» Astrologer's advice: how to live according to the Moon, and whether it is necessary. Astrologer's advice: how to live according to the Moon, and whether Yulia Stolyarova's husband is necessary

Astrologer's advice: how to live according to the Moon, and whether it is necessary. Astrologer's advice: how to live according to the Moon, and whether Yulia Stolyarova's husband is necessary

If you are far from the topic, I suggest starting with the basics and defining the terms. The moon is often divided into waxing and waning (aging). This is true, but it would also be more correct to divide these two states into phases. In addition, there is a time when the Moon has already “grown” (full moon) and several days when it is not visible in the sky at all (new moon). So, briefly about the main phases:

  • I quarter: from new moon to second quarter. This is the phase of active internal action. On the new Moon, it’s great to make plans within yourself, write down ideas, options for implementation.
  • II quarter: from the second quarter to the full moon. This is the phase of active external action. All our ideas and thoughts need to be translated into actions at this time, because simply drawing desire cards will not get you far.
  • III quarter: from full moon to fourth quarter. This is the phase of passive external action. You have already started a project in the previous quarter, continue to actively do it in this phase. It is better to save new achievements and plans for the growing Moon.
  • IV quarter: from the fourth quarter to the new moon. This is the phase of passive internal action. The time when all your steps have already led to some results, formed into some kind of whole picture, and you analyze what you have already done, sum up the results. At this time, you need to prepare to build a new plan for the next month.

The phases of the Moon are very easy to find out; this information was calculated a long time ago, and the unique knowledge of an astrologer is not required for this. To find out what lunar day it is, you can use absolutely any current lunar calendar. But it’s more convenient to use the Internet or any of the mobile applications designed specifically to prompt the phases. Get yourself a diary where you will write down this information, and try to adjust your life rhythm to them. This will definitely give you an extra boost of strength and energy.

However, luck or bad luck, as well as a person’s emotional state, are much more than the result of the influence of the Moon. Don’t get hung up on acting only “according to the Moon”: observe, try, compare, has it become more comfortable for you to live in accordance with the phases of the Moon? If yes, great! With knowledge, it is easy to turn the Moon into an ally and daily companion in everyday affairs.

How to plan your life according to the Moon?

Depending on what part of the lunar surface is illuminated and how much light it reflects, the rhythm of water exchange in all living organisms changes. The position of the Moon in the sky also affects functional physiology, the cyclicity of reproduction in the animal world, and many other processes. What is important is that the phase of the Moon largely affects our mood and well-being, since the Moon is the most “emotional” luminary, feminine, in a word. Therefore, in order to wisely spend your energy in everyday life, while getting a good “harvest,” you can pay attention to what phase the Moon is in now, and plan the coming month accordingly.

Growing Moon (I and II quarters). This is the ideal time for any undertaking: make new acquaintances, make plans for the month, plant flowers at the dacha, update your wardrobe. During this period it would be good to grow, create, improve something. If you have been wanting to buy a gym membership for a long time, you don’t need to wait for Monday, do it on the waxing Moon. If you have long dreamed of learning to draw or learn a foreign language, start learning new things during this period.

Waning Moon (III and IV quarters). This period is the complete opposite of the previous one. But this does not mean that you need to sit in one place and not move for half a month. Against! Continue what you started, get rid of the old and unnecessary, clear away rubble, harvest, do general cleaning, pay bills, etc. This period should be used to put yourself and the world around you in order, to get rid of outdated relationships and unnecessary things.

New moon. This is the time when the Moon disappears from the sky before it begins to “grow” again. Use these few days for reflection and rest. Everything that you could come up with, plan and start during the waxing Moon, you completed or continued during the waning Moon. Everything that you have long wanted to get rid of, you also left in the waning Moon. This is the time when you need to stop acting and just take a break before the new waxing Moon. Stay alone with yourself, restore your strength, evaluate the updates and changes that have occurred over the past month, both in the world around you and in you. And from the 2-3 day of the new month, again begin to act decisively under the light of the growing Moon.

