to the past.

    Having many goals means your business is going well and you are on the right track.

    Having a horse's head on your shoulders means obstacles and enmity.

    Cutting off a head in a dream is a harbinger of your victory over your enemies.

    To carry someone else's head in your hands is to do someone else's work.

    Holding your head in your hands means correcting mistakes and putting things in order.

    A man whose head was cut off comes towards you - to great happiness.

    Attacks of dizziness in a dream can promise you family quarrels or loss of property, failure in business, especially in very risky operations.

    Dream Interpretation - Head

    A large head means promotion, fame and success in science, honors and wealth, and for a sick person - a worsening of the disease.

    An unnaturally small head means poverty.

    A gray head in places means sadness.

    Bald, bald - to trouble.

    Seeing a curled head is a sign of joy.

    Spraying with varnish or lubricating with gel is a sign of well-being.

    Cropped - to a loss.

    With big ears - to honors.

    Washing your hair in a dream means recovery and doing good deeds.

    Sometimes it means moving to a new place.

    If you see horns on your head in a dream, a rival in business will appear or a violent death awaits you.

    Cutting off someone's head means defeating enemies and achieving your desires.

    If a lonely person carries his own head in his hands, this is a favorable sign that promises the fulfillment of all plans.

    It’s even better if he does this with one head on his shoulders.

    In this case, great success awaits him in business.

    Two or many heads on the shoulders is a favorable dream, meaning a brilliant career and well-being in the family.

    Eating a lamb's head in a dream means profit.

    Pork - to the road.

    Seeing a sugarloaf is a surprise.

    Seeing the heads of wild animals on the walls (lion, boar, wolf, etc.) in your house means success in business.

    A donkey's, horse's, or dog's head in a dream means misfortune and grief.

    Wearing a bird's head means moving to another country.

    Operation for women

    Dream Interpretation Operation for women dreamed of why you dream about a female operation in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a female operation in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    They perform an operation on someone - you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

    Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

    They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

    Someone undergoing organ implantation or undergoing plastic surgery means a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

    Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    You see a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully.

    It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re taking it very hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence.

    You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.

    You yourself perform an operation on someone - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation. surgical

    Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property.

    If you operate, you are the master of the situation.

    Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period.

    To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    If you undergo surgery in a dream, it means that all troubles will disappear.

    The patient saw himself undergoing surgery - to recovery.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Upcoming surgery

    Dream Interpretation Upcoming operation dreamed of why you dream about an upcoming operation? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see an upcoming operation in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    They perform an operation on someone - you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

    Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

    They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

    Someone undergoing organ implantation or undergoing plastic surgery means a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

    Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    You see a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully.

    It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re taking it very hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence.

    You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.

    You yourself perform an operation on someone - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation. surgical

    Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property.

    If you operate, you are the master of the situation.

    Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period.

    To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    If you undergo surgery in a dream, it means that all troubles will disappear.

    The patient saw himself undergoing surgery - to recovery.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Having an operation in a dream means poor health.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Performing an operation is a sign of malicious intent.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Doing this operation yourself or seeing others doing it is an intrusion into your affairs.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    If in a dream you are worried about the outcome of an operation that is being performed on a person close to you, this means a successful course of affairs, not fraught with any complications.

    Seeing yourself on the operating table means your health is deteriorating to such an extent that at one point you will have to call an ambulance.

    A dream where your arm is amputated means minor losses; losing a leg means a decline in trade affairs.

    If you have an abortion in a dream, this is a warning not to make a rash decision that can lead to irreversible and most unpleasant consequences for you in real life.

    Facial surgery

    Dream Interpretation Facial surgery dreamed of why you dream about facial surgery? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Facial Surgery in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    They perform an operation on someone - you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

    Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

    They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

    Someone undergoing organ implantation or undergoing plastic surgery means a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

    Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    You see a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully.

    It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re taking it very hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence.

    You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.

    You yourself perform an operation on someone - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation. surgical

    Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property.

    If you operate, you are the master of the situation.

    Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period.

    To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    If you undergo surgery in a dream, it means that all troubles will disappear.

    The patient saw himself undergoing surgery - to recovery.

