» Healthy eating.

Healthy eating.

Try cooking delicious dishes from cultural and wild plants. These dishes will enrich your body with the missing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

To prepare them, you need to have patience and a desire to feed your family delicious food.

I've been cooking for several years now delicious dishes from cultural and wild plants and all the dishes delight my family, friends and acquaintances. All plants must be collected while they have tender leaves or sprouts. If you want to use cultivated and wild plants for food all summer, then you need to cut off the overgrown parts so that new young shoots will grow again and tender leaves will appear.


Salad dressing . 50 grams of vegetable oil (preferably olive), 50 grams of 4% apple cider vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and sugar to taste. Mix everything and use for dressing salads and vinaigrettes.

Spring salad. Place a bunch of young dandelion leaves in salted cold water for 30 minutes to remove the bitterness. Pour boiling water over young leaves of coltsfoot and nettle and chop. Add chopped sorrel, green onions, dill, radishes.

I take the quantity arbitrarily, try to take about 1-2 handfuls for the first time. If the sorrel is no longer young, then it is better to abandon it. Chop 1-2 boiled eggs. Mix all the chopped ingredients, add a chopped bunch of young dandelion leaves.

Salt and pepper to taste. Finally, add sour cream or homemade mayonnaise. Fans of vegetable oil can add olive oil; I would recommend adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The salad can be decorated with lungwort flowers. Beautiful and tasty. Bon appetit!

Green salad . Boil 1-2 eggs, cool. Chop the green onions (base), add salt and mix with a spoon, you can even grind until the juice appears. Salt can be replaced with soy sauce. Add chopped parsley, dill and tender leaves to the onion. Add scalded and chopped young nettle sprouts.

Peel the eggs, cut into cubes, put in the salad. Cut the radish into strips or pass through a coarse grater. Mix the salad, season with sour cream. Greens must be taken in the same proportion.

Vitamin clover salad . Prepared greens: stinging nettle, onion (you can use any one), about 50 grams of sorrel sorrel and unopened buds of meadow clover, finely chop, add salt (instead of salt, sometimes I put a little bouillon cube or dry chicken broth). Lightly grind everything with a wooden spoon and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Carrot salad with nettles . 50 grams of carrots through a grater, add 20 grams of washed and chopped nettles, crushed garlic and 10 walnut kernels. Season with mayonnaise with the addition of lemon juice; mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream. Decorate with sprigs of greenery.

Dandelion leaf salad. Rinse 75 grams of young dandelion leaves well in running water and place in salt water for 30 minutes. Place in a colander, drain and chop. Add 5 grams of grated horseradish, 10 grams of sour cream with lemon juice, mix everything. Garnish the salad with a boiled egg and cut into slices.

Dream salad . Scald 70 g of dream with boiling water several times. Chop and mix with 20 g of washed and chopped young oxalis leaves. Season with vegetable oil.

Salad of young shoots of wild garlic . Place well-washed wild garlic leaves in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and allow the water to drain. Boil the meat separately. 40 grams of boiled meat, cut into strips, are placed in a salad bowl. Prepared wild garlic sprinkled with apple cider vinegar is placed on top of the meat. Add salt to taste.


Vitamin soup . Place chopped potatoes and onions into boiling water. Cook until done, add salt and pepper to taste, and you can add a bouillon cube. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the green plants: pour boiling water over the nettles and chop them. To prevent the nettle from burning, I wear gloves.

We also chop the young leaves of sorrel, sorrel, and radishes and add them to the nettles. Add chopped herbs to the prepared broth and bring to a boil. While our soup is boiling, beat 2-3 raw eggs in a separate bowl. Add in a thin stream to the boiling soup, stirring constantly.

After boiling, cover with a lid, turn off the heat and leave for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, add chopped dill and parsley to a bowl of soup and season with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Cabbage soup with sorrel and clover . Place chopped potatoes in 300 grams of boiling meat broth and cook until the potatoes are ready, add salt and spices to taste. Sauté one grated carrot and finely chopped onion in butter.

