» Give advice. Ask for advice

Give advice. Ask for advice

Collection of dream books

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Advice” symbol from 15 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Family dream book

A dream in which you are given advice- means that you will achieve everything honestly.

But if you dreamed that you were seeking advice from a lawyer- illegal circumstances may arise in your affairs.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Council?

A dream in which you receive advice- means that your honesty will deserve the highest praise, and your high moral principles will allow you to achieve an independent position and moral height.

If you dream that you are seeking legal advice- in reality you will doubt the legality of some of your commercial transactions.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Giving advice is a reflection of control over the world around you.

Receiving is a need for a wise decision.

Dream book for a bitch

Advise - some circumstances in a new case will confuse you, and you will demand clarity and want an explanation.

Listen to someone's advice in a dream- you will be able to command the respect and respect of others because of your independent and confident behavior in all situations and will be able to earn yourself an honest name and good money.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Sometimes our subconscious actually gives sound advice in a dream, as they say, in plain text, but this happens quite rarely. Much more often, these tips contain some kind of hint that should be solved, like a rebus or a charade.

For example, if in a dream someone advises you, say, to water an apple tree with apple juice- these words should hardly be taken as a valuable thought; it is much better to look at what apple juice means in a dream. Then it will become obvious that this dream advises you to do your business in a good mood, not to darken your soul with negativity and try to enjoy even modest successes. In this case, great success will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Council in a dream?

To give advice - you deal with little things; receive - they pay you with ingratitude.

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are being given advice- means that you will be able to ensure your integrity and strive to achieve an independent state and moral height in an honest way.

Seeing yourself seeking legal advice- portends that circumstances will arise in your affairs that will raise doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Council in a dream?

Giving someone advice- suffer losses in real life.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Receive advice in a dream- means that you will be able to ensure the integrity and well-being of yourself and your family. You are characterized by a commendable striving for independence of spirit and moral purity.

If in a dream you need legal advice- this portends that circumstances will emerge in your affairs that raise some doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Getting advice means future joy with friends; giving is a loss.

Universal dream book

We all give advice and we all listen. We all need advice, and we all hate it!- who gives you advice in a dream? Is this advice valuable to you? Or does it go in one ear and out the other? Have you heard this before? Is this good advice that you will follow, or do you feel that someone is trying to guide you, giving you advice that suits them better than you?

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Dream book advice?

Giving advice to someone- you are going to “do good,” but it will turn into troubles and accusations for you.

Receive from friends- be careful, you may be unconsciously directed along the wrong path (not necessarily by the one you saw in your dream).

From strangers - listen, the advice can be practical and very timely.

If in a dream you did not understand the content of the advice- in reality, listen to what you learn from the media.

From fabulous or divine entities- depending on who exactly it is and whether it is trustworthy.

Video: Why do you dream about Council?

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Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Council in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello Tatiana. I very rarely remember the complete picture of a dream; I remember some details, snippets or images. Last night I dreamed that I was asked for advice by a person who in real life does not need it. And to be honest, he doesn’t care about me at all. I've been dreaming about him for the second night in a row and I like it. Perhaps I think about him so much that he began to come to me in my dreams, or will he play some role in my life? How to understand this? Tell me please

    In this dream, I saw myself as a real elf, while I was a hunter of werewolves and other evil spirits. I needed a sword and I went to an ancient forge, I don’t know what nation the blacksmith belonged to... he is not a dwarf or a giant , something in between. I told him what kind of sword I wanted, as I understood the time was already more modern, since no one had come with a request to make a sword for a long time. He suggested that I take a test to determine my element, they drew some runes on me , they brought me to a large bowl of water and I saw some kind of knowledge, I saw an elf and the sea who was trying to show me something, she went into the water and I went with her, diving under the water I saw corals and she took out some ancient book Of these, this book needed a seal that would open it, but I didn’t have one, coming out of the water I immediately began to see another knowledge, outside of space and time in some kind of semi-circle there were ancient creatures consisting entirely of stone, on not similar to each other, and they talked about the fact that something was coming soon and something needed to be decided, that I needed to be taught something... I unfortunately didn’t remember all their words.., then another plot went on that was not related to this...I never dreamed of this