    Dream Interpretation - Face

    Seeing your face smooth, clean and pleasant in appearance in a dream means well-being and success in business. Seeing your face beautiful in a dream is a sign of reconciliation and success in business. If you dream that in a dream your face has become indecently beautiful, then try to give up bad habits and avoid doing things for which you may later be ashamed. Looking at your face in a dream means that you need to make a decision on an issue that is of great importance for your future. A face stained with mud in a dream is a sign of shame. Seeing your face unlike yourself in a dream means that something will change in your life so much that you yourself will be surprised and ask the question: “is it you?” The same applies to a dream in which you will see the face of another person unlike him. Seeing many faces around you is a sign of change. Change will be good if the faces around you are beautiful or happy. If the faces in the dream are terrible and frighten you, then expect losses, disappointments and beware of the machinations of your enemies. To see closely the face of a familiar person staring at you in a dream means that that person does not trust you and is trying to find out more about you before becoming your partner or simply getting close to you. A dream in which you saw that your spouse is very handsome and has a beautiful, healthy complexion, then happiness and prosperity await you. Seeing a stranger with a dark face in a dream foretells success in business. If in a dream you see a woman with a very dark face, then a serious illness awaits you. Seeing a smiling face in a dream means that you have true friends and you will soon receive good news from them. Seeing an interesting face in a dream is a harbinger of dissatisfaction with oneself, illness or poverty. Seeing your face pale in a dream is a sign of weakness of your spirit or an unenviable position in which you will forget what laughter is. However, just as pallor often passes quickly, so your situation will soon change for the better, and joy will return to your home. Seeing the face of an enemy or rival pale in a dream means that his affairs are going very badly and you had a hand in it. Rejoice. But your triumph will not last long. Seeing a face through glass is a sign of good changes or success in business. Applying makeup to your face in a dream is only normal for women. For men, such a dream predicts shame and disgrace.

    Washing your face with water in a dream is a sign of good health, good spirits and longevity after long disappointments and regrets about your unhappy lot. Spots on your face in a dream are a sign of shame and humiliation that you will be subjected to due to the frivolous actions of your children or loved ones. Seeing your face ugly in a dream is a sign of anxiety and worry. Hiding your face and covering it with something in a dream is a sign that your conscience is unclean. Such a dream warns you that you should not embark on risky adventures or activities in order to avoid getting caught. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving bad news.

    Covering someone's face in a dream or seeing it covered is a sign of that person's death. Seeing people who do not want to turn to face you in a dream foretells failure due to the ill will of your loved ones or business partners. Seeing your face reflected in the water is a harbinger of misfortune for your loved ones; such a dream could threaten you with death. The same thing means a dream in which you see someone else's face reflected in the water. Seeing your face reflected in a mirror in a dream is a harbinger of profit or an addition to the family. See interpretation: blush, mirror, makeup.

    Dream Interpretation - Face

    Seeing a beautiful face with delicate features and a charming smile in a dream means that your children will be happy thanks to your tireless efforts and concern for their future. A youthful, rosy-cheeked face suggests that you will have social entertainment and a carefree pastime.

    An ugly face with traces of illness portends anxiety and mental anguish. A pale, haggard face is a sign of malaise; a dissatisfied and angry expression is a sign of loss and regret. A sad and melancholy look from a spiritualized face is a sign of unexpected and upsetting events.

    A face turning purple in anger promises grief, suffering and humiliation. A face smeared with something means you will experience relief after completing painstaking and time-consuming work.

    A face with smooth, clear skin portends success in the professional field. Covered with a painful rash - to losses, pitted with smallpox - to a serious illness, a face with scars - you will be held accountable, burned - you will attract the fire of criticism, but will be able to avoid the consequences.

    Happy, joyful faces around you are a sign of positive changes; faces distorted by anger and hatred portend serious concern about the health of loved ones. The face of a stranger with a repulsive look is a sign of a failed date.

    Seeing your face reflected in clear water in a dream foretells a long life, marked by recognition of great merit. Seeing your face in the mirror beautiful and joyful means a new addition to the family; if you are gloomy and exhausted, you will receive the money owed to you with great difficulty.

    To cover your face in public, hiding your ugliness from their eyes, you will be shocked by the message about the tragic events in which your good friends suffered. If you wash your face in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to regret your rash action.

    Putting makeup on your face means you will have success with men; a medicinal mask on your face foretells many fans without serious intentions; putting cosmetics on your face means disappointment in love; doing plastic surgery on your face means favorable changes.