Full moon. At this moment, the Moon, usually hiding in the shadow of our planet, suddenly emerges in all its glory onto the night sky and boldly reflects sunlight with every centimeter of its surface. From an astrological point of view, the Moon at a full moon is in opposition to the Sun, which is why it is a very special time. In this phase of the Moon, all emotions are unstable, so it is difficult for a person to calculate his strengths and calculate the risks. Any undertaking these days is experiencing a temporary crisis, therefore, as on the new moon, on the full moon it is better to refrain from making important decisions and take care of yourself. According to statistics, it is during these two critical periods that the number of accidents increases.

Astrologer Yulia Stolyarova told BeautyHack about the shortcomings of Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces.

Zodiac signs are divided into four groups depending on the elements that control them: fire, earth, air and water. The type of element largely determines a person’s character and shapes his temperament.

People born under the influence of the water element are very changeable, like water itself. They sometimes easily adapt to their environment, sometimes they are too cold. What mistakes do they tend to make, and how to deal with it?

Emotional instability

Representatives of water signs are unsystematic and trust their hearts more than their minds. Don't make important decisions based on emotions - weigh the pros and cons.

Living in illusions

Representatives of the water element live in fantasies - about themselves, the world and the people around them. They lack rationality in thinking and behavior, sometimes they even abandon common sense, perceiving the world through the prism of their sensitivity.

Emotional life doesn't always have to come first. Try not to invent a picture of the situation if you don’t fully understand it.

Excessive secrecy

Signs of the water element are rather closed in communication, so their inner world often remains a mystery. If you notice that it is difficult for you to achieve your goals, try to get rid of suspicion of the people around you.

Dependence on the environment

It is important to them what others think about them, what they will say about them, how they will look at them. Water signs have a hard time when they feel unkind towards themselves.

Hi all!

I once bought a book by Yulia Stolyarova, “The Trap for Happiness. How to change the present so that everything comes true in the future.” The cost is about 300 rubles.

I bought it because I subscribed to her Instagram, and there were so many laudatory reviews there, and the author also presented it - well, it’s just a revelation book, read it, do it and you will achieve your happiness, you will find yourself and, in general, you will undergo a deep transformation (this is the author’s favorite word) .

About the advantages- the book is of normal quality overall, nice cover, visually pleasant naked Stolyarova.

About the cons- you will not find any transformation. Low value material, poor presentation. Nothing.

The most banal little book of the early 2000s (textbooks for women on happiness, personal life, the path to self, and sometimes some other thread of “bitchology” were very popular). A lot of mistakes! Grammatical, spelling - which deepened the impression of this “literature”. Inappropriate emoticons (well, this is not Instagram, hello, Stolyarova!) There is a lot of me, IYAYA and about myself, so much that sometimes questions arose - who are you, the guru of the universe or something? What is so special about your path?..

I Googled for a long time and found that the author, born in 1993 (which she hides, logically suspecting that there would be little trust in such a psycho), has been conducting trainings for a long time - at the suggestion of her astrologer husband and under powerful PR and financial investments on Instagram. Insta purchased after giveaway. And herself...nobody calls her anything, objectively speaking. As everybody. You can just as easily learn from the books or trainings of your downstairs neighbor))) Well, really, what can a little self-confident girl without a specialized education teach?... What kind of insights and transformations can she have? She didn’t achieve anything, she didn’t stand out in any way. At least Google didn't find any of her achievements. Well, after all, she got married successfully (but I recommend her husband’s book, surprisingly, but I don’t recommend his astro-consultation :).

It was a shame that I bought into a deceitful Instagram image, and my friends also managed to give me her training - oooh, I’ll write a review about that too. The training was not very far from the book.

I asked my questions and correctly expressed my bewilderment about the book on the author’s Instagram. To which Yulia Stolyarova simply blocked me! By showing inadequacy and establishing an unflattering opinion about yourself. And then everything became clearer than ever. And artificial odes of praise and lack of criticism or at least discussion of her “opuses”.

Decide for yourself whether you need to spend your time and money getting acquainted with the notes of the great “transformer”.

Everyone else, thinking and adequate, even the slightest bit interested in the topic of their development, will not find anything interesting and new in the book. This is even in articles on the Internet, alas. Apparently, Yulia also knows how to use the Internet :)

PS. Now the book is lying around at the dacha in a heap of unnecessary things; there is no place at home for this rubbish. And by the way, no one took it to read - it was posted in the entrance to the elevators. Even funny.