    At first I was in some kind of library that looked like an office. I spoke with two adult women, they were not my friends, I think I met them quite recently, it is possible that in this office-library. Then my classmate, Dima Sorokin, came through the door. Not to say that we are friends, and we are not enemies either; he is, one might say, the most cocky, sporty, courageous boy in our class. If we intersect with him, he will either pretend as if I don’t exist, or make some kind of barb, in general, I only saw nasty things from him (((But for some time I liked him “the less woman we are love, the more she likes us.” Well, Sorokin comes in, and the women say: “It’s not boring with him.” I asked why, and they answered: “You can live your whole life with such a person.”
    After that, I find myself on the coastal square, with my friend Lilya and her friend. Moreover, for every word or action I say, he kisses me on the cheek. When he walked away, I asked Lily, rubbing his slobbered cheek, “Why is he constantly bothering me?”, but Lily assured me that he was like that with everyone and that I shouldn’t pay attention.
    After that, I found myself on some kind of training ground. And Dima taught us there... I don’t remember exactly, but some other teenagers and I got into something that looked like a hot air balloon, and we flew off. Our aircraft got stuck in the branches and we were attacked by a fire-breathing snake, not a dragon, but a snake. I found myself outside the basket and tried not only not to fall and dodge her spitting, but also tried to hit her. I kept trying to find out from those around me how many volleys she had when she couldn’t spit fire. But no one answered me.
    That's all, actually.
    Thank you.

    I dreamed that there was one girl whom I basically know, but she is no one to me. She told me that I should be more restrained and not freak out. And I was upset with the young man, and she said that he had no plans for me, and I should stop acting aggressively and be more friendly with him.

    It happens in winter. Night. Here I meet an old friend of mine, a classmate is standing next to me. The friend seemed very attractive. We decided to go to the dacha on New Year's Day. An acquaintance leaves us, and then a voice unlike the voice of a classmate. Male voice, Calm. He said that if I slept with a friend on New Year’s Eve, then the curse would be lifted.

    At first I dreamed of a meteor shower from which everyone in the city was running in all directions, I was in my car with a friend, we drove up to a store in our city and somehow it turned out that we separated and I forgot about it, I first ran to my house girls, but then for some reason I ran along a road that has no end and looked at the sky where huge blocks of fiery stones were flying, and then somehow I ended up in a bomb shelter where I ended up in a children's school. Then I woke up in real life and fell asleep again. for the 2nd time I dreamed that I was in a drawing class at a technical school and my work was not accepted and I went to find out why, the teacher explained the reason and I was upset and stood in her office for a long time, after which she decided to look at my progress in the magazine and appreciated their. then we ended up near the house where my girlfriend lives. The teacher and I sat in the gazebo and discussed my work. Afterwards we went for a ride and instead of the teacher, my best friend, my girlfriend’s sister, showed up. She and I drove back to my girlfriend’s house. We stood there discussing something and then we go somewhere and I ask, “Just tell me honestly! Does Dasha love me?” she started to say something I couldn’t understand, and then for some reason some guy appeared instead of her (it seemed to me that this was the guy of my girlfriend’s sister) he pressed me against the wall and said point-blank, “Dima, sort all this out.” , she loves you, but you just have to not be stupid!!!”

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 28th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 23rd lunar day. Dreams that occurred last night are usually empty, although you may dream a lot.

Today is Sunday. Day of the Sun. Sunday talks about what can warm our hearts, bring happiness, and make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and limitless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, darken joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting ideas with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will discover a talent in yourself that you did not suspect. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But Sunday's mean dream warns of the approach of a joyless, empty period and calls for searching for the positive aspects in any troubles. A stingy Sunday dream can also indicate a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

found: 3

If someone in your dream gives you advice, in reality you, on the contrary, will act completely independently. You will be fully able to ensure your integrity and achieve an independent state and moral height by honest means.

If in a dream you seek legal advice, circumstances will soon arise in your affairs that will raise doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

It’s as if you are asking someone for advice and listening - the dream suggests that your honesty is a direct path to your independence. By improving your inner world, you will rise to the height at which morality becomes more significant than material values, for example, a tightly stuffed wallet.

It’s as if you turned to a lawyer for advice - you will have doubts about whether you are acting legally, and perhaps in reality you will have to turn to a lawyer.