Add chopped sorrel and clover leaves to the vegetables. Mix the herbs and vegetables well and add to the broth. Boil. Then cover with a lid and turn off the heat. The cabbage soup is ready. Serve with sour cream and chopped parsley.

Spring okroshka . 30 grams of boiled potatoes, 25-6-30 grams of boiled meat, cut into cubes, as for a salad. Chop 20g of green onions (learn about the benefits of green onions) and watercress leaves and 8g of dill. Grind 20g of cucumber grass with salt (salt to taste) until juice appears.

Finely chop the white of one egg, grind the yolk with 10g of sour cream, 4g of ready-made mustard and dilute with kvass (350 grams). Add crushed cucumber grass and chopped produce to the mixture with kvass and mix gently. Serve with sour cream.

Homemade Botvinya . Simmer 30 grams of young nettles and spinach. Separately, simmer 50 grams of sorrel. Add everything together to 300 grams of bread kvass, add salt and sugar. Serve botvinya with boiled fish, cucumbers and lettuce.

Cream soup with oat root . Prepare broth from 5 grams of meat, salt and spices. Boil 50 grams of oat root vegetables in salted water and rub through a sieve. Place the resulting mass in the broth and bring to a boil. Add dill and sour cream to the prepared puree soup.


Pilaf with nettles. Collect only emerging young leaves and sprouts of nettle. Rinse thoroughly in several waters. do not drain the water, but collect the nettles themselves so that the sand remains at the bottom. When processing nettles, use gloves; they will protect you from burns.

Peel 1-2 medium onions and chop thinly. Pour about 0.5-1 cup of vegetable oil into a cast iron pot, add onion and fry. While the onion is frying, grate 2-3 carrots using a coarse grater or finely chop them with a knife.

Place in onion (), add 0.5 cups of water and simmer covered over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the nettles and add to the stewed vegetables. You can add a bouillon cube or salt to taste.

While all this is stewing, rinse 1-2 cups of rice (any kind, even steamed) and carefully place it on the vegetables and nettles with a slotted spoon or spoon. Level the surface ( do not mix!) and add water (can be cold or boiling water).

Pour enough water to cover the rice by 4 centimeters. Over medium heat, quickly bring to a boil. After boiling, taste the salt and add as needed. When the water on the surface of the rice has evaporated, carefully turn the top layer of rice over with a slotted spoon or spoon, reduce the heat, and cover tightly with a lid to prevent air from entering. You can also cover the lid with a napkin.

Reduce heat to low and leave for another 10-15 minutes. After this, turn off the heat and leave for 5-10 minutes for the rice to swell. Before serving, mix thoroughly and serve sprinkled with herbs on top. Mix carefully, do not touch the burnt part. This also happens.

GREEN PUREE. Fry 2-3 heads of finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. Prepare green herbs. Take equal quantities (about 20 grams) of leaves of young honey, plantain, hogweed, mallow, sorrel or sorrel, add a little green onion and rinse everything thoroughly.

Pass through a meat grinder, add a little dried flour, salt, spices if desired (you can add a bouillon cube). Transfer the resulting green mass into a frying pan and simmer for about 10 minutes, covered, over low heat after boiling. The puree is ready.

Millet balls with nettles . Cook viscous millet porridge, add scalded and chopped nettles. Put salt, one egg, you can put a tablespoon of mayonnaise or sour cream. Form into balls and fry on both sides in a small amount of vegetable oil. Bring until ready in the microwave.

Omelet with nettles . Finely chop the well-washed nettle shoots and place them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Mix well and pour in the egg mixture. Cover with a lid and bring to readiness over low heat. Salt and pepper to taste.

Omelette with sorrel . Fry the onions in vegetable or butter, add scalded and chopped sorrel. Mix quickly and pour in the egg mixture. Salt to taste. Bring to readiness over low heat.

My favorite pasties . There has not yet been a single person who, having tasted my pasties with grass, did not say that they were very tasty. Try it too, maybe your family will also admire their taste.