About development, women's and not only:

Blinovskaya's marathon - sensational all over Instagram! Will my wishes come true for 4000 rubles?

Mila Levchuk - course on Dignity and how to become a plus woman


Thank you for your attention!

I hope my review was useful to you - don't hesitate to rate it.

    Astropsychologist, women's trainer.

    Financial Institute under the Government of the Russian Federation, Erickson International University, Pavel Andreev School of Astrology.

Area of ​​professional interests— building personal, family and work relationships, conflict management, human purpose, personal growth and development.

My name is Stolyarova Yulia, I am engaged in astrology and women's realization. I consult in person, via Skype and conduct thematic trainings on the verge of science and subtle energies.

Everything I give to my clients is lived and tested from my personal experience from beginning to end. All my knowledge was collected for a very long time, bit by bit from my questions about the world order, about myself as a Personality and about myself as a Woman.

I, like many people, lived for a long time, let's say, "not with my life". I felt like I didn’t know who, I didn’t know where, guided by the instructions given to me by the DNA code, the upbringing of my parents and other close people from different schools.

But I clearly felt it and was looking for answers on how to get out of this vicious circle and into my own. For as long as I can remember, I have always been terribly greedy for knowledge. If I felt that a person had some kind of depth, non-mass knowledge, or simply thought outside the box and saw this world, my attention tenaciously remained on him until "I won't drink" all his skills and I won’t turn them into mine.

Of course, knowledge was not taken indiscriminately: after all, my head is not a trash can for recycling waste. I was searching for answers to yours questions and received them through various sources (people, books, nature - everything around).

What was in tune with me, I quickly put it into circulation and "checked it on myself". So I came to my source, as a woman. But just being a woman is not interesting; I wanted to use my potential to the maximum of my talents and capabilities. At this request, astrology entered my life.

And everything “subtle” of mine seemed to take on form, reality. Yang was added to my yin and the result was the integrity that I had been striving for all my life. I know how important it is to know who you are, where you are and where you come from. This is our core that allows us not only to see the path, but also to walk along it joyfully.

But, unfortunately, now 98% of people do not know the answers to these questions. They don’t know their true talents, they don’t know their blood, they don’t know why they live, and this has resulted in a real problem! And if there is a problem, the market will quickly offer a solution, solving this problem for you. And, completely unnoticed by ourselves, we begin to live according to that fate “offered by the market,” running around the top and moving further and further away from our depths and true essence.

I do not intend to go against the market, but I am ready to help those who do not want to accept the market’s offers. I know for sure: if there is a request, then there will definitely be a source that will close your request. It is only important not to cover the ears and eyes. The Universe always gives answers, it loves us. But can we see these answers?

In order for a cherished wish to come true, it needs to be very clearly visualized, so the simplest and most effective way is to draw up a wish map. To do this, you need to observe a number of subtleties, as well as arm yourself with office supplies. If you're a great artist, you're in luck. For the rest, in addition to whatman paper, you need to prepare your photo, photos of loved ones, magazines that you won’t mind cutting, color pictures that personify your desires, glue sticks, felt-tip pens, scissors.

Before we start shredding the glossy pages, let's discuss how to make wishes, because your request to the Universe, your energetic message, must be correctly understood, which means a number of nuances must be observed.

Choose the right time. Many factors are responsible for our “want”. The ideal time to formulate desires and draw up a map is an eclipse: both solar and lunar. There have been a lot of them lately. For example, on September 16 there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, you can prepare.

Write in the present tense. A map is a visualization of our desires and goals in their purest form. Write as if you are looking at this card in a year and already have everything you wish for your future self: “I got married,” “I have a large and bright apartment in such and such an area,” “I’m expecting a child,” etc. .

Clear wording. Your intention should be clear and obvious: think, maybe, having wished for yourself a “good husband,” you still haven’t taken into account something in his image? So that you don’t have to say later: “He’s good, only…” There is no place for abstract formulations and double meanings: instead of “I want to be happy,” we write the subtleties of our state of happiness - and certainly in the present tense: “I’m married to a man, who works in the construction business, loves to read books, we travel together, we have a house in the Moscow region and a big dog, on weekends we go to the movies,” and so on. Even if everything doesn’t come true - right down to “likes oatmeal for breakfast”, then at least you yourself will begin to outline your desires, and it will be easier for the world to guess what you want.