You give advice to someone - in real life you will lose something.

To receive - joy awaits you with friends; giving is a loss.

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Sometimes our subconscious really gives sound advice, as they say, in plain text, but this happens quite rarely.

Much more often, these tips contain some kind of hint that should be solved, like a rebus or a charade.

For example, if someone advises you to, say, water an apple tree with apple juice: you should hardly take these words as a valuable thought, it is much better to look at what apple juice means.

Then it will become obvious that this dream advises you to do your business in a good mood, not to darken your soul with negativity and try to enjoy even modest successes.

In this case, great success will not be long in coming.

A meeting, a council of scholar-ulamas is a sign of an increase in the knowledge of the person who saw the dream and an increase in his degree.

And whoever sees that he is reading a sermon for any meeting, and if his sermon is read to the end, his order and command will be fulfilled in life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Giving advice to your closest relatives, mother or father, in a dream means that the dreamer devotes little time to them and does not participate in their lives. A similar feeling of unfulfilled duty appears in such images even at night.

In a dream, an angel descended from heaven to the dreamer and invites him to listen to his edifications and commandments. This dream is a warning. A person must solve important life issues based on his own inner voice and intuition. Only then will he be guaranteed success and prosperity.

Lawyer consulting

The modern dream book gives its explanation of why one dreams of providing official assistance related to legislation and legal norms.

Legal assistance to an old friend characterizes the dreamer’s firm conviction in his own words and actions. Why else would you dream of telling an unknown person how to legally conclude an agreement? A dream means uncertainty about the legality of your actions.

If a young man in a dream explains to his girlfriend the rules of behavior during a date, it means that an exciting adventure awaits him with this girl.

Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets giving advice to a husband or lover on any issue that interests them as a sign of direct and very close participation in the fate of this person.

Parental Decree

Anyone who dreams of giving advice to his own children is fighting with himself. He has doubts about the correctness of his own decisions, indicates Pastor Loff’s dream book.

If in a dream children do not pay attention to such instructions, it means that in life the dreamer experiences internal doubts and uncertainty. On the one hand, he is seduced by a passion for risky actions and great luck. On the other hand, there is a danger of losing what you have acquired through backbreaking labor. These two sides of the issue haunt the dreamer and do not allow him to make a decision.

Why dream of giving advice to a work colleague? The modern dream book explains a dream as the presence of personal problems. Advice to a novice worker who has not yet gained experience characterizes the dreamer’s own need for such help.

Giving instructions to a friend or classmate in a dream is a sign of too much opinion about oneself and one’s own capabilities, which interferes with their implementation. Advice to your boss or an experienced employee with experience can be interpreted in a bad way. It means the desire to burden another person with one’s own problems.

The dream book interprets why one dreams of giving bad advice as a desire to do harm. But you should definitely consider who it was addressed to:

  • to a friend, girlfriend - the intention to insist on one’s own rightness;
  • to a stranger - the desire to free yourself from bad emotions, not understanding how to do this;
  • to a neighbor or close friend - to a conflict with this person;
  • to the boss - a desire to improve your financial position;
  • to a person who is no longer alive - pangs of conscience in relation to another person.

The article on the topic: “getting advice from a dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about Advice from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why does a woman dream about advice, what is this dream about?

Advice - Receiving advice in a dream means that you will be able to ensure the integrity and well-being of yourself and your family. You are characterized by a commendable striving for independence of spirit and moral purity. If in a dream you have a need for legal advice, this foretells that circumstances will emerge in your affairs that raise some doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why does the Council appear in dreams?

Advice - Receive - future joy with friends; giving is a loss.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Council, interpretation of sleep:

Advice - Giving is a loss; to receive is joy.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Dream Book Council:

Advice - To dream that you are being given advice means that you will be able to ensure your integrity and strive to achieve an independent state and moral height in an honest way. Seeing that you are seeking legal advice foretells that circumstances will arise in your affairs that will raise doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Council, why?

Advice - Giving - you deal with little things; to receive - they pay you with ingratitude.