First, let's prepare the dough. The dough is prepared from water, salt and flour; add a pinch of soda to the flour. Knead the dough and leave for 20-30 minutes, covered with a towel. The dough should look like dumplings.

Prepare the filling. Wash 500 grams of young nettle leaves (I process them with gloves on), place in a colander to drain, and chop. Wash and chop dandelion leaves (about a handful). Add 500 grams of washed and chopped honey leaves. In a large frying pan, fry 2-3 chopped onions in vegetable oil.

When the onions turn golden, add the prepared green herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste (you can add a bouillon cube). Stir for 2-3 minutes, close the lid, turn off the heat and leave for 10 minutes. The filling for the chebureks is ready. Transfer to a plate to cool.

Make a sausage from the dough, cut into pieces of the desired size, about the size of a fist. Roll out a not very thin round flatbread (like dumplings or manti), put the filling on half of the flatbread, smooth it out, pour in a little of the resulting juice, cover with the other half, press lightly, then run the edge of the plate along the semicircle.

Bake 2 pieces in a dry frying pan. Place the finished chebureks on a plate in a heap, crosswise, two at a time, brushing each cheburek with melted butter. Fans of fried chebureks can fry them in vegetable oil. Bon appetit!

Green dumplings . Have you tried dumplings made from green plants? Let's try! I won’t describe the dough, since the dough is ordinary dumpling dough. But the filling is unusual.

For the filling you will need 2-3 boiled eggs and all the greens that you picked from your garden, field or forest. I take the quantity arbitrarily, but for the first time, if you have never made dumplings like this, take a bunch of each herb.

Take a bunch of honey (), tender shoots of nettles, sorrel, green onions and about half a bunch of dandelion leaves. Place the dandelion in salt water for 20 minutes and then scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness.

Chop everything, add chopped eggs, add half a bouillon cube and stir. Add salt if necessary. The filling is ready. Make dumplings or dumplings, boil in water with salt or a bouillon cube and serve as a second course without broth with sour cream. If you have high acidity, then do not add sorrel or add less bunch.

This filling can also be used to make pies. In this case, you can add boiled rice to this filling. And remember: the greens must be very young. If the leaves have already become coarse, then the green herbs need to be boiled or simmered a little.

Fried dandelion rosettes . Collect dandelion rosettes and keep them in the shade so that the insects run away. Place in cold water for 20 minutes. Boil in salted water, let drain. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and fry. Separately prepare pieces of fried or stewed meat. Mix fried dandelion rosettes and prepared meat. Serve hot.

Read about the beneficial properties of dandelion.


Delicious dandelion jam

Dandelion jam promotes weight loss and cleansing of the body.

First way . Collect 100 dandelion flowers. As they are collected, flower baskets should be laid out in a thin layer on newspaper to remove insects from the flowers. Wash the collected baskets thoroughly in several waters to remove soil. Soak in plenty of cold water to remove bitterness. After an hour, place the flowers in a colander to drain.

Prepare syrup. One kilogram of sugar is taken per liter of water. For 100 dandelion flowers, take 2-2.5 liters of water and, accordingly, 2-2.5 kg of sugar. Place the flowers in an enamel bowl in which the jam will be cooked.

Carefully pour in the hot syrup and leave until completely cool. You can close it with a lid. Place the cooled “half-jam” on the fire and bring to a boil. Cool again at room temperature.

The second time, bring to a boil, chop and add 2-3 lemons to the jam and, skimming off the foam, boil the jam for another 10-15 minutes. That's it, the jam is ready.

Place the hot jam into clean jars, scalded with boiling water, and close with regular lids.

Second way making jam from dandelion flower baskets. Process the dandelions as in the first case, then add 2-2.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Drain the water from the dandelions into an enamel pan, squeeze out the water in which they were boiled from the dandelions and add to the pan. Measure the amount of liquid formed.

Add one kilogram of sugar per liter of liquid. Boil the resulting mixture for 5 minutes. Add 2-3 lemons, cut into pieces or you can squeeze the juice. Boil for another 5-10 minutes. Just like in the first case, pour it hot into jars, close with regular lids, and store.