    If you see a harelip on someone’s face, in reality this may be reflected in the fact that you will make a hasty and rash decision in a matter that requires a comprehensive approach. Too thin lips - show efficiency and ingenuity in an unexpected situation. Beautiful full lips mean harmony in family relationships and mutual love for young people. A face with a sagging lip means that in real life you will have to go through a serious test.

    Seeing a cute girl's face with plump rosy cheeks in a dream is a sign of a successful enterprise. Overly rouged cheeks on your face - you will feel ashamed of your own children. Sunken cheeks on an emaciated face indicate sad events.

    An old face with sagging skin and sunken cheeks means an improvement in your financial situation. Huge gumboil on the face means trouble at work.

    Seeing a face with a purulent boil portends being robbed or robbed. A bruise on your face means that you will succumb to temptation by entering into a fleeting intimate relationship with a man completely unfamiliar to you.

    Seeing a face with a broken nose bridge in a dream means that in reality you will receive news of someone’s death. A swollen, falling chin in folds on a fat, flabby face is a sign of well-being. Chin with a dimple - you will not achieve success if you do not get rid of your inherent shortcomings.

    Seeing a clean-shaven male face means that you will soon fully enjoy peace by sending your family to distant relatives for a few days.

    A face covered with stubble indicates that sex-related problems will arise in your married life.

    A face covered with freckles means that your happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by the interference of envious friends in your private life. Seeing freckles on your face foretells the loss of a loved one.

    Dream Interpretation - Face

    To obscure your face means to receive bad news.

    Seeing the reflection of your face in water means long life and honors.

    Seeing your face in the mirror means you will feel unwell.

    Very pale - a serious illness.

    Disgusting - anxiety.

    Having a beautiful face brings happiness to your children.

    The face of a laughing woman is joy.

    A face under a black or white veil means death.

    In general, seeing a pleasant face is fortunate.

    The face of an old man means long life.

    The young man's face is one of worry.

    Seeing your face in the mirror as it is is a sign of profit / a sign of the beginning of self-awareness, which will not always be pleasant.

    Look at your face in the mirror, manipulate it - experience a sensual attraction to yourself, love yourself very much.

    To see a very strange expression on your face in the mirror - you see your true essence in it, this is a reliable image of your soul.

    To look in the mirror and see someone else in it - to see your true essence in it / to experience a beneficial collapse of illusions.

    To look in the mirror and see a dead man in it - you have to deeply and unexpectedly know the essence of certain phenomena, you have to get to know life and yourself better.

    Seeing yourself very beautiful and young in the mirror is a sign of well-being.

    For the very old - a long illness, followed by a peaceful old age / to honors.

    Seeing yourself as a teenager means you will have a quarrel with an unpleasant person.

    Having an animal's snout instead of a face in the mirror is success in society.

    Seeing yourself too pale in the mirror is a sign of joy and prosperity.

    Very red - surprise / damage from vices, their unbridledness.

    For those who are dirty - some relief.

    Very dirty - honor / unexpected interference.

    Seeing your face pockmarked means trouble.

    Seeing a spot on your face in the mirror is a disease.

    Wrinkles on the face - bad, painful experiences / suicide among friends.

    Dream Interpretation - Face

    Seeing in a dream a beautiful open face with an ingenuous look means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will befall you in the near future. But seeing an ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events.

    If you dream that you are admiring the beautiful color of your face, this promises good luck and unexpected but pleasant events. A poor complexion foretells disappointment.

    Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone's face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions.

    Pleasant smiling full lips - portends harmony in relationships and abundance in the home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the upcoming difficult situation.

    Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires, deprivation and illness of someone you know.

    Happy faces around you in a dream are a very favorable dream, but being surrounded by gloomy faces is a sign of future anxiety. An unfavorable dream in which you see your face or the face of a stranger - it promises you sorrow.

    Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror is a sign of imminent dissatisfaction with yourself due to your inability to organize yourself and finish what you planned.

    Dream Interpretation - Face

    “show your true face” - accidentally open up, show yourself from the unsightly side. “Don’t drink water off your face”; reconcile, don’t look for faults in others. "Face to face" close meeting, frankness, sincerity, openness, trust in relationships. “Laugh in your face” shows contempt.

    “in the face of facts” openness, acceptance.

    “falling face down in the mud” is a discredit, an oversight. "By the sweat of your brow" is hard work.

    "in your face" openness, directness, honesty. Unshaven, prickly face, dryness, indifference, rejection.