Advice on what dreams mean, interpretation:

Advice to see in a dream - You are going to “do good” by giving to someone, but it will turn into troubles and accusations for you. Be careful when receiving from friends, you may be unconsciously directed along the wrong path (not necessarily by the one you saw in your dream). Listen to advice from strangers, it can be practical and very timely. If in a dream you did not understand the content of the advice, then in reality listen to what you learn from the media. From fairy-tale or divine entities, depending on who exactly and whether it is trustworthy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about the Dream Book Council?

Advice – Giving – busy with little things – receiving – You are paid with ingratitude

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Council in a dream?

Advise – share with friends and loved ones.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about Council in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about the Dream Book Council from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about Council from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about the dream book advice from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about the Council from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about Council in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about the Council in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Required fields are marked with *.

Offering advice, as well as listening to instructions, is a very responsible matter. If you saw something similar in a dream, then rest assured that the dream books will explain to you why such a plot occurs in your dreams. The main thing is to take into account who advised and what, and then it’s a matter of little things. Remember the details of your night vision, and feel free to begin interpreting the dream.

If in a dream you happened to give advice to someone, then remember what exactly you advised. So, for example, giving someone legal advice is a symbol of the fact that you doubt the legality of the transactions proposed to you, suggests the interpreter of night dreams by astrologer and palmist Evgeniy Tsvetkov.

Did you dream that you advised your friend on what dress to buy for her wedding? Such a dream foreshadows participation in the preparation of an entertainment event. But advising your husband which of the proposed jobs to choose is a sign that you want to be directly involved in all the affairs of your other half.

The dream book of Pastor David Loff will explain why you dream of a plot in which you have to consult. If you dreamed that you received advice, the correctness of which you doubt, then this means that you are equally wary and distrustful of everything that is offered to you in reality.

Receiving instruction from a teacher in a dream is a symbol that someone more experienced will help you realize your idea. But this is only if you listened to the words of the adviser.

But receiving worthless or vile advice means the dreamer’s desire to get rid of the negativity and aggression that surrounds him in the real world.

Parental guidance is a sign of “rebellion” of the soul

Did you have a dream in which you listen to the commandments of your father or mother? This is a sign that you are not entirely sure of what you are doing. You should take a break from your business in order to thoroughly rethink everything, says Catherine the Great’s dream book.

Nostradamus’s dream book explains why you have a dream in which you ignore your mother’s instructions or father’s advice: you really want to take a risk, but your sense of adventurism cannot cope with common sense, so you hesitate to make a decision.

Dreams with “afterlife” overtones as a symbol of warning

The English dream book, when interpreting the meaning of the advice given by a dead person in a dream, pays special attention to the “closeness” of this person to the dreamer. If you dreamed that the dead man giving advice was your friend or relative, then listen to what he advises you.

And the Eastern Dream Book will explain the meaning of the dream plot in which you decided to follow the recommendations of your deceased grandmother: remember what your grandmother did during her lifetime, it is in this area that success awaits you.

Do you see that deceased relatives give advice on how to live? According to the Slavic Dream Book, this is a sign that you have forgotten about decency. And if they advised you to visit the grave of your late enemy, then this is a hint that you are doing something wrong.

What were they leaning towards?

If you saw in a dream how you were being persuaded to do something, then remember what exactly the dream books recommend. Here's what to expect, for example, from dreamed advice:

  • not smoking - to lung problems;
  • find a job - you need to change your occupation;
  • get married - the time has come to “renew” the relationship - to introduce romance into it;
  • buy something - a successful investment awaits you.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretations of the American businessman, writer and psychologist Gustav Miller, seeing a man giving you advice in a dream is a sign that you will have an influential patron. Did you dream that you were inviting your mom or dad to listen to your advice? This means that parents need your help - take the time to participate in their fate.

If in a dream you happened to ask an angel for advice, then by listening to your intuition, you will be able to achieve a high position without tarnishing your conscience and reputation.

And for the dreamer who saw a mysterious person telling him something in a dream or advising him on what to do, the interpreter promises the revelation of a long-standing and very important secret directly related to the sleeping person. Moreover, this will happen absolutely by accident, without the dreamer’s direct participation in this.

“Why do you see advice in a dream? If you see Council in a dream, what does it mean?

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

English dream book

If in a dream you have to listen to someone’s advice, this is a sign that you are entering a difficult period in your life. Fortunately. Your experienced and faithful friends will help you overcome the adversity that has befallen you.