I recently read that instead of lemons, you can put finely chopped sorrel in jam. I want to try it this year. I will definitely write about the results.

Candied roots of calamus, burdock, dandelion, elecampane and ginger

In late autumn, thick parts of the roots of calamus, burdock, dandelion, and elecampane are collected, and delicious candied fruits can be made from ginger root now, since ginger root is on sale. Burdock roots must be in the first year of ripening (burdock does not bloom in the first year, blooms in the second year of its life, then dies).

One kilogram of any roots is thoroughly washed, thin roots are removed, and cut into circles. Place the prepared roots in boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the roots to a colander to drain.

Boil syrup from one glass of water and one kilogram of sugar. Place the roots into the prepared syrup and cook for 30 minutes. Leave the finished candied fruits in the syrup for some time. Remove with a slotted spoon and dry in the oven or air.

Candied roots of calamus, burdock, dandelion, elecampane and ginger will help not only with sore throats, flu and colds, but can also prevent them.


Strawberry tea. Rinse the porcelain teapot with boiling water. Add 10 grams of strawberry leaves to a mixture of dried St. John's wort and mint leaves (2 grams each) and pour into a heated kettle. Pour 200 grams of boiling water and let it brew for 7-10 minutes, covering the kettle with a towel. Before serving, pour tea into the bowl and pour it back into the teapot to make the tea stronger.

General strengthening tea . Take 6 grams of rose hips and sea buckthorn, 2 grams of licorice and yarrow herb, add 3 grams of dandelion root. Pour boiling water (200 ml) into this mixture and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat, avoiding boiling. Let it brew for 10 minutes, strain and add 20 grams of honey. The tea is ready to drink.

Multivitamin tea . Mash a teaspoon of rose hips and black currants in a mortar, add 1-2 teaspoons of green tea (black tea lovers can add black tea, not green). Then brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 15 minutes. Tea is ready.

Tea sweatshop . Take raspberry fruits, linden inflorescences, black tea in equal quantities. This tea will help with colds. You can't drink before going out.

Soothing tea . Take 2 teaspoons of mint and shamrock, add one teaspoon and one spoon of valerian roots, hops and 3 tbsp. spoons of green tea. Mix everything and put it in a jar. Brew tea at the rate of 1 tsp. mixture per 400 grams of boiling water. Drink in the evening if you have poor sleep.

Drink "Tea balm" . Boiling water is poured halfway into a porcelain teapot and left to warm up. Prepare the following mixture: 5 grams of dried mint, chamomile and premium-grade dry black or green tea. Remove the water from the kettle, add the prepared mixture and brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 5-8 minutes and serve.

Drink made from pine needles . Rinse 40 g of pine needles well and put in 215 ml of water, 8 g of sugar, 1 g of lemon zest. Boil everything for 30 minutes, covering it tightly with a lid over medium heat (so that there is no rapid boiling). Strain, cool, add 3 g of lemon juice, stir.

Drink "Nine Forces" . Cut 80 grams of fresh elecampane roots and add 200 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Add 20 grams of sugar, strain. Strain the resulting broth, add 20 grams of cranberry juice and cool. If more than 20 grams of water has boiled away, then you need to add boiled water to 200 grams and bring to a boil. Cool before serving.

Rhubarb kvass. Finely chop 30 grams of washed rhubarb and add 200 ml of cold water and let it boil. Let the resulting broth brew for 2-3 hours, covered with a lid and a towel. Strain, add 1 gram of yeast diluted in water and 20 grams of sugar, set to ferment. When it stops fermenting, the kvass is ready for use.

Bird cherry kvass . Lightly mash washed and peeled bird cherry berries (50 grams) and pour hot boiled water (320 ml). Bring to a boil, leave for 3 hours, strain. Pour 2 grams of yeast diluted in warm water, 0.2 grams of citric acid and leave to ferment. When the fermentation process is over, the kvass is ready.