    “to be a hypocrite”, “in the face of conscience”.

    “turn to face…” pay close attention to this fact.

    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    They perform an operation on someone - you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations.

    Doing the operation yourself or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of the case; doing the operation using a laser beam means you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

    They perform an operation on you - in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

    Someone undergoing organ implantation or undergoing plastic surgery means a good dream. It promises a successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects.

    Implantation is done for you - hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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    Dream Interpretation - Operation

    Operation - You are being operated on - restructuring the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You operate - you interfere in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Creative dream book

    To carry out an operation - in a dream - what does it mean for the dreamer

    1. An operation in a hospital is a frightening thing, and besides, it is a violent intervention. In dreams, it means not only recognizing one's own fears and pain, but also recognizing one's need for healing.
    2. If in a dream we ourselves perform an operation, then recognize your own level of skill in some life situation. If we are operated on, we strive to achieve deeper internal knowledge, but we are afraid of the expected outcome.
    3. Acute treatment.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    What does the dreamer dream about about surgery in a dream?

    Operation - Why dream about how an operation is performed - means that you have to make a responsible and very difficult decision, but you will be able to fulfill your obligations. Doing an operation yourself in a dream or being an assistant is a harbinger of successful completion of affairs; doing it with the help of a laser beam means that you are not able to make decisions on your own, you are trying to take the advice of friends and acquaintances and this prevents you from achieving your goal.

    If you undergo surgery in a dream, in difficult times you can count on the help of friends; for patients, sleep predicts recovery. Why dream about a person having an organ implanted or having plastic surgery – a good dream. He predicts the successful completion of the work begun and favorable prospects. If such an operation is performed on you, hard times, obstacles and stagnation in business await you.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of Operations from your dream

    Operation - To operate on yourself, to see, to participate - radical changes for the better in health, creativity, business. A scalpel is a painful break in a relationship for the benefit of both. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you; to be operated on means recovery. Surgery – You are being operated on to reconstruct the organs of your subtle bodies. Perhaps you exhibit abilities, including clairaudience. You are operating, you are interfering in someone's life. The surgeon is a higher power helping you to rebuild.

    Operation (surgical) - Symbolizes an encroachment on your rights, your property. If you operate, you are the master of the situation. Surviving the operation means gaining spiritual freedom after a difficult period. To see someone's operation or to perform it yourself is to manage circumstances at your own discretion. To be operated on – Recovery. Operation – Seeing in a dream – patience awaits you.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    What does it mean if you dream about Operation?

    Operate - (Operation) - you are being operated on - huge changes for the better - new opportunities and income; you operate yourself - you will benefit; watching the operation - incredible news. You dreamed of an Operation - You saw a surgical operation in a dream - your current affairs will be completed quickly and successfully. It’s as if you’ve been scheduled for a complex operation, and you’re going through it hard - you’ll find yourself in a situation that you won’t be able to influence. You are having an operation - expect changes for the worse in reality.

    You yourself perform an operation on a person - the fate of other people will depend on the decision you make; The weight of responsibility will not shake your resolve for long. Operation is a disease; problem; painful internal state. You dreamed of an Operation - recovery awaits you. Cut out appendicitis - get rid of grievances and sorrows. Imagine that the operation was successful and the patient was soon back on his feet. Operation - surgical - means interference in your life.

    Mythological dream book

    Interpretation of the Operation

    Operation. Surgery in a dream usually predicts change. Often such dreams are frightening, but motivating stimuli can also be found in them. More precisely, a dream about a surgical operation speaks of the need to correct something in a certain area of ​​​​real life. Operations can predict success or good news. A dream about surgery may reflect | the need to overcome obstacles.

    A dream about surgery suggests that you are currently going through a major change in your life; surgery is a metaphor for the spiritual or emotional "repair" that you will have to do. Heart surgery. Heart surgery in a dream - you should pay attention to your emotions. Throat surgery. Throat surgery can be associated with the need to improve communication channels.

    Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

    What does a dream with an Operation mean, taking into account the date of birth?

    In the spring, why do you dream about having an operation in a dream - to poor health.

    If in the summer you dreamed of performing an operation yourself or seeing others doing it, this means intrusion into your affairs.

    In the fall, why did you dream of having an operation - it means malicious intent.

    In winter, why do you dream about neck surgery - it can be associated with themes of flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes in relationships and the work environment.