A dream in which you yourself give out advice is, on the contrary, a good sign. Friends and acquaintances will treat you with great respect.

Maly Velesov dream book

Psychoanalytic dream book

Advice - can symbolize a way or attempt to shift responsibility onto someone.

If the advice is given by the individual himself, this indicates his true position.

Family dream book

A dream in which you are given advice means that you will achieve everything honestly.

But if you dreamed that you were seeking advice from a lawyer, illegal circumstances may arise in your affairs.

Modern dream book

A dream in which you receive advice means that your honesty will deserve the highest praise, and your high moral principles will allow you to achieve an independent position and moral height.

If you dream that you are seeking legal advice, in reality you will doubt the legality of some of your commercial transactions.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Giving advice is a reflection of control over the world around you.

Receiving is a need for a wise decision.

Dream book for a bitch

Advise - some circumstances in a new case will confuse you, and you will demand clarity and want an explanation.

Listening to someone's advice in a dream means you will be able to command the respect and respect of others because of your independent and confident behavior in all situations and will be able to earn yourself an honest name and good money.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Sometimes our subconscious actually gives sound advice in a dream, as they say, in plain text, but this happens quite rarely. Much more often, these tips contain some kind of hint that should be solved, like a rebus or a charade.

For example, if in a dream someone advises you, say, to water an apple tree with apple juice, you should hardly take these words as a valuable thought; it is much better to look at what apple juice means in a dream. Then it will become obvious that this dream advises you to do your business in a good mood, not to darken your soul with negativity and try to enjoy even modest successes. In this case, great success will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

To give advice - you deal with little things; receive - they pay you with ingratitude.

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are being given advice means that you will be able to ensure your integrity and strive to achieve an independent state and moral height in an honest way.

Seeing that you are seeking legal advice foretells that circumstances will arise in your affairs that will raise doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Giving someone advice means incurring losses in real life.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Receiving advice in a dream means that you will be able to ensure the integrity and well-being of yourself and your family. You are characterized by a commendable striving for independence of spirit and moral purity.

If in a dream you have a need for legal advice, this foretells that circumstances will emerge in your affairs that raise some doubts about the merits and legality of these cases.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Getting advice means future joy with friends; giving is a loss.

Universal dream book

We all give advice and we all listen. We all need advice, and we all hate it! - who gives you advice in a dream? Is this advice valuable to you? Or does it go in one ear and out the other? Have you heard this before? Is this good advice that you will follow, or do you feel that someone is trying to guide you, giving you advice that suits them better than you?

Esoteric dream book

Giving advice to someone - you are going to “do good,” but it will turn into troubles and accusations for you.

Receive from friends - be careful, you may be unconsciously directed along the wrong path (not necessarily by the one you saw in your dream).

From strangers - listen, the advice can be practical and very timely.

If in a dream you did not understand the content of the advice, in reality listen to what you learn from the media.

From fairy-tale or divine entities - depending on who exactly and whether it is trustworthy.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Council in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed of a woman with a sore knee; her knee was bandaged with something. I advised her to apply a poultice of domestic eggs to her knee

Hello Tatiana. I very rarely remember the complete picture of a dream; I remember some details, snippets or images. Last night I dreamed that I was asked for advice by a person who in real life does not need it. And to be honest, he doesn’t care about me at all. I've been dreaming about him for the second night in a row and I like it. Perhaps I think about him so much that he began to come to me in my dreams, or will he play some role in my life? How to understand this? Tell me please

In this dream, I saw myself as a real elf, while I was a hunter of werewolves and other evil spirits. I needed a sword and I went to an ancient forge, I don’t know what nation the blacksmith belonged to. he is not a dwarf or a giant, something in between. I told him what kind of sword I wanted, as I understood the time was already more modern, since no one had come with a request to make a sword for a long time. He suggested that I take a test to determine my element, they drew some runes on me, led me to a large bowl of water and I saw some kind of knowledge, I saw an elf and the sea who was trying to show me something, she went into the water and I went with her, diving under the water I saw corals and she took out some kind of ancient book from them, this book needed a seal that would open it, but I didn’t have it, coming out of the water I immediately began to see another knowledge, outside of space and time in some kind of semi-circle there were ancient creatures, consisting entirely of stone, not similar to each other, and they talked about how something was approaching soon and something needed to be decided, that I needed to be taught something... Unfortunately, I didn’t remember all their words. then another story went on that had nothing to do with this... never dreamed of such a thing