Kvass with thyme . Take 200 ml of ready-made kvass, best home-made kvass. Boil 4 g of dried thyme in a small amount of kvass, pour into the kvass, add 10 g of sugar. Leave for 10-12 hours. Drink chilled.

Sea buckthorn fizzy . Take 20 g of chilled sea buckthorn juice, 25 g of chilled egg white, 10 ml of chilled lemon juice, and 10 g of edible ice. Stir everything for about 2 minutes, pour into a tall glass and add 40 ml of sparkling water. Using this technology, you can prepare saline from the juices of blueberries, blueberries, currants, etc.

You can read about the use of sea buckthorn in folk medicine.

If you want to try cooking vegetarian dishes from cultivated and wild plants, you can find recipes for delicious dishes .

Bon appetit!

Herbal medicinal teas, tinctures, uzvars and decoctions came to us from ancient times. People have long used the magical power of medicinal plants to prevent and treat illnesses, increase immunity and improve health. Each housewife was a bit of a witch and knew how to properly use the generous natural gifts: herbs, berries, flowers, leaves and roots. Ancient recipes for aromatic herbal teas are still used with pleasure by people.

You can prepare delicious and healthy herbal teas yourself at home. The ability to correctly select and combine natural ingredients will help you get continuous benefits and pleasure from the aromatic drink.

A selection of the best herbal teas according to ancient recipes:

1. Healing chamomile tea. Sunny chamomile flowers contain salicylic, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, essential oils, pectins, carotene, gum, proteins and flavonoids. Chamomile tea has a calming, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effect. Warm chamomile infusion will help cope with insomnia, stress, overwork and depression. Mix two tablespoons of dried crushed chamomile flowers with a teaspoon of mint and lemon balm. Pour boiling water and cover tightly with a lid. Add a teaspoon of honey to the finished drink.

2. Vitamin herbal tea. Grind a handful of dried wild rose hips. Add a teaspoon each of thyme and strawberry leaves, 1-2 leaves of black or red currant. Pour boiled water over the healing mixture.

3. Winter warming herbal tea. It will help cure colds, increase immunity, and ease breathing and cough. To prepare it, mix sage, chamomile, linden, thyme, coltsfoot, oregano and rosemary in equal parts. Add raspberry, currant leaves, lemon or orange zest. Brew a medicinal herbal mixture in a thermos.

4. Herbal tonic drink. Mix rosemary, Chinese lemongrass, lingonberry and black currant leaves, wild rose flowers, and meadow clover in equal quantities in a glass bowl. Pour 500 ml of hot boiled water into a heaped spoon of the mixture and leave for a third of an hour.

5. Unique eucalyptus tea has the strongest antibacterial properties. Helps with oral diseases, bronchitis and asthma. This is an excellent lifesaver drink for diabetics. Pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves. You can add flower honey to taste.

6. Anti-inflammatory herbal tea. Combine a dessert spoon of dry sage, linden blossom, chamomile and nettle. Brew in a ceramic or glass teapot. Strain after 15 minutes. Add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the finished drink.

7. Exquisite rose petal tea. Dry fresh rose petals on a thick piece of paper. Then grind them and mix with green or black tea. Brew as usual. The drink will acquire an original taste and divinely delicate aroma.

8. Herbal tea with thyme will invigorate, increase performance, give strength and energy, relieve pain. Pour boiling water over a glass or porcelain teapot. Then add a spoonful of dry or fresh thyme, currant leaves and raspberries. The tea brewing time should not exceed 20 minutes.

9. Ginger tea for weight loss. Finely grate a piece of ginger root. Add half a fresh lemon and a spoonful of coltsfoot. Fill with filtered boiled water. Strain after a quarter of an hour.

10. Soothing herbal tea will help with insomnia, depression and nervous tension. Mix and brew in a thermos a teaspoon of mint, fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, hops, strawberry leaves and valerian.

Prepare and drink fragrant herbal teas with pleasure and be healthy!