Goals must be achievable. You should not have internal contradictions and the feeling that your dream is impossible. It is unlikely that you should want to fly to Mars if you are not an astronaut. Perhaps you want an interesting trip? Set very realistic, but at the same time somewhat exaggerated goals.

Get some privacy. When drawing up a map, try not to let anyone or anything distract you: not cats that want to eat, not children who need to play, not husbands who don’t even understand what you’re up to here. The ideal option is to finish things, put everyone who might bother you to sleep, and indulge in daydreaming.

Your desire should concern only you. Be sure to pass all your desires through this “filter”: you should not put the goal “peace in the world” in your wish map, because, unfortunately, it hardly depends on you specifically, but “The world in yours” definitely depends on you own world."

Also, the desire “I dream that he will returned to me”: after all, if a person does not want it, the Universe will not force him. Perhaps she has this The man has other plans altogether! Make such wishes so that later there was no one to blame if there was no result by the agreed upon date. Before filling out whatman paper, write everything down in the form of abstracts. Carefully read what you have written out loud - thereby you will give the intention a certain energetic structure, it will become more pronounced.

We dream on three levels

At head level, find point B where you ultimately want to come, that is, determine the goal.

Feel this desire at the level of your heart: imagine that you already own it, try to imagine yourself as someone who already has what you are now striving for. It is necessary for this state to become familiar to you, so that you understand more clearly where and why you are striving.

At the level of instincts, you need to feel how your body reacts to such changes: is it good, calm, comfortable or not? Try to feel these states with your body. Now let's start drawing up a wish map.

// Photo: iStock/Getty Images.ru


You can find many opinions and theories on the Internet about how to properly glue pictures onto paper. But believe me, the most important thing is the strength of your intentions and formulation. Think in advance which sectors you will fill in and which ones you will leave empty. You need to paste images into each sector and sign them with the points that you formulated earlier and wrote down on a piece of paper. If there are no specific desires for a particular sector, simply fill it with images that you like and are associated with the theme of the sector.

Center. Stick your photo in the middle of the sheet. Choose a photo where you are happy and like yourself. You can use an old photo. If you want to lose weight, stick your photo on your dream body.

Top right corner. This is the wealth sector. Paste here images of money, jewelry, perhaps a car - all the material things that you really want.

Top center. Directly above your photo is the sector of fame, recognition, achievements. Here you try to paste images or names of various prizes, awards that you can be awarded, or depict something related to popularity and universal recognition.

Upper left corner. This is the realm of love, marriage and relationships. Enter your wish here and, if you don’t have a loved one yet, paste in pictures of loving couples. If you are in a relationship, you can paste here a photo of you together, in which you warmly hug.

To the right of your photo. This sector is responsible for children, creativity and hobbies. If you dream of a child, stick a photo of a happy baby. If you have children, add their happy photos here, accompanying the image with the text of your wishes. Make collages - everything you wish for your kids in the coming year. If you want to achieve success in creativity, place here images of other people's works, the level of which you would like to strive for.

Lower left corner. Travel, friends. Place photos of your friends here. If there aren’t any, but you’d like them to be, post an image of a noisy friendly group or two friends. Add here photos of resorts, cities and countries that you want to visit.

Bottom center. Career, profession. Find a photo that best represents the job you want. Write the salary you want to receive, or the name of the position, or maybe a specific company where you would like to work.

Bottom right corner. Education, knowledge, self-development. Are you dreaming of higher education? Or about the second highest? Are you keen to learn a language? Or pass on your license? Glue, draw, write everything in this sector.

To the left of your photo. Home, family, pets. In this sector, place a photo of your dream house or apartment, new renovation or furniture. How long have you been wanting a dog? Stick up the photo! This sector needs to be made as comfortable as possible.

To attract all this to you, draw arrows from each picture to your photo. After the map is ready and all desires are visualized on paper, you need to... let it all go.

Hang the card in a prominent place so that, like advertising, “download what you need into the subconscious layers of the psyche,” but don’t get too hung up on it. It is necessary that you do not have such a “fixed idea”. Any obsession will create excess potential for importance for the planned goals, and in the end you are unlikely to get what you want. Tell the Universe about your dreams and release them into Space!