I dreamed of a former chemistry teacher with whom I did not have a very good relationship. She advised not to participate in the Physiology Olympiad but to participate in the Chemistry Olympiad

At first I was in some kind of library that looked like an office. I spoke with two adult women, they were not my friends, I think I met them quite recently, it is possible that in this office-library. Then my classmate, Dima Sorokin, came through the door. Not to say that we are friends, and we are not enemies either; he is, one might say, the most cocky, sporty, courageous boy in our class. If we intersect with him, he will either pretend as if I don’t exist, or make some kind of barb, in general, I only saw nasty things from him (((But for some time I liked him “the less woman we are love, the more she likes us.” Well, Sorokin comes in, and the women say: “It’s not boring with him.” I asked why, and they answered: “You can live your whole life with such a person.”

After that, I find myself on the coastal square, with my friend Lilya and her friend. Moreover, for every word or action I say, he kisses me on the cheek. When he walked away, I asked Lily, rubbing his slobbered cheek, “Why is he constantly bothering me?”, but Lily assured me that he was like that with everyone and that I shouldn’t pay attention.

After that, I found myself on some kind of training ground. And Dima taught us there... I don’t remember exactly, but some other teenagers and I got into something that looked like a hot air balloon, and we flew off. Our aircraft got stuck in the branches and we were attacked by a fire-breathing snake, not a dragon, but a snake. I found myself outside the basket and tried not only not to fall and dodge her spitting, but also tried to hit her. I kept trying to find out from those around me how many volleys she had when she couldn’t spit fire. But no one answered me.

That's all, actually.

I dreamed that there was one girl whom I basically know, but she is no one to me. She told me that I should be more restrained and not freak out. And I was upset with the young man, and she said that he had no plans for me, and I should stop acting aggressively and be more friendly with him.

Hello! I'm just asking for your opinion. If in a dream someone advises me something, then in real life I should listen and implement the advice I dreamed about?

I dreamed that someone advised me to play the elf’s nostrils and then everything would be fine. Huge translucent nostrils appeared in the air and I somehow began to play some kind of melody on them and woke up from the alarm clock.

I had a dream, I’m sitting with a friend at my house and my godfather comes, he died in 2011 and talks to us and gives me advice about my ex-boyfriend

I had a dream where a deceased person (she died three months ago) stood as if alive and told me that her boyfriend with whom she lived for five years found someone else, she said, I’m not dead, I see everything. And then he tells me that I need to take a pregnancy test. Why is this dream?

It happens in winter. Night. Here I meet an old friend of mine, a classmate is standing next to me. The friend seemed very attractive. We decided to go to the dacha on New Year's Day. An acquaintance leaves us, and then a voice unlike the voice of a classmate. Male voice, Calm. He said that if I slept with a friend on New Year’s Eve, then the curse would be lifted.

At first I dreamed of a meteor shower from which everyone in the city was running in all directions, I was in my car with a friend, we drove up to a store in our city and somehow it turned out that we separated and I forgot about it, I first ran to my house girls, but then for some reason I ran along a road that has no end and looked at the sky where huge blocks of fiery stones were flying, and then somehow I ended up in a bomb shelter where I ended up in a children's school. Then I woke up in real life and fell asleep again. for the 2nd time I dreamed that I was in a drawing class at a technical school and my work was not accepted and I went to find out why, the teacher explained the reason and I was upset and stood in her office for a long time, after which she decided to look at my progress in the magazine and appreciated their. then we ended up near the house where my girlfriend lives. The teacher and I sat in the gazebo and discussed my work. Afterwards we went for a ride and instead of the teacher, my best friend, my girlfriend’s sister, showed up. She and I drove back to my girlfriend’s house. We stood there discussing something and then we go somewhere and I ask, “Just tell me honestly! Does Dasha love me?” she started to say something I couldn’t understand, and then for some reason some guy appeared instead of her (it seemed to me that this was the guy of my girlfriend’s sister) he pressed me against the wall and said point-blank, “Dima, sort all this out.” , she loves you, but you just have to not be stupid. »