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Recipes for second courses from wild plants - part one

Date added: 2013-08-09

  1. Nettle bits. Boil 100 g of nettles in auxiliary water for 2-3 minutes, place on a sieve and chop with a knife. Mix with thick millet porridge and bake in the oven or on the stove. For 100 g of nettle take 200-300 g of porridge and 120 g of fat.
  2. Dagestan dumplings made from nettles. Dough is prepared from wheat flour, eggs, salt and water heated to 35°C. Let it stand for swelling for 30 minutes and roll it out to a thickness of 3 mm. To prepare minced meat, nettles are washed, chopped, and fried in oil along with onions. Dumplings are boiled in salted water. Served with butter or sour cream. For 300 g of nettle, take 200 g of wheat flour, 2 eggs, 1-2 onions and 20 g of ghee.
  3. Fish meatballs with nettles. Minced sea fish is mixed with dry nettle powder and stewed with a small amount of water and sour cream in a sealed container. Served with tomato or sour cream sauce. For 500 g of minced meat, take 1/2 cup of dry nettle powder or 150 g of fresh leaves. Meatballs can be prepared in much the same way.
  4. Potato pancakes with nettles. Pass 1 kg of potatoes, 200 g of nettles, 50 g of onions through a meat grinder. Add flour or semolina, salt and fry it all in a frying pan.
  5. Eggs stuffed with nettles. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them lengthwise, remove the yolk. Fill the pits freed from the yolk with nettle minced meat, cover the top of the minced meat with sour cream or mayonnaise. To prepare minced meat, selected and washed nettles are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with grated garlic and egg yolk. Fry with butter and use for stuffing. For 100 g of nettle take 2-3 cloves of garlic, 20-30 g of butter or other fat, salt to taste.
  6. Omelet with nettles. For 4 servings of omelet, take 4 eggs, 00-150 g of fresh nettle leaves and 1 glass of milk. The greens are finely chopped, poured with an egg-milk mixture and baked, greasing the pan with vegetable or butter. Salt to taste.
  7. Dietary nettle cutlets with cottage cheese. Selected fresh nettle leaves are poured with boiling water for 1-2 minutes, crushed and mixed with cottage cheese. Sprinkle the cooked cutlets with semolina, dip in the beaten egg mixture, bake and serve with honey or jam. For 10 tablespoons of chopped nettle, take 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of semolina and 2-3 eggs. Salt to taste.
  8. Nettle filling for pies. Pour boiling water over young nettles (1 kg) for 1-2 minutes, drain in a colander, chop, mix with boiled rice or sago (100 g) and chopped boiled eggs (4-5 pcs.). Salt to taste.
  9. Nettle pilaf. Pour boiling water over young nettle leaves (600 g), drain in a colander (do not pour out the broth), and chop. Sort the rice (200 g), rinse with warm and then hot water. Cut the onion (180 g) into slices and fry in fat. Add dried rice and fry it with onions and chopped nettles. Pour the nettle decoction into a bowl, add salt, heat to a boil, add rice with onions and nettles, creamy margarine (100 g), pepper, stir, cover with a lid, put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. You can add parsley, bay leaf, salt.
  10. Roast pork with clover. Boil until half cooked, and then fry the pork meat (200 g). Stew clover leaves (400 g) with fat (20 g) in a small amount of water, add salt and pepper, season with hot sauce and serve as a side dish for fried meat.
  11. Fried hogweed stems. Peel the stems (200 g), cut them into 2-3 cm pieces, boil them in salted water (0.4 l), drain in a colander, sprinkle with breadcrumbs (20 g) and fry in margarine or vegetable oil (15-20 G).
  12. Dandelion leaf casserole. Dandelion leaves are finely chopped, salted to taste, mixed with boiled noodles and poured with an egg-milk mixture. Bake in the oven or in a deep closed frying pan on the stove.
  13. Fried dandelion rosettes. Dandelion rosettes, boiled in a 5% salt solution, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs, fry in melted or vegetable oil; if possible, combine with small pieces of fried meat (100 g per serving) and serve hot.
  14. Dandelion roots fried in oil. The roots, boiled in salted water, are cut into pieces 2-3 cm long, dipped in an egg mixture, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and fried in butter or vegetable oil. The taste is close to chicken meat.
  15. Dandelion roots baked over a fire. Dandelion roots are freed from the ground, moistened with water, sprinkled with salt and buried in the ashes of a fire for 15-20 minutes. They are taken out of the fire, peeled and eaten with tomato or other sauce.
  16. Dandelion root cutlets. Crush dandelion roots boiled in salted water with a wooden pestle, add thick semolina porridge, make cutlets, dip in the egg mixture and fry in a frying pan.
  17. Dandelion root fritters. Pass the dandelion roots boiled in salted water through a meat grinder, add flour, curdled milk, salt and soda. Bake like regular pancakes.
  18. Burdock roots baked over a fire. Fresh roots, freed from the ground, are buried in the ashes of the fire and baked for 30 minutes. Remove from the fire, peel and eat with salt, hot or cold.
  19. Boiled burdock roots. Fresh roots dug out of the ground are washed, cut into pieces 2-3 cm long, peeled and boiled in salted water for 20-30 minutes. They are eaten like potatoes, hot or cold. You can remove the peel after cooking.
  20. Burdock roots fried in oil. Burdock roots boiled in salted water are placed in a frying pan greased with oil and fried until browned.
  21. Burdock roots roasted in the oven. Fresh roots, freed from the peel, are sprinkled with salt and fried on a baking sheet in the oven until browned. The baking sheet can be greased with oil or just sprinkled with salt.
  22. Burdock root casserole. Chopped with a knife and boiled burdock roots are placed in a frying pan, salted to taste and mixed. The frying pan is greased with oil, the contents are filled with an egg mixture and baked in the oven or on the coals of a fire. For 500 g of roots, take 3 eggs or 2 eggs and a glass of milk. You can add rice, vermicelli and other products.
  23. Burdock in Korean. Soak cut green sprouts no more than 30 cm high with leaves that have not yet blossomed (500 g) overnight in cold water, then boil for 20 minutes! Place in a colander, remove the skin from the stems, cut into 5-6 cm pieces and place in boiling vegetable oil until squeezing. Salt and pepper the pieces removed from the oil, add some sauce, onion, and garlic.
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Many novice gardeners do not even suspect that they are pulling out weeds from the beds or along the fence, which are not only edible, but, most importantly, very useful medicinal and food plants. Once upon a time, such herbs were widely used in cooking as additional vegetable greens, but today they are undeservedly forced out of our diet.

The beneficial properties of edible wild plants are, as a rule, unique and significantly exceed the spectrum of action of cultivated plants. Over many years of struggle for survival, wild herbs have developed special development mechanisms, thanks to which they have become resistant to diseases, pests and unfavorable conditions.

Wild edible plants are especially relevant in the spring at a time when our body, “exhausted” by vitamin deficiency, persistently requires vitamins. In addition, dishes prepared from edible wild plants are sometimes in no way inferior to those prepared from plants grown in your own garden.


Dandelion is a small yellow healer that contains a golden reserve of many useful elements of the periodic table: potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, aluminum, iron, copper and vitamins A, C, F and group B. The healing properties of dandelion are found in all its parts - flowers, roots and leaves, therefore it is consumed as a whole - from root to flower in fresh, pickled and dried form. Many different dishes are prepared from dandelion. Wine, honey and jam are made from the flowers, fresh leaves are used for salads, and tea is brewed from dried leaves.

Dandelion jam recipe

From 300 pieces of yellow dandelion flowers without stems, 1.5 cups of water and 6 cups of sugar, boil the syrup for 20 minutes. Then add squeezed juice from half a lemon, 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid and cook for another 10 minutes.

Remove the cooked mass from the heat and leave for 24 hours. After this time, squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth and let it cook for another 20 minutes. When the color of the mass is transparent yellow, the jam is ready.


Clover is an unpretentious flower that blooms one of the first other wild herbs. In addition to the fact that it blooms beautifully, clover contains many useful properties. Nutritionists believe that clover is a very valuable dietary plant. Its inflorescences and leaves contain many vitamins C, E, group B, carotene, flavonoids, minerals and salicylic acid. Clover improves the supply of oxygen to tissues and stimulates hematopoietic processes well. In addition, it lowers cholesterol and activates metabolism.

Clover Bread Soup Recipe

Mix the following ingredients: 3 tablespoons of chopped stems, flowers and leaves of clover, 200 grams of stale bread (white or black), 1 liter of boiled drinking water, 2 tablespoons of chopped green onions, 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and salt. Boil the soup for 2 minutes and serve


Plantain grows on the side of roads, in the steppes and in desert meadows near homes. Its leaves are collected throughout the summer. However, it is recommended to harvest this plant in June, since by this time it will have accumulated a full range of vitamins and nutrients. The collected plant is dried under shelters in the fresh air, mixing the raw materials from time to time, which can be stored for 3 years.

Soups are prepared from plantain; it is added to the dough for pancakes, pies, flatbreads and other savory baked goods. Plantain will in no way spoil the taste of dishes, but it will definitely add benefits to the dishes.

Cabbage soup with plantain recipe

Place 150 grams of washed plantain leaves in boiling water for 3 minutes, place in a sieve, grind through a meat grinder and simmer in oil for 10-15 minutes. Place stewed plantain, one sauteed onion, one fried grated carrot, chopped parsley, green onions into boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add 50 grams of sorrel, spices and sour cream.


Quinoa is a source of insoluble and soluble fiber, vitamins C, B1, iron and calcium. The minerals and vitamins it contains are involved in many metabolic processes in the body and prevent the development of certain diseases.

You can use both leaves and grains in quinoa, from which a large number of different first, second and even dessert courses are prepared. In addition, tea is brewed from its leaves, which helps with hoarseness, cough, constipation and colds.

Quinoa Cutlets Recipe

Place 165 grams of finely chopped quinoa and 25 grams of oatmeal in salted boiling water. Cook the porridge until tender, cool, form into cutlets, fry in vegetable oil.


Yarrow leaves begin to grow in very early spring. However, they remain in the form of a rosette for a long time, and only in May a strong stem rises, at the top of which there is a flat cap with small white flowers.

Yarrow contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, saponins, resins, alkaloids, polysaccharides, organic acids, carotene, as well as vitamins C and K. In addition, it contains: potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, boron , zinc, molybdenum and copper.

Yarrow flowers, leaves and young shoots are used as food. Fresh herbs can be added to fish, meat dishes and salads. Decoctions are used in dough and compotes. Dried flowers and leaves are used to prepare tinctures, liqueurs, wines, kvass, jellies and mousses.

Recipe for borscht with yarrow

In 500 ml of meat broth, cook 10 g of beets, 100 g of cabbage and 25 g of potatoes. 5 minutes before cooking, add 10 g of chopped blanched yarrow leaves. Season the borscht with sautéed carrots (70 g) and onions (50 g). Before serving, place a hard-boiled egg, 25 g of sour cream, dill and parsley into plates.


Burdock grows everywhere - in vacant lots, in courtyards, vegetable gardens, and along ravines. Preparations are prepared from it, which are recommended for urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, as a diuretic, antitoxic and wound healing agent. In therapy, burdock is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, gout and rheumatism. Young burdock leaves are quite suitable for making salads, and the roots are used in soups instead of potatoes.

Korean burdock recipe

To remove the specific smell of burdock, soak cut green sprouts with unblown leaves, 30 cm (500 g) in height, for 12 hours in cold water. Then boil them in salted water for 20 minutes, drain them in a colander, remove the skin from the stems, cut into 5 cm pieces and place in boiling refined vegetable oil.

When the pieces shrink, take them out, pepper, salt, add soy sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds, add 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1/4 chopped onion and simmer until tender.

Take a closer look at the “native” weeds - perhaps somewhere on your site it is worth leaving a natural bed with such edible plants.